Hammer Time, Nigger Willie Joseph III of Baton Rouge, LA was indicted last week for killing the mudshark coalburner Cynthia Gaudet with a hammer (theadvocate.com)
submitted 5.2 years ago by 3574667?
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22081932? 5.1 years ago
and what of the smut merchants, the porno spammers like /u/Joe_McCarthy @Joe_McCarthy ?
22081941? 5.1 years ago
The stuff I post is high quality. You might as well get used to it - because it is not going away.
22081965? 5.1 years ago
So now this smut and porn is high quality? @blumen4alles @whitemouse @TakeYourMedsJoe @Splooge I dont get this moronic crap about spamming up peoples threads and subs
22140758? 5.1 years ago
sheeeeit tyrone? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3608390/22121579
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22081932? ago
and what of the smut merchants, the porno spammers like /u/Joe_McCarthy @Joe_McCarthy ?
22081941? ago
The stuff I post is high quality. You might as well get used to it - because it is not going away.
22081965? ago
So now this smut and porn is high quality? @blumen4alles @whitemouse @TakeYourMedsJoe @Splooge I dont get this moronic crap about spamming up peoples threads and subs
22140758? ago
sheeeeit tyrone? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3608390/22121579