moderator99 ago


Gigabump2 ago

Thinking PENCE. That would wake up everyone in this country. No one is safe.

2infinity ago

My top 3 picks. Obama, bill Clinton, Biden. Wild card pick m. Zuckerberg.

madmardigan ago

The meeting in the tarmac. Big names, big degree of corruption.

Lookingforthetruth ago

Alex, I'll take Nelly Orr for 600

2infinity ago

It has to be someone well known and revered by the far left.

SanyRow ago

I would go for one the the last two families, breaking the triangle for good. Soros or a Roth...

ammonthenephite ago

The more interesting question for me is when will it be, not who it will be.

incey ago

George Bush for treason. 9-11

Paul_Kersey ago

Has to do with Clinton Foundation.

58wise ago

Start with what is palatable. Like Brennan or Strok or McCabe. No one likes them. Then Comey. They up the chain DWS, CF, Clintons. It will help people to accept the truth.

CMAnon ago

Want to get the country's attention? Indict Obama, Hillary, Soros, Brennen, Comey and Rachel Maddow in wave 1. Then Lynch, Clapper, McCabe, Biden, Don Lemmon in wave 2. Then Podesta brothers, Mills, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Jake Tapper in wave 3.

Drinkaforte ago

This would be fantastic.

scoripowarrior ago

LOL I agree with your list!

DuHast ago

Now we’re talking !

flyingt ago

One of the recipients of the special invitations that were handed out at Bush Seniors' funeral.

Enaashby ago

Remember Q said that the DS was funded by the corrupt Saudis; Soreass; and then the Rockefellars. The Saudis are out of the game since the shakedown that happened over there with the new prince now in charge. So, perhaps, the next major financial shoe will drop with Soreass leaving the best till last/

Roughboy ago

Oprah is big enough to get the entire worlds attention. She has links to John of God and other sex trafficking.

HistoryQuest ago

I hope it's John Roberts.

PatchesChefe ago

This is what I was thinking... Marker[9]

Orbit_Rain ago

This would be a first indictment that would enrage neither side.

HistoryQuest ago

The post said nothing about rage, just someone well known enough to cause people to wake up. He’s the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, and he's compromised to the point of playing a part in an attempted coup against a sitting president. That's big stuff that even the lowest moron can understand.

And the left will lose their tiny minds when President Trump gets to pick another SC justice, because they know that's the end for them. I believe we are supposed to lose a SC justice to scandal but I can't find the drop.

Orbit_Rain ago

"The post said nothing about " actually, what post are you talking about? John Roberts was my first thought though, until I re-read the "marker" mentions from the beginning.

Orbit_Rain ago

...reading is a post did not imply your post implied rage, but acceptance from both sides-R&D. Democrats at first would think it's a good thing, "Republicans bad, CJ JR near-pinnacle of badness" - Republicans would be shocked and come to accept its a good thing..."WTF, Imma look into this" People who've watched a lotta episodes of this show will think "well, I guess it IS true" but wouldn't be post also did not enunciate agreement with your conjecture...if you search earlier in this thread, you'll see my current thought is on nine [9] people being indicted...

"mass pop awakening" implies D's and R's alike...awakening implies acceptance..."enrage NEITHER" - I am mirroring acceptance... Who pray tell, will be enraged? Obvious answer: the media, the deep state, the cabal, the bad guys, the black hats, the...

...dunno, we'll see what happens 12/19/19 @ 4:49

Call me a datefag woohoo!

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Just start arresting fuckers! Comey, Strok, Page, just fucking get them in handcuffs and THROW them down the way they've done all of the people!

Rndogr ago


Q20191776 ago

mass pop...hmm


HistoryQuest ago

Oooooo, that would be delicious.

MAGA_Q ago

Q says Comey. H +C = D

Many I's after D

H was Horowitz Report + C for Comey = D Declass

Many Indictments after Declass

Bout sums it up.

IAMthePie ago

It has to be a big name. A small name won't wake anyone up. Q latest posts point to Clinton Foundation. Combine that with those clear body double pictures of Hillary, and I'll bet dollars to doughnuts it's her.

