MargieThatcher ago

Thanks Serial Brain. You always give me a lot to think about. Still trying to master the comms.

srayzie ago

I’m reading this again with a clearer mind now that things are settling down. @SerialBrain2 Alex Jones is who red pilled me after 9/11. Several times, people on Voat attacked him. I stood up for him. When Jerome Corsi went down and I saw AJ go with him, it really affected me. It opened my eyes to see how much we are played with. I thought I could really read Alex Jones as a genuine good person. I think he used to be good. He seemed different back in the day. I don’t get what makes someone sell out.

wrathfulmomes ago

serialbrain2 in Simple Gematria equals: 110:
s19 e5 r18 i9 a1 l12 b2 r18 a1 i9 n14 2

Why choose this name? Why add a 2 and SPECIFICALLY 2?

dramatic wardrummer voice
To get the gematria. of One. Hundred. TEN.

Q1498 Critical thinking. Q
Q1176 Think logically. Q

SAME gematra as "I am Q"
as Osama Bin Ladin
as Chemical Attack
as I'm a Black Star
as "Wonderland" that you're all trapped in where up is down, wrong is right. Remind you of 1984? "War is peace..."
"Think mirror." It's making sense now, isn't it?

"Want more? Okay". Same Gematria as "Secret of DNA" and "Planet Nine". Think NWO. The same Gematra...
as Locked and Loaded
as Grim Reaper
as The Fear of God
as Perdition
as Gates of Hell
as Son of Abaddon
end wardrummer voice

Do you see how Gematria is bullshit now?
It's inductive reasoning (circular logic) and magical thinking to appeal to those who view the Bible as proof it itself being valid.

Confucianism ago

I agree with you. This is guy is over reaching.

bbrk364 ago

great job SerialBrain2

mmende32 ago

SB2 love ya man keep up the fight. check out Mark Taylor keep up the fight.

pat1776deplorable ago


Silverlining ago

So you can post on voat? I see you have just 4 CCP at present. It looks like you got loads of SCP. It also look as if there is a concerted effort to downvoat you.

If you need a willing proxy for your next / future posts, I'm a willing volunteer.

I normally post here, but can currently do so on all four boards.

2512 591851 - full reduction

DamnLiquor ago

SB2 you are a fucking idiot, please stay out of this sub, thanky much

Brenda2005 ago

Thank you @Serialbrain2, awesome decode as always. #WWG!WGA

SouthernChick ago

Hoping Rudy G. is making progress and can get the information out by next year! Thanks for all you do SB2!

rkenishere ago

The entities of which you speak actually control through those they inhabit. Why are the elites into pedophilia. What condition does it set up in the victims, How do you pass power and control from one generation to the next Why are most channels victims of pedophilia. barriers broken, loss of control, space invaded. we fight not against flesh and blood but powers and principalities in high places.

NataJill ago

Good work! Thanks for breaking it down for us! Now GO GET THEM GIULLIANI!!!!!

mastersemmy1107 ago

So glad to find SerialBrain2 here. I really get a lot out of listening to your videos and following War Drummer's readings.

RubikWarrior ago

I always enjoy reading what you write Serial Brain 2

BJAnderson ago

Thx Q Serialbrain2, you are amazing. I appreciate you!

YXDOUX3X515t ago

Thank you for another solid post and explaination SB2, btw I like the format of this :)

stinkydogfart ago

Glad to see you here SB2. For a fresh start here at Voat I think it would be best to leave the Gematria logic out, its simply too much for most people. We really like your insights into what you see happening, but explaining how you reach those conclusions is not necessary, as a matter of my opinion it actually takes away from the post. Keep the good work coming, but we'll take your word for it when it comes to your conclusions.

bipstamatic ago

Oh god, you're the worst. Fuck off.

MrCrix ago

Anybody tell War Drummer where we are?

2Qornot2Q ago

Now I feel at home again. Thanks SB2

chris ago

a 2 second google and just pausing the video shows they were saying "kit" not "hit" and "playing" not "plane" lol.

this has to be a psyop.

SummerRain92516 ago

Thank you SB2 for all your hard work and taking the time to explain all of this to us. Excited to have you back and look forward to your next post! WWG1WGA

Madhamjay ago

I believe we can safely deduce that Rudy was one of those good people who were forced to do bad things under threats to self/others. Rudy was appointed US Attorney by Ronald Reagan, and he helped clean up NYC from organized crime. He knows where most if not all the bodies are buried. When given the choice he chose Don and freedom. Both are fighting for We The People under incredible personal risk. They are Quintessential Patriots.

4TLove229 ago

Thanks for posting this.

WokeByTheStorm ago

now i know i've found the right sub. Glad your here.

Q665544 ago

Glad youre back SB2. i missed you. There are soo many crumbs & breads to eat. You posts spare me a lot of decoding time and always great to read. Tnx for this one i was waiting for.

Pjcab78 ago

Thank you! Still betting used to Voat

Qdog ago

I knew POTUS was working on 911 just didn't know how. Tx always pulling the curtain back!

Airsilent ago

Very thankful for the work you do SB2.... WWG1WGA brother! I'm just upvoting the good guys trying to help, and probably will never reach enough to downvote the shills. I am finally starting to understand the decodes much better. The patterns are showing themselves. ;-)

Lonecrowe ago

/facepalm not this shit again

rymetymeuk ago

Serialbrain2, thank you good sir, I followed better today than normal! Love these, thank you for all you do.

CovfefeFan ago

Wow, It was disappointing losing Great Awakening on reddit, but I'm glad to still have my SB2! I was wondering... If they "had" a plan for another event, is it still possible? Should we be concern? Are we safe now?

McPatriot ago

Nice work, SB! Glad to see you here.

Leatherwood123 ago

Thank you SB2!! So glad you got this posted. Based on your analysis, all of the rumors about Rudy being "in on 9/11" are false. That is great news. I always believed that Rudy was a patriot and am happy that you have confirmed this for us. Cannot wait for the bad actors to be prosecuted for what they did to us and the innocent victims of 9/11.

heroinwinsagain ago

complete bullshit. if you think trump is outside the scope of the owners, do your homework. they're all jews or jew puppets

Patriotic_Nerderer ago

I don't understand this type of 'woke'? Sounds like a retarded mumbling nigger that has taken too much Adderall and Xanax at the same time.

Redditrefuge1 ago


truegritUT ago

Wow, profound! We have a spiritual battle it is a genuine battle between good and evil, between the forces of hell and God. Our very existence depends on it. Warship versus Worship; profound! So a warship is a ship built or armed for combat. Worship is the honoring of our creator by recognizing our failures, asking for forgiveness, honoring and praising him for who He is, making our petition, trusting Him and giving him the glory for what He will do. The enemy has a war ship and are led by evil entities. We can fight them in our human strength, or we can turn to the Lord. When we trust and obey, the battle is the Lord's. Only He can defeat the evil entities, He may use us, but the battle is His. Thank you SerialBrain2, I am in a personal spiritual battle, and really needed this reminder.

Circumspectator ago

SB2, glad you got your points.

