This is something interesting I just discovered. I'm not sure that anyone has put this together yet. Additional digging is appreciated as I am time limited:
Timothy J. Klausutis is the widower of Lori Klausutis, the woman found dead in MSNBC Joe Scarborough's office in the 1st Congressional District of FL (now held by Matt Gaetz).
T. Klausutis published the following letter on 21 May 2020 to Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter, asking him to remove the tweets from PDJT regarding Lori's mysterious death:
I noticed that the letter was signed "Timothy J. Klausutis, PhD". A doctor of what, you ask? I'm not sure, but Mr. K. has contributed to a lot of research papers on the subject of inertial guidance systems:
So what? Well, recall that HRC's Rose Law Firm handled the patent filing/petition for the QRS11, a solid-state gyroscopic guidance system. It is rumored that HRC/RLF managed to strongarm the patent holders for their own financial gain. The QRS11 and it's later versions are rumored to be at the heart of the Deep State's ability to skyjack and down a plane or helicopter:
Also interesting, is Mr. K.'s involvement in DARPA-funded projects (page 155):
Edit: Most recent Q post: refers to ILS - or Instrument Landing System - part of the guidance system. ILS definition: "It is defined by the International Telecommunication Union as a service provided by a station as follows: A radionavigation system which provides aircraft with horizontal and vertical guidance just before and during landing and, at certain fixed points, indicates the distance to the reference point of landing."
Q posts about ILS, POTUS posts about Scarborogh, victim's husband is involved in guidance systems as was/is HRC. What are the odds? What other info can we add here?
Edit: If anyone wants to share this on Twitter or other platform, please do. The more eyeballs on this, the better.
Edit: Late edit here, another anon pointed out something so very obvious, yet overlooked - 2 plane crashes - F22 and F35 - In the last week. Originating from Elgin AFB. Elgin is in FL1 district.
@mac1221 @molochhunter @darkknight111 @vindicator @bopper
MetaCog ago
TL;DR: Hillary Clinton killed Kobe Bryant.
dianemdeath ago
Six degrees of separation.
Six or fewer social connection away from each other. Connecting any two people in a maximum of six steps.
Keep this in mind as I have witnessed six degrees of separation or less frequently show up in the quagmire we call the deep state.
Blacksmith21 ago
It's more like 3 degrees at best.
lsdflkoi ago
Makes me wonder if this is why auto-land and other such systems were physically disabled on military aircraft that were so equipped. They had to actually certify these systems, spending millions to verify they could perform their function then once in service, they had it disabled to include a physical inspection to ensure it was still disco'd every so many flying hours.
Disclaimer: I'm told other aircraft had this feature, I'm only familiar with C-5's...
As a young Airman, I just figured it was to discourage people from trying to steal/hijack aircraft. Takeoff/flying is pretty easy, it's the darn landings that are tricky, lol.
Blacksmith21 ago
Galaxys. That's a big mofo to crew on. I love seeing the heavy lifts lumbering up out of Andrews.
NICE DIG!!! Good stuff like this is what opens the people’s eyes. God Bless ✝️🇺🇸🇨🇱
Blacksmith21 ago
My settings prohibit me from seeing emojis. Except it shows the cross. Only emoji to ever show up without the error box. Neat. Thanks.
Vindicator ago
Great submission BS21
bamadeplorable420 ago
I heard all about this QRS11 on Abel Danger. Eglin AFB not Elgin....and it is in Ft.Walton...I live near.
Blacksmith21 ago
Thanks. Typo. I grew up on the Redneck Riviera.
FreeWil17 ago
Chandra Levy incident was not long after this. Also, Lori has a sibling - Kelly Ann Bolterstein.
Blacksmith21 ago
Anything of interest on her sister?
Patriot56 ago
This is an awesome dig. Thanks
FractalizingIron ago
Excellent dig, Anon.
Super impressed.
Logical thinking, expanded thinking at its best.
Jonny_Ninja ago
Who knows. What I do know is that POTUS isn't bringing it up for no reason.
Blacksmith21 ago
Exactly. Laser pointer.
TomQRiffick ago
Patriot - thank you for the research. I am not on any social media platforms, but recommend this is sent to #prayingmedic, #InPursuitOfTruth, #x22Reports. Also, if someone could place this on 8kun - that would be great.
A similar situation occurred with Seth Rich's family. They have 2 sons. Seth who was murdered & the other son who works for a very progressive company. Upon Seth's murder, the other son was given a sizeable raise by his progressive company.
Seth's family begged people not to look additionally into Seth's murder. The family was not very helpful with the police. Seth's family hired a very prestigious law firm to "bury" any stories about Seth.
Blacksmith21 ago
Appreciated. I'm not on social media either so....
There have been a lot more than just Seth Rich who have fallen prey to the DS:
They "solved" this murder by DNA on pizza....
doublejj ago
HERE ARE MY CONTRIBUTIONS....i searched for his name with PHD removed comma and found more. trying to find out when he became phd and of what...
this dude works on some heavy duty guidance shit for the government. OPTICAL FLOW ENHANCED NAVIGATION AND SEEKER EXPLOITATION (OFFENSE), AIRBORNE IMAGE GYRO (ABIG), Agile Robust Autonomy: Inspired by Connecting Natural Flight and Biological Sensors, Inertial Sensing in Insects,
also, it appears that he has been virtually nonexistent on the internet until recently. you'll have to search a date range and filter out twitter jack dorsey twitt tweet trump. next to nothing. he's a spook is my gut.
here is his title as printed in one of the pdf files....
relevant text:
this appears to be a spook conference.
