112263_V_ ago

brush up on your civics, young one. We gave up the house (435 seats, 2 yr lifecycle, min power) for an unprecedented gain in the Senate (100 seats, 6yr life cycle, oversees DOJ/FBI, blocks congresses only job of writing laws, including impeachments.

Add in the idea of many house seats being allowed to be stolen illegally so they can be prosecuted and returned RED, per Q, and that should help your cornflakes taste non-pissy.

Revised ago

I have no need to brush up on civics. I was directly involved 40 years ago and learned things most do not yet get.

But more to the point, your assessment is correct, but you missed my point completely. We The People spoke on Tuesday and half of us said something very disturbing.

Revodude ago

Since 1775 it seems that we have been 1/3 Patriots, 1/3 Loyalists, 1/3 just leave me out of it.
The only thing that has changed is who the Loyalists are loyal to.

GracieTracie2 ago

A true patriot NEVER gives up!

GreaseLightning ago

No they fucking riged and frauded the elction like they always fucking do. How about you push to secure our elections and we win.

Discover-it ago

Half of the people in this country are morons. I honestly don't know how they can call themselves Americans and pull the lever for socialists.

SystemicSubversion ago

I don't under stand the whining of you people. "Oh my faith this" and "oh my heart" that. Simple-minded fools that's what you are and why our country is a mess.

Q says they got the election results needed, that it's all part of the plan. So eithier he is correct and we keep moving closer to victory. Or he is a fraud, this and everything about it are just conspiracies theories run amok.

In both cases you win. The former because the truth is exposed, the latter because the Democrats are then only misguided fellow citizens with whom you disagree with, and not illuminaughty shock troops, in that case hey guess what? The courts are ours and all the repubs have to do is appeal to the suburbanites.

Enjoy the show. But quit whining, it's really quite pathetic.

Rainmakr ago

This not new, this is the path we’ve been on for quite some time. On the path with no plan or real hope to change it. Now we have a plan, now we see the puzzle pieces slipping into place. Now we have leader who isn’t bought and paid for and who has the balls to follow through to execute the plan.

Lunger ago

Overall, its not that bad. We have gains in the Senate which means SCOUS picks get through. Losing the house ....Meh! I'd rather have held it but without the Senate or Executive all it gives us is Pelosi and Waters which will end up being good for 2020.

GritD2 ago

Mad max for speaker! Let's make it so!

CrispyLE ago

Trump is a huge supporter of Israel, the elections have been a means of dividing the people for a long time. Divide and conquer, a Bolshevik practice. Making any sense yet?

Pollycracker ago

The House of Representatives will be given back to the people of the United States in January 2019. Preparations: Those folks who became newly elected Congressman will swore in on January 3, 2019. Indictments will unsealed in January, if not before. Military Tribunals will be swiftly organized in January. NWO leadership will be taken out from both sides, although Trump has done a pretty good job of throwing out or coopting the Republican NWO. Point is no leadership to assign and discipline the new corruption baggage carriers, they will be the most free representatives since establishment of Congress. Democracy survives and the Republic reborn. No one must have told you it's a double feature; the second show is a remake of Tora, Tora, Tora.

Revised ago

Tora, Tora, Tora was a bad day for America. I don't want to have to wait 4 years to watch "The Enola Gay".

angelCole ago

Well if you take out the massive illegals vote it's probably more likely we won the house too.

Revised ago

Definitely a possibility, especially if you factor in the machine fraud as well.

Still, half of America voted against America.

MAGA__ ago

Control of the Senate was what was important. You are not seeing clearly.

Revised ago

Missed my point. The people spoke yesterday. What half of them said is disturbing.

MAGA__ ago

Are you watching MSM?

CMAnon ago

A third of the voters have no clue about anything, and they are the college educated ones. Tells you about the indoctrination, I mean education system in the country. A third vote the same way they and their family's have for generations, straight party line. The rest are the ones trying to make sense of things. Maybe mass arrests will get people's attention? MSM need addressed. Perhaps a few FCC licenses need revoked? Some Anti-trust suits against Google, FB, Twitter will grab some more attention? Essentially we have gangrene in the left arm and the right arm needs to perform radical surgery to save the body and not kill it. We need God, Trump and Q to make it happen. Let's stay the course and trust the Plan.

