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scoripowarrior ago

Wow! Fantastic summary there OP! Never been a Stone's fan but have noticed the Rainbow song being played several times re: commercials.

Blacksmith21 ago

I like the Stones. Heard them all my life. I pay more attention to patterns, trends, etc. in advertising and media. Having it as the score for 2 major $ commercials at the same time is very rare. Very very rare in the ad industry. Then when it was the closing score on AHS last week.... I knew something was going on. Given the timing and hourly goings ons in DC, it just becomes all that more weird.

Thanks too!

WanderingTaurus ago

I had never heard this song before until the car commerical and Hulu kept playing it over and over. Even after first few seconds we first heard it, son and I looked at each other like "wtf" because ad was stupid as hell and we didn't care for the school at all. Muted that crap quick and same anytime it comes on.

Blacksmith21 ago

Do yourself, and your son, a favor:

1) Watch this commercial:

2) Read this: (many other articles but this is from 2009)

3) The patents are real: [Note the patent holder name - HuLu is phonetically derived from his name]

4) Kill your HuLu.

WanderingTaurus ago

Oh ffs... we just cut cable a couple days ago, Netflix the other night.

I know, "Just get rid of tv all together". Well, my whole family isn't on the same train as I am...yet, and don't want to take away everything from them until THEY are ready. We already cut out music awhile ago listening only to local weather news and my son is a huge fan of Hannity, will watch Ben Swann (although he is NOT the same person he was before he was told to get lost after his pizzagate expo and disappeared for a year to CBS) and mainly only watch Last Man Standing, a British version of House Hunters, kid and husband watch Battlebots, and kid enjoys Animaniacs and Spongebob and is well aware of the symbolism now and is ALWAYS pointing them out to us and now a neighbor that watches it with him.

bopper ago

You write well, refreshing.

Blacksmith21 ago

Interesting. I'm guessing you are a cord cutting Millennial? I don't mean that negatively. I'm trying to better understand the use of a trigger and who/how others perceive it.

So Hulu was repeating the Acura commercial? What were you watching? I'm assuming "stupid ad" was Acura not Dior commercial.


Are you aware of Hulu and the nefarious science behind it?

WanderingTaurus ago

Millennial? No.. I am 41

Look, even the internet is evil and evil people control it. There really is NO way to get away from any of it. Not yet.

Blacksmith21 ago

Apologies. 80 percent of communication is non-verbal. Too much to infer.

The ID building starts from the day we were born. SSN, Selective Service, enlistment, clearances, background checks, FICO, Lexus-NExus, Deep Data...if someone will pay for the disparate databases and merge them, anyone can build a total package on any of us. Now it's done by server and AI analysis.

I had a friend who was an SIS-(above 2) at CIA tell me that "Person of Interest" is far closer to reality than any of us know.

Uptosomething ago

Hillary wore a purple suit and Bill a purple tie the morning after the election when she gave her concession speech which she used a "we will fight" message. I guess the color was also a message that they think they are untouchable. Time will certainly tell, won't it?

Blacksmith21 ago

Ah thanks. I was thinking it was nomination night. Regardless, purple is the new black...LOL. I think it was ceremonial in some regards. Everything has meaning to them.

Of course they even got that asshat Tim Kaine to wear something purple as well. I'm sure he's neck deep. Just like Biden.

TNLunatick ago

Lol. They’re idiots.

swimrobin ago

Excellent post.

Vindicator ago

Great post, Blacksmith. Very interesting.

We've been watching AHS and playing "spot pizzagate" for two years now. Last week, I had a house full of extended family relatives, including my new step brother and his wife, and new step father. They are non-Hillary lib normies from the midwest, but he's pretty bright. I had to keep leaving the family activities in the evening to mod v/pizzagate, so of course I explained what I was doing. He was curious, and began asking questions. I told him the overview and some of the crazy shit that we've found and that has happened. A few nights later, we were refilling our Scotch glasses and he said he was worried what I was doing might be dangerous. I said, "ayep" but we've got to stand up and fight for our country. We had our drinks. Next night, I turned on the AHS episode and everyone watched it. These are folks who pretty much just watch Packers and Brewers games on TV. They were blown away by the clearly repugnant Satanism, depravity, violence and denigration being pushed. Couldn't believe it. So I hit pause and told them about Q, "these people are sick", "the truth would put 99% of people in the hospital", Spirit Cooking, etc.

A bunch more eyes opened. Couldn't have done it as effectively without AHS.

