Cheetah1964 ago

I'm not convinced that even the cities are blue. Look at election results for Election Day versus the absentee/mail-in ballot dump. If cities are so blue, why is there so much ballot fraud in them?

YoikesandAway ago

I live in one of those blue counties. Most of the county has Trump signs everywhere. But it’s the one town in that county—Eugene, Oregon with a very liberal university. Teachers and professors live in a bubble in which they are always the smartest person in the room. They develop an arrogance and elitism that swallows propaganda without critical thought. These liberals are insufferable.

Cheetah1964 ago

"A very liberal university" = Chinese Communist Party indoctrination center. A big Trump win should no doubt lead to this shit shutting down. Just cut off the funds, from China and the U.S. taxpayers.

RedBullTrooper ago

Here’s another way to visualize that map.

Cheetah1964 ago

Nice. Thanks for that, RedBull. And I am not even sure about those little islands. If Democrats won those, why would they need to do voter fraud there?

FarPointPatriot ago



Window8866 ago

Pretty much same for NC. Except for Meckenburg county & Raleigh/Durham area. NC went blood red. No way Cooper is a legit win. Pompous prick who marched with antifa & BLM & just shut us down again starting at 5:00 pm today.

FarPointPatriot ago

Same in Illinois too. Got lots of family there. They hate Pritzker.

Gotta ask, and understand if your not comfortable asking ... are North Carolineans ready to get into doing 'Patriot shit' if this cheat sticks? We have groups forming all over the place. Not organized (yet), but letting groups aware of each other. Folks here have had enough.

Window8866 ago

Fren, yes. To the point that it’s scary. Also included in that group are Patriots from SC. I’m on the line in western NC, but northern SC are ready to join forces to turn the tide. This was in no way a legit governors race. Everyone I know was for Forrest. It was across the board. People are fed up. We know we got fucked. Excuse the language but no other way to put it. Not going to stand for this BS NC

FarPointPatriot ago

No need to apologize for the language. It is what it is. Not really a better way to articulate it at this point. One of my closest friends lives in Wyoming close to South Dakota. Those Patriots are past the debate stage and already have 'units' formed with a pseudo rank structure and everything. Next to getting their own houses cleaned up their first order of business is Colorado. The border patriots there are working in tandem to make that happen. That of course is from my only source there ... but he is extremely reliable. Yep ... they are gonna unfuk colorado quickly. He says Colorado is just as Red as Wyoming expect for the fact they know there is massive cheating and importing illegals into the major cities. You know ... like every where else.

Cheetah1964 ago

Add it to the mountain range of evidence.

asdf0987 ago

Hurr durr! Stick to the plan!

idkididkidk ago

And don’t forget also that tucked away in these blue cities is a significant minority (25-45%) of Trump loving nationalist conservatives.

Justice_Will_Prevail ago

Vermont is the bluest state in the union... but have a low population only 626,299 (2018).

TheRealIndianaJoe ago

I have been saying the dems were not socialists for years, the f'ing communists. This is what happens when communist nations are treated as viable trading partners instead of being shunned and ignored to death as was done with the soviet union.

Cheetah1964 ago

A very intelligent comment. How did we stand by for years, with "relations" with China being "normal"? Huge trade and other transactions, investments, Chinese spies running around screwing Congressmen, etc. etc. We knew full well that the country is a dictatorship and had slave labor camps.

awildbanannaphone ago

This should be reposted daily

As an aside, as a Pennsylvanian I just wanted to let you know that we surrender in the upcoming Civil War to Texas if you guys wanna come north and clean up this mess you'll get plenty of help

Cheetah1964 ago

United States of Texas. I'm in.

shadowbanthisFux0r ago

Cincinnati is really fucking Blue not on there so I call BS. Like every Cincinnati city councilwoman and man has been arrested by FBI.

ManchesterT ago

Hawaii sure looks like a blue state in that map

DivorceLawyer ago

Funny there's no comments, and yet this is the single most relevant and telling reply in this entire thread. I wonder how qultists are able to overcome the obvious and blatant cognitive distortion/dissonance when they're confronted with inarguable and undebatable proofs like these.
Wherever the vampire is permitted to nest among your people, it will prey on you.

basedmangod2015 ago

how many people live in the red bits?

