Smocaine ago

The reason they are devoid of content is because they banned any talented or eloquent individuals long ago under the guise of "hate speech"

maxisking ago

It's become unbearable. It's so fake. I hate it now. All my subs are reposting constantly. I enjoy "shitlording" aka taking the piss; Reddit has none of that now. I'mgoingtohell is embarrasingly shadow of it's past. advertisement central of the most upvoted. The unexpected thread puma shoe thief was just the most cringy thing i have ever seen. I've had enough. watchpeopeldie / asip / medical gore / hold my feeding tube are the only subs worth anything to me now.

AlternateSelection ago

Haven't visited Reddit since they purged all conservative subs. That's what it took for me to dump the place. Yes I am a GA refugee.

CodyCigar ago

Surprisingly, I still visit reddit every day. I go to hobby subs mainly, but I do read a lot of front page threads. I enjoy recreational hatred sometimes.

frsh ago

The problem with Voat is that everyone just keeps talking and talking about politics and shit. People should be talking about more cool stuff, like Star Wars Leaks and video games... Just like people do on Reddit :(

rockemsockemroblox ago

So. Many. Cucks. Even on the guns subs and whatnot. I mean, it is so sad. The Donald is fucking pathetic.

High_Sierra_Trail ago

I do miss the really good subs, MDE, etc. MGTOW is somehow still alive, but not much else.

a100167 ago

Jesus Christ, I was there on the weekend reading comments and SO many of those faggots make gay jokes about themselves. It's so fuckin' weird, it's like they think it gets them "cool-points" or some shit.

Heir_of_Sigma ago

No, I never liked Reddit.

Voat is just a clone but it's much better.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

No. What is the point? I can't post there.

Gigglestick ago

I got banned for calling someone a faggot.

Turn_Coat ago

It's definitely fallen from what it once was.

JopharVorin ago

Reddit is nothing but Israeli's, their Golems and bots.

Putzmiester ago

This right here. There are no regular people on reddit anymore. It sucks because I had some real bantz in those days my goats. Once there was a doctor doing an AMA about bullying and I told him he was a complete retard and that the only way to deal with online bullies is to ignore them. He ignored me. Proved my point pretty well but got me banned all over the place.

JopharVorin ago

I always liked getting doctors in a hissy fit by explaining to them that mechanics could easily become doctors. Doctors are nothing special. lol

Putzmiester ago

Try being an engineer by trade and not by schooling. It kills "real" engineers when I tell them my title. Also, yeah doctors are far from paragons of knowledge. If they cant prescribe a pill for it they wont even talk to you

JopharVorin ago

Try being an engineer by trade and not by schooling

I know exactly what you're saying, man. Trust me. There are those born to be one then there are the "educated, book-learnt" ones.

Judasrope ago

Reddit is like the United States and Voat is the World thinking WTF, Jews really!

xXTRVXx ago

The only value left there is diy and hobby stuff. The rest is garbage.

AnothervoatAcc ago

The whole internet is that way now. Trying to find a source of thoughtful discussion is near impossible. Voat is full of hair triggered faggots repeating unqualified statements and platitudes.

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago


smokratez ago

Also you guys don't even do anything about the jews on this site.

basedmangod2015 ago

theres like a billion people on reddit and like 2000 on here, just saying.

smokratez ago

I have. More people are waking up and speaking out than ever before. Redpilling over there is still worth it.

Holonomic ago

I haven't gone there in over a year, maybe two. I don't even lurk. There were a couple subs I liked....comedy and joke subs, but I just don't want them to have the clicks. The site was destroyed by niggers, faggots and fems and their sympathizing counterparts, not to mention the trolls. Who needs that crap.

Whizwit21 ago

If I ever visit politics I have to sort by controversial

jesojr ago


maxoverdrive ago

The only people who go to reddit when they know that Voat exists are worthless fucking beta losers. Regardless of the shit they talk about "this sub" or "that sub" being great for thing X, they go there because they get to mix with their own kind: men who're so very, very fucking afraid of that mysterious hole between a woman's legs that they can't stop the panic attack that wracks them when they think they might actually get to stick their sub-standard willies into an actual woman, rather than their beloved flesh-liights. They're absolutely and utterly terrified that a real woman will not only see that they're pathetically un-endowed, but that their miserable three minutes of "lovin", regardless of how 'ground-breaking' they think it is, isn't even remotely worthy of comment. They know that real woman will look at them in disgust and disappointment, and will never spread their legs for them again, no matter how drunk they are, because being celibate and dreaming of Chad is so, so much better than being with a beta mangina loser.....