Pollycracker ago

Military precision, why waste the effort on something that takes care of itself. The objective is not to destroy democracy to preserve a single party. Democracy won yesterday, and it will be preserve again when the democratic leadership is exposed and the new congressman are free to do the people's business.

qanon1776 ago

Half are strongly on the side of good - worth building on.

Revised ago

Glass half full.

qanon1776 ago

I prefer to live my life with glass half full. There is hope - we choose how we handle adversity and process information. I see that we have a lot of people that need the right information - they are NOT going to get it in the usual ways - that is where we come in -

Revised ago

I have been trying to red pill people since 2003 with little success.

It is going to take a drastic event to make the vast majority willing to even listen let alone accept anything outside their world view.

Release of the alleged Hillary pedovore video (if it exists) would do it, but it would also hospitalize millions.

fuckmyreddit ago

I say hospitalizing millions is a small price to pay.

qanon1776 ago

Keep up your work, that is all we can do. Know your audience - some will never pull away out of stubborness or knowing they are right. Let them go. Everyone else can be given info appropriate to where they are - teach them to do their own research and stand by to assist with their questions. Much less stressful for you. 🇺🇸

Psalm144-1 ago

The past two years half of america was willingly being pacified back to sleep by "Q". I am sorry but 8chan Q is a full blown psyop. 4chan Q was the real deal, but not 8chan Q. WAKE UP PATRIOTS! You are being led back to the slaughter!!

Michael111 ago

A quarter of the nation. Half don't even care.

Invicta ago

1/3 of Americans are indifferent. 1/3 hate America. And 1/3 love their country. That was also the way it was during the American Revolution. We shall be like the evergreen trees, the last to fade.

qintel4u ago

Geez Pecimist much? Big Senate win. Judicial and cabinet approvals at breakneck speed and of course this from 8Chan: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2836802?fbclid=IwAR34yo1X5XfjFoeSORTfyg39koKOakyl2xQ3sa2XphCmOFlBjmObS4ECokY

SoCalSurfDave ago

Have faith. This takes great coordination, timing, and strategy.

Does anyone here actually think they just send some cops to knock on the front door of major players in the Deep State and say, "Please pack your bags and come with us."?

Next year is 110 years — over 45% of the years beginning in 1776 — since our country fell to the burgeoning Deep State. Naivette, ignorance, and complacency have worked in their favor for much of the last 75% or more of that time all the while making them all massively wealthier.

The colleges and universities have been infiltrated. Our own minds and those of our children and grandchildren have been systematically poisoned.

This will take some significant time and effort to undo. To right.

Patience and prayer.

IDaMan ago

Youre assuming all who voted were educated, informed voters. This is not the case.

SaneHPOPiSwear ago

It's all part of the plan


ratsmack ago

This is the slow path to hell... it's only going to get worse.

Jigsy17 ago

I have my hand basket all decorated!

con77 ago

Makes me fukn sick

JBtruthteller ago

We are arresting human trafficking at a record pace. Why do you think Trump didn't rally for the house? What do you think is going to happen with all that senate power? Nothing? Our senate is stronger and we have the bad apples out. Project Veritos caught poll criminals working. That will be investigated TX, Georgia and NJ. Who will that lead to. The caravan. The judges. We don't need the criminals in the house to get this thing done. Besides that they will be going Bye Bye soon enough. Rome wasn't built in a day and Justice for our entire lifetime isn't going to be done in two years. You don't show your cards to your enemies and you don't go in without a very precise plan. All the i's dotted. Pray and have faith. That is what we have. God will give us what we need. It may not be instant gratification but it will last forever.

Sexybuttcheeks ago

Over the past 2 years, the left was angry, loud, violent, and hateful. That is the example we need to follow to win elections.

Rhondaher ago

Most of the people who chose Dems are unaware of what they chose. They are brainwashed to believe what they have been programed to believe. They have been dumbed down so much they dont have the capacity to think. There heads are full of music videos and social media and cant see beyond their own self interest and pleasure.They are just plain ignorant. Its going to take education and a red pill a day.

Firevine ago

Yes, at least half of America is retarded and degenerate. Surely there's a final solution for this.

con77 ago

Thin the herd

Modernminuteman ago

I took it as half the people have been dumbed down by our communist school system, MSM AND Hollywood.