Your quote of Ephesians is VERY important as we always must look to the Motives behind every action. The term "spirit" can also be translated or refer to "motive" in the Greek, as used by Paul. There are two spirits at work in the world, the Holy Spirit and the spirit of the enemy, Satan, also referred to in Ephesians 2:2 as "the spirit which is now at work in the sons of disobedience."

I have a novel on the origin and workings of Evil which I have yet to complete because, thankfully, Donald Trump showed up and altered my expectations for the ending. I don't mind waiting as these are the most exciting times. In my book, I have 5 peculiar characters with speaking parts, which are very difficult to work with. They are Satan and his top 4 lieutenants: Shachah – the spirit of religion – first lieutenant, Misrah – the spirit of **government **– second lieutentant, Agab (awgab) – the spirit of lust – I must have it now! and Mowra – the spirit of fear. Within these, I think I can place hisstructure for evil intent and action. These are the great motivators and Government is #2.

If you want to see what Government does to a people, read I Samuel 8:4-20, Then all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah; and they said to him, "Behold, you have grown old, and your sons do not walk in your ways. Now appoint a king for us to judge us like all the nations." But the thing was displeasing in the sight of Samuel when they said, "Give us a king to judge us." And Samuel prayed to the LORD. The LORD said to Samuel, "Listen to the voice of the people in regard to all that they say to you, for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me from being king over them. "Like all the deeds which they have done since the day that I brought them up from Egypt even to this day--in that they have forsaken Me and served other gods--so they are doing to you also. 9 "Now then, listen to their voice; however, you shall solemnly warn them and tell them of the procedure of the king who will reign over them." So Samuel spoke all the words of the LORD to the people who had asked of him a king. He said, "This will be the procedure of the king who will reign over you: he will take your sons and place them for himself in his chariots and among his horsemen and they will run before his chariots. "He will appoint for himself commanders of thousands and of fifties, and some to do his plowing and to reap his harvest and to make his weapons of war and equipment for his chariots. "He will also take your daughters for perfumers and cooks and bakers. "He will take the best of your fields and your vineyards and your olive groves and give them to his servants. "He will take a tenth of your seed and of your vineyards and give to his officers and to his servants. "He will also take your male servants and your female servants and your best young men and your donkeys and use them for his work. "He will take a tenth of your flocks, and you yourselves will become his servants. "Then you will cry out in that day because of your king whom you have chosen for yourselves, but the LORD will not answer you in that day." Nevertheless, the people refused to listen to the voice of Samuel, and they said, "No, but there shall be a king over us, that we also may be like all the nations, that our king may judge us and go out before us and fight our battles."

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

@serialbrain2 I hope you kill yourself when you realize you are a fucking lunatic manipulated by jews.

babanovac ago

SerialBrain2 has the same gematria (108) as "real threat" I say you don't listen to him

Happylee ago

Hopefully this will catch on with the right annons. Just informed talk also needs to post this connection onto their site too.

thebearfromstartrack ago

i'm mean...Get it?

rickki6 ago

Oh to wake up on a Friday morning to SB2 !!! Smiles

NoraPandora ago

You are posting again. The World is save now. :)

NeverCensorNEVER ago

You guys will believe ANYTHING. Q took over cia computers and satellites! haha You can't even keep a shitty reddit sub.

dg1084 ago

I would ike to follow SB2. How do I do so? How do I search for and follow others on VOAT?

wooqy ago

1. SA
2. some clown
3. their asset
4. not their asset
5. never lost, news creation 6. already expired
_. keeping a ghost alive to exit at secondary event.

dontmindthemess ago

Great to have you onboard! I listen to WarDrummer read your posts, but I wouldn’t bring myself to go back to, wellI not going to say it’s name.

baileyaxel ago

Thanks serialbrain2, another well done analysis. I'm sure you have evaluated Clinton on the bridge opening? Might not have even been coded, just an obvious call for help. So curious to hear your thoughts on the counter messaging going on. I'm just a beginner.

SaltyAF ago

We know. People who haven't figured this out yet aren't paying attention.

SnapAwake ago

Ugh. I was hoping this bullshit would stay on Reddit.

One note on all this: nobody in their right mind - aka POTUS - would encode his message in such a convoluted manner for the regular folks.

Not for the regular folks, you say? Not regular folks know 911 was an inside job; they don't need this code. You are always making shit harder and more confused than it has to be.

The things you speak of are mostly obvious to the logical mind and don't require any decoding of this nature.

Stop confusing people. This is rubbish, and I'm frankly sick of insecure people who miss 90% of your decodes and this consider it genius. It's genuine bullshit.

whacko_jacko ago


With all due respect for your past contributions to this community and all related communities, I cannot and WILL not endorse your recent efforts.

You have contributed in ways which leave us forever in your debt. You have been validated by Q once upon a time. You helped us navigate the Corsi fiasco. However, I do NOT stand with you in your recent endeavors. I hope that others in this community will join me in rejecting the style of decoding which you have adopted.

I will not address your illogical claims from this post one at a time. I disagree with all of them. I am not violating the rules. I am discussing the topic at hand, which is your decoding. I have no quarrel with you as a person or as a user.

What you are describing is not reasonable. What you are doing has every hallmark of a charlatan.

I can start with any premise I want and find a way to reach any conclusion whatsoever using reasoning similar to your own. Let's begin with the premise "Julian Assange". I want to reach the following keywords: "23 organizations", "13 angry Democrats", and "Q".

The following is satirical. I do not intend offense. I am creating a parody of your methods, which are relevant to the topic of this post. I do not mean to attack you personally. If you interpret the following as a personal attack, then I humbly suggest that you grow thicker skin.

Let's begin:

Julian Assange, or JA, which means "just awesome", but THINK MIRROR so it's actually a distress signal that Julian Assange is not "just awesome", so he's dead. BUT if you drop the "e" in dead it reads "dad" and his father's name is "Richard". The nicknames for "Richard" are "Rich" and "Dick". Who do we know who is a rich dick? George Soros. GS also stands for GameShark, or GameGenie on the Sega Genesis (SG, The Beginning). Bust out your copy of Prince of Persia and Enjoy the Show. Iran is next, right? What's another name for Iran? Persia. Prince of Persia. Now check out the Game Genie codes for Prince of Persia. The codes to unlock levels all start with Q, except for levels 11 and 12. What do we know about 11 and 12? Well 11 + 12 = 23. 23 organizations. What's the last level in Prince of Persia? Level 13. 13 angry Democrats. Confirmed. Resolved.

Now, if we rearrange Sega Genesis, we get "Sage Seeings", or "Seeings Ages". If you can't See the comms for the Ages by now, then hopefully you will soon. You need to train your ear. Remember the train accident after SOTU? These people are sick. SOTU = SOUT which is just an H short of SOUTH. H = Hussein. Part of Kenya is SOUTH of the equator. Are you getting it yet? The comms confirm that Hussein is SOUTH of the equator in Kenya, which was a BRITISH (where was Trump recently?) colony until 1963. Now drop the 6. 193. 19 is one short of 20. 203. Now drop the 0. 23. 23 organizations. Comms understood?

JA is 11 in gematria. Now which numbers did I have to drop at the end of the previous paragraph? That's right, you're understanding now. 6 and 0. 11 + 6 + 0 = 17 = Q. So Q is Julian Assange. Confirmed. Moving on. Until next time, Patriots.

