Every few weeks I go back and re-read this. It shocks me evry time! If true, imagin HRC as POTUS, then imagin the USA under HRC. (GreatAwakening)
submitted 5.7 years ago by TSE
We dodged a MOAB. America would be lost. It would be the Dem Party forever. Because this is such a big deal and we have Trump the fearless and just POTUS that truly loves America, I know we will have justice. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1051230784986714112.html
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ideologicidal 5.7 years ago
nostalgic spine tingle. I 'member FBIANON. Best timeline.
Also, quick shout-out to SenateAnon.
GoodGodKirk 5.7 years ago
I miss Senateanon
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ideologicidal ago
nostalgic spine tingle. I 'member FBIANON. Best timeline.
Also, quick shout-out to SenateAnon.
GoodGodKirk ago
I miss Senateanon