d00danon ago


BelleDJour ago

God raises those whom he can use as a conduit in action and words for His glory.

itsmytime ago

This is the most encouraging post I've read in quite awhile. Why? Because it reminds me of how big God is. And they way you compared this situation to Moses delivering his people was so right on...actually I believe it was prophetic. God was talking through you. Thank you.

VQTmom ago

Again amazing! Read the Bible many times and read it daily ‘ The just shall live by faith’. The Word of faith’, etc. Live daily through the Word but have not seen Trump as Moses type. Saw him as Cyrus. Thanks for opening our eyes. Cabal/deep state equals pharaoh.

bulrush ago

Had they not illegally spied on Trump, there would be no FISAGATE and they would have preserved themselves. But the Lord hardened their heart so that what has to happen happens.

The Lord did nothing of the kind. Selfish people harden their own hearts, that is the natural way of the universe regarding greed, deceit, and lust for power.

Anonymouse_cheese ago

So glad to finally hear what it's all about. Have missed your decodings. I would've never made it at Bletchly Park. I'm trying to understand but... 😕 So glad we have you! Thank you! Can't wait for War Drummer to read so I can just listen and let my brain absorb what it can!

Chazwaza ago

Thank you for another great post SB2! We really appreciate it.

You touched on the topic of the Spiritual Occult. Are you familiar with the Ra material from the Law of One, or any of David Wilcock's work? If so I'm curious to know what your thoughts are.

gman225 ago

I enjoyed reading your post. I would like to comment on your part of the Exodus analogy. I like the analogy very much.

  • The Old Testament is a book of types and shadows and the New Testament is the reality of the Old Testament types and shadows.

  • The book of Exodus and the story of Moses, Moses a type of Christ and Pharoah a type of Satan.

  • When Pharoah and his armies were destroyed in the red sea, in reality, this factually took place on the cross when the Lord Jesus was crucified.
  • Yes, Satan is the ruler of this world (for now in time.) But in eternity, Satan has already been destroyed and we see this in Revelation 20:10 and 21:8
  • We are in the days of Noah Matthew 24:38

This is just the beginning, it will only get worse up until the Lord returns. We should not think that we will be a nation that is completely free of tyranny and oppression, but I believe the Lord is using kings and rulers to bring about His Economy.

He is using all the earthly kings and rulers to fight each other and eliminate each other until there is only one left and then the Lord returns and destroys it in a millisecond.

Let's not forget that the antichrist will come forth out of Europe and will wow the people to follow him and then he will set up a throne and an idol and demand he is worshipped. The USA will be a land to flee this persecution.

Some believe that this antichrist is around 40 years old today.

We are living in the age of grace, grace and mercy to receive the Lord Jesus, to be regenerated which allows God to transform His created vessel into the Body of Christ which needs to mature into a full grown man in order to become the warrior bride to return with Christ as the army and defeat Satan and then His kingdom will reign. These days of pressure and heat and turmoil are designed for the believers to grow in Christ.

bamadeplorable420 ago

thank YOU LORD>

Brilliant-Hope-91 ago

Everyone in our house loves your posts and we are learning so much! I woke up this morning to your post on my desktop after family had already read your analysis. Thank you so much for all the time and effort you put in!!!

redditsucksq ago

That's so cool that your whole family reads this stuff together. Nobody in my family cares :(

SerialBrain2 ago

Thank you. Hello to the family! ;)

Qanonplus1 ago

Is this you SB2?

SerialBrain2 ago

Yes old friend! Good to see you here. ;)

Qanonplus1 ago

QRV thread

Qanonplus1 ago

I’m on The other q thread most of the time! I just started reading this and thought it was you! After I commented I saw your initials :)

JGamble ago

Damn! SerialBrain2, you did it again. My jaw is on the floor, i'm standing at full attention clapping. Bravo! You are the Man and did not disappoint again. Moses Trump that my friend is awesome and hilarious. Spot on. :)

SerialBrain2 ago

Thank you JGamble! :)

Euli ago

The satanic cult and child abuse among the elites has been already revealed in detail 30 years ago in Phoenix Arizona/USA by the Q-like "Cosmic Whistleblowers" in the Phoenix Journals, in this topic in the Phoenix Journal No 09 "Satans Drummers"

JackPosobiec1 ago

When are the mass arrests and martial law coming?🤣🤣🤣

WhiteRonin ago


Could you expand on your economic collapse reasonings? Lots of other yourubers are picking up on that and this is one thing I don’t agree with you on. I don’t think Trump will allow that to happen even with his decisions to take bankruptcy as an option before in Atlantic city.