Okay. I'm done. I have no intention to hurt your feelings. I care very deeply for this community and the movement it represents. I do not carry any foul intentions towards you as a person. However, I strongly believe that you have become a detriment to the Great Awakening.

We need newcomers. We need regular people to come online and find out what they have been missing. What you have posted recently is absolutely nonsensical. Your decoding scheme is not logical. Your followers do no think for themselves. This is not what Q is asking us to do.

If I tell my friend about the Great Awakening, who then comes here to find out more information, I hope he or she does not encounter your posts. I want my friend to come back. I want my friend to take us seriously. You cannot be taken seriously. I will not bog myself down and waste my time analyzing why this is the case one sentence at a time.

Think for yourself.

If you, a real human person, are reading this comment, I ask you to think for yourself. Read the post above. Does any of it make sense? DAOIMS? That was the acronym of my previous sentence, after all. Did you know DAOIMS = 61 in Gematria? Look at Q1747. It was posted at 3: 16 :21. And of course, don't forget John 3:16. THINK MIRROR. Coincidence?

Think for yourself. Use logic

Look, I am not saying you are a shill (Gematria = 61), but I do believe your decoding is absent (Gematria = 61) logic. I know the pain is coming (Gematria = 61), but I must reject (Gematria = 61) your method. Even a humble (Gematria = 61) farmer (Gematria = 61) or a gay man (Gematria = 61) can see that you are not making logical deductions. Even if CIA Director Gina Haspel (Gematria = 61) were reading this on a Cessna (Gematria = 61) during a flight to Brasil (Gematria = 61) while listening to Hansen (Gematria = 61), she would pray to Jehova (Gematria = 61) that you would realize that your decoding is not legitimate. I'm with you in the fight against Google (Gematria = 61) and the rest of the man (Gematria = 61), but your recent posts have begun to lead us astray. I'm just a simple Yankee (Gematria = 61), but I care about what people think when they visit this community.

Now, how many words did I find in the previous paragraph with Gematria = 61? That's right, you're catching on now. It was precisely 15, which is one less than 16. THINK MIRROR. But, hang on. I forgot about the most important one: Q Anon. So, there we have it: 17 = Q. BOOM

But wait, there's more!

Did you see it? Did you catch the mistakes? Did you notice the misspellings?

Brasil. Hansen.

No, that's not right. I wanted Brazil and Hanson.

How far off are we?

z - s = 7

o - e = 10

7 + 10 = 17

Confirmed. Resolved.

Until next time, Patriots.

TL;DR: Please go back to using logic SB2.

Confucianism ago

I agree with you. The guy overreaching.

Unravelling ago

I wasn't expecting Sega references at all. Well played.

whacko_jacko ago

The best part is everything I said there was technically true. I just stumbled along haphazardly through word association games and happened upon what I needed to complete the "puzzle". Once I got to Game Genie, I just started scrolling through a list of games and picked the first one I saw with a title that was remotely relevant and found all those coincidental connections immediately.

SusiAngelArtist ago

That was just the nicest rebuttal I think I've read since about some time in the 90's. Respectful disagreement. I really miss that. Maybe some day we will return to discourse that brings together opposing viewpoint and creates a synergy to illuminate the truth - or at least keep us from tearing each other apart. I can feel that your rational brain is literally being squeezed trying to incorporate SB2 thought process. I sometimes scratch my head at the end too.

My sense of SB2 is someone who brings a different approach to the discussion that are beyond my abilities. I marvel at his/her "decodes" (don't know much about the person and have usually watched Youtube videos from War Drummer or Weeping Angel). Have you studied symbolism, puzzles, cyphers? There are some good books on them out there. If you were Trump - under attack from all sides, surveilled and under scrutiny at all times - how would you get a message out? He is a very smart man. I think the idea that he is speaking in code is logical. That Q - with military contributors - would also speak in code is also logical. The fact that we have to struggle to understand means its a good code. Well done.

Now, if you take SB2 who clearly has studied codes and using a unique method "gematria" - in a way that you and I cannot completely understand - is what he is saying so outlandish? Whether it is true or not - it is fascinating and it is connecting dots for us. Personally, I would rather use intuition but if gematria is his tool - all the more power to him. Sometimes I have the same hit that he does but arrived at it from a different angle. (The Coke bottle and Kate, comes to mind). It also helps if you listen to the decodes rather than read them. The trouble with your example was that it was nonsense, began as nonsense, was never intended to be truthful, but it was entertaining! What we need is another decoder - a Plato to be SB2's Socrates - so we can learn from their dialectic.

I'm glad to join the new Q followers here on Voat. God bless and protect us all, WWG1WGA <3

whacko_jacko ago

If he can't explain how and why he's using gematria, then it's not a real decoding scheme. It's just stringing shit together and finding coincidental connections. That's it. I know Q says no coincidences, but SB2 is not Q.

SusiAngelArtist ago

Remember, "these people are stupid". Its not what we believe, it is what THEY believe. They believe in symbolism. Q said symbolism will be their downfall. SB2 has yet to be confirmed by Q - though I saw the Anon ask if he used Gematria in the last Q&A. Good stuff <3

captainpixystick ago

Some desktop fag post this on bestof. I'm on mobile. Good shit.

SnapAwake ago

Thank you for doing what I have not had the patience to do. These recent posts of his...

eyerighteye ago

Fuckin a that was great!

res5 ago

right, whacko_jacko! With these numbers you can proof everything. You just used the small number 61 with a limited scope of related words. But SB2 used even 458 und 342 and for these numbers you can find endless sentences fitting to these. - There are coded messages in DJTs twitter, but these are very obvious hints. No need to go into gematria.

e1337ninja ago

So much this. Thank you, fellow newfag

reCAPTCHA_Dodger ago

I was holding off on making an account for a few days, but this was too funny.

mega_nz ago

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12

Paul uses text from Isaiah and David about spiritual warfare, but he changes what they said.

valk2 ago

Thank you. Hopefully with you here things will start to settle down and we can come back together.

otislarryderby ago

Glad to see you made it SB2!

BlueyTheCat ago

Thank you SB2. I've often wondered about what Giuliani really knows about 9/11 being the Mayor at the time. I imagine he has some juicy tidbits to share.

Der_Untergang ago

This post is satire, right???? RIGHT? lul

CallMeCurious ago

Although I don’t understand all of these gematria references, based on my own research I completely agree with you. Can’t wait to see this come to light!!

GoodGodKirk ago

thanks for bringing enlightenment with your posts and welcome to voat.

mindcrash ago

Re: Trump,

Also consider the interview with him shortly after 9/11. He literally said that the towers would ONLY collapse when explosives were used.



@SerialBrain2 Glad to see you back! Did you archive the content of your Hugbox posts?

If yes, could you consider bringing them over to Voat? Please?

obvious-throwaway- ago

You NIGGERS are fucking whack-a-doodle. SerialBrain2 is a FAGGOT. All the mods are SPICS. Fuck Q. Fuck U.


I'm out, sub blocked.


TeiaT ago

In newer Bibles, Eph 6:12 - [places] was changed to “realms”. This was done on purpose. Paul meant [places] here on earth, not heavenly realms, as written in the King James Version. T.H.E.Y changed it to “realms” to protect themselves.