Blacksmith21 ago

I've been babbling to my wife for the last few weeks about the song. She is the one who got me watching AHS. I try to put aside the reality and just enjoy it for the sickness it is, but it's nearly impossible. Especially this season.

Needless to say, after my rants earlier in the day about that fucking song had subsided and we watched last week's episode, concluding in with "the song", I loved watching her jaw hit the floor. All I did was look at her and say "told ya". No more arguments. (she's not a denier, just gets fed up with my frequent rants and switches to Real Housewives for a her mental pablum dose).

srayzie ago

That could even be one of the things they call sleeper cells. Like the knee that “suddenly remember” being sexually abused by someone in power.

bopper ago

Just after the middle of the song there's a weird little break where you hear what sounds like some 'sawing' going on, they must be copying The Beatles and their strange innovations.

bopper ago

@srayzie and I were talking once about the subject of colors (sort of) and I PM'd her that song "Like a Rainbow" but she probably DOESN'T EVEN REMEMBER OR CARE right @srayzie @Shizy

Shizy ago

"Like a rainbow"? Is that a Cyndi Lauper song? I didn't know you like 80's music! I thought you only listened to music from the 40's to try and relive your youth!

bopper ago

No lol, that's an old Stones song, the heck is wrong with everyone?

srayzie ago

I only listened to the story about you sitting on the bed with Willie Nelson in a smoke filled room looking at music. 🙄

bopper ago

Lol the smoke was in the band member's room (where he hung out) ... me and Willie had another, private, room. Get it straight. Also, we were LISTENING to music not looking at music, get that straight as well.

Shucks, it's okay.

@Are_we__sure what's with Willie doing these promo concerts in Austin for that Beto O'Rourke cat, I don't agree with that. You feel me?

srayzie ago

I knew you were a faggot @Bopper. But braids? 🤔 I had the motel send me a video from before the encounter...
Willie and Bopper sitting in a tree...

bopper ago

That is gay.

When I first saw Willie it was in an elevator and yes, he had just cut his hair all off, for real.

srayzie ago

He cut his hair for you lady 🤭

bopper ago

More disinfo from the Jew cancer mod who tried to DIVIDE the community by actually TRYING to HANG ON so selfishly to her own G/A forum that she started MONTHS before the Reddit invasion and who also mercilessly BANS people for cursing and calling out SHILLS.

srayzie ago

Huh? You don’t seem yourself?

bopper ago

Sorry, I lost it for a second.

srayzie ago

People are gonna think you’re serious!

bopper ago

I'll behave.

Are_we__sure ago

@Are_we__sure what's with Willie doing these promo concerts in Austin for that Beto O'Rourke cat, I don't agree with that.

Too bad. Willie's living his life.

Well, it’s all going to pot Whether we like it or not The best I can tell The world’s gone to hell And we’re sure gonna miss it a lot

All of the whiskey in Lynchburg, Tennessee Is just couldn't hit the spot I gotta hundred dollar bill, friend You can keep your pills 'Cause it’s all going to pot

bopper ago

Well let me say this about that. Fine.

I'm glad you checked in, was getting worried.

corrbrick ago

Yep, the music my generation grew up with is certainly not what it seems. Checkout Dave McGowan's "The Strange but Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of the Hippie Generation" to get an idea of the myriad of military and intelligence connections to the rock stars of the 60s and 70s.

TNLunatick ago

Wonder if any of this could be related to The Camelot Project?

Blacksmith21 ago

I've read bits and pieces of this. It's stacked up with 100 other to-read articles. All of this is tied together...

corrbrick ago

It's a bitch when your learn everything you've been taught in life is a lie. To undo it requires so much reading! Enjoy.

Blacksmith21 ago

No, it's glorious to realize that the narrative one has fought their whole life now makes sense. Watching those that fucked us hang.

corrbrick ago

That's certainly no small consolation!

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

All of this music is triggering. The She's a Rainbow video is especially memorable. It's hard to explain now how powerful an effect those bare thighs on the "go go" dancers had at the time. I'm struck by the impact of Travelstock Inst. in music. Are we in a VR game?

AlanAB got banned again on twitter. @Blacksmith21

Blacksmith21 ago

I didn't know he was on Twitter. I hadn't seen him around in a while. The Tavistock comment of mine mentions specific tones, note/chord progression, use of diminished minor notes, etc. All of this has an effect somehow on the human brain - I think it may have something to do with secondary, tertiary types of harmonics and how those harmonics interact with the frequency of the human brain and body. Everything on this planet has a resonant frequency.