AFRL/RW Industry Day - Celestial-aided Strike at Any RangeAdded: Aug 15, 2014 10:32 am Modified: Aug 15, 2014 10:58 amTrack Changes The Air Force Research Laboratory Munitions Directorate (AFRL/RW), Celestial-aided Strike at Any Range (CStAR) Program Team and Aero, Guidance, Navigation and Control (AGNC) and Terminal Seeker Sciences (TSS) Core Technical Competency (CTC) leads will host a technical interchange meeting with Industry on September 9-10, 2014 at Eglin AFB, FL. This event will provide a forum by which the CStAR team and AGNC and TSS CTC leads can communicate technologies of interest and facilitate industry collaboration by sharing specific information regarding CStAR efforts within AFRL. The focus will be to share information with industry on recent progress made in GPS Denied Celestial-aiding efforts, present an overview of the plan to develop and deliver an integrated navigation solution, discuss CStAR goals and objectives, identify the specific research areas of interest, and discuss opportunities for collaboration and partnering. This is a technical interchange with subject matter experts. Attendees will be able to ask questions about the material presented. Time will be allotted for short presentations (10 minutes) from current technology principal investigators from AFRL and DARPA programs to facilitate teaming with the program leads. These presentations should be overviews at the Distribution D level only, non-proprietary, for introduction of potential novel technologies to be considered. Request companies attending provide a Point of Contact and information to facilitate exchange of NDAs with the Guidance Navigation & Control contractors, as well as the vehicle developers. The event will also include one-on-ones between government and industry followed by government only meetings, as needed. A detailed schedule of topics will be sent out prior to the event. All contractors are welcome (limit 3 representatives per company). Arrangements will be made to discuss and present information up to SECRET. Other information presented will be unclassified, but Distribution F. A SECRET clearance or higher is required for attendance.Event Attendance and One-on-Ones:Those interested in attending must send an email stating their intent to attend to [email protected] with SUBJECT: "CStAR Industry Day". Due to space constraints, only 3 representatives per company may attend. Registrations will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis up to the room capacity (60), after which a wait list will be established. Please note that registration information will NOT be available to the public.Current technology principal investigators interested in presenting a 10 minute, Distribution D, non-proprietary briefing will be considered on a first come, first serve basis. A wait list will be created when slots are full to allow for any cancellations.Sidebar meetings with government representatives will also be available on a first come, first serve basis. A wait list will be created when slots are full to allow for any cancellations. Sidebar meetings will be attended only by the contractor and government staff, so proprietary information may be discussed. The contractor may choose to exchange NDAs with other companies if their presence is requested during the sidebar meetings. Meetings are expected to be 30 minutes, but length of time allotted will be based on the number for requests received. Each meeting will be allotted an equal amount of time. During sidebar meetings, presentations are requested to be on specific celestial-aided guidance, navigation, and control technologies rather than general company overviews. Arrangements will be made to allow for contractors to present information up to SECRET.Presentation materials must be received no later than COB September 3, 2014 by mail on CD. Proprietary restrictions on presentations will be honored and presentations will not be shared outside the government.Mailing address: AFRL/RW, ATTN: CStAR Industry Day, 101 W. Eglin Blvd, Suite 207, Eglin AFB, FL 32542Base Access, Meeting Access and Clearances:Base Access Affidavits must be received no later than COB August 29, 2014. Please email Base Access Affidavits to [email protected] with SUBJECT: "CStAR Industry Day Affidavit".Meeting Access Visit Requests must be received no later than COB September 3, 2014. Please send clearance information via JPAS. AFRL's JPAS SMO code is AFRL-RW. Attendees will be contacted after registration with detailed information on meeting access.Location:The meeting will take place at a secure facility located on Eglin AFB, FL. Detailed information and directions will be provided after registration.Note: This notice is being issued for planning and information purposes only. It does not constitute a solicitation, nor is to be construed as a commitment by the government. The government will not pay for any effort expended in responding to the notice, or participation in the event (to include attendee travel costs), nor will the government accept proposals as a result of this notice. Meals will not be provided at this event....less
ThatSound ago
I can maybe understand the widower not wanting to relive this.
But what I can't understand is the widower standing behind the "official autopsy", when that official autopsy was performed by a guy whose license was revoked in Missouri in 1996 for falsifying autopsy reports, then moved to Florida, then did Lori Klausutis' autopsy, then lost his license in Florida in 2003, also for falsifying autopsy reports. THE GUY LIES ON AUTOPSY REPORTS! He also went on to get arrested in 2012 for storing human remains, so also batshit crazy but whatever.
I call shenanigans!
special1nterest ago
I wonder if the remains were kept as leverage or insurance and the arrest was a way to solve that for someone
doublejj ago
the widower is a spook.
Blacksmith21 ago
Nothing makes sense about the case, IMO. What many don't know is that the sheriff at the time, was later arrested and jailed for 71 months in Federal prison for corruption, but the current sheriff. Morning Joke's old seat is now held by Matt Gaetz. And Okaloosa voted 70% red in 2016. I suspect that the case is about to be reopened, if not already. Scarborough must be about to shit himself...
ThatSound ago
Interesting. Hope you're right.
VotingGodWins ago
Her husband was probably paid off by the cabal, so he doesn't want things stirred up and found out that he allowed this murder to go unsolved.
Whoa, NICE.
Thank you patriot!
AndyMan_45 ago
Good dig, patriot.
Remember, y'all, JFK Jr. "got confused" when flying in fog/ zero visibility before his plane crashed.
MolochHunter ago
gonna sticky to make sure more eyes catch this
Blacksmith21 ago
Thank you kind sir.
anotherdream ago
Shit nice one as always Blacksmith.
Blacksmith21 ago
SuckaFree ago
Only a microchip with networking links can do what y'all are proposing. Hence, the Boeing 737 Max groundings, the F-22 and
F-35 groundings, and Airbus's problems with similar systems.
Solid state gyroscopic systems is the future tech stemming from AHARS, Aircraft Heading Altitude Reference System. It's what our military aircraft use alongside Sat linked and network linked GPS coming from sats, AWKS, and ground based radar/lidar/laser guidance systems. You make that fail, the plane crashes. Pilot can't do shit to stop it. Seen the results of this system failure in the Navy. No bruno, to say the least.
DemonNancy ago
Husband worked at the BigB for nearly 30 yrs as an avionics specialist. From what he says, there is no receptor in the avionics to accomplish this remote control idea. He has vast experience in avionic A6s, the Star Wars program under Reagan, F-18s and more. So unless someone has specific technical knowlege to the contrary, this is just fantasy you guys are spinning.
They got into the cockpits of those planes. It's simple. Making anymore than that is folly and makes us look stupid.
SuckaFree ago
Bullshit. I've seen the military tech the fuckiing 90's. I know what I saw and what I'm talking about. Before u was an Ordnanceman and EOD tech, I went to Aviation Electronics School. Learned all about wiring and fixing cockpit components.