Original KJV - Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places].

Other interesting things about the Bible is its codewords, i.e.:

Mountain = government.

When Christ said, "IF, you have enough faith and you say to this mountain, fall into the sea and it will (Matt. 21 v 21)", it obviously did not mean an actual mountain and the sea. It was coded. It is obviously possible for God to cast a mountain into the sea. It means government (mountain) and restless dis-satisfied people (sea).

A mountain (govt.) towers over and looks down upon the sea (people) and the sea looks up at the mountain. The sea (people) cannot remove the mountain (govt.) without a tidal-wave. IF you have enough faith and tell the people the TRUTH of God's Perfect System of Government and Laws, you can create that tidal-wave with God's help, for everyone's benefit.

It looks like the tidal wave (of people) is swelling to bring down a mountain (corrupt government) with its spiritual wickedness in high places (DOJ, FBI, CIA etc etc).

Other codewords can be found at

(I posted this comment in the other sub as well, not sure which will become the main hub as yet).

GrumpyDUB ago

Upvotes please. Much appreciated!

Broc_Lia ago

Don't try to farm upvotes or beg for karma. it won't go well.

Qzenseeker ago

yes, upvoted :)

NotaBot17 ago

Another Great one SB2, glad to see you are back at it! I need some upvotes so I can down vote the shills here! lol
New refugee from dreddit..

SerialBrain2 ago

Thank you! You need to go get the CCP's outside of subs with voting restrictions.

TheWhiteRabbitQ ago

Ok, SerialBraim2, This old Veteran is here trying to learn new tricks. I found your name over here so I'm hoping I'm in the right place.

Now to figure out how to work this board. Step 2 comment on post. Check

Broc_Lia ago

Welcome to voat. Just don't try to farm karma like SerialBrain2 and you'll be fine. Goats don't tend to react well to that kind of shit, those restrictions exist for a reason.

SerialBrain2 ago

:) Good luck!

HST ago

This place works similar to reddit.

To go to and see this guy's posts bookmark

To go to q boards bookmark and/ or

I hope this helped.

TirsohCartoons ago

Thanks SB2. Always appreciated. I too went to Reddit in great part because SB2. I had followed most things on YouTube and other places. The evil ones do use quite a lot of gematria and symbolism. In their beliefs it can be almost like a spell. If you wrap things in the right symbolism and gematria, then it in their minds influences things like a spell would.

They have an insanely complex set of beliefs. Much is passed on verbally, through long tedious memorization. There is a lot written down as well, but that is kept so secret it only stays in very guarded places.

Either way, I do understand how some may look at gematria or twilight language as being nonsense, but it is not. I do not know it like SB2. I know the theory behind it and its true origins, but not so many details. It gets really complex. I do not know the deep inner workings of the cabal, so I am not the best at symbolism or the specifics of how gematria is used in practice. It is nice to have sb2s posts available.

SerialBrain2 ago

The evil ones do use quite a lot of gematria and symbolism.

Yes, this is why they mock and try to discourage those who study it so that they can use it covertly against us... Nothing new under the sun: anyone who could time travel back to the middle age with an iphone can manage to be worshipped before the battery dies...

JamesGunnIsPedo ago

New to this, what do you mean by "gematria" and where did the relationship between these specific phrases and numbers begin?

Airsilent ago

A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 etc...but there is much more to the decoding.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

He means that he’s a faggot fucking numerology queer who assigns symbolism based on whether letters and numbers add up to random fucking sequences. Disregard this pseudo bull shit - prob a troll or just a lame duck - either way it’s sad

Damnpasswords ago

How is that not already common knowledge following the threats from Saudi Arabia over potential declassification? What the fuck is wrong with the general populace?

julzee2 ago

Omg SB2 is back! Awesome work man. I might do a video on this tomorrow and get it out there in yt land...;) Thanks SB2 #wwg1wga

Lemonjello ago

Nice to see SerialBrain2 on here

HST ago

What's up Pete, why'd you make an account and then abandon it?

DeepPast ago

How did I miss that Q post? (307) - I'd imagine the "mass extinction event" Q is referring to would be the starting a false nuclear war with North Korea?

julzee2 ago

RoadToRoota seems to think that DS was planning on setting of an emp or solar flare

Wrathwake ago

Bix Weir... MAGA!!!!!

fuckingmockies ago

Not gonna lie, your interpretation of gematria is something a like would have a hard on for. You've made a decent post here and there in the past, but this is just nonsense.

Braktheitalian ago

I agree that this is utter nonsense. I know of only one instance in the Bible that gematria was used, and there it was supplied by the author with an explanation and familiar language - it wasn’t something that really needed decoding EXCEPT by outsiders. That example comes from Revalation. The number 666, the number of a man who is also called the beast. In this case, every reader would have known that Nero is “The Beast”. Google it. Or DuckDuckGo it. Whatever. The number 666 isn’t even set. In some versions, the number is given as 616 because the gematria of Nero & Neron make the difference.

So, that example from the Bible had some EVIDENCE that gematria was a proper way of understanding. Twitter though? Come on. The president passing secret messages using gematria? Oy.

HST ago

Yeah I don't understand all the support this guy is receiving.. This post is garbage.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Shill accounts started to promote him on reddit and everyone there is a FUCKING RETARD so they started to worship despite the guy being clearly fucking insane.

He thinks HD tv's produce sarin gas. This is from one of his "decodes"

RicardoCabesa ago

I feel like I just stumbled into a cult meeting of some sort.

e1337ninja ago

... that's because you did. And now you're part of it and aren't allowed to escape. Get wrekt. lololol

bipstamatic ago

Yeah people calling out SB2 back on reddit were immediately banned. I ask all of the voat crowd to call out this trash from serial brain and his "followers" and get this shit off of this board. He is the very definition of the swamp, providing false interpretations solely intended to divide the movement.

TapasTree ago

I still think most of the faggots stroking his dick in these threads are shills. At least useful idiots, I still can't wrap my head around this particular level of "woke."

PrimitiveScrewhead ago

There can't be that many retards can there? Oh wait... I always make that mistake. There are plenty of retards. Still could be shills though just trying to make us look like retards.

e1337ninja ago

In the early days this dude had some interesting stuff, but lately it's all made up stuff that really requires suspension of critical thinking in order to believe. i.e. Cognitive dissonance

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

They are shills and also NIGGERS. I fought the jews over there trying to expose this fuck and they defended him harder than the dancing film crew.

HST ago

It's definitely some "on the spectrum" shit, but so far down the spectrum it just wraps around to retarded.

All that time spent on gematria both on the side of the researchers and on Trump's side would be WASTED. There's no value to coded messages like this.

If Q and Trump are here to awaken people they wouldn't put that effort into SUBTEXT.

TapasTree ago

Exactly, how would this gematria bullshit ever serve as an effective way to communicate to the "awakened" masses? Fucking niggers must think we're stupid, it took 1 of minute reading his posts even back on censsit for me to realize he was just a shill at worst, and a crazed moron at best. His purpose is to paint the entire movement in a bad light, perpetuating the idea that we are cultists making up shit and seeing connections where they aren't there. Fisa abuse and the coopting of world government by globalist interests is very real, let's stay focused on what we can actually see.

