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POdPatriot ago

We're obviously touching a nerve here, Pats:

Keep at it!

mac1221 ago

Hmmm... are we ruffling some feathers maybe?

POdPatriot ago

I think so :-)

Seriously, the globalists have used the public comments section to further their agenda. So nice to see a public comments section filled with Patriot voices!

mac1221 ago

I have seen it before with FCC comments when the public is made aware. It is amazing to see the outpouring. They have a tendency to back down when they know they are being watched. Cannot draw too much attention to what they are doing.

POdPatriot ago

Hopefully, they WILL heed the public comments. The good thing is, there's a paper trail now supporting Trump's EO. It also proves that there are tons of Patriots making their voices heard in a very short amount of time. I like the connected feeling too that we're pursuing this together. We The People have the numbers - Now we're using them.

mac1221 ago

I always say - we may be late to the party, but we still came to dance.