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new4now ago

this article says 1 man

Newsham said it is believed the attacker, described as a black man, did not know Martinez and that it was most likely a random act of violence and a 'singular incident.'

The chief said the suspect was last seen wearing a long-sleeve mustard-colored shirt, dark-colored sweatpants, white socks and light-colored sandals.

Blacksmith21 ago

I dunno what I saw then. I heard about it at 0700 this morning. But I was preoccupied and listening in background.

4freedomsring ago

You heard right. From WJLA. “Police Chief Peter Newsham was among those who responded to the scene, and a tweet from the Metropolitan Police Department originally said officers were looking for three black males in connection to the stabbing.”

Blacksmith21 ago

Thank you Patriot! WWG1WGA

Blacksmith21 ago

Thank you very, very much: (shit is getting jammed already. Please backup the backup)

@Are_we_sure @Are_we__sure @molochhunter @vindicator

"Neighbors said a few witnesses rushed to help her and were able to carry her into a nearby restaurant, where they tried to administer first aid.

Police Chief Peter Newsham was among those who responded to the scene, and a tweet from the Metropolitan Police Department originally said officers were looking for three black males in connection to the stabbing.

Authorities now say they are looking for one single suspect, described as wearing a long-sleeved mustard-colored shirt coming down to his thighs, with dark colored sweatpants."

MolochHunter ago

ps there's something screwey about the way that article archived

MolochHunter ago

good oooooool Newsham, turning up again

I wonder if he went for pizza after knocking off his shift