CallASpadeASpade ago

Dude, almost half of America is non-white. They chose their ethnic interests over ours. Ideology has nothing to do with it. I bet you still think the of left as white liberals, don’t you? That’s an extremely minor part of their constituency that would be irrelevant without the darkies.

Lonecrowe ago

100% agree... but remember 73% of the population are NPC's.

My goal would be to immediately legislate google, facebook twitter and get all the conservatives back online.

Media and their magic actually do "program" the NPC's into believing it all. The only way to wake them up is to get control of the media back. You know THEY wont let that happen.

valk2 ago

Half didn't. You are basing your numbers off the "official results". Those numbers will change.

Half the country isn't against Trump. Maybe 1/4 might be, but no where near 1/2 of the country.

Voter fraud was on a massive scale, it occurred here in Texas. There is no way the race between Beto and Cruz was that close.

Go look at project Veritas for your proof.

Revised ago

I have seen the Veritas evidence. Proof beyond reasonable doubt in the legal sense against those in the videos. However, "tons of them" in Texas, California, and other states where this occurred is still less than 2% of the total vote nationwide. Enough to flip some tight races, but not enough to ignore the parity between Americans supporting the Republic and those supporting Globalism and the evil for which it stands.

Neinlife ago

Id bet my balls at least a third of the Democrat votes are illegal, dead people, or fake.

MattDawg80 ago

Yeah it's interesting that Q said we got what we need. People assume it's the Senate, but what if it is proof of election fraud???

Neinlife ago

I have little faith

BonnieRic ago

Seriously...If more people voted than were registered to vote, we should redo it. But first, we should evaluate all the new licenses obtained from the DMV in the past 6 months to check for illegals. We will need that information to remove the illegals from the vote registry.

2Weird2Live ago

Didn't Q say that the elections are now safe? Bullshit. We're getting veritas videos from texas talking about 1000s of DACA recipients, who aren't citizens, voting. They've had 2 years to do something about it.

Neinlife ago

they have had much longer than that, since the early 90s at LEAST people have been talking about illegals getting to vote... what good is a democratic republic if the voting system is trash?

2Weird2Live ago

Clinton and Bushs are deep state. They were never going to do anything about this.

fuckmyreddit ago

I'm sure it's more than a third in california.

NamelessMofo ago

This shit right here. I was reading a lot of reports yesterday about very low energy and predominantly blue polling places, and somehow the demonrats pull this out of their ass? They must have been cheating their asses off.

CMAnon ago

At my polling place there's usually a line. There was nobody else voting when I got there at 4:30pm. I'm surrounded by Dems in my neighborhood and nobody there? They said they were doing well and hoping to set a record for a mid term election. REALLY? It's adjacent to a cemetery so I'm guessing those are the voters they planned on counting.

sfscubarob ago

I voted in Los Angeles (Blue central) and there was zero line. I was thinking the same...

Tangent-love ago

And nothing will be done about it.

Firevine ago

I drove by a mortuary the other day, and there were Democrat candidate signs all over the front. They're openly mocking us over it.

looking4justice ago

I believe that the ONLY way they were able to pull this off was that they needed 2 things.

First, the Dems needed a MSM that refused to be fair and was determined to demonize not just Trump, but his supporters. MOST dem voters unfortunately are not well informed and will listen to celebs and MSM. I know a lot of these types of people. Red pilling them is difficult. I refuse to believe that ALL of them are against the US, they are just not educated in what each of their platforms will actually do. Until you can pull each away from the group think and teach them to have individual thought, you won't actually know what they are thinking (because they won't know what they are thinking either).

Second, the Dems had to pick a lot of ex-Military and ex-Government Agents (CIA, FBI, etc) to run for house seats (a number of them were also women which helped as well). That would pull away a number of anti-Trumpers (Republicans and the more conservative independents). If they did not do that, those voters would have just stayed home instead of voting against their party.

If they did not have BOTH of these, they would NOT have gotten the house. We can not stop them from voting in attractive looking candidates, but we have to fix the press issue. The best way is to continue to wake up as many people as we can (a project I am working on) for the next 2 years and beyond.

Revised ago

No argument there, but you miss my point.

bulrush ago

Losing the House isn't as bad as you think. GOP control of the Senate means unlikely impeachment attempt. But Dems will still try to obstruct justice and any investigation.

The foundation has been built, now the movie continues.