Fromthebeginning ago
Scarlborough’s congressional distric same as Eglin Air-Force ase. Two AF Jets crashed within the past 2 weeks, coincidence?
goatboy1127 ago
Probably is, since he hasn't lived in Florida since 2003.
doublejj ago
that's where the widower works. he's a government spook. posted links above.
Blacksmith21 ago
Very interesting point.
Revodude2 ago
The point of the ILS comment was to say we are on plan as to timing and actions.
Blacksmith21 ago
Double meanings exist.
monababy_11 ago
Wow... the pot thickens
tonehead ago
This seems more to me like a crime of passion. Why if you are getting rid of someone would you do it in your office unless it was a spontaneous incident? I don't think much forethought was involved.
swimrobin ago
Strong work OP and all. With POTUS and Q’s help, it’s highly likely you just solved a decades old murder. You can’t make this stuff up.
Blacksmith21 ago
I dunno about solving it, but this looks like a case of Arkancide.
Spirocus ago
Wow! Interesting dig. I did say that POTUS NEVER does anything randomly. This is starting to look like a smelly drum of worms.
Ohhhhmega ago
This needs more upvoats!!
I_Am_Nobody ago
Nice dig!
Follow the wives. Think mirror.
Enaashby ago
Great dig. Thanks Blacksmith 21! I think PDJT puts things out there for his digital soldiers to research. Case in point, is what you have unearthed about Dr. Klausutis.
elites4prison ago
Not going to google this because I probably won't get accurate results anyway.
TWA 800 was a suspicious downed aircraft that the CIA and FBI intervened on.
Investigators later came forward and admitted the entire story about why it went down was bullshit.
Over 250 witnesses saw what looked like a missile going up to blow it up but were not interviewed.
Does anyone know who was on TWA 800 that they wanted out of the picture, or was it Billy trying to start a war in the middle east - the war that Bush successfully got on the road..
ouspensky ago
What if the intern was a MKultra sex slave? First used as a reward for her nerd husband to sell out his country for hot sex, then killed to entrap psycho joe in a brownstone op. I read the training starts to slip after they are used for a certain period. Maybe she had reached her "expiration date"
Blacksmith21 ago
A possibility. I don't rule out any reasonable theories. The key would be to dig into her background. Watch the wives.
Steinmacher ago
federated social media. not tons of people, but free speech. you can follow people and/or hastags.
plus you can call jooshill names without getting timeouts - though they can block you.
highly recommended.
loooooongtimelurker ago
Potus just now
corrbrick ago
Whatever could he be referring to?
loooooongtimelurker ago
well, lets find out frens - dig
Blacksmith21 ago
Excellent. We have it all. Wizards & Warlocks.
Credible_Hulk ago
I think him telling twitter to remove mention of his wifes death makes him look like an a compliance
moderator99 ago
19 years later........
rokarljosef ago
Thank you for the excellent post. You have put together some serious pieces to this puzzle.
Steinmacher ago
shared on Diaspora...
good work Anon.
Blacksmith21 ago
What is Diaspora?
Steinmacher ago
federated social media. not tons of people, but free speech. you can follow people and/or hastags.
plus you can call jooshill names without getting timeouts - though they can block you.
highly recommended.
suave200 ago
I think it is a movement of people from one area into another in a spread out infiltrative fashion. There has been a diaspora of muslims into the US, complete with terrorists.
Vanguard123 ago
Another can of STINK FISH
jhartz39 ago
Guidance systems could have been used on the drone aircraft that hit the twin towers. The intern learned of the details from her husband and told Scarborough about it thinking he would help her as a whistleblower and he killed her, Bushes helped him cover up the murder and Joe has had a CIA handler at his side ever since.
QDPie ago
you know, it's also possible the DS just offed her and framed Joe. He's kind of a dumbass. He really wouldn't have any reason to kill her unless he was also involved in 911. More than likely she blabbed, he asked someone for what to do about the revelations and they told him to get lost, they'd "fix it." Mika comes to mind...
moderator99 ago
When did he meet Mika?
doublejj ago
when she was assigned to be his handler
INK9 ago
Not so sure Scarborough would have actually killed her, but no argument from me that he set it in motion. He had a lucrative political career to protect and by God he wasn't going out without a fistful of cash. I fucking hate these pieces of absolute shit and hope they rot for eternity with their "god".
HelloDolly ago
Makes you think maybe W will be the first big public arrest. Just spit balling of course. But the liberal democrats would take that much better than if the first was OZero. Wouldn't it be something if the wake up call was 911 related? Q said first big arrest will be non-civ. He's a "non civilian" via his service in the National Guard.
Blacksmith21 ago
Very plausible.
LionElTrump ago
Husband paid off with patent?
Blacksmith21 ago
A number of ways hubby could have been paid off.
yellowoodneepuks ago
Follow the $$$$$
SearchVoatBot ago
This submission was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.
Posted automatically (#112912) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Blacksmith21: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)
DemonNancy ago
Hubby worked on this system in Navy and after...will show him this when he gets back.
elites4prison ago
Please do!
Blacksmith21 ago
That's how we learn. Tap our vast knowledge network! Looking forward to any feedback.
HulkJizz ago
Are they Sheldon and Leonard?
threesevens ago
Tim Klausutis' dad Normantas Klausutis worked for Darpa, also in the Air Force.
Emmigrated from Lithuania Soviet Socialist Republic in 1949.
moderator99 ago
threesevens ago
Check the notables on 8kun theres a lot of anons looking into this guy,
DuHast ago
Well, that pretty much lays to rest that there will be any chance of warming up this cold case.
threesevens ago
I see his name on page 155 not 161 in the darpa projects doc
Blacksmith21 ago
I may have misread the page/PDF number.
CMAnon ago
Thanks for the dig. Let's see if this goes anywhere.
bopper ago
gatoreric ago
You should mention this on twitter, it will get you Q'd. You deserve it since you did the initial work. If you are right Q will post it which will in turn cause exposure to increase exponentially for more red-pilling (hopefully, some people are too far gone)
Blacksmith21 ago
I'm not on Twitter. Feel free to post, however.
Jfunction ago
Great dig, OP. WWG1WGA
Blacksmith21 ago
loooooongtimelurker ago
what a dig thanks again - its been shared directly to twit
Blacksmith21 ago
Thank you
gatoreric ago
I will attempt to put something together, and I hope others are as well. I will give credit to you on my thread for doing the initial digging. Cheers to you mate
Blacksmith21 ago
Thanks. Spread the word.
saltine ago
Wouldn't that mean this Timothy fellow could be complicit in his wife's death?
