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1southofyou ago

That Q is real is unarguable. I’ve seen the posts. What Q really is, well, that’s another story entirely. Below are the theories I’ve seen proposed in Voat.

Which do you think Q is? And Why? Or add another.


2)inner DJT/NSA circle

3)larp coopted by DJT team because of success in mainstreaming pro-trump anti-establishment message

4)psyop or simply one part of DJT overall media strategy

5)psyop to further divide US politically by some ABC agency

6)Jesus or God

7)Democrat party psyop to divide

8)small group of hackers or other computer/web/code gurus

9)coordinated well funded outside of government group psyop or other propagandist type of dissemination of ideology

Ponycam ago

jfk jr, for those who believe he's still alive.

1southofyou ago

Thx. Any idea why my comment is down voted? I am asking a serious question. There are plenty of people lurking and posting on here with differing beliefs. I’m just curious as to what they are.

Shizy ago

Any idea why my comment is down voted?

It could be because you are new. Some users see a brand new account and will automatically downvoat as are suspicious of new users and their intentions.

1southofyou ago

Well I was “1southrising” but I accidentally tapped the log off button with my pinky yesterday (forgotten password) and then when I did the - Voat send you link to renew password thing - Voat never sent me anything. So I created a new profile as I had no choice.

I didn’t get this bullshit the first time I was a newbie.

Thanks for the response!

Shizy ago

I see. It may be different this go around because of the recent issues we had with a former mod pretending to be a new user and fooling everyone. Hopefully it will stop once people become familiar with your username.

1southofyou ago

A former mod pretending to be a new user?...what happened and why would that happen? Im up on politics but totally out of the loop on that. Not even sure why that matters.? If u have the time could u give me some background?

Shizy ago

It was pretty crazy. Lots of drama. If you're really interested, this post is probably the best to explain what happened:

Type-o-negative was the former mod who came back reinvented with an alt.

hangry ago

You need neutral family-friendly lovable fuzzball mods who treat everyone fairly, like me. I nominate myself, in the spirit of goodwill and unity.

Shizy ago

Oh hangry, you're funny! 😂

I do appreciate that you treat everyone fairly. I dont think everyone would agree with that, but you don't go low when disagreeing with people, which is appreciated.

hangry ago

But mah moderator gibs! That would be sooo funny.