NoSafetySmokingFirst ago

Conservatives lost yesterday, saving the USA lost big time yesterday. Q was a nice distraction and I admit I was a believer now not so much. So now we just wait for a civil war?

10TonMantis ago

How the fuck was it ever near 50 50

Revised ago

Leftist domination of the education system and Globalist control of ALL MSM (including Fox)

lowexpectations ago

They chose 'orange man bad'. They listen to the MSM who says that is the most important thing to vote on. Their programming needs to be cracked to see the rest.

Rhondaher ago

Exactly, they have no jdea what they chose. They think they chose one big kumbiaye. They believe the lie.

Fighting26 ago

If you reread what you wrote it really sounds frightening that people would actually want all those things, compared to the people with actual common sense. So then you have to ask yourself, is there really that many people living in this great country of ours that would truly want all that, and I just don't think their can be that many stupid people, so what I assume is this was rigged and we will all find that out very shortly!! Patience my friend, patience!!

lettersofmarque ago

Of course people didn't vote for those things. They were packaged as kindness, compassion, and humanity without voters realizing what they really are. Most cannot conceive that another human being would stab them in the neck and rifle through their wallet for $20 while they bleed to death. Likewise they cannot conceive that a politician would sacrifice this country, its people, and its prosperity for personal wealth and standing. Yet both of those exist - that polly anna view is why they vote democrat.

MDS0341 ago

It shows we ain’t shit in this fight, if anything we hurt Trump imo becuase the whole conspiracy idea could have turned many Americans against the propaganda

Most Americans are scared cats inside and want to stay under the radar, I truly believe this movement hurt the president until he and or Q shows it was real and they saved the country by controlling the chaos to a minimum

Comie being able to campaign literally has me thinking it was all propaganda, thinking but totally not believing yet..

There isn’t one bit of spin that shows me a positive out of this. Yes he has senate, but 34 mother fucking seats is enough to silence Q followers, no matter what, we look like Alex Jones idiots now, so unless the President and Q want us to get respect back, they have to prove people are pedofiles or we will be targeted one day when trump is out of office

Obama never used radical is,am because it allows the opening to arrest anyone that is radical. By not specifying Islam as the radical portion, anyone who is considered radical will be warranted to arrest. Remember that, this fight continues after us and our words are now on the Internet with this movement and your kids will be marked now forever by the cabal

We are not chumps, but now it’s time for us followers to play chess and not be something we aren’t, and that is a part of this fight unless you are a anon researching. Propaganda now is best played silent until we know their play.

Calling people names, will just give ammo to them to use later.

I will get skinned alive for this country, but I will not walk into the slaughter until I know I can Queen on of my pawns, so just like in Rounders, I will check teddie all day long until the opening is there for us to help.

I’m a two tour vet that doesn’t want bloodshed unless victory is possible, right now, we don’t know answers, so we must let the cards play as they lay.

Respect the president and stop using free speech on here like a drug, nigga this nigga that, faggot this faggot that

Are we 6 years old? Yeah great, it’s like having weed and being able to smoke it Colorado with a smile. Yeah great, but the fact remains the same, you might be able to smoke pot in public but great, we are cooool.

Name calling because it’s the first amendment right is legit, and freedom of speech, but are you so immature that you can’t play chess with the idea that although it’s free here on VOAT, isn’t going to make us look like the nazis they call us

A true genius can lay out so many paths of thought instantly and find the ending karma to every path and every scenario, and then rationalize the moves to which best serves the president and not us YET



singlebrain1 ago

I support what you say for the most part. There are many shills and spys here. The negativity is way up. Some posters words are not helping us, Q or DJT, its all about them. I am being quiet for now, waiting, posting some but toning down things elsewhere.

fuckmyreddit ago

MD, leaving comment so I can quote this when people act like idiots.

MDS0341 ago


Jigsy17 ago

Well put. This place is crawling with trolls today as if there was some epic fail. It’s just an election people. Saluting you for your service!

MDS0341 ago

🍻 salute!!

42641 ago

I completely agree MDS0341. There are several trolls on this thread!!! There are contingency plans for this election outcome. There are also advantages to placing the responsibility for change on the Democrats now. We passed the tipping point, the FISA will be declassed, the indictments will be unsealed.

MDS0341 ago

Cheers my friend, appreciated the response!

1patriot99 ago

And thought I could lose all the extra weight I had gained over the years in just a day...

