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NoRoyalty ago

Dear President Trump, help those burned out, sick and dazed supporters of yours. Arrest the top Democrats in that state. People are dying.

NoRoyalty ago

What the fuck is Trump waiting for? Do something to help your supporters living in tents while the cold nights make them more miserable. And now Norovirus??? We are sick and tired of inaction.

Jimipickle ago

That one confuses me too. Pain will come but we ought to be doing more, right? Things in play we cannot see, answer will come, people will pay. Godspeed

Shizy ago

It's called the "camp fire" because that is the name of the area where the fire originated:

It's pretty common to name fires this way.

Jimipickle ago

Geographical location that is easily communicated to all emergency personnel. That is all it is. Not that it is the cause but a known location.

RagingShieldMaiden ago

Dude, the name Camp Fire came from it starting near Camp Creek Rd in Paradise. Not everything is a damn conspiracy.

WanderingTaurus ago

It is a CAMP fire:

Common Ada Misssile Package


Coastal Area Management Plan

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

A random thought. The drone flyover showed several banks of solar panels, which were not burned. If a DEW had been used, would there have been an energy spike produced by any of these? Could there be some sort of correlation?

If not, could they have been saved purely by their reflectivity?

GodsAngell ago

Update: Someone asked for Satellite Evidence, well here it is! Satellites picked up a sudden fire explosion that could be seen via satellite:

GodsAngell ago

Good point, probably why the solar panels were avoided.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

I’ve searched for Q confirming DEWs started these fires, as you state at the top, using search tool but cannot find anything.

Where is it, please?

GodsAngell ago

It was late last spring, if my memory serves me correctly. I jumped for joy and sent to everyone I know, because I knew the evidence all pointed to DEWs being used in the Oct 2017 fires.

I'm still under the weather or I would go look for it myself. Maybe I will feel well enough tomorrow to search for it.

But Q said it. Trump Team know EXACTLY what is going on in CA.

Maybe try a search on "Fire" or "CA".

RagingShieldMaiden ago

Do you know how far Santa Rosa is from Paradise? It's a couple hour drive.

Shizy ago

And they're in different counties as well, so planning, decision making, policy, etc for Santa Rosa would have no impact or relevance to paradise.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Thx GA. date range will help..

I watched the vids, and can’t understand why the great State of California hasn’t whisked all of these people away into hotels.

They look worse cared for than the bloody migrant caravans com8ng through Mexico....

MissleCopterStoped ago

Jerry Brown looks guilty as fuck...

PacaGoat ago

We are cattle, it butchering day. We've awakened and master is not happy. This is their let them eat cake moment.