yeeter123 ago

I have never wanted to curbstomp 84 people in a row more.

steven_feelsperg ago

Call them a White jew and watch (((them))) lose their shit.

Jigganiggaboo ago

Ah yes the shape shifting Jew White when they are undercover subverting and jewish when they dont want to be involved in white problems that they caused.

BalfourYourFace ago

Any other good Telegram subs?

GoyimNose ago

Jews are perhaps the most brainwashed people on the planet, but I do not know who is the one pulling the strings

steven_feelsperg ago

Eh, it's not ideological, but biological. They have the largest number of genetic defects. Special genetic tests. Look into (((Stalin's))) brain autopsy for a glaring example.

GoyimNose ago

I believe the biological aspect that you speak of is the Canaanites that Noah cursed upon. The Canaanites are what I believe most of us refer to as "Jews" but they are not

binrobinro ago

And all they've done is amplify hatred of jews.

StinkyNegro ago

Heh. That first girl's name is "Gibbs."

AlternateSelection ago

Very hard to believe we are living through this actual insanity. Wide open out in public insanity and it's considered normal to people?

a_ben ago

nice collection

Samsquamch ago

My biggest question is do niggers and other non whites care when they make fun of a white person who responds "Akshually, I'm Jewish"? Do they suddenly drop their privilege and racist arguments? Do they suddenly stop trying to get their own people ahead of the evil whites / Noble Jewish?

Because if not, it seems like Jews are backing themselves into a corner just to spite white people.

Cockboy ago

Doing the lord's work here.

beece ago


VoatContainmentGuard ago

Foreign. Enemy. Combatants.

Expulsion hearings 2020? Anyone who sides with jews is a traitor.

Yuke ago

Disgusting vermin.


where are the 84 examples?

a_ben ago

click on the title, it's a link

14Icemonkey88 ago

Would you mind cross posting that on Jewspiracy? I don’t want to be a thieving nigger.

SubSaharanBeast ago

It’s good to share between fellow humans.

Plant_Boy ago

10/10 on post. -1 billion for using Imgur.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Thats cute,

Here is an archive of thousands of such examples. Enjoy

NarrativeControl ago

OP posted a tiny fraction of the content curated by The Noticer, a Telegram channel that currently posted its 1508th Jew.

a_ben ago

what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

so much jewing

dundundunnnnn ago

Oh wow, nice link

Plant_Boy ago

That's right folks, step right up for another exciting game of 'Guess the Phenotype'!

Spot which features are most prominent on these sorry sad sacks of what some might call humans! Yes these jews pretend to be people buy they have as much regard for you as cockroaches in a pizza box!

FreakingFatFupa ago

You people still think trans are a fraction of a percent of the population? Theyve been doing this stuff since the dawn of time. Research the trans / homo push in germany prior to ww2. The number one thing trannies are obsessed with is 'passing' and shaming people who dont go along with it. Thats why the doccumented % of trans is sooooo low compared to reality. They want to pass and pretend they never were the other sex. Trannies will not typically tell people their status, they dont think they need to. Just the ones that dont pass at all are going to tell you.


14Icemonkey88 ago

Just like the fag movement. It’s run by nonfags.

tokui ago


40KFTAGLView ago

It's a Jew Dude?! Not Surprised in the Least!

Call the Exterminator, we have an infestation.

MrTerry ago

Hmm. I think I fucked that one. How old is that picture? Didn't help her attitude. Probably still hates Witey.

SuiteMadameBlue1976 ago

Yes its all three you nigger jew faggot.

jewsbadnews ago

What an INSUFFERABLE kike nigger faggot.

BlackGrapeDrank ago

it's the reverse unholy triad of evil: gay nigger jew

steven_feelsperg ago

Owwwwwwww. It feels like I drank too much ice too quickly.

NoBS ago

I'm a real white trash racist who pretends to be Jewish.

Not because I like Jews or my emotionally charged white trash divide and conquer goofballs. It is because they are the largest group of vapid consumers of Jesuit owned Jews.

You see, I hate the White half of Obama because his mother was anti-Jew Orthodox and anti-Christian. Her parents raised a Satanist and they are the root cause.

MuzzieJuice ago

I endorse the content, but this isn't the sub for this post.

RoundWheel ago

They are the source of "black culture." Before them, blacks actively tried to emulate whites and participate in white society. Literally, this sub would not exist if not for subversive, seditious jews.

You guys rant at the symptom and ignore the problem.

MuzzieJuice ago

Everyone know the problem. It's still fun to pick at the scabs

Jiggabooniggaboo ago

There's a strong correlation. Jews are the source of niggers. Who brought them over here? Who floods good neighborhoods with niggers?

zxcvzxcv ago

jews are also half nig.

Wistful-Woman ago

I subbed, thanks.

shitstartercarter ago

Provisional Whiteness.

GeneralSkidmark ago

Lmao I remember that second one had me preemptively blocked on Twitter and thinking wtf kind of name is Yonah and why/how tf did they block me even though I had never interacted with them/it.

PizzaphilePodesta ago

i like how this was categorized in niggers

anticlutch ago


Sigh. Good post but stop using (((imgur))).

a_ben ago

what's up with all the imgur hate? is it owned by a jew?

TheAntiZealot ago

Well... yes, but... more specifically: They track your device and sell the data to compilers who then sell the data to both advertisers and the (((NSA))).

kammmmak ago

How do I download all of that?

VicariousJambi ago

theres a "download options" on the right.

RockmanRaiden ago

"Too many people voting for a party that snatches babies."

SparklingWiggle ago

Holy dear Jesus, I'm going to make a few people read this. Fucking Jews.

And then, for no reason at all...

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

Have u not seen the European Man Tweet Archive? It was posted here. Literally like 1300 pages of this shit, and I have looked through it. There's no filler or bullshit. It's just page, after page, after page, AFTER PAGE, AFTER PAGE, AFTER FUCKING PAGE! it is infuriating. Literally just how they operate. Through and through the are sheisty sheisters. DAMN THESE VAMPIRIC LOW LIFE BABY COCK GOBBLERS!! THESE DAMNED SHAPE SHIFTING NOSE DEMONS!!!

SparklingWiggle ago

No, I have somehow missed that. Someone mentioned something similar but indicated it had been damaged or screwed up in some way. Can you link it?

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

I got a new one I had it saved on my old phone.... which I just so happend to bring to work today. So give me a while and I'll see if I can get it off of there. And now that I'm thinkn abt it this is a useless post. I could have just posted it when I had the chance and it would have been all the same.

TheAntiZealot ago

One thing that upholds white supremacy is letting white supremacists pit minorities against each other so we're not united in our fight against them.

  1. Whites have never done this. Historically, we just honor our ancestor's achievements and respect other cultures according to their own abilities and value. If they all united, we have no influence nor contingency; we count on their nature to keep them separate. Which brings us to point two:

  2. Jews/Zionists/Luciferians do this. Routinely. It's one of their only two talents: lying and greed.

  3. This is psychological projection and it's also a propaganda tactic and a form of gaslighting. And notice how much more accurate it becomes when the finger is pointed back at the accuser:

>One thing that upholds Satanism is letting Jews pit goyim against each other so we're not united in our fight against them.

ravensedgesom ago

I'm noticing point three more and more.

SearchVoatBot ago

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fightknightHERO ago

Can someone combine all these to one mega pic? would be much appreciated

Plant_Boy ago

Aha, this is who I was looking for! Thank to the Derram Bot for keeping on the job!

DragonWokeUp ago

Thanks, imgur link got gassed.