SaveOurGrandChildren ago

Military often communicates in code & has done so for centuries. The deep state also communicate by code - just check out some of comey's & maggie haberman's tweets. There is a whole study on numerology found within the Bible. My personal feeling is SB2 has a tremendous understanding of what is going on these days. If you have time, "The Imitation Game" is a great movie. Story is based on true historic happenings in WWII.

One of the biggest heroes in WWII was Alan Turning, who was assigned to break the Nazi's code. Turning & his team, after some time, broke the code. The team used, at that time, the recently developed computer.

I personally feel SB2 is a phenomenal blessing to those who appreciated his interpretation of US & world events.

If you are not comfortable with SB2 posts - don't read them. For the rest of us, SB2 provides tremendous insights, so does Emperor Rex, even though Emperor Rex & SB2 will, at times, not line up with each other.

late2thegame ago

Thanks for the information. Looks like the shills piling up on you.

Shiftworker1976 ago

Well shills are here far and wide with there analysis. SB2 cannot be trusted? I have been a Q fag for a while! Reawakening is tough these decodes that you read run deep and span from a time past. JFK was the first President to introduce us to The Plan. SB2 is decodeing from it to now and further.Trusting is critical to survival here. Great men only come by in time, you must be here because of the Trump. Both will not loose the battle. WWG1WGA

Spiderbees ago

Good post

2TBob ago

Why are all the comments about SB2 instead of what SB2 said? Your attacking "A" messenger. Believe all of what he said or none of it, your choice. I find this decode of his fascinating either way. He, (SB2), being the Christian that he is, was not comfortable reporting this and yet he did anyway.

Phantom42 ago

SerialBrain is a fucking schizo freak.

rickki6 ago

Ty for posting... I follow SB2 !!!

TurquoiseLover ago

I believe that Serialbrain has direct connection to Q. Remember President Trump mentioned the "Brain and the mouth" a few months back.

rickki6 ago

I believe that as well

magavoices ago

I was forced to dig up this info on SB2 being delusional and so I'm posting it here, rather than having it buried in a long thread that nobody will see.

SerialBrain2 said that Trump personally read his gematria decoding of Q1675, and that Trump was so excited that SB2 decoded it properly that Trump made a tweet about NK nuclear tests, whose purpose was to send SB2 a confirmation "reward" recognition that his gematria interpretation of Q1675 was correct.

Does that sound completely insane? Does anyone really think Trump read any of SB2's dozens of mile-long posts, thereafter getting so excited about their proper decoding that he wanted to send a confirmation signal to give SB2 a "wink" that his decodes are correct?

Scroll down to ...

Now, I want to give some help to those who are still skeptical about Trump directly communicating with our Movement since his Great Falls speech. I am happy to see it is now a minority but we still have to try to get everybody on board.

SB2 is saying Trump is "directly communicating with our Movement", but what he's about to do thereafter is attempt to prove that Trump is directly communicating with him.

I have established that Trump gave us 2 ways to connect the servers to the Q1675 riddle

So, SB2 posts his "decode" with his typical gematria and other oddball methods of deciphering Q's posts.

Is it a coincidence the next day I posted the “Apprentice” connection, Trump tweets this:

SB2's Q1675 decode had speculation regarding The Apprentice

No it’s not a coincidence. Trump is confirming that the decoding is correct and he is giving us, as a reward, a proof and a confirmation, a third path to the servers. Thank you Mr. President, message received.

SB2 comes to the conclusion that because of a tweet from Trump that capitalized N and T in nuclear tests, that Trump had read SB2's post regarding "Apprentice" connection to Q1675 and wanted to reward SB2 with a proof and confirmation.

Yes, SB2 is so delusional that he thinks Trump has the time to read his posts and that Trump tweeted a reward to SB2 as a confirmation that his gematria decodes are correct.

Oh, and if you don't believe Trump was directly messaging SB2 to confirm his decodes are correct (outside comms) ... then SB2 has this message for you:

I am happy to see it is now a minority but we still have to try to get everybody on board.