9958 ago

"Because you'd be in jail."

TraditionalCode0 ago

It's Stzrok and Page, Sztrok and Page, nose-to-tail on the rail...coming out of the last's Page by a head on the inside...Sztrok's using the whip now....and here comes Corney on the inside, making his move's Corney pouring it on.....oh no.....wait ! Here comes the Number 1 horse out of nowhere, running like she's running from the Devil himself....It's Hilldog! the over-the-hill nag from Soros Stables is running for her life !! It's coming down to the wire !!!

bobdog123 ago

I think that Q calling out Lisa Page to get ready for jail might be a clue. Page gets my "voat" for first indictment.

User7867 ago

6 companies own MSM

+3 goob twit fb


I hope we start here. Makes the rest much easier.

KYanon ago

I hope it's Brennan. I believe HRC is dead or I'd say lock her up!

Scrolleater ago

Hunter Biden

Dad’s running for office unwilling to point a finger toward Ukraine corruption.

Hunter does a tepid nay forgettable interview that implicates him more than he would admit.

Most on this post correctly point out mass pop awakening will take someone who is well known but on the periphery of what is currently known by the public.

My vote is Hunter Biden. People will stop, hey what’s that sound just the deep state going down. For What It’s Worth.

eyeswideopennow ago


ColonelFlag ago

"Hunter becomes the Hunted" set the stage. If it is him then it opens the whole Ukraine can wide open. Hunter, Kerry's kid, Pelosi's kid' and someone connected to Romney have been tossed around. Rudy has mentioned Ukraine dirty money going to Cackles. Dominoes. Hunter Biden for 1000 Alex.

Secret_1 ago

DWS or corney...I think. If it were the real "Imposter" Barry Sortero,(sp?) I wouldn't be able to stop dancing!

hildberht ago

Hmmm, what if it was a RINO? Can't be termed political as its from POTUS' side.


Quai24 ago

There was a guy on Janda way back that was talking about Cheney being the first big fish to go down. Dems hate him, most Rs hate him, very sensible choice if you wanted to establish that you are truly going after criminals, and not just Democrats.

hildberht ago

Nice call. I guess that is why no name checked out.

arbennett ago

has to be someone that doesn't appear to be a vendetta, like Schiff would be. My guess is someone outside politics like gates or branson

Heebro ago

Ghislaine Maxwell

eyeswideopennow ago

Or an ‘Alive’ Jeff Epstein!!!

jjwhite17 ago

I'd rather not see Hildabeast as an early indictment. Let her sweat until she hears the knock.

HelloDolly ago

I think it might be John Brennan

Awokcanuck ago

Even the leftists i know can't defend Sleepy Joe, they admit that something is fishy there.

I_Am_Nobody ago

When I think of a person who has cross demographic, cross race, cross generational appeal that would trigger mass population awakening the first name that comes to mind is none other than OPRAH WINFREY. Loved by many and could seemingly do no wrong. When she’s hit with the book on human trafficking it will shock many.

eyeswideopennow ago

I thought of Oprah as well, or Ellen- think Las Vegas

LeeDoverwood ago

I'm for DWS with her IT Awan allowed immunity for testimony. Get her on the murder of Seth Rich, pull in Podesta who made the order and then after Awan's cooperation revoke any right he ever had to be here and deport him with a forever ban on reentry.

synackable ago

Not to mention it brings in WikiLeaks and JA.

It would also start the slow roll towards wrapping up Clinton.

DWS also wanted that laptop back bad. What was awan doing?

Harvesting blackmail? Imagine where that can go...

LeeDoverwood ago

Exactly. Awan has so much to offer.

Jorcone ago

1st will be, James Corney... it’s harvest time?

akilyoung ago


HistoryQuest ago

Agreed. Most people wouldn't care at all about Page, Brennan, Comey, etc. For a mass awakening it has to be big and shocking. Shock and awe. 😉

akilyoung ago


ITS HUSSEIN!!!! (and others, possibly Jarret and media people too)

lightindarkness ago

He posted the same thing twice at the same time. So two people? Maybe both the Clintons? Who knows. We are prepared no matter who it is.

