Ocean_Cruiser ago

As much as I'd love to see these criminals arrested I would be disappointed if they were given a pass by a "progressive" judge, leftover from Obama's administration. I trust the President, Qanon, MI & I believe they do have a plan. Whatever the Dems and te DS do to Trump just never seems to work out and comes back to bite them.

Here's a link that's worth reading: "Trump and the 2018 midterms: the most impressive moves in modern politics."


LilJohnny ago

Op is a shill. Already working on 2020 election and trying to discredit Q and divide us.

DixiePatriot ago

First of all, quite lumping us all together. I personally am not going crazy. I am enjoying the show!

Secondly, use logic and not emotions to think. Can't you see what is happening? The Dems are hanging themselves while we watch!

amarQ144 ago

some don't have as far to go...This is the first election in 36 years where the fraud can be investigated...1/9/2018...Official end of Consent Decree...

Fighting26 ago

We have sat and watched them do this for some time now and nothing ever happens, why will this be any different? If we don't get the Senate we are fucking screwed!! Why the hell wasn't this place closed down then and trucks allowed to come in and out? It all sucks and if it is for what some are saying for Voter ID laws, well that is not worth losing the senate now for. Our state has ID Law already here in Indiana. I think all states should but not at this price at this very moment!!!!

onelson1 ago

I think he knew and that is why he is letting it happen. So he can show the world what he is going to fix. Just a thought.

vangielee17 ago

I believe it is all part of the plan. Must trust and wait for all the crooked places to straighten out, then we will see what was actually meant by Q saying "midterms are safe." Have faith; all will be well

BeachgirlforQ ago

I agree! This voting fiasco is all part of the plan. Q has to let all the fraud come out into the light. Only then can they do something about it without looking like the Reps are the one rigging the system.

MingDynasty ago

Q says a lot thats is never more than disinfo. How do we know "midterms are safe" wasnt more of the same? I dont think Q team is in control nearly as much as they want us to believe.