SB2 says you're in the minority ... that a majority of the Q movement believes him.

D e l u s i o n a l.

magavoices ago

@Mycofruit where are you?

I can't believe SB2's #1 cheerleader and sycophant won't respond to this accusation against SB2.

This talent must pay well.

You accused me of being a paid troll.

Arguments and complaints are a specialty of mine.

You asserted your dominant prowess in making arguments.

So get in here and let us all know whether you believe what SB2 says above, or agree with everyone else that he's a fraud.

Mycofruit ago

Did you leave your open mind, and any sense of humor somewhere along the way? Did you stop your meds or something? Why do youcare how I feel about anything, or anybody? I'm just expressing my viewpoint. Breathe.

magavoices ago

Did you leave your open mind, and any sense of humor somewhere along the way?

Is spreading disinformation about Q supposed to be hilarious?

You said SerialBrain2 never said Trump was tweeting directly to myself. I show in detail that he did and you're the one complaining about me not having an open mind?

Why do you care how I feel about anything, or anybody? I'm just expressing my viewpoint. Breathe.

I expressed my viewpoint. You called me a liar. You called me a paid troll. You challenged my agenda. You defended SB2, claiming he didn't do the things I said he did. And now, after all your brow beating regarding SB2, you're no longer willing to white knight for him any longer after I outlined the truth.

Perhaps you should have just "breathed".

WokeByTheStorm ago

Q linked to SB2..soooo there's that

Truther65 ago

I am convinced SB2 is full of shit. He makes all kinds of illogical assertions. His last video before this one he was talking about aliens causing all our problems. It had a very contorted explanation that only he could understand. He is deeply involved in his Church roots and starts preaching very fundamentalist Christian views which are false and cultish. I have sworn off this psyop. He does the movement more harm than good.

Shiftworker1976 ago

I think mot

angelCole ago

Sometimes posts get ignored because they fall off the hot page so quickly that one never gets the chance to see it. It probably wasn't intentional except maybe someone else wanting it to fall away by making other posts.

Mycofruit ago

Clones are effective, plentiful, and you don't have to pay them. Human cloning ops have been going for years. This is one of those near-indigestible pills Q has been alluding to.

magavoices ago

SB2 is full of shit. He always posts stuff that ...

  • Cannot be verified.

  • "Knowing" about it does you no good. What do you think you're going to do with the above info? Can you stop it? No. Can you meme about it? No. Can you prevent it? No. There is literally nothing you can do with the info.

  • Is Q going to present vital information that we must know by means of gematria that can only be deciphered by SB2 with massive leaps of logic? No.

  • Stuff SB2 posts never makes it to the Q map. Anything you need to know goes into the Q map, which you can find a link to in the right column. If Q left us clues for something, and we haven't figured it out and put it in the Q map, he tells us to go dig deeper and gives more hints. Literally nothing SB2 has ever "figured out" via gematria has ever made it into the Q map.

You would think Q would link to SB2's gematria if it were important. He never has. SB2's only claim to fame was calling out Corsi, and it had nothing to do with gematria (in fact, it happened before SB2 ever started posting his insane gematria leaps of logic).

SB2, at best, is a delusional namefag. At worst, he is a psyop whose purpose it is to post crazy shit and then make everyone else look crazy by association.

Mycofruit ago

Ad hominem attacks NEVER translate to WWG1WGA. Gotcha!

magavoices ago

It's not ad hominem if it's true.

WWG1WGA eh? Where Corsi goes, do you go? Where Alex Jones goes, do you go?

Where Jack Posobiec goes, do you go?

What's funny is that SB2's only claim to fame came from outing someone who was telling lies about Q.

Yet SB2 sycophants won't allow for any actual criticism against him.

Q said no outside comms, yet SB2 specifically claimed Trump messaged him directly in a tweet (via gematria) to confirm his posts about Q.

That is an outside communication. SB2 is just as guilty as Corsi.