Rodjers04 ago

My guess is they get Representative Omar.

DuHast ago

Now that would be some serious misdirection right there. Prosecute an Islamic twit.... yeah that will impress me.

Rodjers04 ago

Her crimes and frauds are all out there in the press and possible court testimony. She's a freshman rep also so she's probably not so deep she wouldn't flip to save her own skin. It's also my guess (complete speculation, of course) that the 1-99 will all be members of Congress.

HistoryQuest ago

Now this would be a really, really good one.

SuckaFree ago

Just like with any other criminal investigation, expect the first batch of indictments to be the low and mid level peons to get one first. Hopefully it'll be in time for Christmas.

WillGreeley ago

Papadopolus's treasonous traitor? That professor who tried to catch him with the $10 thousand cash at the airport?

Biden and Son?

Orbit_Rain ago

Maybe the marker means nine [9] people are in the indictment?

Fsumom ago

I was rereading the drop and am not sure the unseal hasn’t already happened. Q distinguishes between unseal= public awakening and first arrest = sign of action. What has been unsealed that started to wake people up, but has yet to produce an arrest?

Buondi ago

He uses the future tense "will trigger" for the first indictment (unseal of a sealed case) so I don't think this has happened yet, i.e. no public announcement yet. "First arrest" could apply to another sealed case. That's my interpretation but we'll see, hopefully soon!

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

Ha ha Father_Jack! Not dinton?

Blacksmith21 ago

My Homey Comey.

Banky1974 ago

Let's think about this logically and not about who we want it to be. If it was someone like Brennan, would that trigger "mass pop awakening"? It would make us happy and Liberals would start rioting in the streets.

No, this is someone we're not expecting. Someone big that's perhaps no longer in politics or never directly was. Perhaps someone that was/is viewed favorably (or unfavorably or neutral) by BOTH conservatives and Liberals. Remember the reaction Q is predicting: Mass population awakening. We don't get that with the arrest of a partisan figure like Comey or Brennan or HRC.

The only exception I can think of this is if the announcement of the arrest was paired with damning evidence of the one thing that is still unacceptable for most Americans across the political spectrum: pedophilia. That could cause "mass pop awakening".

Otherwise I don't think this is one of the expected players. It's someone we're not expecting and I have a feeling the answer is right in front of our collective nose.

esdel55 ago

Wasn’t there a line in some declassified document or IG report about “crimes against children” related to Hillary and/or CF?

Banky1974 ago

There was indeed... and that would fit in with the alternate scenario I presented. I think it would have to be something related to that kind of behavior if this first arrest is someone of a partisan nature. My gut still tells me that this person is going to be a surprise, but your point is well taken. That's definitely a potential scenario that makes sense. Arrest HRC and immediately present damning proof of child trafficking. If that doesn't cause a mass pop awakening, I don't know what would.

obvoiusly ago


Banky1974 ago

Both of those names make a lot of sense to me, Obvoiusly. Both of those men would get everyone's attention, but there wouldn't be an immediate, violent reaction from a segment of the public.

bopper ago

yes, that's how I feel..

ScotAnon17 ago

Obama. If you take a lower-level piece, more layers of protection will form to cover the big players. But if you take out one of the big pieces furst, you bring total chaos to the opposing side and they will crumble immediately.

Quai24 ago

By that logic the first arrest should be Soros. He is the Cabal's point man in the US, far higher up the CoC than Barry

ScotAnon17 ago

But not as recognisable....

Bigneckedmanjr ago

Go for the jugular. All of these fuckers below are dying to give up someone else to save themselves. Of course I don’t think the alliance needs any of their testimonies but it will be a great show to watch them eat their own. Lol

User7867 ago

Remember that Gooble's Crowdstrike (Ukraine) facilitated the now-revealed hoax, and conducted their own review of HRC server, covering for her.

nycpats ago

John Kerry. Logan Act.

Anonymous_D2L ago

I say obummer? The free media, Q, Fox, etc have been showing too many clips of clapper etc basically saying they were told to break the law by obummer, ref the FISA abuse, and even the most recent lisa page text from 2016 saying Potus wants to know everything we do. Plus if the first arrest is whats going to wake everybody up? Then it's going to have to be someone most of us think is untouchable....?

