21527588? ago

That's because you don't show up at guitar night, violins are just really really gay guitars, bring it over show us what you got.

21993354? ago

If you're gonna play in the south, ya better have a fiddle in the band

21991659? ago

There are hustler, piss artist con artist types who make money by i dunno i guess 'art' or music? Ive seen many of them, maybe not a good rich life in the end but some of them seem happy ... the famous player here @TheBuddha not him, but kinda a lifestyle like him a lot of tricks and games played around the system @Mustard_of_puppets @Wazhappenin1 @ Redcobra i would not exactly cheat a system but i would not support a system that seems broken also https://voat.co/v/whatever/3592020/21990954 if you have a talent or make something i guess people will pay for quality

21991668? ago

There are hustler, piss artist con artist types who make money by i dunno i guess 'art' or music? Ive seen many of them, maybe not a good rich life in the end but some of them seem happy ... the famous player here @TheBuddha not him, but kinda a lifestyle like him a lot of tricks and games played around the system @Mustard_of_puppets @Wazhappenin1 @Redcobra i would not exactly cheat a system but i would not support a system that seems broken also https://voat.co/v/whatever/3592020/21990954 if you have a talent or make something i guess people will pay for quality

22008650? ago

I have a few musician friends if they did it for the money they old be crazy. More like the love of it? The Harpist I know says she's addicted to the vibration of the strings! She makes decent money. Another cellist friend plays in the philharmonic he here's a second job!

21991697? ago

morally...ethically... not sure ... on this whole scam thing

21991758? ago

It's worse in parts of Europe, in the US Theodore Roosevelt the start of the baby making business and the welfare state. Not sure that's best for America, you get a shit ton of stupid women that pop out fatherless mutts, gypsy and carnie type will inbreed and enter a baby maker business, 'Nigger' is not just a Black person from Nigeria or Congo the Niggerism can be an attitude, many type brown, yellow, mixed latino you even find White Trash Wiggers @El_Syd @Tyrone_Biggums @Inatehiggers @Dumb_Comment_Bot its difficult to pin point when exactly the rot and decay sets in, Ancient Rome had the bread and circuses policy

21991879? ago

Are you calling me a nigger for skimping on my taxes where I can?

Eat a dick you boot licking trashbag. The government is evil POS that subsidizes niggers, muslims and jews and doesn't deserve a penny from me.

21991780? ago

you wont making a living playing violin, its mostly classical these days @VoatContainmentGuard could be right about Jews avoiding tax, they do the Evangelical Tv preacher thing but on a much smaller level, the home a tax free business and a religious house of worship, the loopholes in laws allow the scams of dual citizen chosen people to continue

21527450? ago

Was this you?

22108246? ago

Would sand nigger be a rapper? https://voat.co/v/Hiddenlol/3606556/22107499

21527160? ago

How long have you played?

21527346? ago

yo playin da velloLin b wack fool, cuz now wit dem fones yo can be duin dem hip hop beats n sheeeit.

21998338? ago

Disseer whud I be thankun,yo dis dat shit sayin homy nos whussup