NSWN2 ago

Gematria isn't intended for the masses. That's why it was created long ago to be able to speak in a manner others wouldn't understand (case in point here with many of you) but those that the message is INTENDED for do see it and understand it.

brit_yuvall ago

Does anyone have a new link to the SB2 archive?

Breitbart_Is_Here ago

Awesome as usual! Thank you SB2

SerialBrain2 ago


Silverlining ago

Just bumped you up to 13 CCP - looks like there is a 20 downvoat brigade after you and your followers on v joke and elsewhere - great idea by the way - very naughty that the locals [of which I am one] are doing the downvoating - different form of cennsorship - silly rule anyway!!

preacherman777 ago

It is good to have some familiar "faces" on this board!

Kat19582018 ago

Really good post.

DillySquilly ago

This is the material I come for. Glad to see you again SB2.

SerialBrain2 ago

Glad to see you here! ;)


Holy fucking shit. Be concise.

captainpixystick ago

Adderall is a motherfucker.


God damn...

Dantes_Lady ago

Great to be able to continue to read your posts!

Tb0n3 ago

Why is it so hard for you to believe that a couple Arab guys could hijack planes in a time when it had happened a few times before? When people just assumed the plane was landing somewhere else? How hard is it to understand that steel weakens significantly long before it melts. That fires can't get put out when buildings fall and destroy the water supply. That buildings that get other buildings can fall down. You just can't admit that shit happens in life that isn't fair. It's got to be some secret cabal that controls everything instead of humans failing as they always have.

Try and find your way back to reality.

mega_nz ago

Tell me about the other times that "a couple Arab guys" pulled of a terrorist attack in the middle of a bunch or war games, some of which mimicked the attack itself.

Tb0n3 ago

1) credible source for that.

2) coincidence is a thing.

Tb0n3 ago

Mind posting the arguments you found compelling? I don't have an hour to watch some amateur documentary on something I'm not interested in.

mega_nz ago

What I found compelling was that 9/11 was running exercises concurrently with the attacks in pretty much the same was that 7/7 was running an exercise concurrently with the subway attacks. Also the lies that were told about the fact that the attacks carried out on 9/11 were not foreseen by anyone.

Tb0n3 ago

War Games are frequent in the US and they were holding aircraft runs in the north west. Wrong side of the country. Not an unusual coincidence.

An attack was suspected but incompetence is a much better explaination that conspiracy.

mega_nz ago

Tb0n3 ago

Lucky break that it had been moved.

believe-in-the-moon ago

Per Q. "Coincidence?"

Tb0n3 ago

Coincidence is perceived all the time in the human mind.

believe-in-the-moon ago

Yes it is, but some people think differently. I could debate both sides. :-)

WanderingTaurus ago

Do you realize how HOT steel has to get in order to melt let alone have tons of it not even recognizable? How did the building materials get so damn hot from a fire (even jet fuel not enough to reach the necessary temps) become pulverized dust from a fire?! Wake up

Airsilent ago

It was amazing to see molten steel pouring from the windows before they fell. From jet fuel? Not possible.

MaxVieuxlieu ago

Steel weakens when it heats up. It doesn't instantly disappear and allow the structure above it to freefall.

Nobody is denying that Arab guys hijacked planes. It's the unanswered questions that people have problems with.

You have oversimplified what happened on 9/11 to the point of ignorance.

Whether it was ordinary terrorists or something deeper, questions have to be asked and answered to try and understand what happened and what can be done to prevent it. That never happened here. The 9/11 Commission was a joke and failed to address many basic questions. Members of the commission have said they believe it was set up for failure. Even if there is no good answer to those questions, they still need to be acknowledged.

Tb0n3 ago

Welcome to politics. Incompetent people trying to do stuff they have no clue about.

MaxVieuxlieu ago

Gotcha. So no asking questions about 9/11?

Tb0n3 ago

No retard questions.

MaxVieuxlieu ago

Cool. Please list all retard questions as you are apparently the arbiter of what constitutes such. That way we can have a conversation within the parameters that you deem appropriate.

Tb0n3 ago

Questions that are easily answered with a trivial search.

Optional-Reading ago

Bin Laden family financial interest are seen after by the Bush family in the US

thekla ago

Thanks! Almost logged off, but there you were! Yay!

Tracysue626 ago

Awesome post, as usual! Thank you, SB2

SerialBrain2 ago

Thank you! WWG1WGA!

Anonaust ago

Nearly feels like home!! Thanks for the warm welcome guys and thanks SB2

Cid ago

The kids are ordered to repeat the words KITE, HIT, STEEL, PLANE and MUST right before Bush is informed the 9/11 attacks began.

That part always creeped me out. It's like a bunch of innocent kids chanting a spell and unknowingly playing a role in a major tragedy. (((They))) seem obsessed with this kind of contrast. It's like child trafficking rings in family friendly places where children are laughing and playing very near to others being brutalized in the most extreme ways.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Like every Rick needs a Morty.

WanderingTaurus ago

And the drumming by the teacher while they recited the words as well :/

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Seems logically and audibly like “kite” “kit” (not “hit”)

*still creepy as fuck

julzee2 ago

Awful to see that teacher turning those kids into mindless robots. Nothing like total conformity huh?

Rawrination ago

That is exactly what is it.

The more innocent and pure a thing, the greater joy in the corrupting of it.

Draven1755 ago

As usual SB2. Awesome read and glad we found at least a temporary home.

SerialBrain2 ago

Hey Draven, nice to see you here. Yes, they tried, they failed.

CindyLu008 ago

Creepy stuff in the classroom! Glad to find SB2 and finally getting the gematria stuff!

fellowWhiteGuy ago

Trump covered up for 5 dancing Israelis by introducing less important information(random Muslims celebrating) to confuse people memories and erase 9/11 story where foreigner government agents was filming the event before it happened and celebrated it

KKOH ago

Awesome post! Will take a while to wrap my head around it. "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM? Coincidence? THERE ARE NO COINCIDENCES!" SB2, who are you? :--) The imagination is in OD.
Whoever you are, I am glad you are part of the Q Team. HOOAH!

SerialBrain2 ago


srayzie ago

This is the only person I went to seek out on Reddit. I knew some of you would be so excited! I’m not trying to steal him away from the group he’s used to, but asked if he would post on ours too!

So excited to have you @Serialbrain2!

goldman1959 ago

There was a reason for the "Fear the Goat" coin at Gitmo on 911! 38secs in this video:

Someone knew Reddit would ban and there would be a migration to VOAT. I'm a new goat and can't post yet.

srayzie ago

Wow. Good find. I’ll post this for you showmthat I got it from you. I’ll wait until 1st thing in the morning probably. That’s where it will get a lot of views.

wrathfulmomes ago

Excited for this? Here's a real eye-opener:

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

just so you know he's been caught running two upvoat farms here:





the restrictions are in place for a reason, cheating and trying to game the system are not appriciated

baileyaxel ago

the only limits that are out there are the ones you create for yourself, in your own mind (cred goes to a guy on an island)

Redditrefuge1 ago


ifuckdolphinseverday ago

You know how i know you are a dumb nigger?

