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22085398? ago

Tell Joe about subversion?

22768732? ago

the porno spammer is trying to blend in again?

22768769? ago

Mike Tyson was a fake his fights fixed by that fatass Don negro, Tyson ducked and ran from Granpa Foreman his entire life he was afraid of old Foreman's punching power Foreman also was making a massive come back and fought Evader Holyfeild to a draw, in his Prime this Tyson got his ass handed to him by Buster Douglas a no name rookie, an old over weight White dude who could take punches made Mike Tyson quit on his stool @BrennKommando @Joe_McCarthy @Sw0rdofDamocles @WolvenWargod i used to love fighting boxers, as they duck that fake jab i would flash out a roundhouse kick that would hit like a baseball bat people said the kicks maybe hit even worse , if they came in for a clinch then dump them on their head judo wrestling style.... not sure what Joe M's game is spamming up this site with pornography, maybe a strict house and repressed homosexuality so now he gets off watching some plastic meathead dick into other mudshark girls, the porno thing is an addiction for sure, they might sell all the booze, porn & drugs at reddit but that bull shit fag culture wont fly here

22768743? ago

Blending in by showing a nigger kicking a white guy's ass? You should be less pissed off about naked girls.

22768787? ago

Why the fuck are J Mac's videos linking to pornography Registry Nigeria Internet regions in Africa? Is he linking with some overseas spam group