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

Man I'd win my bet!

Fsumom ago

Wasn’t there a Lisa page tweet that said the same thing?

Rondiggity ago

My money is on Biden. Either Joe or Hunter. Remember how Trump was goading Biden to release the transcript of his calls? I think we will get to hear some sweet audio.

Scrolleater ago

Took me long enough to find you

1Paydaddy ago

Where is Ted Lieu and Nadler? Manafort had a heart attack also. I think Special Ops are harvesting the corn for 300 Alex.

mcpaperclip ago

Lisa Page? She’s listed in the previous drop and will be on Maddow, which starts at 9. Marker 9?

Matthew1103 ago

Be nice to see her pulled right off the show and arrested. Might as well take the seditious bulldyke madcow while they are there.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Get on with it

noeffort ago

hope whoever it is gets the flynn and manafort treatment, middle of the night, break down the door and drag them out of bed....

Revodude2 ago

The dems have spent many years demonizing the CIA. That is where I would place my money. A lot of CIA/Five eyes players involved in this.

Terri-Bull1 ago

In light of the FISC judges calling Comey out today, I bet he’ll be charged. Wasn’t Comey already recommended for criminal charges back in the summer?

WillGreeley ago

If they do not do it tomorrow they aren't going to do it!

KarlKastner ago

I'm paraphrasing but Q said the first set of indictments would be unifying. So I'm thinking something like 9-11 or some horrific details about human trafficking, sanctioned by both parties. Maybe even the attempted murder of JFK Jr sanctioned by both parties.

kydeplorable ago


Firevine ago

Mass population? Bill Clinton.

bopper ago

what I was thinking..

veteran88 ago

Class action lawsuit by the people of the United States vs the Jews.

Crisbeau ago

Page is a misdirection. Will be nasty pedo stuff and likely be a non current politician or a highly known democrat Hollywood fuq. Someone even the deep swell inner city thugs know the name of. It will need to piss off everyone. It’s the only thing every body will pay attention to...even those fast asleep. Prisoners in jail for murder will want justice. If I were Q ...that’s how I’d do it.

Crisbeau ago


ThreeBladedKnife ago

David Geffen?

Crisbeau ago


TrulyISayToThee ago

Tom Cruise

Magpi ago

Tom Hanks?

bopper ago

yeah, would have to be really big imo..

alphazebra ago


RightSideUp17and6 ago

Gotta be a big dog. Kennel ready. Incontrovertible proof.

soxyon ago

A Federal Judge for Openers; shake down the bunch of treasonous traitors!

fringe--dweller ago

care must be taken when selecting the first big player for the spotlight. If the wrong choice is made it may cause civil unrest.

Whoever is first into the trap needs to be destroyed in such a way as to expose the real targets in an undeniable way.

It will be done in a way that mitigates unsettling the public too much.

Xyz4u ago

Right on patriot! And think, Q team is going to execute this masterfully.

secretseven ago

It could be several judges

e-traiu ago

The squad

KyJane ago

I'd love for it to be none other than Killary Rotten Clinton. Just think of what could come out to wake the masses. All that evil that connects to all those other evil ones.

XSS1337 ago

Too blunt. She is running for president remember ?

I too want her body to hang lifeless from a tree in DC as a reminder to politicians.

El_Deguello ago

Not just hang. I want it to swing there until it falls through the rope when its bones fall apart.

Backlot ago

Good reminder.

Big_Plains_Junction ago

-carcass, she has a carcass not a body....

JJS1 ago


Basballdude ago

Nah. Too much, too fast.

ALS ago

I'm betting the first few will be the wimps and cowards who will squeal like stuck pigs when they go down. They will throw anyone and everyone under the bus to save their asses. That will start the dominoes to fall on the deep state.

As they say there is no honor among thieves.

Example would be Schiff getting nailed for Pedophilia. That wussy would take down everyone he knew in Washington and California trying to get a suspended sentence.

Don_Tomaso ago

mam wont have to cover shit, they´ll just lie abut it claiming Trump uses the law against his critics.