Dr5trangegov ago

yup. the rural places on the west coast will need help, i think. dont forget about them.

14volksfront88 ago

Blue cities cause laws that rule over the state. That is why you see OR and WA with more anti-freedom gun laws. Sure half the state my geography is red but the major blue cities over rule them.

SuckaFree ago

All major metro areas, too.

Carpools ago

Terrorist occupied states.

Helena73 ago

There are no blue states, only blue cities.

Vermont and Hawaii though.

Buff_Awesome ago

Vermont and Hawaii are blue states, but that's it.

reason247 ago

Fuck yeah dude... -Guy in a blue state/blue county but still in Trump Country.

lord_nougat ago

Los angeles is only blue mostly because of all the fucking illegal aliens voting. And all the corruption and cheating. And the commies, of course, but they're a minority.

DigitalValyrie ago

LA has been rigged forever. Most Hispanics in SoCal are actually more conservative, even the illegals... although libs have done a good job of convincing them to be afraid of US conservatives. They use and abuse the Spanish language channels to do this. But sit down with just about any group of Latinos and you'll find their values are very conservative.

lord_nougat ago

I have noticed this; it almost gives me hope. But it's all kind of pointless with this blatant level of corruption that everybody knows about but nobody really discusses it much. I guess we all kind of try to pretend we don't notice it so we don't have to think about it too much or something.

1776Jimbo ago

GOOD reminder! 👍

FrodoTheGoldpiller ago


Helena73 ago

Is it possible they are in it together?

Helena73 ago

I actually made a comment about Grigori Voitinsky earlier to day. But nevertheless the CCP is run by Chinese elites. They may have arrangements with globalist jews. But they don’t take orders from them.

Jujubean ago



We have them surrounded!

1RealHeretic ago

Sauce pls

Sometimesineedhelp ago

Even my precinct in king county washington (you know, SEATTLE's county) was right around 45% for Trump!!

PygmyGoat ago

Sawant and Jayapal need to be sent back to India.

trintrinka ago

I'm in King Co too!Didn't know he got that many votes.

Dr5trangegov ago

mossyrock is pushing back. check out spiffys. dont forget cb radio if comms go down.

Dr5trangegov ago

you guys are in trouble. I'm hearing bad things about those people in those tent cities. dark things. and theyve been whipped up into "eating the rich". which to them is anyone not shitting in a bucket. heads up.

Sometimesineedhelp ago

Oh don't worry, we're in the middle of a move out of state as we speak :)

WolvenWargod ago

What the fuck Vermont?

puggy ago

Remember they elected commie Bernie as senator.

Cheetah1964 ago

At this point, ALL elections are questionable.

reason247 ago

Verin Supreme would have been a better choice.

lord_nougat ago


bonghits4jeebus ago

Vermont: We're corporate shills , but we're Marxist corporate shills (TM)

WolvenWargod ago

Everybody I know from Vermont is armed to the teeth, country folk. So it's wierd seeing it all blue

SkyeVeritas ago


bonghits4jeebus ago

I have no idea what happens in Vermont. Like, of the states, it's probably one of the least visible. Maybe my Southern and Western bias is showing

Doglegwarrior ago

What the fuck is going on west of texas?


Indian tribes. Votes bought for beer.

Sometimesineedhelp ago

New Mexico, so probably a lot of Dominion voter fraud

kehadley ago

cartels, drug money, human trafficking

PaoHater ago

Yeah, Hawaii is completely blue buddy. Sorry.

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constitutionranger ago

Comfort breeds complacency. Time for Hawaiians to truly suffer. Not this, muh poverty bullshit. I mean going without.

PewterKey ago

Vermont and Hawaii might need to go.

HankRHill ago

rhode island is completely blue as well

Jammer78 ago

I was thinking that. They happen to be #41 and #48 on the list of blacks.

Vermont happens to be the whitest state.. living in fantasyland without any hard reality in their face.

Hawaii happens to be a non-white state. But also #41 in black population.

Maybe blacks are like a mild pathogen vaccinating us against communism.

SuckaFree ago

Vermont may as well be Canada Lite

allahead ago

Vermont reminds me of Sweden before the jews started air dropping muslims in. "Oh let them in, we'll take care of them..." Now they have grenade amnesty days.