ArielQflip ago


1patriot99 ago

Thank you -- but it applies just the same. I appreciate your message.

Ramon710 ago

I totally disagree. We have the President, more power in the Senate and most of the governors. How is that a loss? In the past the DS/Cabal would have securec 2/3 or more of the House with just a fraction of the money they spent on this election.

With the meager majority the Dems hold on the House they cannot impeach Trump, as they wanted to do, and will have to get the Repubs approval for many things.

Also, if this is such a victory, why is the Media so pissed off. Just look at the articles in Politico and others.

Even though the House shifted this election solidified Trump's position with governors and the Senate and it showed how Hollywood's influence has waned as well as the Media's.

Rhondaher ago

Not only that but many of these dems are going down with the declass and their property seized.

Revised ago

Reread my comment. I am not disputing anything you are saying.

I am just saying, the American people have spoken, and what half of them have said is disturbing.

112263_V_ ago

105 years since a sitting president has had a majority senate elected in his first mid-terms. Brush up on civics 101. 435 2 year term bill writers OR 100 6r Senators overseeing DOJ/FBI AND ALL BILLS FROM THE HOUSE? STFU and start celebrating already!

HouseHawkwood ago

I think some people here are going to have to accept a hard reality when it comes to certain things especially tribalism and identity politic and the viability of Civic Nationalism long term. We have this idea that you can 'just become' American, which I used to believe but believe no longer.

realopticsguy ago

Half of Florida seems to believe in the stuff you posted. That scares me. At least I know who the socialists are in my hood..they hall had Beto signs in their yard. I'm not letting them borrow my tools, and my kids certainly won't be playing with theirs. I don't need my kid being accused of rape.

QualityShitposter ago

Most libtards cant use tools.

realopticsguy ago

To tell you the truth the most run-down houses had Beto signs. One house has 3 nice cars in the driveway but the gutters have fallen off.

M-C-G ago

There is a lot of brainwashing to be undone, they know not what they support. Just all 'orange guy bad' that is going to take time to break them out. I often think about my how my liberal friends are going to have to come to terms with their lunatic support of pedos and murderers. One part of me thinks if they found that stuff out today, they would just dismiss it entirely. And when we start talking about treason, they will say, it's not a big deal. Need to get these people woke asap.

Ramon710 ago

I understand your point. One thing to consider is that this shows us clearly how many people in the US are still not awake. They have been duped by the Media and the Dems, but I'm sure more are good people.

We need to reassess how and in which way we can reach them otherwise the shock of the Declas and the revelation to come will be devastating.

Revised ago

We also need to reassess how to get through to Conservatives. Will they believe the evil that is being practiced among the elite? Will they be willing to accept that the Bushes are on the same team as the Clintons and Obama? Will they accept that their heroes are involved in human trafficing, pedophilia, and human sacrifice?

My friends and family are staunchly Conservative. With the exception of my Mom, the answer with them is NO.

Ramon710 ago

I agree, that needs to be considered as well

numina18 ago

Sadly, this is the case. I think we can attribute a lot of this to the MSM pounding Trump for two years, and the miserable education system that systematically brainwashes the students at every level. Now that 18-year-olds can vote, there are many more NPC's out there. We must help them back to reality.

Rootcause ago

Ok - we picked up Senate seats; have Supreme Court majority; DECAS waiting in the wings; a massive number of arrests for child trafficking; tens of thousands of sealed indictments; midterms got rid of a number of RINOS; etc,etc. I’m looking forward to Pelosi as House Speaker - she is a senile loon who will make the Dems look like the idiots they are. Enjoy the show!

Rhondaher ago

Pelosi wont be there for long, shes going down with the declass

Wheatstone ago

Then why doesn't this movement expose the satanic ritual abuse known as gangstalking?

Two years of Trump and one year of Q and every single one of us is still trapped in a horror show.

So tell us anons. Why have you left us to be tortured and murdered all this time?

Why are we expendable?

What happened to WWG1WGA?

We feel betrayed by you all!

We are abuse slaves for sadistic psychopaths and none of you even care.

Why should we support this movement when you are part of trapping us. When you refuse to believe, defend or support us!?

How would you guys feel if your entire family was being targeted with the known tactics of pedophiles for decades?

You have all betrayed us! We are still being pushed to suicide and all this movement does is gaslight and invalidate us!