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

What your saying about frequencies and harmonics reminds me of instructions I was given for the eventual and necessary decoding of my own programming. It would come off me in layers, tones was a big part of this programing that was done for social control through mind control. Being aware that one has triggers built in seems to nullify them rather effectively. Mine involved gem's, ruby's especially which I can't stand, or crystal prisms with light hitting them that was directed into my eyes. A phrase involving praise, was used that still doesn't come back to me. They would often say "A little bird told me." Was code for I'm in the group that knows all about you.

see IM

Blacksmith21 ago

Wow. Yes, this is what I am talking about. The song itself could be a deeply based trigger for an action. But specific frequencies can cause involuntary physical and mental reactions and conditions. I'm having a hard time verbalizing this, so bear with me.

Regarding this: "Nobody would have paid much attention to the motley crew from Liverpool and the 12-atonal system of “music” that was to follow had it not been for an overabundance of press exposure. The 12-atonal system consisted of heavy, repetitive sounds, taken from the music of the cult of Dionysus and the Baal priesthood by Adorno and given a “modern” flavor by this special friend of the Queen of England and hence the Committee of 300."

I think certain sequences of notes/tones/chords affects us at a level which could put us in a state to be more open to suggestion. Think of it like a button sequence which could put a complex piece of electronics in a "programming" state. Hell, maybe even an old VCR by comparison. Then the lyrics, would be the actual suggestion. Or parts of it. Hard to say....I'm getting a headache from this. Need food.

I really hope that you have written down your history. All of this becomes invaluable to creating a deprogramming framework.

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

I've got an especially powerful technicolor memory of a very big Brass Gong that's going to ring when the Time is Right. What happens after that was good light flowing.

I've read somewhere that the tonal system, our common scale was changed in the early 1900's. The frequency of the E was adjusted slightly. Classical music, all music became less harmonic and more dissonant with the new scale adjustment. Any classical music historians present?

bopper ago

In Henry Ford's "The International Jew" he mentions Jazz, being of Jewish origin, with its "sliding of notes," detrimental to society. Fascinating subject.

Oliver Sacks has a book called Musicophilia, he's a neurologist and was played by Robin Williams in the movie "Awakenings."

Blacksmith21 ago

Are you sure you didn't smoke a fatty and watch The Gong Show? ; )

What's the Q about classical music?

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

Good idea. ; ) re classical music, my Q is about it have a tonal change adjustment, the frequencies of the A B C scales got a change for the worse.

TNLunatick ago

I don’t even think I’ve heard She’s A Rainbow before and I don’t haven’t watched much TV in years. The Stones were ok. Not really my generation.

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

I was in the middle of it. The world practically stopped when these groups latest records would come out, everybody listened over and over, and dissected the lyrics for days. Some people liked the Stones first, some caught onto the Beatles first. It was apparently a well planned one two punch to our hive mind.

ReMs-71 ago

Yeah, I was in the middle of it too, but I didn't go running for the shelter of her mother's little helper. :b I still have a lot of Vinyl though.

TippyHome ago

Blacksmith, thanks! I might be the only person who saw JLaw's movie "Mother" but that movie was about Satan, I don't care what anybody else saw. It went straight through from a rom/com to Dostoyevsky-esque/Satan celebrating nightmares. Pretty sure she's playing for the Sunnydale night creatures. She messed up with her handlers/managers just like Twilight-girl did, so both of them are doing perfume commercials. Now if we can just get the younger generation to bathe and wash their hair before putting on perfume. (I'm sorry, that was catty. But, I am seeing a trend.)

WanderingTaurus ago

Sunnydale .... :( BtVS will never be the same for me. Poor SMG and fuck SG and JW. Probably reason why NB ended seriously fucked up.

TippyHome ago

I agree completely. When JW started putting his "views" in his shows, I was done. When I read further and saw how they hide how they use children, I knew why they hated on Conservatives and hate traditional views. Families/Traditions have made them very rich, but they still hate us. So, done and done.

Blacksmith21 ago

It's those subtle parts and pieces which are great to pull together. I knew JLaw had been in some satanic-related productions. Sunnydale?

TippyHome ago

I'm a or used to be a big Buffy and the Vampire watcher(mainly because it's so super campy like original Star Trek) and that's where they lived-Sunnyvale CA(actually LA because the school they show is a Catholic girls school there.) The show says that the Hellmouth is located in Sunnyvale. And then they show it. The first few Buffy's will freak you out about Satan. If you read the Hollywoid blinds/gossip you come away deciding that many have sold out to this, so Summyvale is LA. I get so upset when I think about Heather O'Rourke and theRamsey and McCann girls. I don't think they had a choice. (Yesterday's blind said Spielberg is doing a remake of West Side Story, but a casting call out for many children. There are no children in WSS. Unless he's doing Christian Youth Theater now, and that's the production. Weird stuff.)