You listen to sb2

NSWN2 ago

you might learn something and improve your language if you listened and paid attention to SB2...good luck with the dolphins

baileyaxel ago

I was so worried about serialbrain2 and a few other very smart qanons when I heard about the gas line explosions.

WanderingTaurus ago

Thanks for asking him to join here @srayzie and thanks for taking up the request @SerialBrain2

SerialBrain2 ago

Thank you all for having me and for the very warm welcome. It means a lot to me and is proof our community is strong and united despite all the attempts against us. WWG1WGA!

Qzenseeker ago

Yes, thank you srayzie :) and thank you SB2 for your insightful post !! So glad you are here:) WWG1WGA!

GrumpyDUB ago

Upvotes please. Much appreciated! Just read that they don't apply on the sub I've been on! Arghhh

eyerighteye ago

Yup. I think I like it though. There is method to the madness. All is well.

SnapAwake ago

How does this place work??? I read this too and I can't find a set of rules to read about it. So frustrating.

Broc_Lia ago

If you protect a sub from downvotes then any upvotes you get there won't count. Also: If you try to farm upvotes like this and the rest of voat finds out, they'll link to it and downvote you back to where you started.

If you want active account privileges then post interesting content and useful comments.

SnapAwake ago

What does it mean they're protecting from downvotes?

Broc_Lia ago

Early on the admins created a feature which allows sub owners to turn the sub into a special protected mode, it's intended to help them deal with brigades. While the sub is in this mode, posts won't be visible in /v/all (to stop them upvoting their stuff to the front page where it can't be opposed) and any upvotes you get in that sub won't count towards your global CCP.

Upvote farmers often don't realise this, and protect their subs in an attempt to create a shielded karma farm. Regular voaters typically don't take well to this tactic.

SnapAwake ago

I get that. Makes sense. Thank you. How can you tell when a sub verse has been set up this way?

Broc_Lia ago

It should give you a warning if you try to downvote there unless you already have enough local CCP (depends how much they set the threshold to). Also there might be something in the sidebar about it.

dg1084 ago

I have been searching for the how to's also.

Qzenseeker ago

Yes, upvotes all around :)

Wrathwake ago

My phone and identity were so ripped up I had to burn my ID here. It’s been hell. Hope you know me kept my new ID close for reasons. I can’t post I till I meet minimum again. I must be doing something good or I wouldn’t have been wrecked... wwg1wga.... it ain’t easy!

DeepPast ago



Yeh, the one thing I miss about deddit is the ability to post replies to anything of our choice. After ten replies here in a 24-hour period, I'm locked out.

And having to beg for silly imaginary internet "points" given in response to the begging for them is undignified to say the least. Some people somehow got to 100 on the first day by so doing; I followed suit and yet am at zero with no expectation of ever reaching 100, since adding replies is sharply restricted. WTF is even the point?

::Lurker Mode engaged::

Geez ago



Wrathwake ago

Thank you.. I burned my ID here yesterday had thousands of comments and posts. Gotta get 100 just to post or contact anyone. This is the fifth time I’ve had to do this.!!! Nobody gonna cut my tongue. I’m back and mad as hell!!!! Hi @srayzie... keep the faith

pat1776deplorable ago

Don't ever give up

Vindicator ago

How do you "burn your ID here"? Never heard of that before.

Wrathwake ago

Go to the delete page... there is an option to remove everything about you... it’s merely complete removal.

Vindicator ago

That's true...but why would you do it unless you wanted to?

Wrathwake ago

I’m a targeted person. Other things cropped up but that made me go under my he wire again. You have no idea.

Jollybeaker ago

WTB upvotes

SerialBrain2 ago

Thank you for your kind invitation! ;)

d00danon ago


SerialBrain2 ago

Thank you! ;)

fuspezza ago

Just so you know @are_we_sure is our pet shill. Thank you for your decodes

SerialBrain2 ago

Thank you for the heads up ;)

HST ago

He's actually right though this is absolute malarkey

TrishaUK ago

Or 'pet goat' to be more specific lol - I just have him blocked I can't take in so much nastiness. Welcome SerialBrain2 - you are 100% more welcome than said goat :D

thatguyiam ago

What i wanna know, if Trump is such a christian as he suddenly claims to be overnight, because, who are we kidding, his lifestyle before and after the election are like night and day, then why is he surrounded himself with jesuit catholics in his inner circle.

white_eagle ago

Think logically.... the Jesuits were infiltrated by the Masons just as the Church was. Not all Jesuits are evil. Just like not everyone in the U.S. gov't and military is evil, but rather infiltrated and a certain point.

Shizy ago

"All have sinned and come short of the glory of God". "There is none righteous, no not one". I could go on and on.

God often uses men who seem unworthy but who are called to do great things for God and fulfill his will. King David is one such example.

voat901 ago

trojan horse

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Jesuits do not have a third order for laymen, so unless he has priests or brothers in his cabinet, he doesn't have any Jesuits.

Maybe a bunch of people who went to Jesuit schools, but yeah... lots of people go to Jesuit schools because they run schools.

user_1234 ago

judge much, wait you are smarter than our beloved President Trump. Well shit ill follow you now. Maybe you could get someone to post on the chans for you with a fancy letter for a name. Fuck off

FireDog ago

"ThatGuy I-Am-No-Man," Great name, it suits ... YOU are a wooden-headed PINOCCHIO ... yes, the Babylonian ventriloquist's DUMMY that tap dances on strings. IF you were human with a skull full of brains, then you would know that about 65 clergy of all denominations are in the White House Oval Office weekly praying over President Trump. YOU would also know that he is a DEVOUT PROTESTANT CHRISTIAN, but YOU are not human. So, keep tap dancing on those strings, DUMMY!

Soakingitup123 ago

Does this basically mean that Trump is part of another secret group vying for power? So far he seems to be on the people's side in most issues (5G is one here is pushing for and isn't good for us). I've debated this a lot, but this is info I hadn't seen before, thank you. Still not sure what it means for us

thatguyiam ago

He seems to be draining the swamp quite nicely so far. Hopefully this isnt just some ellaborate ploy to smear the evangelical christians... you know, elected by evwngelical patriots, now he's being purpesefully all christian in the spotlight. Whats next, crusades 2.0 blame it on the christians again?

e1337ninja ago

I've long had a personal theory that I don't exactly have proof for, that a chunk of previous presidents were C_A backed (Carter, Bush, Clinton, Bush). Even as recently as in Syria it could be seen that the Pentagon and C_A had different agendas and goals. I think it's fairly clear that Trump is backed by the Pentagon faction (includes NSA). What led to this personal conclusion was the shoot out in New York at the Long Lines Building shortly before the election.

HST ago

Alright so seeing as reddit is not exactly a stable place I wouldn't use it as an example for a safe spot for your archives to be linked on..

Kinda silly to need to point that out

Are_we_sure ago

What a load of horseshit this is.

