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DuskGrader ago

When we eliminate corruption from our government, these people are going to have their day in court, be executed for treason, and their heads are going to be put on the pikes of the fence around the White House for all to see.

Bfwilley ago

OH look everybody a new (((WHOsER))). a 20 day voater.

Whooops we have another (((WHOsER))), (((Da WHOS its Da Whos!))) (((ITS AL WAYS DA WHOSSSS))).

Call this one out, shame it, ignore it, block it, ban it.

Please do not take my word for it look at it's profile your self.

DuskGrader ago

You should really get in touch with @Nosferatjew.

Nosferatjew ago

Sup (((fellow white person))). Having fun LARPing as a "white nationalist"?

@DuskGrader here is a preacher shill, his primary agenda is to control the narrative here on voat and to ultimately Pied Piper goats into exposing themselves IRL in ways that would ruin their lives and further compromise this site.

List of @DuskGrader's known shilling alts from the past:

@DuskGrader admited to being the polit of these accounts here. Here is a screencap. And here is an archive.

Also, this is the only user on the site to use the term "neo-soviet" and "neo-soviets", as can be seen by running those two terms through

Posts I have made about these accounts...

Using my now banned u/draaaak account:

Using my current u/Nosferatjew account:

If you are new to all this, please review the above posts for more info about these various accounts.

@sguevar @GreenSlug @Bfwilley @argosciv @Tallest_Skil

DuskGrader ago

Lol. I'm going to be pinging you all the time now.

Nosferatjew ago

I hope you do :)