Mycofruit ago

Closer reading...critical thinking. SB2 never claimed a ( him...) riddle answer via Tweet from POTUS.

This smacks of "don't look there," so I'm probably wasting chi volleying with a shill, but you Dividers are so tedious and annoying.

magavoices ago

Closer reading...critical thinking. SB2 never claimed a ( him...) riddle answer via Tweet from POTUS.

You're wrong.

Have to link to them because the reddit was deleted.

Scroll down to " I have established that Trump gave us 2 ways to connect the servers to the Q1675 riddle using the string NT"

Setup: SB2 made a post about ...

I have established that Trump gave us 2 ways to connect the servers to the Q1675 riddle using the string NT: the first one was through “wouldn’t”, the second one was through “Apprentice”.

Then SB2 says ...

Is it a coincidence the next day I posted the “Apprentice” connection, Trump tweets this:

SB2, very explicitly infers that Trump read his post about his interpretation of Q1675, and Trump wanted to confirm to SB2 that his post was correct, so Trump made a tweet the next day about it to confirm exactly what SB2 posted is correct.

This is SB2's own words:

No it’s not a coincidence. Trump is confirming that the decoding is correct and he is giving us, as a reward, a proof and a confirmation, a third path to the servers. Thank you Mr. President, message received.

Yes, SB2 actually thinks Trump actually read his post, and wanted to make a tweet to confirm to SB2 that his conclusions were correct through capitalizing N and T on nuclear tests.

If that's not the literal definition of delusional, I don't know what is.

How about you, Mycofruit? Do you think Trump read SB2's post and made a tweet to confirm it? Really? I want to hear you call SB2 delusional or say that he is 100% correct and that is the truth. Which is it?

Mycofruit ago

Yeah, it is. Little/big poisonous zots of Divisiveness, no matter if it's subtle, or from whose pie-hole it spews. It's a demon using their mouth to spread it's evil agenda. Go to the Logical Fallacy list, and check it out. And, imho opinion, NO ONE is the arbiter of Truth. "Be careful who you follow."

magavoices ago

Yeah, it is. Little/big poisonous zots of Divisiveness, no matter if it's subtle, or from whose pie-hole it spews.

Go to the Logical Fallacy list, and check it out.

100% of ad hominem are personal insults. Not 100% of personal insults are ad hominem. SB2 is delusional, 100% truth. SB2 is a namefag, 100% truth (its why you won't ever find him posting on QRV ... his sycophants wouldn't know where to find him to give their blow jobs).

Ad hominem is 100% insult with no facts. My post is 100% facts. His posts are bullshit = fact. He is a namefag (in an anonymous community centered around Qanons, who are followers of Q and who are also anonymous), he insists on promoting his name. He won't post on QRV and he doesn't post on 8chan as anonymous. He's as namefag as they come. He's also delusional. He's so delusional that all I would offer to prove he is delusional is everything he has written. There is no adhominem there, it is all 100% fact.

Furthermore, SB2 is not MAGA. He's not American. There was a big thread on that before Reddit shut down GA.

Little/big poisonous zots of Divisiveness

Your fallacy is that you assert there can be zero argument or complaint against someone who claims they are MAGA (whether or not facts back up that claim). I am MAGA. That means you cannot argue against me, correct? Not without it being divisive. Divisive is bad, why are you being divisive against me?

Q just literally said📁

Be careful who you follow.


Q literally just warned everyone to be careful who you follow, yet according to you, warning people who they follow is divisive and is against WWG1WGA. Ridiculous.

or from whose pie-hole it spews.

Did you just call my mouth a pie-hole? Did you just call my mouth a pie-hole?

Did you just call my mouth a pie-hole?

How very ad hominem of you.

Mycofruit ago

Yes. I made an ad hominem attack against the demon that uses ANY PERSON's pie-hole.

Curious. How did you make the impressive leap from Q's FoxNews link to SB2? This talent must pay well.

Arguments and complaints are a specialty of mine. You're purposefully side-stepping the point. Here's more AH for ya: Being a pea-shooter negball is the point.

