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Sudanon ago

The grand social-experiment enforced on The West by Traitor Globalist politicians, bureaucrats and academics - backfired spectacularly.

The Traitor Globalist hypothesis was that all races and sub races have the same temperament, character, and intelligence. That when given access to opportunity, races and sub races that had hitherto presented as congenitally retarded lazy and violent, would suddenly become wealthy and blossom into fine upstanding pillars of society.

So over the course of five decades, in every Western country, trillions of dollars were spent on ruthlessly legislating and enforcing: Political Correctness, Multiculturalism, Diversity, and Affirmative Action. Borders were ignored. South Africa and Rhodesia were abandoned. Organized Terrorism was studiously ignored by the Traitor Globalist Politicians.

So what did the Traitor Globalist multi trillion dollar grand experiment prove?

It proved that without a shadow of a doubt that the Traitor Globalist hypothesis was completely wrong.

Who knew right?

As for who do I hate?

Do I hate this or that race?


I hate Traitor Globalists -