Jigsy17 ago

I love the demographics for ‘more educated voters’ voted for democrats. That’s hilarious because nowadays, more education = more indoctrination.

Trizzle1 ago

We will not!

MudPuddlePie ago

McSally conceded quickly. She is confident, relaxed and calm (seems happy) in her twitter vid. The last sentence in her statement...(paraphrase) "Arizona's best days are ahead..." You really think she she would say that without knowing something? You really think McSally thinks Sinema is good for AZ? LOL...McSally knows something. It's going to work out.

COAnon ago

America? How about just normal justice! We haven't had an actual DOJ or FBI for a few decades. How disgusting is that?

ButterMyPopcorn ago

Why set traps and spring them on one fraud, when you can wait just a bit longer, for all the rats to hop into the trap? Why rush and let many escape? Watching all of this impatience is exhausting.

WSI2018 ago

Looks like we are! 'cause it just happened.

bamadeplorable420 ago


Apastor1999 ago

The public are a dumb, uninformed mass that will believe whatever the shiny box in the living room says. So, as long as the fraud helps the side of the media, yes.. they will stand by it completely.

Revodude ago

32 years the Republicans were kept legally from fighting voter fraud. That has now changed legally. Let's hope they put the practicality with that and put dems in jail.

57005-177 ago

What blows my mind is no one even knew about this little consent agreement. And when I say no one, I am speaking about voters.

Just like social media, our government has grown too big, that needs to be broken into parts too.

MudPuddlePie ago

Yes...I'm sure there are lots of other little agreement that we don't know about. I think (hope) the sheeple at large are made aware of this little agreement. I don't have tv so I don't know if Hannity is covering this. What a scam. It explains so much about our elections these long years.

57005-177 ago

I have a 90 inch tell a vision and never use it. I got it from a relative that passed away. Before that, I had a 32 but that is my new monitor for my old eyes.

MudPuddlePie ago

90 inch monitor? Is that what you mean? If so...nice.

57005-177 ago

90 inch flat screen smart tv except it isnt so smart because I am smarter and not letting that thing access the internet.

MudPuddlePie ago

LOL...good job!

Revodude ago

There is no way that there was that many Republican split ticket votes. Not only were they adding dem votes, they were subtracting Republican votes.

Vibratron ago

I agree, that's a ridiculous difference

1patriot99 ago

The real question here is -- why are the R's standing by with their thumbs up their rear ends and not shouting long and loud about the blatant injustice involved? Sometimes inaction speaks far louder than any words could ever say. At least it does to me.

Tripsick ago

Yes as you can see the Trap was NOT sprung or even set. This corruption will continue to go as you guys wait for something to happen. And when it doesn't, just move those goal post and say disinfo is necessary.

Michael3500BC ago

I hope not

Qmajor ago


Michael3500BC ago

Let us all hope it is a sting.

TrishaUK ago

I 100% believe it is! Trust the Plan - 'Speculation' and 'accusations' of voter fraud would not stand up in court, it HAD to be 'ON RECORD' which is what happened in this sting. If the good guys stopped this happening then that would have only been the low life level, they needed it to go right to the top, hence the waiting! We are told ahead of time by Q yet everyone still seems to want to jump ship. It took decades to get into this mess 2 years is hardly enough to right the world! @57005-177

HoppyHap ago

Would you allow your surgeon to operate hoping he can find out what is wrong with you?

TrishaUK ago

Still trusting Q Plan - the P-A-I-N is coming............ We know people are falling away even when we knew discouragement was coming. We have to stay strong and trust, it is and will happen, the swamp is being drained, look how many have been fired/resigned/died, come on guys lets encouraging one another. I am sure the soldiers in WW1 & WW2 were discouraged at times, they went through far more than we are behind our computers, imagine how they felt after years of fighting, then came the VICTORY!!......WE ARE ON THE WINNING SIDE......WE WILL WILL! WWG1WGA - Jeremiah ch 29:vs 11 11. For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future

57005-177 ago

These shills are trying their hardest to divide us especially at a time were it looks like they are winning, we all know it is an illusion.

I on the train still, not going to jump off either, whether it is moving or when it is still.

I really liked your comment, made me think of when a leader gives a motivational speech to their troops to push morale up. Thanks for that @TrishaUk.

TrishaUK ago

Thank you :) Sometimes when we get so involved it is harder to see further ahead in front of us, the enemies 'seeming victories' HOWEVER, I am atm listening to X22REPORT youtube explain Q post and he is Soooooooo encouraging. He follows the path I have thought regarding the mid-terms. That it has all been allowed so that corruption is captured on 'file' so to speak. Speculation and accusations are not enough in court, hard evidence is needed. Q Said they have it all now! We are now just awaiting the distribution to the public of the declassification proof. People give up just before the victory, I for one do not want to be one of those, the prize at the end is too valuable. Freedom is good versus evil and I am sticking with GOOD.

baccachew75 ago

Trusting for what reason? Seriously? This is cultish delusion. Q played us.