You utter fools. You and your family are next if you don't stop this.

MudPuddlePie ago

Wheatstone...Clean up your own backyard before you slam anons for not cleaning up America.

Wheatstone ago

America is the source of these gangstalking programs that targeted me as a child in Scotland and again here in Canada.

So clean up your fucking pedo cult nation already!!!

You dumb fucks declared war on four dozen nations by torturing and murdering their citizens!

You have reparations to pay for the estimated 30 million victims of your silent global holocaust. But you refuse to stop it even now. Seriously, wtf!!!

fuckmyreddit ago

I doubt america is the source of the uk pedos.

Wheatstone ago

USA is the source of the gangstalking and electronic harassment programs that are empowering these pedos to attack anyone that stands against them.

MudPuddlePie ago

Riiiight. You blame the average American anon for bad govt leaders. You blame Americans and Canadians for your "gangstalking." You blame the American people for a "silent global holocaust." You label the American people as pedophiles (and/or pedo supporters) because "they" don't stand up for you. You blame, blame, you blame, call vile names, insult and scream at people who "don't help" you.

It's everyone else's fault, all the time...apparently.

Go clean up Canada before you continue to blame Americans.

Wheatstone ago

I'm doing my part to end this. You are using these pedo tactics.

Do we need to go to war with your fucking pedo cult nation to save our people? Because we fucking will.

We could destroy your nation by sanctions. You don't produce anything like you consume. See the downfall of Rome for a history lesson.

MudPuddlePie ago

LOL...disagree with Whatstone = "pedo tactics." Destroy our nation by sanctions? Ahahahahahahha......

Okydky...bring it, Canadian.

i_scream_trucks ago

This is fucking hilarious mang well done....

PizzaMario ago

I think they have been focused on cutting the pipelines of children being trafficked into the networks. There are only so many resources to go around that are vetted and reliable, in between all the deep state operatives. Stopping the sources of new victims would be key and then following the evidence up the ladder is the appropriate process. We do pray for you, we try to bring things to light in ways that the unknowing blue pill normies would accept. If you are ultra victims we know there are very few professionals that can help you truly escape, as stopping all external triggers suddenly for almost all of you would actually trigger other failsafes that could be fatal to you and others around you.

fuckmyreddit ago

Damn straight, Wheatstone.

Sexybuttcheeks ago

“Suicide weekend”

“These people are stupid”

“We have it all”

Q was talking about us all along

benjitsu ago

You are a pussy ass faggot with a lame attention span. Rome wasn't built in a day and your mother's a whore

Sexybuttcheeks ago

Rome wasn’t built in a day, but it was destroyed in a relatively short period of time.

Wheatstone ago

Wow that really helped end my gangstalking of four decades. Thanks anon.

This is all I can expect from this movement. That's why I'm done with your this.

If you can let millions of us be tortured our entire lives and your response is to silence us with more abuse then fuck you all!

benjitsu ago

WTF are you talking about...nevermind I don't care snow flake. Go back to reddit for whingey circle jerks

Wheatstone ago

More narcissistic abuse from the anons.

No validation or support. So why should any of us gangstalking victims support your self absorbed abuse enabling movement?

Kiss a large portion of your movement goodbye.

Your callous disregard for millions of victims will be the end of the Q army.

You are no different from the dems. You empower the satanists too.

benjitsu ago

Don't need whiners like you. Are you able to create a post without using the word gangstalking? You are too emotionally invested in this, I think you SHOULD take a break

Wheatstone ago

Gaslighting and invalidation. More narcissistic abuse.

How did that help anything?

K-anon ago

We save the children and slaves first then we can go after the gang stalkers. I'm also stalked. He patient anon, God will save us.

Wheatstone ago

Fuck god!

The anons need to take their responsibility towards all these victims seriously.

That means speaking up. Action rather than praying.

I'm so fucking sick of being offered prayer rather than help.

Shove your prayers up your arse. I want to know what it like to live my life without being tortured by satanists.


You OBVIOUSLY live in a place without gun ownership. My advice is to take a chill pill to calm the fuck down, then get educated about weapons, then go get one whether its legal or not. Protect yourself, but don't seek any weapon if your fucking nutz buddy.

MrCooper12 ago

"I want to know what it like to live my life without being tortured by Satanists", well then quit being one (Satanists)!