RebelRed ago

I go with Brennan or Comey.

onikage ago

Brennan would be much better.

User7867 ago

It was posted twice, right? 3716 & 3717 -- so is it two persons? Marker [9]? I think it's FB G00g, Twat, et al.

TheNiggerFaggot ago

I hope it is Debbie Wasserman-Shultz, for the murder of Seth Rich.

Voat78 ago

Nobody knows who she is. Nobody would care. It has to be someone that everybody knows. My guess is Comey.

Tyrodragon ago

A paradox,both DWS and SR are/were (((Z)))s.

TheNiggerFaggot ago

And then, for no reason whatsoever, I believe that there is a high likelihood the defense against the indictments will be accusations of antisemitism. Only Nixon could go to China.

DanijelStark ago

Mike Obama , you are arrested for falsely representing yourselves as a woman , while youre actually a gorilla .

Barrack Obama , youre arrested for beastiality acts .

Roughboy ago


Luis_Sphincta ago

Chuckled at Danijel's post.

Hearty kekking at yours.

AlphabeticalAnon ago


StormWarning ago

With the recent drops concerning AWAN, and the "secret ongoing case related to the matter" you may be sitting on the heap here for good reason. With all eyes on CORNEY I think most are putting their money on him. What a twist in the movie plot if DWS emerges in a new Orange dress. But I am putting my money on Horse face LISA. I think she will come from behind on the last turn. She broke her promise to our Patriots and they called her out on it most recently in early December. Now they are 'hinting' about JAIL. An indictment would be logical to step up the pressure.

hildberht ago

It would be a good place to start as it would:

  1. Raise the question of why he was murdered
  2. Make public that the Russians did not hack the server (destroys the whole Russia story)
  3. Would lead to who else knew and helped cover it up (Brazille for starters)

Its also a very factually bases crime, evidence would be clear and could not be attacked by the MSM etc as they have to respect the judicial process and not taint the case (ha ha).

NevadaDesertPatriot ago

DWS is a subterranean beeatch, frog-eyed, lizard-mouthed, lying sack of shit.

LeeDoverwood ago

Totally agreed.

Texasjoker ago

Nah. It won’t wake anyone up. It will be called a political tyrannical move by the Right. Any thing coming will be labeled political abuse from a tyrant - you Q peeps better wake the fuck up. Those who have not come to reality will not do so because of arrest. The media will yell and push the idea that all the arrest are political backlash like the Nazi party and they will cause violence.


Again while I agree I also say if Fazzledripz or like intel dropped it would negate "the tyrant" card still left in their wallets.

Wolverine2020 ago

Her IT boyfriend has shown up in the news again and she is spouting off at the mouth. There is a case open. Also, a FBI case, involving CF in Arkansas, has been going since 2017. Either would be a wakeup call!!!

Trfsrfr ago

HRC will go the way of NoName...

RussianGoyBot ago

hopefully we get footage that time.

XSS1337 ago

You forgot Seth Rich was Jewish and trump can’t get called out by Israel / dems / liberals for trying to bring justice to this poor Jewish boy while at the same time outing corruption in Israel itself and capturing another dragnet of info coming back to our house / senate / courts / committees.

2 for one.

tossitrightinthere ago

....along with Donna Bra-zille

starseedwakeup ago

I think that it should hurry the fuck up

Not_Spartacus ago

Nellie Ohr for the win!

HistoryQuest ago

I don't think that would trigger an awakening. Most people can't even name the VP, very few in the gen pop have any idea who she is, nor will they care if she's arrested.

JoeRob ago

I agree

Basballdude ago

Good choice

Annie99 ago

For mass population awakening it will have to be a bigger fish - nobody's homey Comey would be my pick.

grace8 ago

But if Lisa Page is revealed to be working for MI6 that would unite America. Corney arrested for working for MI6 might be more suspicious to the left and take more evidence/time for them to accept as not political retribution. .

Annie99 ago

True but that could still be achieved through Comey. Don't forget 5eyes ties in UK, AUST, NZ, USA and Canada. All guilty of aiding and abetting in the attempted take down of a President.

