d00danon ago

Very good write up, thank you.

gazillions ago

The Bronfmans were absolute garbage. Drug dealers, human traffickers and they're solid financial donors to the turd Trudeau.


kestrel9 ago

Sick disgusting families.

The British realized the Bronfmans would be a liability if they continued to work as openly with their distributors in narcotics trafficking as they did running Prohibition. They could not afford to dump Bronfman. The family had become irreplaceable due to its in-depth control over the syndicates which were needed to pump drugs into America.

The problem was resolved by bringing Bronfman into the lower rungs of the Hofjuden caste. Sam’s children were welcomed into the Hofjuden elite by intermarriage. Almost overnight, the Rothschilds, Montefiores, de Hirsches et al took “Mr. Sam”, the crime czar of North America, and transformed him into a rising star of the Canadian Zionist movement.

Have you seen this Rothchild family timeline? It's the best one I've seen. http://archive.is/CvQUy It fills in a lot of blanks (for me anyway), still have to finish reading however. To overcome this particular systemic Global Cabal of EVIL really would be the best timeline of history.

kestrel9 ago

Bronfmans even playing a role in JFK Assassination?

it should be noted for the record that the fingerprints of Israel’s wealthy patron, Lansky syndicate figure Sam Bronfman, are found all over the JFK assassination conspiracy.

  • ...the book, Final Judgment, which contends that Israel’s intelligence service, the Mossad, played a major role alongside the CIA in the assassination of President Kennedy, precisely because of JFK’s obstinate opposition to Israel’s drive to build nuclear weapons of mass destruction...
  • Not only was Bronfman’s longtime henchman, Louis Bloomfield, chairman of the Mossad-sponsored Permindex corporation (which included among its directors no less than New Orleans businessman Clay Shaw, who was indicted by former New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison for involvement in the JFK assassination), but new evidence indicates that Dallas mob figure Jack Ruby was actually on the Bronfman payroll, an interesting little detail in and of itself!

  • In addition, while another Bronfman associate in Dallas, oilman Jack Crichton, hovered around Lee Harvey Oswald’s widow after the JFK assassination, another Bronfman functionary—“super lawyer” John McCloy—served on the Warren Commission. McCloy was a director— and Crichton served as vice president—of the Empire Trust, a financial combine controlled in part by the Bronfman family.

  • What many JFK researchers who point their fingers at the “Texas oil barons” have failed to note is that Sam Bronfman was a Texas oil baron himself, having purchased Texas Pacific Oil in 1963.

  • As far back as 1949, Allen Dulles, later the CIA director fired by JFK and also a Warren Commission member, served as an attorney involved in the private business ventures of Bronfman’s daughter Phyllis.

kestrel9 ago

Bronfmans and their 'satellite' families: Mortimor Zuckerman and Daniel Snyder

And revolving, as satellites, around the Bronfman dynasty are a wide-ranging array of other powerful Zionist families which—in turn—have their own satellite families and financial interests.

  • Mortimer Zuckerman’s early success came through business deals with the Bronfman family, such deals which enabled him to become a substantial power within the Zionist community in his own right.
  • Subsequent owner of such publications as the distinguished Atlantic Monthly and U.S. News and World Report—both important media outlets—and then such less august but still influential publications like The New York Daily News, Zuckerman ultimately became president of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, an influential post indeed.

  • In later years, however, Zuckerman began “salting” the Zionist community with his own proceeds and gave aid and succor to an up-and-coming young Washington, D.C.-based promoter and entrepreneur, one Daniel Snyder, who—in a few short years—was able to amass enoughcapital to grab control of the famed Washington Redskins football team, even from the hands of the son of its longtime and legendary owner, Jack Kent Cooke.

Always hovering, the Rothschilds fingers in every pie...

So, in the end, of course, it can be said that Snyder is a satellite of Zuckerman who is in turn a satellite of Bronfman whose family, in the beginning, owed their patronage to the charities of Europe’s famed Rothschild family. It is indeed all very circular.

  • Originally, we have been told, the Bronfman clan came as immigrants to Canada under the sponsorship—like many others—of the various Jewish charities under the thumb of Europe’s Rothschild family, the great financial house that has ruled from behind the scenes for generations.


kestrel9 ago

Bronfmans, Arizona, Hensley family and McCain

  • Bronfman family influence in Arizona is so strong that it can be rightly said that the Bronfmans are no less than the “godfathers” behind the political career of America’s best known “reformer”—Arizona Senator John McCain.
  • In 1976, a crusading Phoenix reporter, Don Bolles, was murdered by a car-bomb after writing a series of stories exposing the organized crime connections of a wide-ranging number of well-known figures in Arizona, including one Jim Hensley.

  • Five years later “Honest John” McCain arrived in Arizona as the new husband of Hensley’s daughter, Cindy. “From the moment McCain landed in Phoenix,” according to Charles Lewis of the Center for Public Integrity, “the Hensleys were key sponsors of his political career.” But the fact is, the people behind the Hensley fortune are even more interesting and controversial.

  • While it is well-known McCain’s father-in-law is the owner of the biggest Anheuser-Busch beer distributor in Arizona—one of the largest beer distributors in the nation—the mainstream media has had nothing to say about the origins of the Hensley fortune that financed McCain’s rise to power. The Hensley fortune is no more than a regional offshoot of the big time bootlegging and rackets empire of the Bronfman dynasty.

  • McCain’s father-in-law got his start as a top henchman of one Kemper Marley who, for some forty years until his death in 1990 at age 84, was the undisputed behind-the-scenes political boss of Arizona. But Marley was much more than a machine politician. In fact, he was also theLansky crime syndicate’s top man in Arizona, the protege of Lansky lieutenant, Phoenix gambler Gus Greenbaum.


kestrel9 ago


"The support from the Bronfman-Marley- Hensley network was integral to McCain’s rise to power."

  • In 1941 Greenbaum had set up the Transamerica Publishing and News Service, which operated a national wire service for bookmakers. In 1946 Greenbaum turned over the day-to-day operations to Marley while Greenbaum focused on building up Lansky-run casinos in Las Vegas,commuting there from his home in Phoenix.
  • Greenbaum, in fact, was so integral to the Lansky empire that he was the one who took command of Lansky’s Las Vegas interests in 1947 after Lansky ordered the execution of his own longtime friend, Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegel, for skimming mob profits from the new Flamingo Casino.

  • Greenbaum and his wife were murdered in a mob “hit” in 1948, their throats cut. The murder set off a series of gangland wars in Phoenix, but Marley survived and prospered. During this time Marley was building up a liquor distribution monopoly in Arizona.

  • According to Marley’s longtime public relations man, Al Lizanitz, it was the Bronfman family that set Marley up in the liquor business. In 1948 some 52 of Marley’s employees (including Jim Hensley) went to jail on federal liquor violations—but not Marley.

  • The story in Arizona is that Hensley took the fall for Marley and, upon his release from prison, Marley paid back Hensley’s loyalty by setting up him in the beer distribution business. That beer company today, said to be worth some $200 million, is what largely financed John McCain’s political career.