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22081932? ago

and what of the smut merchants, the porno spammers like /u/Joe_McCarthy @Joe_McCarthy ?

22081941? ago

The stuff I post is high quality. You might as well get used to it - because it is not going away.

22081965? ago

So now this smut and porn is high quality? @blumen4alles @whitemouse @TakeYourMedsJoe @Splooge I dont get this moronic crap about spamming up peoples threads and subs

22081983? ago

Sure. Very beautiful women.

Of course you don't have to watch. I would strongly recommend that from those of you that aren't paid to disrupt my operation here and pretend it is for being ultra-assmad over pretty girls. Such as that Meds dude the FBI shill.

22082048? ago

Joe did what now?

22084735? ago

Voat is getting packed up with faggot drama ... so Try posting a report Joe Mc is posting filth everywere, spamming porn in all places, @Rainy-Day-Dream @Cynabuns @Talc @cynoclast all the guys posts turned to filth and NSFW spam .... maybe he sold his account to a spammer ... nothing will be done