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VicariousJambi ago

Why is it good that Trump destroys the kike propaganda tool, the msm?

King_Leopold_II ago

Some good has come out of this administration. The economy is great but it's a distraction. Destroying the liberal media has helped, but at the same time reinforced he's a good guy, all the while israel remains in the clear.

King_Leopold_II ago

getting jfkd

israel for last

You're telling your so called opposition that you're coming, but not until you've attended to other business. Sure they may see it coming by why say anything?

VicariousJambi ago

You can't possibly imagine how publicly calling out your opposition would adversely affect them and the decisions they make?

King_Leopold_II ago

You're right Brenton Tarrant should have tweeted the mosques before he killed them muslims.

VicariousJambi ago

I like how you misrepresent my argument by making a comparison that doesn't fit.

What other group of people argues like that.


King_Leopold_II ago

You can't possibly imagine

thank you for infering im of little intelligence and incapable of thinking for myself.

how publicly calling out your opposition

This is telling the jews they're your target.

would adversely affect them and the decisions they make?

What like making preparations and putting them on the defensive without landing a blow with them unaware?

What I said/hoped you would understand.

Brenton Tarrant is trump/Q for the example.

muslims are israel in this example

tweeted the mosques before

This is tarrant publicly calling out the mosque.

I like how you dont understand my argument when i make a comparison that completely fits what you said, and I have to follow up with the explanation.

What other group of people argues like that.

Yep you got me I'm a damn dirty jew rat. Worked hard setting up this account (shrugs shoulders) oh well I'll go build up another one.

VicariousJambi ago

thank you for infering im of little intelligence and incapable of thinking for myself.

You're welcome.

This is telling the jews they're your target.

The Jews play perpetual victim, they always see themselves as the target. And you're assuming Jews all act as some homogeneous entity instead of a bunch of shifty kikes that'll fuck each other over in a moments notice the second it benefits them.

What like making preparations and putting them on the defensive without landing a blow with them unaware?

What I said/hoped you would understand.

Nothing was ever said as to how Israel would be taken down. They have absolutely no idea what to prepare for, and in the meantime they blow what tools they have countering. And If any of us knew how they'd be taken down, so would they.

This is tarrant publicly calling out the mosque.

I like how you dont understand my argument when i make a comparison that completely fits what you said, and I have to follow up with the explanation.

Its a poor comparison because of my above point. Israel doesn't know how its going to be taken down, it has nothing to prepare for. All they can do is sweat.

If tarrant said "yo im comin 4 u skeet skeet" then they would know what to prepare for.

Yep you got me I'm a damn dirty jew rat. Worked hard setting up this account (shrugs shoulders) oh well I'll go build up another one.

See you in another 6 months :P