Redditors are not only worthless scum, they're losers. Woman laugh at their tiny willies and their inability to last any reasonable length of time. Woman tell other women just what fucking worthless losers these guys are. And that's a good thing, because it means these stupid little faggots will never breed their worthless fucking genes on the next generation, and will probably spend their useless lives either fucking their fleshlights, or worse - letting other guys stick their dicks in their mouths are asses.

Fuck redditors. They're a bunch of goddamn fags. Kill them all!

Der_Untergang ago

You're projecting. Dial it back a bit.

maxoverdrive ago

Fuck off, incel. You don't belong on Voat, and you never will. Your dick is far too small to be here, with us real men....

Der_Untergang ago

K I'll leave good luck.

bourbonexpert ago

I went there about a week ago and left after 2 minutes. It’s total cancer and no longer a valid site unless you go to smaller subs like car repairs or abandoned porn.

Though I’m sure there are all sorts of posting rules there too.

Too bad. 6 years ago it was a pretty good site.

My_Name_is_Not_Sure ago

I go for NHL streams and that’s pretty much it.

WhiteWolfSS ago

I went on there today briefly to browse the photography subreddit.

Instantly reminded why I hate Reddit. One of the first posts I saw was some whiny feminist shit about some wamen photographers being removed from museums or some shit. Yawn.

kujda ago

No, I have not been there for quite some time. Personally I don't care about them at all.

somethingsgottagive ago

I will go to some of their drug forums just to feel better about myself. Found this gem on my last excursion

Der_Untergang ago

Jesus help us.

Feldorai ago

The only thing I use reddit for is getting banned. So far, they haven't been able to do so because they suck at debate. They can't prove that I'm breaking any rules when I'm not breaking those rules, I instead use those rules against them. Just be polite as fuck and prove you're intellectually superior. They expect you to start shooting off profanity so they provoke & agitate you intentionally, trying to force you to use racial slurs & etc. yet they still haven't been able to stick anything to me. So far the only parts of reddit subreddits that have banned me are the Communist & Socialist subreddits where they failed to actually debate me, and instead of accepting the challenge they just ban me (wouldn't want any ideas posing a challenge to their narrative, would they).

They can't prove that the holocaust was not white German genocide, they can't prove that the USSR Communist Revolution was not white Russian genocide, and they can't prove that LGBT is not discriminating & excluding heterosexuality, as well as Feminism cannot prove that they're not discriminatory towards & excluding men. Just ask questions the more intellectually mind-fuckery way and you're golden. Still you get the irrational dumbasses that are dead set in believing that you are a racist sexist bigot homophobe blah blah blah, but the goal is to get them to actually ban you from the site by being an intellectually superior prick. It's a lot of fun watching them eat themselves just by dropping pebbles into their little puddle and watching the ripple effect become a tsunami.

jollux ago

You must be arguing with semi-intelligent mods, then, because I get banned for no reason, and they don't even try to justify their doings.

Muh-Shugana ago


Der_Untergang ago

You are a crusader. A fisher of men.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

I go there about once a month or so to research on a specific board, looking into a tech topic or the like. I try like hell to avoid looking at the main page since astroturfed propaganda gives me a headache.

Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

I go to the donald every once in awhile, it's nice to see the propaganda going the other way sometimes.

arathans ago

as much as i hate reddit, it still has some of the better communities around for certain things like /ripple, /tron, /stellar. im sure its still censored but as it has nothing to do really with anything that could possibly offend someone, i dont really notice. i dont have an account there. deleted that a few years ago. so i just lurk.

aaronC ago

Reminder that a specialized site around those topics or a small community ran and hosted forum died when those people moved to reddit.

holaymackal ago

I still visit for some hobby subs, music related. That's about it.

Justwanttovoat ago

I haven't been there in forever, but I miss the r/starterpacks, idk but they amused me. That was one of the only places I went to my last year there, going on 2 years ago.

jollux ago

I tried posting a bunch of starter packs over here, but half of them got downvoated.