Wheatstone ago

You all see these victim blaming reality warping pedos on here.

I'm over the target guys. Can you see the flak?

I'm now guilty of my own abuse.

Any of you want to speak up for the victims yet or are you all just happy to watch me be abused here too?

pby1000 ago

That's the thing. A lot could have been exposed six months ago, but it wasn't.

grace8 ago

Just think of the wake up call that is coming with the declass, Mueller and finally arrests. Eyes will open.

I expected they would have revealed some of this b4 the election to keep the house but this ways the liberals have to face the fact that Trump supporters are not "the fringes". We are not less than 30%. They have to ask themselves why so many support him.

GritD2 ago

The only think that keeps me on the faith and trust plan is in any lawsuit you have to show harm. If you cheat but you lose, then no harm. You cheat and win, no prosecution becuase you are the ones prosecuting. You aren't going to do that to yourself..

So , the mental gymnastics I'm doing, say we had to lose to show a harm, keep track of the fraud, then be able to prove harm and fraud to strengthen the voting process, and prosecute those who corrupted / gained the system.

pby1000 ago

Could be. How much longer do we wait?

Fighting26 ago

He can not expose it until Gitmo is ready! He wants them in Gitmo not going through the regular court system. He has his plan, Gitmo is almost finished and the EO goes into effect January 1st 2019. So no big arrest will happen until after the new year!!

lukynumbrkevin ago

So hypothetically if January 1st, 2019 hits and nothing changes will that be the last straw? I don't see how people would be able to accept the goal posts moving yet again. In my eyes Q has about two months to put up or shut up.

I am desperately trying to see the light here but my instincts have me thinking we are all being played once again.

pby1000 ago

Lol. I am thinking what you are thinking.

Monkeybean ago

Iirc it's actually January 19th that the tribunals come into play.

Wheatstone ago

Exactly! So how many of the gangstalking victims killed themselves waiting for help?

Trump could have exposed this two years ago. Q could have exposed this one year ago. So how are we to trust these people if they are happy to play these stupid fucking games while people are destroyed?

They have made you all passive enablers.

GravityReel1999 ago

Explain how you think things would have gone down, & how many of this scum would be in prison right now if Potus exposed this 2 years ago?

Wheatstone ago

This is clearly an assault in military terms.

The military should have been called out immediately to investigate and arrest the perps.

They should have rescued the victims immediately.

This is their job.

GravityReel1999 ago

I agree with victims being rescued, that would be great. But exposing it 2 years ago, no SC in place, DS still heading top positions in FBI/DOJ, Rinos in place, low senate split. Do you think perps would be in jail?

Wheatstone ago

If the public knew that they where torturing and murdering civilians on an industrial scale they would not walk free.

GravityReel1999 ago

What type of proof? Then you have to fight to get a message out with 99% of the MSM who are complicit in this.

Then you have to think about blow back from the DS themselves who have no qualms about firing rogue missiles, downing planes & the list goes on.

pby1000 ago

Agreed. Imagine if "only" 10,000 children went missing each month. They could have been saved from the Cabal. The longer it takes, the more children die, and people call me a shill for saying this.

Wheatstone ago

I know it's fucking ridiculous!

We have QNPC's here that can only see "the plan" and if Q doesn't mention it, it doesn't exist!

pby1000 ago

This whole thing could be a Jesuit psy-op.

Wheatstone ago

Yes, we know they would not expose the gangstalking. So why hasn't the Q team, trump or the anons done it?

Because they have no intention of loosing this level of control and repression!

The continued gangstalking proves this is not legitimately challenging the cabal.

pby1000 ago


Inquisitioner ago

It was also like that in 2016, as you may recall. Trump has still imported a couple million more shitskins since then, so of course they got the little extra nudge to win; the left probably has permanent House control for however long the US federal government will last now.

221113 ago

242 years ago, only about 10% of the American population truly supported the revolution when it got underway. Most weren't true believers until after it was won. History repeats. Most of them are going to have to see the trials and convictions before they come around. And we're going to have to drag them there kicking and screaming. That's what this job is. Accept and embrace.

Gopherurself ago

We need rich white guys to make us amries

Gopherurself ago

Rogwr that brother

fuckmyreddit ago

You forgot to change alts.

Gopherurself ago

Whats that pussy

Sam63 ago

Great post @221113. Spot on. All those that have lost faith in president Trump and the Q team need to think of where would we be today without them? In a living hell.