MAGA, in this context, is a Red Herring. This is about Spiritual, inter-dimension[n]al warfare, and the details of how it's 'playing' in 3D. WWG1WGA. Duh.

magavoices ago

Arguments and complaints are a specialty of mine.

Great. I'm looking forward to your response to this one:

Mycofruit ago

Kek. So THAT's the Truth criteria--it must be mentioned by Q, and linked to QMap.

...but...muh Proof!

PatriotLady1 ago

Thanks for the post and all your work. I'm reading your Occult posts. May God come soon and cleanse our Earth of this evil presence. Amen

whiteboy77 ago

Does anyone else think this guy obviously makes leaps in logic, using numerology and apparently hidden messages, to craft a narrative? Do you think his use of numerology then using it to find associations is misleading, or reveals Trump's, Q's true intentions?

QPilledLib ago

I think he is mentally ill.

Paranoiaattack ago

Yes, he's a dumb sack of shit

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

SB is a literal nutcase and ANYONE with that free time and ego could replicate the results. They are forced and only fool the boomer normies who think they are woke.

Speaking of boomer normies who think they are woke, that means the majority of you people as a whole.

This should help.

KYanon ago

Yes Potus lead us hear first with #17 , then he introduced us "The Brain is more important than the mouth"and most of SB2s decodes have came to be true. He was the one that knew the time and date of no names death. Brennan ordering the missile firing on AF1 just seconds before it happened . the deep state uses the same language. That's why he led us here. Look at comey Tweets on the day GHWB died? Good stuff!!!

kestrel9 ago

For those of us who don't follow SB2, sauce please on him being the one calling no names death and Brennan ordering missile firing seconds before it happened.

KYanon ago

Enter SerialBrain2 in search bar on this sight and read all of his de codes. Look at dates.

rickki6 ago

Yes! Exactly

mrGaudi ago

Yes, huge leaps to fulfill some narrative, I find it outlandish more than often.

LaeliaPurpurata ago

He lost me at the letter L being the 64th letter of the alphabet...

TurquoiseLover ago

You can count letters in the alphabet until infinity. 1-26 then start A over at 27 and start counting again. This is how gematria works. All divisible by 26.

divine_human ago

thats only because you cant count.

eldorann ago

"L" = 12th letter of alphabet.

Length of alphabet = 26 letters.

2 * length = 52.

64 = Two cycles of alphabet + 12.

Why he'd express it as 64 and not 12 is a mystery. Confusing that way.

Mycofruit ago

Doesn't everyone do that? Use every crumb they find to follow a trail...make intuitional and logical leaps that might be different from someone elses? Go back to the no-logic-at-all MSM, then, if you're butthurt over decoders and their methods.

SB2 wants to assist, and point to possibilities, and you just wanna throw shade?

Hand_of_Node ago

I've read some of his posts, and Cereal Brain is more like it.

Mycofruit ago

SB2 has upped the level (phase III), just as Q+ has. I'm sure he's fortified himself for the inevitable Globe Theater mosh-pit reactions (rotten vegies), and snowflake meltdowns (sincerely, bless your divine heart). KeK! He's fearless, just like DJT and friends.

I've been patiently waiting for the indigestible part of the Story to exit the gate, and..."they're off!" Just 'cause ya can't/won't keep up, doesn't mean it's devoid of the Beef.

Hand_of_Node ago

Uh... Sure.

NellerBean ago

The easiest way to discern is to go back through all his previous posts to see if they came to pass. Not sure if Reddit wiped out his old posts when they closed down the Q subs — if not, it's easy to go back to the beginning and see what actually shook out and what didn't.

AlternateSelection ago

Whoa and Wow! Interesting and terrifying stuff! Just realized the rabbit hole goes A LOT deeper than I imagined. Nope, majority of the public are not ready for this kind of info. It can feel very much like losing your mind having your "world map" shattered. I want to know where the truth leads.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Let me at 'em. I'll sort them out.