VicariousJambi ago

Oh, yeah there's that dude.

He constantly copy pastes that same fucking thing everywhere. Calls people "confirmed" shills and all that. Most of the time he gets downvoted into oblivion. At least he finally stopped using all caps. Even that post you linked was heavily downvoted.

VicariousJambi ago

The whole Q thing makes me grind my teeth.


VicariousJambi ago

You're literally just wrong my dude.

If you would have done what I told you to do, you would have seen that this is the second top post of all time on that sub.

Upvote if you are white and proud of your race, heritage and believe it is honorable. Let's get an informal poll of how many cucks, liberals and race traitors are in our midst

Tyrone_Biggums ago

Only reason it’s still standing and not caved in is because whites built it.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Niggers are a blight, a plague of destruction, and the fucking do gooders keep feeding this scourge.

SchwoogNite96 ago

"ook-ook! Sound like de nigguh guests beez muh dikkin' the rats in de walls ag'in!"

Grand Hotel Bellhop

111_onlythetruth ago

put an ape in charge and this is what will happen. south africa your next.

a100167 ago

Imagine the smell in that "hotel" now. The walls are permeated with greasy nigger rot.

Whitemail ago

Not only are niggers incapable of maintaining physical structures, but they are also incapable of maintaining orderly, efficient functioning. In other words nigger management and the management of niggers is vastly inferior to white people managing white people.

Whitemail ago

Hello, whitemouse. Have you met whitebear?

Thin_White_Duke ago

That tree growing through it is a nice, environmentally friendly feature.

Should be thrown in with that green deal.

VicariousJambi ago

Yall underestimate the Qtards, they're pretty redpilled now.

Native ago

You underestimate how many of us are in there arguing with each other

VicariousJambi ago

Eh, just look at the second top post of all time. I still see more people complaining about the qtards than anything.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Hahaha, we have lots of pics like that of South Africa too. I've actually been to Beira - a million years ago before Mozambique fell: it used to be amazing, just like SA and Rhodesia (used to be)

scoopadoop ago

There is a fucking tree growing out the top floor of the building wtf

FuckRedditInTheAss ago

"I gonna start me a farm on de fif flo of da hotel, yo."


I pay no attention to that Q shit. Are they basically necon morons who think we are all the same and would blame this on the ebil white man.

Food_Stamp ago

My theory is to shit up the board and interfere with people having legit convos about stuff. Also to make us all look like a bunch of 75iq zioboomer retards.

fuckingmockies ago

Oooh I hadn't seen "zioboomer" before. I like that.

Food_Stamp ago

Theyd just call you a racist and tell you that q is coming to murder you after he locks up clinton and obama. Not joking thats really what they say.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

"trust the plan"! Hahaha.

Crispy_McNigger ago

What the hell is Q ?

Tzitzimitl ago

a quirky star trek character

YoHomie ago

"Q" is code for "retard"

fuckingmockies ago

Opiate for the masses.

Food_Stamp ago

A larp.

Food_Stamp ago

Ive been waiting years for the shitlibs to name a nigger ruled place that wasnt a complete shithole.

yellowthread ago

I don't know if I count as a shitlib, but how about Botswana?

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Botswana is still reasonably ok. They don't take kindly to crime there, they deal with it. Last time I looked, the currency was worth more than the ZAR (South African rand).

Food_Stamp ago

The uninhabited parts where its just plants and animals, sure. The parts inhabited by niggers are complete shitholes.

SirNiggsalot ago

Niggers turn anywhere they congregate into a shithole.

albatrosv15 ago

Maybe because of this?

The Orapa 2000 project doubled the capacity of the country's main diamond mine from early 2000. This will be the main force behind continued economic expansion. Since the early 1980s, the country has been one of the world's largest producers of gem diamonds.

Merchant_Menace ago

"Nigger ruled"... "diamond mines"... Something tells me there's kikes actually running the show.

Food_Stamp ago

Kikes arent white, therefore they're also niggers.

Merchant_Menace ago

Yeah but they're like elite niggers.

Food_Stamp ago

Niggers with a much improved PR campaign.

Food_Stamp ago

Didnt even mention the crime.

Battlefat ago

To be fair, a wheel and axle aren’t gonna make themselves

SouthernMan ago

The most destructive force known to man.