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SuckaFree ago

She's behind it all. She's answering to someone else, someone higher ranking than the rest. I'm sure of it, now. And the arrogance of THEM to name an award that goes to THEIR kind after the last President THEY successfully assassinated? Beyond sickening. I think she's the most public, highest ranking link to the Payseur(sp?)/Rothschild/Family "Y" trifecta.

Lauraingalls ago

I have the book JFK wrote with the same name, "Profiles in Courage" and it's so disappointing to see that award given to that witch. Maybe Caroline is afraid of getting murdered.

FromTelAvivWithLove ago

^^^BEWARE Patriots^^^ @lauraingalls is a known shill. She attacked the mods this morning.

Lauraingalls ago

Here is the reply from the thread:

[–] 18697628? 0 points (+2|-2) 17 hours ago RULES from GREATAWAKENING No posting about other users. We’ve, quite often, had people get mad at other users and make posts about them. The drama that causes is bad. Then you have people seeing it on the front page and they come here and also harass the user. That’s one thing I’m really firm about. That can get you banned. This morning a GA mod, a subject of recent harsh and obscene troll attacks on QRV, told some of the same SBBH people who had been blamed for it, to pretty much have at it in regards another GA subscriber who had been targeted as well.

So the GA subscriber (who btw is likely a creation of SBBH to serve the purpose of punching bag alt) gets reported by the MOD to SBBD to be harassed. Shouldn't that be disclosed to subscribers in the rules as potential consequence? Like: 'If we decide to, the MOD will feel justified to throw your ass to SBBH members to troll and harass and at least one of them had already threatened the MODs own children. It was posted about here: A week later she finds it okay to report one of her own subscribers (real or not, but how do the other users know?) to that same sub? to the same accused username? @zyklon_b @srayzie link reply ...