INK9 ago
Judging from his "grief stricken" letter, I'd say yeah.
doublejj ago
he's a deep state spook. so was his dad. dig. i put more information in a sep post.
Hispeedtim2876 ago
gatoreric ago
This is fantastic, you should put that together as a thread and post to twitter.
Publius1778 ago
When I first heard the story about Psycho Joe and the girl dead from head trauma in his office it was not about an "affair" but about the discovery of evidence pertaining to 9/11 and yet this was July 2001.
Florida was a site for various aspects of 9/11 or at the very least the 9/11 cover story.
Perhaps L.K. was working for Joe precisely because of connections with her husband and the technology he was working on, and she found out too much?!
Flutterby49 ago
moderator99 ago
numina18 ago
Wow! Great dig!!! I am always amazed at the trains of thought of the autists!! Who would have ever reached Hillary from Scarborough's office. And, what is his connection to her, if any???
Blacksmith21 ago
Thanks. Funny thing is I'm as far from being an autist as you can get. I ride motorcycles, shoot guns, and drink too much ; ) Just a lot of random info stored in my brain housing unit which I'm finally beginning to make useful.
MickByrne ago
You may be surprised at how common that is for those on the spectrum. It's the ability to singularly focus & logically connect that provides the drive but there also has to be a coping mechanism when it's time to drop out.
Blacksmith21 ago
Maybe. I shifted a lot of my hobbies/interests into research time about 3.5 years ago. I was on r/Pizzagate for 2 weeks when it was shutdown and we migrated to v/Pizzagate and v/GA and v/QRV (which I rarely visit). I'm not as outwardly productive as I used to be, but the research, the movement, the war is far, far more important. We will look back on these times and realize the work we did contributed to the effort in a bigly manner. WWG1WGA.
loooooongtimelurker ago
Same - couldn't eat pizza for months circa december 2016. we have come so far since then - big love to you and your massive contribution
whatheheck ago
I rarely comment and as a 67 yr old woman, not very good at research. I am amazed at what you researchers find. But I have followed Q since his/her/their first post. I came to voat after the Patriots Fight site was shut down. I officially joined last summer after voat was closed except to members last summer.A couple of weeks ago my username was kicked out and after several days of trying to get back in I just registered with a different name. I'm sure I was doing something wrong, not voat. About all I can do online is email, shop and read. All that being said, I really appreciate the hard work you guys do. I may not comment very often but I read every comment and every reply in every category. This is the life of a retired woman in bad health. Keep up the good work and know that you and all the rest are appreciated.
Blacksmith21 ago
WWG1WGA!. Thank you.
INK9 ago
sheepdoggie ago
If this was connected, this is HUGE ! I'm aware of all your cookin and it sure smells good ! My dream outcome of this whole mess is DJT threading 9/11 as a focal point for all to see.
Blacksmith21 ago
Like a loaf of sourdough in the oven ; )
Far2Long2 ago
Was the intern a sacrifice? To move up the ladder, you must make a sacrifice to Satan. We see this all the time with slebs and their "heart-breaking stories".
goatboy1127 ago
Who would be moving up the ladder in this scenario? He would murder someone in order to leave congress and become a radio host, and then later a low rated morning show on a low rated network?
QDPie ago
his public persona vs a private persona. We don't know where he is in any of the hierarchy, or what he gave up or gained to be where he is. There are other tiers that people measure their lives with. And Mika is his handler. So it's not necessarily him that made the sacrifice, not necessarily him that it was made for. Might be the husband getting traction on his career and inventions.
VotingGodWins ago
Good point.
brettco12 ago
I have basically sacrificed all my friends and family to be a woke truther
SleepySleepy ago
Same here. It’s a lonely road but the only one that feels worthy of taking.
Blacksmith21 ago
We went through a complete social structure rebuilding when I started this process. Very interesting time of my life.
loooooongtimelurker ago
lols i feel you
Blacksmith21 ago
That occurred to me as well. No way of knowing, but definitely a consideration.
lowexpectations ago
Blacksmith forging knowledge. Nice hammering!
Blacksmith21 ago
I feel about as sharp as a bowling ball today too. Too much good drink over the long weekend ; )
lowexpectations ago
If this is you struggling then good on ya! Too much good drink? I would say just enough.
Blacksmith21 ago
Haha. Every now and then, even a blind squirrel finds a nut ; )
RakerKey ago
nullifyNWO ago
Why am i not moved by this letter? - It oozes grief and smells of strategy.
INK9 ago
I was quite unmoved myself. He could have been referring to a complete stranger.
Blacksmith21 ago
Yes it does. The dude's probably been remarried for 19 years and hadn't given her a second thought until he got a cryptic text...
QDPie ago
guido stopped by after da President tweeted and wanted to have a little conversation with him about some things...
moderator99 ago
Do you know of anyone who is still grief-stricken over a death after 19 years? (Actors in Joo movie scenes don't count)
Awokcanuck ago
POTUS is brilliant at drawing these guys into the light. Mind boggling how past events and people are so connected. Getting more obvious now why evidence in cases like Flynn's or Stone's was held up by other investigations.
nullifyNWO ago
To me, purely personally, Mr Klausutis has entered the circle of suspects with that letter. Or he is blackmailed and its a service to save his a..?
wasupwitdis ago
hmmmm interesting...any normal person would welcome the effort to get to the truth.....
redtoe_skipper ago
Not if your name is Joe Biden. ... He never pursued the death of his wife .....
When you think of it, al lot of people die quite conveniently.
Archived What was known is some of the consequences: John Heinz III
TomQRiffick ago
biden's first wife & infant daughter could have been sacrificed.
lots of celebs have had family members or children die very young & very oddly.
Blacksmith21 ago
100% agree.
FreedBy45 ago
Mika’s brother Ian Brzezinski was George Bush’s Deputy Asst Secretary of Defense for NATO on 9/11. He also worked in the Ukraine. And C_A factory, Booz Allen. Clown?
Mika’s other brother Mark Brzezinski just happened to work for Clinton managing foreign policy for Europe/Russia all the way until early 2001 right before 9/11. Obama made him Ambassador of Sweden. Another clown?
