think- ago

@migratorypatterns did a really good post about the Dalai Lama and Tibetan Buddhism:

The Dalai Lama's Endorsement of NXIVM Not a Fluke: Tibetan Buddhism is a Thousand Year Old Cult of Sexual Abuse That Uses Women for Their Tantric Practices

I think the key to understanding Tibetan Buddhism is that it pretends to be a right-hand path religion, perhaps with only a small left-hand path group, but in fact, the whole religion is tantric left-hand path.

Also: The Dalai Lama is a known CIA asset (see the YouTube videos about it), and Timothy Leary was as well IIRC.

kestrel9 ago

Good info thanks I'll add to my notes. I'd forgotten Dalai Lama endorsed NXIVM

I don't know anything about the 'paths' but given what's been going on, whatever they're up to, it's a rotten path.

The Dalai Lama is a known CIA asset

I was thinking that but had not read it. I wonder about Jesuit Mother Theresa too. (talk about an unpopular notion).

Timothy Leary has already admitted it in an interview I posted somewhere.

think- ago

I wonder about Jesuit Mother Theresa too.

Mother Theresa was connected to the Jesuits? I know that she send large sums of money to the Vatican, money she should have spent helping the people in her care.

kestrel9 ago

Her confessors were Jesuits and her 'calling' in leaving the monastery she was in originally and trekking out on her own, was ensdorsed/encouraged by them. The nuns she left behind were skeptical as to her true motives (citing ego/ getting attention, I think). At any rate she asked her Jesuit confessors to keep her confidences private, and after she died, they didn't. They wrote a book.

think- ago

The nuns she left behind were skeptical as to her true motives (citing ego/ getting attention, I think).

Interesting. How old was she at the time? Do you know?

and after she died, they didn't. They wrote a book.

What? Lol. They wrote a book, about confidential things she told them?

kestrel9 ago

Yes, it's sparked both criticism and devotion from the readers. The part that shocked me (besides the fact that they betrayed her confidence) was to learn that not all those who she cared for were terminal and could have been saved by getting common medical attention. Her place was where you went to die. That's the freaky Jesuit thing...I think.

think- ago

Timothy Leary has already admitted it in an interview I posted somewhere.

Wow. Didn't know that.

Re: Tibetan Buddhism - Marina Abramovic was into Tibetan Buddhism when she was younger, it seems she got inspired by it when she created 'Spirit cooking' rituals. (More specifically, by the way tantric Buddhism employs body fluids.)

SearchVoatBot ago

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Deplorableman ago

Great digging! Talk about the Rabbit Hole....OMG

kestrel9 ago

I know, it's crazy. The bloodlines do seem to always (or very often) go back to Nazi supporting Royalty.

Nachose ago


kestrel9 ago


The "Good" Swastika

In the 1930s, German anthropologists were searching all over the Himalayas and India, looking for relics and magical boxes and links of Aryan - Tibetan - Indian ancestry (as evidenced in their corruption of the Buddhist image of the swastika, lower left): (see article I can add pic later*.)

(Uma) Thurman's maternal grandfather was Colonel Baron Friedrich Karl Johannes von Schlebrügge, a German military officer who had become one of the senior Nazi spies in the Americas but who was also jailed by the Nazis for protecting Jewish friends -Wiki:

But I go into more detail on this aspect of the story over in the Acidemic Journal of Film and Media #7: The Nordics issue (check out the expanded Uma Thurman is from Venus story here) I only want to touch on it for the sake of common-thread weaving. We can't ignore facets of the story just because of the evil that resulted. There is still much conspiratorial dot connecting to be done on the relationship of the Vinyanas in the Mahabarrata to the Hannebu UFO aircraft made in Germany under the guidance of mystic Maria Osric. The link above will delve more into it, but even more shall be revealed still...

One can't connect it all without the weird, hard-to-believe encounters with friendly Nordics by George Adamski and Billy Meier. True or hoax, we learn from them and other sources that the Nordics are very tall, as are Uma and Nena.

And here's a fascinating video on Nordics and The Pleiadians youtube made by gorgeous mystic Gigi Young, who looks not a little bit like Nena Von Schlebrugge! Coincidence? She seems to know more than a little about the Nordics and, like Nena, she went from fashion into eastern spiritual realms. Her genetic resemblance to the goddesses above is surely no coincidence

Well, by now the interconnectedness of these links has left me slightly exhausted. I'd like to close by saying I mean no disrespect to anyone I've mentioned. I'm a big fan of Robert Thurman's work in making Tibetan Buddhism both understandable and academically valid in the west. And I adore Uma, and can tell from her photos and choices in husbands that her mom Nena is a hell of a beautiful, deep, deep lady. So... take all I've said with a grain of sand... but know that that grain contains the universe in its entirety in microcosm... Let yourself ponder the weird ways in which the higher levels of consciousness breed beauty with wisdom to the benefit of us all, and realize too, to be beautiful and prosperous is the first step is to become altruistic instead of egocentric. Let go of your morbid self interest, your confusion of plain and 'normal' as good, and as John Lennon said "relax and float downstream... it is not dying." Hell no, JL, it is beginning...

even if all that's beginning is the ending.

Prophetic words perhaps, given the torture rooms in the tunnels on Epstein's island, Little St. James.