I appreciate your videos and let your ads run through.

SerialBrain2 ago

Could you expand on your economic collapse reasonings?

What are you referring to?

I appreciate your videos and let your ads run through.

I do not own a YT channel but videos are produced by Youtubers out of my posts. I guess this is probably where the confusion comes from.

WhiteRonin ago

Aren’t you the X22 Guy?

If not, oops! Lol

SerialBrain2 ago

No I'm not. :)

WhiteRonin ago

Oops! Sorry for the mistaken identity. Honestly, I did think you were the X22 guy - oh well. Lol

Azurenightsky ago

What is magic? The alteration of reality using covert means

Incorrect, too narrow minded a perspective. Magic is the ability to alter consciousness. The All is Mental, therefor all forms of magic are simply a means of using energy to alter the consciousness of We, the observers. Magic is neutral, Serial, it's all in the intention. Sex magic is no different.

Mind you, the pedophillic angle you're perfectly correct about. The energy of youth is able to touch a level of innocence that a "matured" adult cannot. The child is blind to the Darkness and is still closer to the Light. As Q points out, correctly, everything is inversion. There are few energetic delights for the "Dark" like that of Innocence turned into terror. Ghastly to picture. But proves the initial point I was making, it's all about intent. I would sooner raise the consciousness of the many than accept your supposition that magic is use of covert knowledge. Your premise is incorrect and it's really one of the only places where our thinking strongly diverges. Otherwise, well played.

Given the chance, I would enjoy a conversation with you some day.

SerialBrain2 ago

Magic is the ability to alter consciousness.

Creature consciousness, even in its ultimate form, is the tool through which reality is perceived and is not out of reality, it's part of it. If it were not, it would co-exist with Divine Consciousness and would contradict the First Commandment. Therefore, magic is indeed the process through which reality is altered whether the target is the observed or the observer.

MrCooper12 ago

Thank you SB2, keep it going!

Cleanhobo ago

Pretty good stuff... Don't turn into a PAYtriot please.

Dtec ago

Yes too many paytriots getting disgusted with them I just read QANON.pub and you on reddit no more of the others it’s about the money

CalAnon805 ago

Awesome! The snake staff shaking video is amazing. "Do you know what I'm doing?" wow! PRAYER is key!!

SerialBrain2 ago

Yes, that brief "Do you know what I'm doing" moment shows the depth of how Trump understands and views the world. I am afraid people will never know who Trump really is.

inspiretk ago

Can you elebrate on your comment "I am afraid people will never know who Trump really is."?

Who is Trump really is?

Thanks Serial Brain 2!!! Your sharing is awesome, extremely intellectual!

Q-Trump2018 ago

Another incredible decode! Thank you!!

TexasDeplorable ago

What an absolute wonderful time to be alive in America. Your interpretations and knowledge blesses us and helps up see and remember the long term goal. Many have become discouraged. I have not, and I really appreciate reading your comments. Thank you so much for all you have and will do for The Plan.

FortuneTeller_69 ago

Absolutely fantastic SB2! I feel that your decriptions will some day be memorialized and studied as required coursework in schools. Keep up the great work!

SerialBrain2 ago

Thank you my friend! ;)

MrDarkWater ago

Thanks SillyBanana2

KanKetch1 ago

Thank you for sharing......We have been watching the hand of God at work. What a time to be alive. Praise God and I pray that God will continue to protect President Trump against all his enemies foreign and Domestic. In Jesus name I pray.

SerialBrain2 ago

Thank you. Never stop praying. Through prayers, we win.

Anonymouse_cheese ago

Amen! WWG1(in prayer) WGA! We win because God through His Word and Wisdom, Jesus Christ wins. Promises made, promises kept is orinal to our God!

TheTimelessOne ago

We are living in truly Biblical times. That I am sure of.

WokeByTheStorm ago

I so agree