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MACSOG68 ago

Anyone else find her blinking her eyes appears to be in code?? also she looks like a man. Look at her facial structure.

inspiretk ago

Yeh, looks like a man indeed.

You should check the hand ... see the band aid? Guess who else had the band aid? Check the Yonobitch.

MACSOG68 ago

OH YA.........any idea why??

inspiretk ago

Its code for something. They sending messages to each other.

I think she's saying she's one of those doctors that's doing all the evil stuff.

Perhaps Rogue doctors in Ukraine adoption scheme.

CIA used to create sites before wars happen. Set it all up. Then when wars come, they smuggle, kidnap, take kids and then put them in these sites and then send them out.

c.ia is created by the nazi.

I found this decode: from post