PrimitiveScrewhead ago

If you start from your imagined conclusion and work backwards you can make anything work with arbitrary rules.

e1337ninja ago

I tend to agree that all SB2 posts are some weird way of reaching for straws. What I don't get is at one time Q linked to a post he made on commie Reddit.

delicious_grownups ago

Seriously. It's the most wacky, poorly written fan fiction in GreatAwakening universe

NSWN2 ago

haha Really, based on what knowledge of yours? You may learn that people have spoken in code for millenia but then again maybe you do not know that and only understand when something is plainly spoken to you.


Anyone who believes Trump is a committed numerologist who has the time to assign numbers to every letter he tweets and send messages with the same "numerical value" as other, random phrases pulled out of thin air is not worth the time it takes to read his overwrought, contrived output. "Contortionist", indeed.

"Are we sure" this is indeed another example of raving lunacy? Yes, we are.

delicious_grownups ago

Trump is a borderline retard with no patience and a serious hatred for things he doesn't understand. There's no way he practices numerology


Trump is a borderline retard with no patience and a serious hatred for things he doesn't understand.

LOL Yet he was able to outsmart 16 other Republicans, plus your favorite candidate, who couldn't even win a rigged election with the press already crowning her. That must make you feel pretty frustrated. How retarded do you think it makes you look? (Hint: REAL fucking retarded. LOL)

NSWN2 ago

It's all right you keep believing that...meanwhile we will continue to run our comms out in the open that you all do not understand while others KNOW what we are discussing. If you don't believe, we are fine with that...

HST ago

Fucking hell I agree with you finally.

You see what you make me do @srayzie?? You are making me agree with @are_we_sure!

Are_we_sure ago

I know, right? It's shameful.

fuckingmockies ago

Hold on while I add up the letters of your comment and invent rules to find hidden messages...

DamoclesofBenghazi ago

I think he’s referring to the 20 pg description line

TheDonaldTrump ago

Let’s open our Bible

A real bunch of niggerfaggots.

MDEalwaysdies ago

The bible has 2 covers like the towers and the pages represent the tether those towers (EXPLOSIVE) tether they had to tower 7. This is it guys. KITE STEEL PLANE - Carry the K over, switch the E to an A KIKE STEAL PLANE. gotta say, I didn't used to buy into the Qdrops but this is what sold me. Just donated money to like 3 of the sites.

Imightnotbetrolling ago

I needed this thank you.

upvoat99 ago

I don’t read SB’s posts anymore. They reach and reach and reach until they find some kind of conclusion.

Airsilent ago

Thought you don't read his post's? Just pointing out the obvious.

upvoat99 ago

Anymore. I realized after the first few that my confirmation bias was out of control and I needed to think critically.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

anyone who reads SB2 is a dumb nigger


This faggot always starts strong and falls off the deep end. Salt required.

fuckingmockies ago

Right? The context of Bush right before he was informed about 9/11 was extremely interesting. The kabalistic fetish of adding up the numerical values of words is just silly, though.

Geez ago

Your comment has 182 characters. 1+8 = 9 and 2 is just two 1s. Ergo your comment = 9/11

Flawless analysis.

e1337ninja ago

Hey fren where can I subscribe to your YouTube? /s


Sexybuttcheeks ago

4 10 20 D J T

Read Q drops regarding that, and you’ll see that Q told us that’s his comms

e1337ninja ago

Wut? I wanna like Q, but all you folks that stretch and just make stuff up makes my head hurt. Go back to talking about weather control and contrails on r/conspiracy

SnapAwake ago

He certainly fucking didn't. If you're implying Q pointed to this logical asshattery as POTUS' comms, I challenge you to quote him. And if you're right, I'll buy you a coffee.

the_art_collector ago

Yeah but I mean

You know the drill. Capital letters: RG GREAT M NYC S H R TRUE WARRIOR = 342. Same gematria as YOU ARE ACCOMPLISHING GREAT THINGS.

Some of this shit is really a stretch. I will join in the congratulations if he makes a major breakthrough, though.

Blacksmith21 ago

I work with guys like @seriallbrain2

Most times, I make you guys "pick up the shit" until you prove yourself.

And then I fart in your mouth. Like frat hazing.

@Serialbrain2 - You intrigue me, but you don't impress me. If I were you I'd take the cotton outta your mouth and stick it in your ears once in a while.

WhiteDragonMage ago

just a quick note for those interested... The children spelled the word KITE which doesn't fit. According to acronym finder KITE can stand for Kinetic Kill Vehicle Integrated Technology Experiment. Not a lot can be found on this experiment but a kinetic kill vehicle is this... A weapon using a non-explosive projectile moving at very high speed to destroy a target on impact. The more you know...

lord_nougat ago


Q665544 ago

kite is a flying object. slang for plane

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Oh I heard about something similar to this supposedly it was a weapon so scary dangerous they shelved it, It was a handheld disc thrower that used rotating magnetic fields to speed up a spinning disc and fling it out Silently and extremely accurate even over distance decapitating people at range.

CallMeCurious ago


Crackrocknigga ago

Kite is also prison talk for a written message

WhiteDragonMage ago

cool but what context does that bring to 9/11?

Crackrocknigga ago

Dunno just thought faggots might find its useful

WhiteDragonMage ago

right on

DeepPast ago

Or an unmanned flying object controlled by someone at a distance.

Crackrocknigga ago

No shit fuckface

DeepPast ago

Jesus, really? Is this how it's gonna be here on Voat?

Crackrocknigga ago

Think of what value your comment provided. Everyone knows that definition of kite, we aren't stupid. This is a snowflake free zone.

Azurenightsky ago

Everyone knows that definition of kite, we aren't stupid. This is a snowflake free zone.

Yes, and everyone is dismissing the notion that "Kite" might mean something more than just the basic form of a fucking kite you fucking nigger.

Kite could just as easily be code for a fucking Drone used in 9/11.

Think of what value your comment provided.

The fucking irony is fucking palpable.

This is a snowflake free zone.

And that's not a fucking argument you braindead retard.

Crackrocknigga ago

He didn't say drone you cockhead sounds like your white knighting or some shit

DeepPast ago

Shut the fuck up.

Crackrocknigga ago

Actually, I don't have to :)


DeepPast ago

You’re clearly controlled opposition trying to make this sub look racist.

Crackrocknigga ago

😂 😂😂

Rawrination ago

A kite is also a thing that flies without power, and with limited controls.

A kite on a string. Perhaps something to do with the radio control "plane" theory.

dmanny77 ago

glad to see you posting SB. running my gematria calcs to confirm for my edification. WWG1WGA!

SerialBrain2 ago

Thank you! Keep practicing! ;)

TheWhiteRabbitQ ago

Hello, SerialBrain2

You've chosen an interesting platform to introduce your following too. Gaining traction here is like asking your bowling ball to come back to you just before it strikes the pins. While possible I'm falling short of the know how. Curious why you don't start your own sight? If you have it built, we will come and support it. TheWhiteRabbitQ

Keneo77 ago

Great work SB2, I can hardly believe we all missed the classroom signs, these scumbags are beyond evil.

SerialBrain2 ago

Hey Keneo, glad to see you here. Thank you! ;)

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Fuck yourself nigger

Keneo77 ago

I feel oddly aroused after that, did you just slap my dick with a feather, please do it again.

