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FridayJones ago

So did you go back to that gas station on a later day and gut that cashier who tried to have you killed?

GreenSlug ago

A lot of faggots will go "muh white empathy, i couldnt and shouldnt do that!"

And thats why we are where we are today. Fuck that. We need to learn to retouch our savagery. Look at ALL of history, white people can be some sincerely fierce motherfuckers, and to win a conflict you have got to be fierce and savage or you give the enemy the upperhand.

Someone tries to get you killed? They sowed. A reaping is due.

Ocelot ago

Yet how does one get away with it in a world engulfed by surveillance?

And thats why we are where we are today. Fuck that. We need to learn to retouch our savagery. Look at ALL of history, white people can be some sincerely fierce motherfuckers, and to win a conflict you have got to be fierce and savage or you give the enemy the upperhand.

Complete agreement. I felt it in me when I was little and I feel it in me now.

GreenSlug ago

Surveillance is a real issue. Part of the reason we so desperately need a full on collapse in order to really fix things. It ALL has to come down before we rise it up again.