WanderingTaurus ago

Was called Sunnydale though on BtVS

TippyHome ago

I couldn't remember if Sunnydale or vale. Sunnyvale for me will always be Sunnydale pork products. Hence, confusion . sorry!

Blacksmith21 ago

Interesting. Admittedly, I'm not going back and watching old TV shows, but your word is good enough for me. If we went back through hundreds and hundreds of TV shows and movies, I think we would find a mountain of suspicious and subliminal Satanic references beyond obvious use (horror, suspense, etc.). We see the iconology, symbology and messaging in even the most innocuous of themes.

bopper ago

Great post. Fascinating theory about She's A Rainbow song. I've seen the car commercial several times.

Below is an excerpt from The Memoirs of Billy Shears talking about Tavistock. For anyone interested.

That song, “Won’t Get Fooled Again,” recognizes our “Revolution,” revolving Pauls, as leading to the worldwide political upheaval. Pete calls it a “new revolution.” John tried to depict the same chaos of having that revolution in his “Revolution 9.” Pete refers to it saying, “We’ll be fighting in the streets.” Everyone is all up in arms about it, all alarmed.

That is the way with revolutions. Paul is the Revolver. Recognizing Sgt. Pepper’s role in changing the world, setting a new drug-friendly moral code, Pete explains that part of the globalists’ agenda. “And the morals that they worship will be gone." The same institutions that supported The Beatles and opened media doors for us, furthered their NWO agendas by publicly denouncing us— turning the good boys bad. "And the men who spurred us on [those with EMI connections to Tavistock] Sit in judgment of all wrong / They decide and the shotgun sings the song." Letting them call the shots, they privately supported us while publicly villainizing us for a further division of generations, breaking down the family in order to unravel the fabric of society in preparation for the new order with the NWO constitution— and my deal.

Blacksmith21 ago

bopper ago

Yes, I saw it in your post and watched the clip, pretty shocking and sick.

AngelofDeath ago

Degradation of Society being the intent, plus worse. MI6 directly involved … The "British Invasion".

Blacksmith21 ago

Added - "As in the case of gang wars, nothing could or would have been accomplished without the cooperation of the media, especially the electronic media and, in particular, the scurrilous Ed Sullivan who had been coached by the conspirators as to the role he was to play. Nobody would have paid much attention to the motley crew from Liverpool and the 12-atonal system of “music” that was to follow had it not been for an overabundance of press exposure. The 12-atonal system consisted of heavy, repetitive sounds, taken from the music of the cult of Dionysus and the Baal priesthood by Adorno and given a “modern” flavor by this special friend of the Queen of England and hence the Committee of 300.

Tavistock and its Stanford Research Center created trigger words which then came into general usage around “rock music” and its fans. Trigger words created a distinct new break-away largely young population group which was persuaded by social engineering and conditioning to believe that the Beatles really were their favorite group. All trigger words devised in the context of “rock music” were designed for mass control of the new targeted group, the youth of America."

derram ago :

Rolling Stones She's A Rainbow 1966 - YouTube :

Jennifer Lawrence Casts Devil Out of Emma Watson at Paris Fashion Week | Time :

American Horror Story 8x03 Promo "Forbidden Fruit" (HD) Season 8 Episode 3 Promo - YouTube

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nubbyhubby ago

Quit listening to "Music" a long time ago, as I seen the effects it had on people. So yeah I could see it being a trigger deep imbedded in subconscious.

TNLunatick ago

Sure enough though, one thing I re-listened to hit me like a ton of bricks and had me sitting on the kitchen floor. It was Jim Morrison’s American Night. Suddenly it all made sense. It IS a witch hunt.

Blacksmith21 ago

I love music too much not to listen. Being aware of programming methods essentially neutralizes any type of neuro-linguistic programming used in media.

Vindicator ago

Yep. In our house, we've always watched TV and listened to music with the kids, and picked out the messages being pushed, the feelings and thoughts they instill, and discussed the whole propaganda effect. I always thought this was a much better way to raise kids around dangerous shit in an evil world than to shelter them. Wife refers to this strategy as being a "black helicopter mom", LOL.

Our kids then go on to educate all their friends. It's like engineering a truth-virus and releasing it into the wild. B-)

Blacksmith21 ago

OMG - Black Helicopter Mom. Phrase of the year.