Mika’s dad, Zbigniew Brzezinski, was NSA for Carter in 1977-1980 when Russia invaded Afghanistan, when Iran captured our Embassy & when China & US formalized relations. And he founded the Trilateral Commission.
think- ago
Gosh...Mika is Brzezinski's daughter? OMG - I had no idea...
FreedBy45 ago
They're insidious with their family lines.
DemonNancy ago
What if any are the connections between Scarborough and Brzezinski families?
moderator99 ago
goatboy1127 ago
Yeah but that didn't happen until like last year. We're talking about 9/11 - 20 years ago almost.
A_Punkass_Bitch ago
she's likely Joe's CIA handler
Blacksmith21 ago
Helen Keller would come to the same conclusion ; )
A_Punkass_Bitch ago
i think she was faking
bopper ago
"Does EVERYTHING have to be a conspiracy?" - the misses
redtoe_skipper ago
It takes two to tango ... so yes ... even making babies. ...
bopper ago
Yep, the term (conspiracy) has been quite tarnished, purposefully. Here is an ancient one...
"The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying,
"3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us."
A_Punkass_Bitch ago
smack that bitch for me
bopper ago
Not if you downvoted me. I don't take lightly to being downvoted.
A_Punkass_Bitch ago
it doesn't let me downvote cuz this site is soy, something about CCP, sounds like communist china party
bopper ago
been there done that
Intlrnt2 ago
Correct surmising . . . or not, it doesn’t matter. The first steps on a reveal seldom uncover irrefutable evidence of a complete story.
The more immediate question: Do these details increase or lessen curiosity about digging deeper? My answer is, ‘Yes!’
Also, the Q/Q+ offerings are exactly the sort of obtuse references we have come to recognize as the promised ”guidance”.
A peculiar reference, connected to another via an odd ’coincidence’, that leads a dedicated digger to uncover some related open-source info.
No laws broken. Arm’s length communique. Plausible deniability.
brettco12 ago
Drone guidance systems
781842_Anon ago
Yes, he was with Air Force Research Labs (AFRL).
ChiCom ago
So Mr. K is scared that they will kill him like they killed his wife, or that his involvement in developing 911 radio control tech will come out?
Blacksmith21 ago
To me, it sounds like he was in on it. The guidance systems could have played a part in 9/11 and countless other accidents. The timing of Qs post + POTUS tweets makes me think Q wanted us to look at the husband and his role in navigation systems as the bigger picture. The Scarborough part of the saga is the two-for-one part of the dig.
imacoffeeaddict ago
JFK jr plane crash?
MeriTX ago
Field McConnell and the Boeing Uninterruptable Auto-Pilot, lots of information. Field was arrested for some made up thing back last fall and spent more than 3 months in a Wisconsin Jail. He has publicly said that he would like to expose what happened to the airplanes.
Hugely smart guy but too much stuff to go into right here. Currently Field is under house arrest somewhere in florida. His YouTube is Abel Danger but have to go back to before he was in jail to hear him in interviews.
ppos2019 ago
I think it would be more so due to the fact that JFK Jr's plane was brought down during the NY senate race, which would become the only position of elected office Hillary Clinton has ever won, as she ran unopposed. The involvement of Hillary makes me think its about Jr.
goatboy1127 ago
Nobody was even thinking about the husband until he made the statement criticizing POTUS. He drew attention to himself.
desertbreeze ago
Streisand Effect.
HelloDolly ago
Trump points out that she died and Scarborough "suddenly resigns" from Congress. But he resigned BEFORE she died, which is so very odd to me. It wasn't the scandal of her death or a potential affair with her that made him resign. So what was it?
VotingGodWins ago
If he resigned BEFORE the murder, then why was there an 8 a.m. meeting at his office with him and two clients that day?
goatboy1127 ago
There was no meeting with him. The office was open to constituents in the district, not clients.
Scarborough had announced he would be resigning, but it had not occurred yet.
HelloDolly ago
Because he was filling out a term apparently before special election could be held in October.
DebGS54 ago
Perhaps he resigned once the decision that she needed to be killed was made. He thought he was beating the implication of his involvement to the punch... and he almost did... but then there was Q and anons.
Novocombo ago
Top Gun Syndrome was discussed on McAllisterTV. Clinton enemies were dropping like flies, so they blamed the rash of pilot deaths on pilot "attitudes". More likely they had access to a weapon that caused the planes to crash.
Terraeri1 ago
Would be good to see any live footage of Psycho Joe coverage
DemonNancy ago
Maybe Lori blew the whistle.
Blacksmith21 ago
Double entendre?
redtoe_skipper ago
You have a beautiful brain. (LOL)
Blacksmith21 ago
My better half would disagree. She says I make her nuts. I have spent the last 15 years deprogramming her, very successfully, I might add. She works with the educated elite in DC and has to pretend she's one of them every day - amazing insight into the 4-6%. Much better now that were telecommuting. COVID-1984 was the last administered red pill. She's all in now. Told her about the content of this OP, and she understood how it makes sense. Pretty amazing to watch.
TippyHome ago
I am like your wife, Blacksmith. Work among the northern transplant, educated elite. So tiresome. As to murder of whistleblowers, a twitter friend explained my college friend was murdered because she realized satellites are being used to change votes. She was a NASA satellite expert and evidently, ds has to shut her down. Whistleblowers of the ds kind don’t last very long.
Blacksmith21 ago
I saw a word today which describes the language liberals utter: Libberish. I thought it was perfect.
That's an interesting notion - satellites to change votes. I'm not sure how that would work, but I'm sure there is some crazy tech in which it could make sense.
redtoe_skipper ago
hahaha, well, usually, the mrss are complaining about men having a dirty mind and seeing alternate meanings everywhere, a humor secretly admired.
Her being onboard is very good news! It must have been an extraordinary remembrance day weekend! I am happy for the both of you!
DemonNancy ago
Exacto mento
Dogsoldiertoo ago
Exactly! Great dig, OP anon.
ZombiClown ago
that explains why Field is being smeared.even tho he was attacking pence.
Publius1778 ago
The first time I heard about the Psycho Joe dead intern story, I heard it in relation to 9/11 not an "affair". I.e. that she has learned something about 9/11 that she wasn't supposed to know about.
brettco12 ago
Will this information unite Americans?
Trudeaus_Socks ago
It would not surprise me if the left adopted 9/11. “We deserved it!”