57005-177 ago

Shut the fuck up Chewie.

SenoritaPants ago

Fuck this! I am rapidly losing faith, I am so sorry. My whole heart is in this. Please don't call me a shill, I have lost many friends and even some family because of my faith in the Great Awakening. This is the time for action, a WEEK ago was the time for action. Im not sure what else I am supposed to be waiting for.... Please let me eat crow on this, I want so badly to be wrong....

TrishaUK ago

'Nothing worth having comes easy'& 'Anything worth doing is worth doing right'............These are 2 sayings I have heard throughout my life and it has proved to be true. I know we are waiting for what seems a lifetime, but now the plug has been pulled, it drains quickly......a whirlwind is coming and has already begun. Don't loose faith, it is worth sticking it out......you are on the right side and the victory will be SWEET! Lock her & her evil cabal up!!

57005-177 ago

You should have Teresa May’s job, UK needs a person like you, you are a natural leader imo.

TrishaUK ago

Thanks for that. I have opinions, but not really a front person, but I do encourage people wherever I find myself, not to give up hope. One incident comes to mind. I was in hospital a few years back with a deep vein thrombosis and while waiting for days in the emergency ward, there was a young man brought in who had tried to commit suicide. Because I was in the bed nearer the nurses station I could hear them discussing him disparagingly. He had been held over night and he came down to the desk in the morning and asked if he could be discharged. One nurse sort of snarled at him 'you can't go, you have to wait for a psychiatric evaluation, go back to your bed!' - I listened to the conversation that followed among them, apparently he had attempted suicide a few times, and one of the comments I heard was 'hes just a total waste of space' - I off the bed and asked if I go talk to the young lad (who I later learned he was only 19) the nurse said basically 'please yourself'. I went down to the end of the ward, he was sitting on the side of his bed head in his hands. I said 'hi do you mind me talking to you?' he said that it was okay. I chatted for a while and could hear his hopelessness, when he finished, I said 'well, you know why you didn't die don't you?' he looked right up at me and stared right into my eyes, I continued 'its because God has a plan and purpose for you'......in all my life I have never seen HOPE returning to someones eyes like that, he had such sadness but when I said that sentence, I saw a flicker that literally lit his eyes. I explained how God loved him and that everything he was feeling can change if he is prepared to trust God. I asked if I could pray for him, and he said yes, as I was praying quietly and privately for him the nurse, who made the disgusting comment about him, came up walked passed us and said 'oh I don't believe in all that praying stuff!' I stopped praying looked right at her and said 'that's why YOU can't help him' - she scuttled off. Anyway, the upside is I kept in contact with him after I got out of hospital, he came round to my house, played computer games with my teen son and began going to church with us. He flourished in the love of God and then moved on. We lost touch, but about 5 years later I was passing the hospital when this man came running over the road towards me in the street calling Trisha. I looked over to see it was him, he grabbed me hugged me and said I am so excited, at the same time he was calling and waving his wife over to me. She had just had a new baby and they had come from the hospital after the baby check up. He was gushing to her, this is Trisha I told you about! Well it was amazing to see him with his little family after all the troubles caused in his life because of a broken family. He had said at the time I just want someone to love and start my own family to do better than what I had. God is good, always, and I am grateful that I got to see the results of encouraging him that day. Can you imagine how many people we don't know about that we have encouraged to go on and do better in their lives. Words are powerful, and I one thing my children have learned from me over the years is 'if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all!' haha - there goes my sermon of the day! haha

moblodite ago

May be celebrating too soon? still too close to call, How the hell when it is 6 days after the election! I smell something dead in the ductwork !

new4now ago

I wonder if this is giving them more rope in which to hang themselves?

Trump and Co need to bust a move soon

HoppyHap ago

Democrats have been stealing elections for longer than you have been alive. They are good at it and no one goes to jail. Just because you want it to happen does not mean it will happen.

new4now ago

Well shit Hoppy, next thing your gonna tell me is that there is no Santa? ;)

57005-177 ago

Santa = satan?

Even more now when I about it, Christmas is Jesus Christ’s birthday, why do we basterdize the holiday and totally ignore Him while we all pretend the 25th of December is EVERYONE’s birthday. We should be giving him praise not each other, as he willingly died on the cross for us and our sins.

