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22081932? ago

and what of the smut merchants, the porno spammers like /u/Joe_McCarthy @Joe_McCarthy ?

22081937? ago

the guy who calls pornography 'high culture' LMFAO

22081950? ago

High quality whores in an artsy video. Take it as you will.

22082055? ago

Just put the shill on ignore now he's like the other kikes and kebabs

22082128? ago

That Joe, a low quality troll @Drkadrka @Hipsterrr @aileron_ron

22084101? ago

You forgot your self Mr. Shit4brains.

22082138? ago

another plan is dox, they have been fucking around gamer subs

22081988? ago

Not sure why they hate the Q boomers, maybe some shill agenda. This faggot Joe asshole. Was he the one spamming up the other subs with filth? @SpunRecord @New-World-Ebola @Sir_Ebral @BrennKommando