Anti-American Iranian-Negroe Yara Shahidi cast as Tinkerbell in Marvel/Disney's live-action 'Peter Pan & Wendy'. Shahidi publicly supported Jussie Smollett after reports Smollett faked a hate crime (
submitted 4.4 years ago by 4039428?
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25759383? 4.4 years ago
Disney is a jewish occupied propagandist corporation that is dedicated to subverting western values and to destroying white civilization.
25762761? 4.4 years ago
Much of the West is in collapse, the Mayor of London voter race btw was a race between a faggot muslim and some goldsmith jew ... what a fucking choice indeed!
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25759383? ago
Disney is a jewish occupied propagandist corporation that is dedicated to subverting western values and to destroying white civilization.
25762761? ago
Much of the West is in collapse, the Mayor of London voter race btw was a race between a faggot muslim and some goldsmith jew ... what a fucking choice indeed!