Poink ago
2020 will be the first presidential election where people who were born after 9/11 can vote.
moderator99 ago
His wife was killed less than a week before 9/11.
Was it a threat against him to keep him silent?
still_winning ago
I have always thought that if a killer wanted to kill someone, a disaster like 911, hurricane, tornado, etc, would be perfect timing. When they disappear, everyone would assume the disaster killed them.
moderator99 ago
That's actually a good point. If she was killed under orders from the DS for whatever reason, they could have just had her sent to the twin towers on 9/11. So it was likely someone with not enough knowledge of the plans to be able to..... unless she already knew the plans herself and they knew that.
Codyhbgbrb ago
There was also Chandra Levy who allegedly was having an affair with Gary Condit (Dem) and disappeared in May, 2001. We always said 9/11 was the best thing that ever happened to that man.
INK9 ago
I remember that, and just like that it disappeared.
still_winning ago
Please explain how this 911 relates to Gary Codit and Chandra Levy? I must have missed something?
Codyhbgbrb ago
Another woman who was killed right before 9-11.
RecceRat ago
Maybe a connection to patents and the ability to over ride an aircraft and its control systems?
FWIW I think the Kobe Bryant death in the helicopter was a error on the pilots behalf and not connected.
still_winning ago
ok, thank you
Patranon1 ago
Hmmmm. Guided planes?
RecceRat ago
Before anyone here shouts me down for even suggesting this let alone giving it any element of truth or validation, I do not know enough about the subject?
What subject, well it's about remote viewing!
As tends to happen when digging around, a few days ago I ended up watching a 1 1/2 documentary type upload on Y/T about remote viewing. For a small synopsis, the person in charge asked two of his so called best "remote viewers" to do there stuff, they were told nothing about any subject and this was recently, many years after 9/11
You watched both of the remote viewers describe and draw on a white board what they were seeing, both saw very similar things and undoubtedly it was the twin towers, the destruction, even referencing the dust and particles etc.
But the piece that struck me was when one of the viewers was describing and drawing clearly a cockpit of an airplane, but he was more disturbed because (and yes you have to have an element of believe in this stuff) he described the pilot frantically trying to control the aircraft but couldn't. He described and drew them turning off systems etc to try and regain control of the aircraft, he said in the viewing that nothing the pilots could do would make the controls respond to the pilots input.
Yes it's a massive leap to make, but reading this post today I was immediately struck about the pilots having zero control over the flight controls in that remote viewing session.
If anyone wants the link (I found it interesting to watch) then I will dig back and provide it.
shockingtheworld ago
Interesting...the shouters be damned. We are not Democrats!
imacoffeeaddict ago
Thanks for posting.
TomQRiffick ago
Remote Viewing Techniques for Beginners: Remote viewing is the psychic phenomenon of projecting your mind to receive information, without leaving your body. It encompasses an amalgamation of traits of other psychic abilities, such as extrasensory perception, telepathy, and astral projection, without equaling these abilities. In the early days of its discovery, it was also known as ‘telesthesia’ and ‘traveling clairvoyance’.
A remote viewer is able to gain information about faraway, unseen people, events or locations that are unknown to them. They can witness events they aren’t present for; hear conversations between people out of earshot; and visit locations they’ve never been to. By sending their mind rather than their body to see and feel exactly what is happening, they can report findings back to others.
Mammy ago
Ehhh...Not a massive leap for me. I've always been very intuitive -- not psychic, as in ESP -- but I have always known things without knowing how I know them -- about people and what sorrows them or what makes them tick, whether they can be trusted and in what capacity, etc. And I usually know pretty quickly. It's just a "feel," but it has never proven me wrong, although I have learned it is not wise to inform others of my "feel," unless, of course, they ask.
I even think I have astrally-traveled in my sleep maybe two or three dozen times that I can recall in my life. Always I am flying over rooftops in neighborhoods where I have lived. In these dreams (?) I am hovering just above treetops and I can see what is going on, but it is not much because it is night-time and I can see the parked cars, the guy who lets his dog out the back door in his p.j.'s, a lady in her kitchen at the sink in her bathrobe, etc. These are very visually detailed experiences and the feel is that all is as it should be in the world. I don't know how to say it otherwise.
So call me spoopy or whatever but I have always had an interest in astral travel or projection, though certainly have not sought training and certainly without knowing Christ as my Lord and Savior.
I read a book over 4 decades ago titled "The Spear of Destiny" by Trevor Ravenscroft. It was essentially about Adolph Hitler's obsession with, and ultimate possession of, the spear which the Roman soldier, Longinus, used to pierce the side of Christ as he hung on the cross, ostensibly under orders to prove to the crowd that Christ was dead and the crowd would go home. But upon piercing Christ's rib cage, legend has it that Longinus had an immediate conversion as blood and water flowed forth from the body of Christ, proving to the crowd that Christ was still alive. Legend also has it that Longinus was immediately cured of his cataracts as well, but I digress...
So the legend behind the Spear of Destiny is that whomsoever possesses the spear holds the destiny of the world, for good, or for evil.
Part of the book went into the spear's history and its possessors over time, and the debate as to whether it was authentic or not, then fast forwarded to Hitler's young adulthood when he became fascinated with The Spear and would go visit in a museum in Vienna, reportedly having had visions while staring at it.
The book also went into many mystical things, including reincarnation/past lives of historical figures, the King Arthur legends and the pursuit of the Holy Grail as allegory for spiritual attainment (or illumination), the secrets embedded in Wagner's operas, (a particular of which was Hitler's favorite -- "Parsifal" -- the knight who found the grail -- and astral travel which I gather is what is meant nowadays by the term, "remote viewing."
One chapter in particular I remember is titled something like "The ABC's of Black Magic," -- maybe it has White Magic in the title, too -- but the gist of it was that there were/are people who took "shortcuts" to spiritual enlightenment who manifested this enlightenment through the use of black magic and psychedelics.
But the book also discussed the "white magic" folks who did not take short cuts, but rather practiced such noble attributes as humility, courage, honesty, prudence, etc.
Like the "black hats" and "white hats," we talk about today, I suppose, even if but metaphorically.
So of course when Hitler came into power he took possession of The Spear. The book went on about how the U.S. employed certain "white magic" high level practitioners of astral travel to inform them of Hitler's and his associate's whereabouts and plans. Remote spying for the good guys, if you will.
