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22081932? ago

and what of the smut merchants, the porno spammers like /u/Joe_McCarthy @Joe_McCarthy ?

22081941? ago

The stuff I post is high quality. You might as well get used to it - because it is not going away.

22081965? ago

So now this smut and porn is high quality? @blumen4alles @whitemouse @TakeYourMedsJoe @Splooge I dont get this moronic crap about spamming up peoples threads and subs

22081983? ago

Sure. Very beautiful women.

Of course you don't have to watch. I would strongly recommend that from those of you that aren't paid to disrupt my operation here and pretend it is for being ultra-assmad over pretty girls. Such as that Meds dude the FBI shill.

22082048? ago

Joe did what now?

22082158? ago

I think the programming is broke, voat doesn't seem to be a fan of porno shit anyways

22082170? ago

That Joe fuck up did what? @dirdum