Why are so many White Ameircan women cheering the Looters and Rioters? (pic8.co)
submitted 4.6 years ago by 3869622?
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24340118? 4.5 years ago
Where's 4 chan? Shouldn't they be identified so they can be tried for manslaughter?
I'd be interested to see how the system works here, on the one hand you have white people killing a black guy. One the other hand, they're women.
Very complicated.
24370651? 4.5 years ago
ask the coal fax? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3883109/24365222
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24340118? ago
Where's 4 chan? Shouldn't they be identified so they can be tried for manslaughter?
I'd be interested to see how the system works here, on the one hand you have white people killing a black guy. One the other hand, they're women.
Very complicated.
24370651? ago
ask the coal fax? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3883109/24365222