I remember the book said something to the effect that it was not until the U.S. began to employ these tactics that the tide of the war began to turn.
And that's what I know about astral travel/remote viewing.
But dang, I should get that book again.
Blacksmith21 ago
If you have any good links on the subject of The Spear, I'd be interested. Thanks.
HumanPrimer ago
Tad off subject there bud...
RecceRat ago
Yes kind of, except for paragraph 4, 5 and 6 plus Q mentioning the Instrument Landing System (ILS) the OP references? But I had just seen that YT upload and remote viewing, that's all. Plus I'm an ex Mil rotary pilot so have an understanding of aviation.
I'll try better next time fren......;)
BlaQPatriot ago
Remote viewing is real. One must understand time and space and how all points past, present, and future are accessable through deep remote probing. Anyone can do it. It is one of the things that make humans special.
1618 ago
Yes, very real.
Training strengthens the ability. still is messing around with occult forces.
I pulled out, too many dangers for the soul
moderator99 ago
I have no problem believing in remote viewing results when the RV is conducted by established protocols. The above sounds about right. The target is usually never offered beforehand. The RVers will pick up on emotional signals more easily than anything else. The emotional energy carries a great deal of data if it is intense. This is why it's this moment in the cockpit that they picked up on the scene. I would give this reading a lot of plausibility.
TomQRiffick ago
i have no doubt the pilots were trying to manually control the plan. wonder who had the controls at that time?
the "official" story is the terrorists murdered the pilots were & then the terrorists took over the plan. could just have well been the plan was automatically controlled by an outside force.
if you get a chance - watch the "fast & furious 8" the violent, thin plot destroys a lot of cars via remote control.
Blacksmith21 ago
"if you get a chance - watch the "fast & furious 8" the violent, thin plot destroys a lot of cars via remote control."
Like Paul Walker.
SuckaFree ago
Remote viewing? Possible. Anyone can do it. It's creepy and a little scary, especially when you just kinda fumble your way into it unexpectedly.
GhostOfSwartz ago
Yes please provide link. Right up my alley. Thanks friend!
RecceRat ago
Hi fren, sure I've dug it out. You may like to watch the whole thing but if you just want the section I've referenced about the cockpit etc, go to 1:33:34.
There is a part 2 also. See what you think?
GodAndGlory ago
Nothing is off the table for me anymore. CIA docs are even more evidence of remote viewing if you needed it
Rings true and makes sense with Q's statistic of plane crashes. Technology can easily be co-opted by another party.
Hoppinmad ago
This is interesting. There is plenty of examples of humans ability to somewhat do this. This is not the best example but imagine if you had a job where you trained in this everyday and the training had been going on for decades.
Enaashby ago
That's what I'm thinking. Perhaps the truth about who was REALLY behind 9/11 and other vexing questions these past 19 years will be finally answered.
Patranon1 ago
It would definitely be a huge curveball from 3rd base. Or maybe they know it's coming because they KNOW the connection they were already trying desperately to hide? Popcorn ready
Enaashby ago
Agree. The truth about 9/11 MUST come out for once and for all. Next year will be the 20th anniversary of this.
Trudeaus_Socks ago
20 years of lies. Enough is enough.
jhartz39 ago
she was killed 5:5 days before 9/11.
TomQRiffick ago
wonder if she was a sacrifice to make sure the ff went as planned?
odd that kobe bryant died in january, right before the plan-demic.
wonder if we should go back to some of the "celebrities" deaths & see what world events occurred shortly there after - michael jackson, prince, ricky nelson, john denver.
i still think the death of so many on the diving boat was strange.
then there was a car crash where the whole wedding party died. people thought a bomb had gone off in the plan.
catquilt ago
What is the link between Kobe and the plandemic?
INK9 ago
Hmm. I can do that.
arbennett ago
car crash wedding party was phony, 9--1--1 was controlled demo--MJ is Dave Dave, Bowie is Jack Steven, J Rivers seen after with Clive Davis, RV Truth explains
TomQRiffick ago
thanks for the detail.
HelloDolly ago
She died in July 2001.
1618 ago
Thank you for bringing truth to the crazy speculators on here. They make Anon people look nuts. We have the truth, its horrific, we dont need to exaggerate.
moderator99 ago
My mistake.
PGLiterati2 ago
She died on July 19, 2001. Morning Joe announced his resignation from the House in May, 2001. He was just five months into his fourth term but decided he needed to spend more time with family. That's a lot of time and money campaigning for just five months.
HelloDolly ago
She died AFTER he resigned? That's really odd.
ThatSound ago
No. Before he resigned, after he announced.
PGLiterati2 ago
Yes. He announced his resignation in May; in October, the special election was held. So he was already on his way out when she died. Curious timing, all things considered.
DemonNancy ago
He was told to deal with her. Get her in line. She wanted to talk.
1scm ago
Good dig!!! What is the PhD afraid of?
MudPuddlePie ago
Great dig...
literallyyourmom ago
Mr. Klausutis was paid a visit.
SuckaFree ago
By Scarborough, Brzezinski, & Assoc, LLC
Headwest127 ago
Could hubby have been in on the guidance systems for the 9/11 planes, wife figures it out and tells boss (because hes an important politician)? Boss Joe is told to 'fix' the problem.... the rest is history.
User7867 ago
Or maybe Mr. K was resistant, and Mrs. K's departure was used as leverage.
SuckaFree ago
Those planes were turned into drones. This system isn't related.
Headwest127 ago
Are you saying that a navigation system is unrelated to unmanned flight?
SuckaFree ago
It is if it's controlled on the ground remotely within sight range. I've seen it in use in The Navy watching our pilots shoot down drones.
SuckaFree ago
Yes. The early drones the military used for target practice were just some people in a hangar or on the flight line with a high dollar remote control, similar to what the scale model jets use. In the late 80's/early 90's computer screens and a flight stick were used. All they had to ref headings was the jets gun camera. Or a spotter with binocs on the ground. They didn't even know what altitude they were at. They didn't need it. Nor did they need radar. Because the planes weren't designed to land successfully. If the training ended and a drone was left over, they would use it for SAM practice, or just drive it into the ground.
Later, in the 90's they started using the jets computers. They would just preprogram a flight course. Again, if the plane survived, at the end it would be destroyed by SAM or crashed. Same concept.