TXtombstone ago

I agree. Corney is going down first.

Bigneckedmanjr ago

Who was it at the ‘top’ ordering all of this ???? Obama. That’s my guess. Wait for it...

NamelessMofo ago

"potus wants to know everything we're doing."

Bigneckedmanjr ago

Collusion. And how do we go up the ladder without him? When you paint the cleanest choir boy as scum the rest won’t be that hard to believe.

Texasjoker ago

If the population is not awake by now, then they won’t wake. In other words, you don’t have to believe in Q to see what the communist left are doing. Weak minds will stay the course. They will be the biggest threat coming - they will be the base of the Bolsheviks who will return underground to plot the task at hand- to destroy America - so once an again if there is not an absolute purge of the communist - then all Q is doing is kicking the can down the road.

grace8 ago

Page working for MI6 would unite at least 65%-75% as long as the evidence is good and the press is forced to report it.

Blacksmith21 ago

Dammit I hope so. I have 200.00 riding on it before 1/1.

ChaosFrog ago

Lynch maybe?

Blacksmith21 ago

Lynch cut a deal. My Homey Comey. It's Howdy Doody time!

ChaosFrog ago

If she cut a deal this whole show would be over by now, or least further along imo.

Blacksmith21 ago

No it wouldn't. The rigging of AG and AS [187] is extremely significant, but only 1 of many events which needs to happen. Lower level indictments (Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Page, etc.) have to happen first. Then Brennan+++, Clapper, and the politicians. It will just build and build. When it comes out AS was assassinated...

Trfsrfr ago

Like Q said a long time ago, its going to come in slow rolling waves...BRING IT!

MAIDENanon ago


Basballdude ago

You forgot an “r”. Misspellings are important!

Annie99 ago

So true lol.

Annie99 ago

It could also be Shittface wouldn't that be good.

JackANorey ago

How big would his eyes be when he opens his curtains to see his house is surrounded by Feds and he's got 10 dead & drugged up black kids in the house covered in his Jiz ????

betoche ago

No, I want Schiff to be arrested for the rape and murder of a 10 yr old black male child and then he had chef Anthony Bourdain murdered...this is true and would be 100 gazillion times better than even treason....why? Becasuse many Americans do not care about treason and not even know what that is...but most EVERYONE would not be happy about the rape and murder of a 10 yr old boy anf then the murder of Bourdain.

arbennett ago

how do you know re Bourdain?

Annie99 ago

Exactly me too. What if he was arrested for this then it wouldn't be political. But his creditably would be down the gurgler.

fringe--dweller ago

he does seem to be elbowing his way to the front of the queue.

He wont stop queue jumping until he sees who is in front of him.

NamelessMofo ago

With bug eyes like his he should have X-ray vision

Rhondaher ago

Shitface would be perfect. That would get everyone's attention

realopticsguy ago

the Chateau Maremont comes to mind

Rhondaher ago

Don't know about that one. What's it about

realopticsguy ago

Jenna Jamison tweeted to Schiff about that. Supposedly he drugged a young black boy and raped the shit out of him when he passed out. Turned out he ODd.

Rhondaher ago

I thought that was Ed Buck. But they were friends so it figures they would have that in common.

Sons_of_Patriarchy ago

Especially if all the lurid details of the Standard Hotel are true and come out.

Annie99 ago

Great article in Zerohedge dated 10/20/2019 which was suppressed needs to do the rounds again - all about SH, Ed Buck and liddle Adam.

jrich929 ago


fringe--dweller ago

Soros is a good choice.

schiff is a domestic USA tapeworm but Soros is global player.

A huge number of activist organisations are allegedly funded by him.

His capture and asset seizure would cut off a big chunk of anti-democracy activism and agitation groups.

User7867 ago

I don't think it is his turn yet. Obummer before him, imo.

bopper ago

yeah, agreed

pby1000 ago

People on Twatter are saying this. Last I heard, he was in Kiev, but that was a week or two ago.

amarQ144 ago

So who is going to do a betting board with their faces in squares? Will there be Vegas odds on this? A Trifecta?