I know you were joking about it, but that popped in my head and felt the need to say it for some reason and not towards you, but any Patriot that comes along and reads it.

new4now ago

those we fight have been at it a long time

The Catholic Church started when Jesus had died

They follow Peter, who denied him 3 times

things have been bastardized since

You got to have faith, for without you are lost :)

Majcm ago


singlebrain1 ago

150 years at least.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Bro- That's all they Do. It's hard to rationalize. It's like they are all secret Trump agents. I mean, Sure they could bust a move soon.... But As you said, They are just giving them more rope, And they are too stupid To not to take it. Or Again, Secret Trump agents.

new4now ago

maybe we need to do some left thinking

we put so much on the right side

GodsAngell ago


Elections so Fraudulent Because Processes So FLAWED it Literally Means NO REPRESENTATION!!!

PLAN: A) Everyone Take the Same Day Off from Work in Protest. B) We ALL Stop Paying Our Taxes.....that will get D.C.'s Attention. C) Man the Guns for a Bloody Civil War. https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2848472

SuckaFree ago

I've been ready for another American Revolution. I live in FL, the land of f*@cked up voting numbers. I think the elections should be held again...nationally. Have the Feds throw out the Nov 6 results and have a Nationwide runoff.

75usmc79 ago

My view, call the election from election night. Anything after that can not be trusted. Semper Fi

Revised ago

In my view even the election night results are tainted with non citizen votes.

But better than the blatant criminality on display since then.

Of course, the Dems will accept nothing but complete capitulation.

EuropeNeedsFixing ago

I believe this is exactly what is happening. In the mean time everything is recorded. Trump has tweeted that any voter fraud will be sanctioned to maximum allowed. I think he is man of his words.

new4now ago

and in the meantime, liberals are sinking into the abyss of insanity, making them very dangerous

The man needs to bust a move quickly

JimmyZCA ago

Senate races have national implications - Trump should invoke civil rights voting act and move in.

singlebrain1 ago

I think RICO laws will bring them down. The feds have little control over state election officials.

roughman ago

Sure America will tolerate voter fraud... we never do anything about it. If something is done about it this time I will be surprised but I'm not expecting anything to be done. I hear lots of tough talk, but I do not see tough action.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/fIAUK :

Arizona Election Results 2018: Live Midterm Map by County & Analysis

This has been an automated message.

amarQ144 ago

When it's done they will have Senate and House. Ball's in our court.

Bushpilot ago

Afraid it might be so.

Nonymous608 ago

Of course we will. What choice do we have? We can't stop them from cheating, the MSM won't report it, law enforcement doesn't give a shit and no politician has the balls to say anything...so yes...we will stand for it because there's nobody willing to fight back.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

You know what's funny- If Mccain was alive, They would have been thrilled with his victory. What a vile piece of shit he was.

57005-177 ago

So basically in a few words, Cindy has been handed the reigns to continue the human trafficking empire. Got it.

herestothefuture ago

and they know how they did it

Codyhbgbrb ago

“America” is not law enforcement. When is someone going to ENFORCE THE LAW??

nubbyhubby ago

Who would've thought they would steal it! Lol

Ponycam ago

Short lived, hopefully.

PixieJean ago

Of course they will, it is business as usual. So much for the midterms being safe.

Sam63 ago

Trust the plan. Guaranteed Q had eyes and cameras at corrupt polling stations. We are at war. Fight, pray and wake others. Man up and stop 2nd guessing. We are in good hands.

MudPuddlePie ago

Plus, there are a few months until they are seated. So..lots can happen in that time frame.

HoppyHap ago

Keep living in your fantasy world. Trust the plan sounds a lot like pass the bill to find out what is in it. Stop making excuses and demand your elected offocals to just do there damn job.

Hand_of_Node ago

The "Q" op is working so well that they can openly steal the elections now.

singlebrain1 ago

How many independents and reasonable Dems are watching this unfold, horrified at the corruption?

rockyracoon74 ago

Best guess - none!

Hand_of_Node ago

"Yup, they're doing it again... Say, what's for dinner tonight?" Do you see a lot of people marching in the streets and storming government offices in your area? It's been well-known for decades that the dems steal elections when they can. No one has ever done anything about it, and now they can do it openly on national television.

SukkhaMadiqqa ago

Pretty sure we're all supposed to be watching CA. All the other fake news is supposed to be a distraction from CA. Somebody said that, someone who is supposed to be trusted.

rockyracoon74 ago

On there hand, Hillary announced that she’s running for president in 2020.

PeacefulAssassin ago

look at the pretty lights, pay no attention to the criminal acts happening!

GreenGlass ago

Seems they will stand for it. Just not against it.

Quantumdog ago

Nope, we won't.