All in our movement need to know a handful of good men are taking on a powerful army of evil. A evil that made its way into our schools, govt, health care, judicial system and our currencies/banks.

We need to stand with Q and DJT. They are our last hope. WWG1WGA

Holcosu ago

This is true. People are like sheep that have been lead astray. They are so consumed with the darkness it is difficult for light to come in. Heck even God’s own people rejected Jesus Christ. When people are weak minded they will believe anything they are told. This is the Great Awakening. A battle of good vs evil. Those of us that are awake and strong are not controlled . We have to help guide them to the light. We have to pray for their souls and their eyes to be opened. If they refuse, they will perish.

grace8 ago

Yes! It is absolutely amazing that we did as well as we did with the MSM blasting propaganda and the internet censorship over the years.

They will hang their heads in shame that they ignored our voices and the censorship of them. It will haunt them how close we came to loosing our freedom and they slept thinking they knew better than us. Some will never recover their confidence in their own judgement.

Wheatstone ago

So how many more years of gangstalking will I need to suffer before this movement believes a single one of us.

We are millions and none of you are doing a dam thing to help us!

Your next. Don't you care about self preservation?

112263_V_ ago

Shush. We dont need support from newbs anymore so stop whining. They will be force fed now. No choice. Re: your friends, part of growing up is parting ways with those not aligned with your vision. Out with those that harm, in with those that dont. Google the term gaslighting to understand their attacks and help defend against. Its all mental. Aimed at getting u to question urself and lose confidence. Fuck them. You know this is true. Trust your gut.

Bitchnigger ago

I'm one of your gangstalkers. Your keyboard is filthy, please clean it off.

Wheatstone ago

You guys see these pathological pedos here yet?

They believe me so why don't you guys?

They are abusing a gangstalking victim with the same pedo tactics right in front of you. What more proof do you guys need?

sn00tyfr00T ago

He's fucking with you ICYMI

Wheatstone ago

I know. You see how these pedo fucks operate yet?

So why don't any of you speak up for us when it this obvious and moronic?

Bitchnigger ago

If your phone rings and no one answers when you pick up, you know who called you ;)

Wheatstone ago

Fuck off you sad little pedo cunt!

MrDarkWater ago

You've lost your mind. Go for a walk in a park

Wheatstone ago


More from the pedos playbook!!!

MrDarkWater ago

Calm down guy. Nobody is after you: you've just got a few screws loose. Go outside, it'll be very good for you. Good bless you, famalamadingdong

Wheatstone ago

More gaslighting from the pedo trolls!

Nothing from the anons!

MrDarkWater ago

You aren't thinking clearly, friend

Wheatstone ago

More gaslighting! Pedo

MrDarkWater ago

Keep it up. You aren't helping yourself. Everybody can clearly see you're unhinged. I've got all day. Who am I and what am I doing again?

Wheatstone ago

More gaslighting!

You are just showing everyone that what I'm writing is true.

But you keep on using your pedo playbook. You have nothing else you moron.

MrDarkWater ago

And you have something else?

You keep repeating yourself: I'm not the one showing my ass.

Wheatstone ago

You have this whole pedo game playbook to choose from yet you only gaslight lol

Here is your playbook moron. https://www.brainsyntax.com/Portal/Material/1/David_McDonough_Gov_abuse_brainsyntax.pdf

Try something else pedo tactics.

Bitchnigger ago

Call your mother, she misses you.

MrDarkWater ago

I only use kike tactics on real kikes/shills. For you, I'm just being stubborn. Take a break, man

MudPuddlePie ago

Wheatstone...does not live in U.S.

Bitchnigger ago

It's your fault for dressing that way.

Wheatstone ago

Looking for some narcissistic supply you brain damaged pedo cunt?!

AcousticGlove ago

You're really being gangstalked?

MudPuddlePie ago

He does not live in U.S.

MrDarkWater ago


Wheatstone ago

Yes!, it's an unimaginable fucking hell and once they start they don't stop until your dead.

throwaway888 ago

Moving stops it for a bit. change your name and get off the internet would probably stop it for longer/forever.

Podge512 ago

To be sure, it was a victory for Communism, open borders and paedophiles' rights.

nervous_needleworker ago

You're absolutely right. Very depressing!