So, if the rumors about remote controlled flight being used are accurate, there was no need for the "pilots" to even really be alive. Someone else was controlling them remotely.
Could also explain why remote viewers were watching but saw the pilots unable to do anything. At least the two planes that struck the towers. If flight 93's data recorder is accurate, but remote control was being used, it wouldn't have really matterd what those Patriots did to take back the plane. It was destined to crash...via remote control. Which would explain why 10 guys couldn't defeat 3 terrorists in the cockpit before plummeting a couple miles to their deaths. Even travelling at 500 mph, you'd have enough time to gain control of the cockpit, reorient the aircraft and save it from crashing. The guys that took it back didn't stand a chance.
Also, in this day and age of sat gps and networked radar use through AWKS and the NOAA, the ILS system is now obsolete. Pilots dont even really fly the damned things anymore. It's all done through the auto pilot system linked with Sat GPS and the air ship's radar, which is tied into NOAA for weather refs.
Headwest127 ago
First, I agree with your assessment of the 9/11 planes and I have seen the remote viewing videos - they are compelling. However, I feel like a guidance system is not only related, but entirely necessary to pull off everything you describe.
RecceRat ago
And if you look at the radar overlay, the aircraft involved do some strange things, almost like over flying each other?
One of the data recorders (black boxes) was definitely only a bench test unit! You see when an aircraft is assembled, and the first time power is introduced to the systems, the data recorder will assign a special code into the bootstrap so it can be identified to that specific aircraft for life. It can't be switched out and simply put on a different aircraft because in case of an accident they have to be certain which come from which aircraft.
At least one data recorder had just a bunch of 00000's in that bootstrap (it's ROM) so can't be altered, which means it came from most likely a test equipment type recorder.
Another flights navigation data was way off when they released the official repors. They said it was at a certain gate but the nav data put it somewhere else, also that data put it south of the runway by several hundred yards on takeoff, it just can't be so as the nav system is checked and position entered exactly at the gate before moving anywhere otherwise it's useless! You couldn't do an ILS approach with nav kit being that far out.
hg74rhyd9 ago
Boss Joe was also in bed (literally) with the deepest state Brezinski clan.
goatboy1127 ago
Why do you say this? When did Scarborough meet the Brezinskis?
hg74rhyd9 ago
His wife is one.
DaraChaos ago
He's married to Brezinski's daughter.
Intlrnt2 ago
Perhaps two.
The first in 2001. The second within the last week.
1Paydaddy ago
Q post 4322, Instrument landing system looks good. ILS system looks good. POTUS and Q have Psycho Joe on their radar. Great Dig Patriot, I think it will lead to some answers we are looking for.
QDPie ago
or psycho "bereaved" widower... maybe the husband is the real target. Joe was just the vehicle for this. With the info on HRC and Rose law firm getting attached, this rabbit hole goes right to the top of the Twin Towers
INK9 ago
I think Q just keeps leading us to look at all the clues, and eventually all the little Moties (that's us), will be able to piece it together. It's what we're designed for.
Blacksmith21 ago
Oh yes, thank you for adding that part. Meant to put it in the post. I'll amend my OP.
Awokcanuck ago
Nice connecting the dots. I wondered why the husband wouldn't want to get to the truth.
NevadaDesertPatriot ago
Good Start OP
OregonAngel2 ago
Remember Ron Brown, Clinton's Secretary of Commerce, was killed in a crash on approach to an airport in Yugoslavia:
"While attempting an instrument approach to Dubrovnik Airport, the airplane crashed into a mountainside. "
" 1996, Ron Brown, then-secretary of commerce in the Clinton administration, was killed, along with 34 others, all but two of them Americans, when their Air Force CT-43 plane crashed into a mountainside near Dubrovnik, Croatia. An Air Force inquiry blamed the crash on pilot error and a poorly designed landing approach.
In 1993, President Bill Clinton had appointed Brown the first African-American secretary of commerce. When he died at age 54, Brown was heading a delegation of business executives and government officials to the war-torn region to explore investment opportunities in the former Yugoslavia.
In March 2011, the newly built U.S. Mission to the United Nations building in New York City was named in Brown’s honor at a ceremony in which Clinton, President Barack Obama and Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, spoke."
JohnQ-Arkenstone ago
Good info. Remember that very well. It was the early days of Arkencides, the point being that it was dangerous to be friends with the Clintons. The Arkencide list was already at about 25 individuals back in 1996 and the list just kept growing.
ibepokey ago
just like one of the die hard movies. change ILS, crash plane. holee fuk. they've been bragging about it for that long
RedBullTrooper ago
And don’t forget how Bill Clinton was seeing laughing and yucking it up as he was leaving Ron Brown’s funeral... until he saw the news cameras.
JohnQ-Arkenstone ago
Remember that too and when he noticed the camera was on him, he faked seriousness and grief.
TomQRiffick ago
bill clinton laughing at ron brown's funeral, i always thought that was weird. but then lbj got a big wink from one of the guys in air force 1 right after jfk's assassination.
apparently, many people were partying after jfk's assassinations.
don't forget the dancing isrealies after 9/11.
Blacksmith21 ago
Nice pull!
DemonNancy ago
According to spouse anon "AircraftFAG" most pilots in USA land the plane themselves disengaging autopilot. It's considered safer and a point of pride to most. Why would someone "attempt an instrument approach"? This stinks.
Blacksmith21 ago
"After the crash that took out the US Secretary of Commerce and 33 others, the Clinton Administration covered up everything. They prohibited an autopsy of Ron Brown’s body despite evidence of a bullet wound in Brown’s skull. The military general in charge of the “investigation” repeatedly lied to the press and to Congress. The US Air Force released false press statements claiming the plane’s wreckage was found in the Adriatic. The US government said the plane crashed in the “worst storm in a decade,” which was a laughable lie even at the time. And many involved in the investigation died by accident or gunshot wound before testifying."
angelCole ago
There's that number 33 again. I guess that was a signal to their compadres that the deed had been completed.
Pollycracker ago
Perhaps as an intern to Joe Scarbough, Ms. Klausutis was seeking help for husband who may have been threatened or had made an illicit discovery. Shortly thereafter there was 911 and Joe either resigned his office or refused to run again. Ms. Klausutis death may have been a warning to both her husband and Joe Scarbough.