RockmanRaiden ago

Yeah. You're SerialBrain2 alright. Good to have you.

thankful_4_tomorrow ago

Rituals act as Mind Control over the members in a cult or secret society, and the more members under control, the strong the leader gets.

SerialBrain2 ago

Excellent comment! Thank you.

DamoclesofBenghazi ago

I am still shaken how so many people are brainwashed!

Grunge ago

it's surreal. When bringing up building #7 I've heard these brainwashed people say "ya, there was debris from the plane that caused catastrophic damage to the building which explains why it collapsed. They believe everything without question.

Ancalagon15 ago

I wonder the brainwashed realize a B-25 crashed into the Empire State Building in 1945 and it's still here.

Podd ago

Gravity had been pulling down on building 7 for years and seeing mama and papa tower free fall filled building 7 with so much sorrow he suicided. Please don't building 7, call a suicide hotline today.

I'm writing a children's book.

wooqy ago

It's spiritual-technological warfare. Consumer technology is at the forefront, storefront. Pay to get dumber and poorer, over and over again.

adogrocket ago

SB2 Great job and thanks for keeping keeping on

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Want to know how i know you are a dumb nigger?

You listen to SB2

bipstamatic ago

SB2 is garbage. If this board fawns over him like the fags at Reddit then you know this place is comped too.

adogrocket ago

the thing about idiots is they are too stupid to know that they are one,much less identify others.... your welcome

HeatPatriot1 ago

Great post!

SerialBrain2 ago

Thank you HP! ;)

hfkmfn ago

Those rulers, authorities and powers in the bible are usually interpreted as angels or demons... The word origin of English "worship" derives from "worthy", in Hebrew "service". Nice to see you made it here, Jerk.

Captainfancypants ago

I'm a stickler for word etymology. War ship and worship may sounds alike but are not even close to coming from the same word.

warship (n.) 1530s, from war (n.) + ship (n.).

worship (n.) Old English worðscip, wurðscip (Anglian), weorðscipe (West Saxon) "condition of being worthy, dignity, glory, distinction, honor, renown," from weorð "worthy" (see worth) + -scipe Sense of "reverence paid to a supernatural or divine being" is first recorded c. 1300. The original sense is preserved in the title worshipful "honorable" (c. 1300).

war (n.) late Old English wyrre, werre "large-scale military conflict," from Old North French werre "war" (Old French guerre "difficulty, dispute; hostility; fight, combat, war;" Modern French guerre), from Frankish *werra, from Proto-Germanic *werz-a- (source also of Old Saxon werran, Old High German werran, German verwirren "to confuse, perplex"), from PIE *wers- (1) "to confuse, mix up". Cognates suggest the original sense was "to bring into confusion."

TheAntiZealot ago

Could you link/tell your source?

Wrathwake ago

Why do you think it’s called “ spelling”... they made English words a “ spell”.... everything is polluted. God... help us all.

SerialBrain2 ago

Why do you think it’s called “ spelling”... they made English words a “ spell”....

You nailed it! Q-confirmed:

Q128 What is a spell? Who is asleep? Dissemination. Attention on deck. There is an active war on your mind.

dSaint2 ago

I’m reminded of the late Fr. John Hardin, Jesuit priest, died in 2000. He riled against the infiltration of wicked priest into the Jesuit order. He also taught on the diabolical conspiracy against the Truth waged through the media. And taught that the English language itself was intrinsically evil and anti-Catholic. An archive of his teachings can be found here:

Wrathwake ago

I have a saying that I’ve been using for over ten years...”I’m Sorry You Ate Your Brain... But You Can’t Have Mine”

2Qornot2Q ago

Same with programming, while we sit our youth in front of their tv program. Yikes

HST ago

I really hope you believe some shit like this. Wow you new guys are far off the deep end, huh?

NotaBot17 ago

Apparently, deeper than your level of comprehension.

HST ago

Oh man I wish you knew how not insulted I am right now.

You guys are right. That teacher tricked those kids into casting a spell which made those planes hit those buildings. How absolutely dull I must have been to not realize it.

Wrathwake ago

Not new. No deep end... fuck you!

HST ago

You cast some sort of spell on me with those English words!! You monster!!

Wrathwake ago

Yes... it’s what it’s for! Sick to think it was planned so long ago!

HST ago

You know spell was a germanic word before it was English right? So that's probably why the Holocaust you guys, probably why the holocaust..

SerialBrain2 ago

It's not about etymology. Here is the context:

Q587 PRAY. PREY. Notice the similarity? Q

Blacksmith21 ago

Late to the game SB2.


The common worshiper has become fodder and food for the wolves.

NSWN2 ago

SB2 - They all think they have worth in mocking something they don't understand...those of us that have been trained (MI) in this line KNOW what is there and what Q has been saying. We appreciate the updates.

tally-ho ago

Something is wrong, I can't explain

Everything changed when the birds came

You'll never know what they might do if they catch you too early

We need to fly ourselves before someone else tells us how

Something is off, I feel like prey, I feel like praying

Prey - The Neighborhood

MrCooper12 ago

Keep up the good work! WWG1WGA

SerialBrain2 ago

Thank you Friend! ;)

fuckingmockies ago

I notice superficial similarity. That's about as far as it goes; surface deep.

Hey, I gotta say, you've made some top tier posts in the past, but this one seemed like nonsense. Now that we're no longer on Reddit, you're probably going to run into some criticism. That's not shills or disinfo - it's just people who don't have to fear being banned anymore.

But hey, "Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend."

PrimitiveScrewhead ago

It will be nice to not worry about getting banned for saying critical things about these posts.

Vindicator ago

"Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend."

Now that is Voat, to a "T". Lotta iron sharpening around here.

Blacksmith21 ago

Etymology is my freund.

Wrathwake ago


2Qornot2Q ago


Blacksmith21 ago

Freund. Look it up.

LostSpirit ago

Normally I would agree, however in this case I think part of the message is that the deep state loves their symbolism, and the aural similarities between the two words fits that bill.

Svetlana ago

They sure do.

Scoundrel ago

I love you! Thank you!

everlastingphelps ago

FYI, this bot is here because using live links and imgur are frowned on. Live links die/change/get manipulated/used for tracking, and imgur in particular is known to be compromised.

SnapAwake ago

What's the best option in place of imgur for image sharing?

everlastingphelps ago

It's a hard question, because hosts keep getting yanked out from under us. is a good choice. has been reliable for a long time as well.

Broc_Lia ago

Kek is gone I think and I've been banned from catbox for copyright infringement, so they might not be reliable.

Try imgoat or imgTC

FrozenFire74 ago went down and I don't recall it actually going back up, but is a pet project for the site and has weathered the various hosting site purges.

slunt ago

Well written niggerfagget. Should use though. Thanks for the material!

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Dont fucking call SB2 that he is actually a retarded nigger and you are a dumb fucking nigger if you listen to his crap.

SnapAwake ago

This ☝️

slunt ago

Just wish there were active places to talk hockey and trucks here.

Broc_Lia ago

Start them? Most of the niche subs here are kept going by a few dedicated users.

Sexybuttcheeks ago

No reason you can’t still go to Reddit for those. Unless you’d prefer not to support those kikes.

thankful_4_tomorrow ago

You'll soon appreciate that we bring the best niggerfaggots from Reddit.