Justwanttovoat ago

Oh! Post them here!

C_Corax ago

Inspired by your post I went and visited one of my old favorites, /r/shittyfoodporn. While I can still spot a few vile concoctions it's nowhere near the wonderful culinary substandard it used to be. Reddit can only be running on sentimental value at this point.

BlackOwl ago

I agree, there are still quite a few decent subreddits I go to for information about certain things. Certain niches are usually on topic, and not infested by postmodernist shills. I pretty much never post there anymore though.

Salicaz ago


jollux ago

The /r/unpopularopinion sub is hitting the front page every day. That sub is going to destroy reddit. Gives me hope.

Charlez6 ago

Interestingly, there is a separate megathread for 'Race Realism'. It's actually a joke: Anyone who posts in there is banned.

Splooge ago

How long before that sub is also "quarantined"?

jollux ago

Within the month, probably.

Turn_Coat ago

I think banning that kind of forcibly causes them to admit defeat.

AinzOown ago

Seriously. Anything that goes off the narrative and gains too much traction will be censored and attacked.

jollux ago

It's huge, too. 200k subscribers is a major sub.

HenryCabotLodge ago

After they kicked us off? no.

LostandFound ago

Let my try my best plebbit

Wew my fellow lad thats some unspicy memetics

Christ I just went to the homepage do I need advice on sperm banks or workplace sexual harassment, I cant decide. Apparently DJT admitted that the border deployment was a pr stunt and that the caravan was only coming to deliver our mext batch of authentic refried beans.

There simply is not enough rope

CobraStallone ago

I have not. They did drop in ranking lower than Yahoo though. Ask yourself when was the last time you considered Yahoo a vibrant force on the internet with important real-life influence.

HankRHill ago

yahoo actually has OK sports reporting. but that's about it

ranch-othelioma ago

Geocities! It hosted my first website.

CobraStallone ago

Mine was a "freeweb" site. It was also a one single issue website dedicated to Haldir the elf from the Lord of the Rings.

TheTrigger ago

Good times. I remember learning how to write in html because their WYSIWYG editor was so abysmally bad. Thanks, Yahoo. Your started me on my long path to becoming a web dev because of your shittiness.

ranch-othelioma ago

They had Microsoft FrontPage integration!

TheTrigger ago

And FrontPage, to this day, is the reason why I consequently stuck with Vim, for all my coding. :p

fusir ago

It's worse than that. Yahoo has surpassed reddit by almost 2:1 on rankings. It has actually swapped places with Twitter.

ESOTERICQizzagate ago

Yahoo still exists?

Lal ago

It’s also pretty popular for financial news/stock quotes

oyy_veyy_goyy ago

Yep, I use it to check my stocks almost daily. I like the format, and it doesn't have much trouble with the VPN I'm using unlike the nasdaq site.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

They own tumbler

rusnoob1 ago

secondary email address for porn

eatstars ago

Yahoo was my first email and I never got a single spam until Verizon purchased it.

thelma ago

I liked the yahoo chat...when it left, I left

majb ago

I also loved Yahoo chat. I could talk to my dad when he was at work and I was home. I'd ask why they got rid of it but at this point in time it is unfortunately obvious.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Does The_Donald actually think that the site is going to come back around?

TeddyJackson ago

TD is controlled opposition since reddit admins removed every mod and replaced them some time ago.

ESOTERICQizzagate ago

I think they just can't find a nice safe-space anywhere else; they tried to take over here and got completely wrecked.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

See, I think that's misguided behavior by both sides.

Hand_of_Node ago

They're jews.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

You again?

anamazonslittle ago

And if you name (((them))), you get banned.

Der_Untergang ago

Don't know haven't been there. Let's go look.

TeddyJackson ago

I love President Trump


Der_Untergang ago

Because he's not an asshole. He's not hillary "lets kill seth rich" killton. Because he seems like he genuinely gives a shit. He fucking brought peace to the korean peninsula. Come on dude.

TeddyJackson ago

No wall. No mass deportations. All his kids married jews. All his grandkids are jews. He puts Israel first. No trial for hillary. Come on qtard.

Der_Untergang ago

What exactly do you want me to say?

TeddyJackson ago

fuck off retard npc

Der_Untergang ago

Why is little baby so mad?