Next up in Austrian national TV:
- sincerly, a "town" in Austria, and "THEM" being illegal migrants. The "town" is not even fucking happy about the migrants, but Austria national TV showing a propaganda documentary entitled
Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME? This is fucking worse than Hitler advertising with peace. This is fucking propaganda.
Im gonna fucking record this shit and then Im gonna fucking sub it and fuck you. FUCK THIS COUNTRY. I AM FUCKING DONE.
jewsbadnews ago
Put in power? He wasn't elected though.
Free_Radical ago
Do it. We'll spread it everywhere.
olinneserpona ago
Send the broadcasters a written letter and some emails. Get more people to do the same(fb, twitter, all that shit). They don't know people wont accept this behavior until some lets them know. And as my father taught me: "every time you think someone should do this, someone should do that: you are someone". Someone got to do it.
jewsbadnews ago
He attacked Russia in the winter and didn't listen to his generals if I am correct. And you didn't really answer my question. Who could possibly be better?
jewsbadnews ago
Make Israel a pagan state again!
jewsbadnews ago
Who is better than him? And he wasn't successful to you? He went from broke to the most powerful man on earth and it took 3 super powers to stop him, and he lost only because of a few majorly bad decisions.
Runaway-White-Slave ago
OP is way off-base, apparently he's never heard of the Haavara Transfer Agreement, or know that there were SS members who were in fact Jewish, and that one of Hitler's most favored chauffeurs was in fact Jewish... He sough peace with the Jews, he sought peace with the rest of the world, he just wasn't accepting living under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, being someone's sock-puppet, or having his culture and countrymen destroyed by degeneracy....
Yeah, Hitler wouldn't not have liked v/loli... Sick-fucks @Sadistic_Bastard you fucking KIKE.
EmmetMcTaggart ago
What's a signature sign?
Insert a back-slash before the characters voat (and reddit) uses for formatting to escape the formatting.
so if you write * at the start of a line but want it to to be an asterix and not a bullet point, write \*
* an asterix
kryptoniankoffee ago
Nothing against you,OP. You're right on the money, and this is fucking outrageous. But I can never read these words again without picturing Carl the Cuck.
Derpfroot ago
And hearing it in Sye Ten's caricature of him. Love those 'toons.
Trevelyan-s_corn ago
Do we want to bring more people on board the idea of stopping the migrant crisis? Because if so, bringing up Hitler is a terrible idea. Convincing people of the current problem, is already hard enough that we shouldn't shot ourselves in the leg.
I know it's voat and that there are probably no neutral party browsing here, but it was meant as a general comment.
jewsbadnews ago
"Hitler was right about almost everything"-Stanley Kubrick
downton-stabby ago
Sources? Not for proof but further reading..
jaceame ago
Jaegerjaques ago
Jews are a race when it's convenient, and a religion when it's not.
jaceame ago
Remove the starving and you've got most SJW.
GumbyTM ago
This is a great point that can't be driven home enough.
Re: Hitler, of course standard history isn't complete truth, it also isn't complete bullshit.
Until a generation lives through something that writes history they don't get how opinionated the 'factual' record is.
Spoiler: The next lesson is snot nosed brats that weren't around telling you what you really experienced because they learned about it on the internet and in college / facebook. (and you think you're angry now.)
european ago
Apparently there's a documentary called 'the greatest story never told' or something. I've not watched it myself but .. It offers an alternative view on him I hear.
EllenPaosEgo ago
Halfway through watching it for the 3rd time. It is well worth the watch to see both sides of the story, even if it is 6 hours.
LeopoldXXII ago
First few episodes are interesting, then it gets completely whitewashed.
Dark_Shroud ago
I'll jump in to give you my current big list of alternatives. Because you're going to have to protect your digital ass. If you have Chrome installed than back up your favorites and un-install it using the freeware version of Revo Uninstaller.
If you weren't using a third party password manager than you'll want to change all your different passwords.
If anyone has more suggestions hit me with a reply.
virtru - Free personal use, outlook encryption plug-in.
Privacy-Conscious Email Services List
Secure Messenger Software:
Telegram (My pick) - Similar to What's App only independent, secure, & on all major platforms.
Signal - Secure FOSS messenger, only on iOS & Android.
BBM - Old school with a big user base, fully encrypted, & a feed system.
Brave (Blink) - by former Mozilla CEO. (My pick)
Vivaldi (Blink) - by former Opera devs.
Pale Moon (Goanna) - Firefox fork.
Midori (WebKit)
Password Managers:
Search Engines:
DuckDuckGo - privately uses Yahoo (Bing). Has "bang" options.
StartPage - privately uses Google.
Youtube Alternatives:
note: If you're a serious content creator than I suggest mirroring your channel on several of these:
Live Leak (My pick) <- Post your videos here so they don't get deleted/censored.
vimeo <- A lot of original artistry content. <- Mirror every video here.
Gvid - An experiment for a low cost, content neutral replacement for Youtube.
Alernate DNS: (Use one of these to help avoid various "filters" on European internet.)
OpenNIC project
Mobile OS Alternatives:
BlackBerry, Powered by Android
Cyanogen OS
Social Media alternatives: (My pick) - Twitter alternative, waiting list to join.
GNU social - Reddit alternative.
Alternet web technology:
I2P - The invisible internet project. Similar to TOR only more secure.
ZeroNet - Peer to Peer, Open, free and uncensorable websites.
IPFS - A peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol.
Matrix - Matrix is an open standard for decentralised communication.
VPNs & Miscellaneous:
Infogalactic - A wikipedia alternative
Greycoder - Privacy information & tech including VPNs.
Prism Break - Privacy information & software.
Chance903 ago
holy smokes, thank you
olinneserpona ago
Thanks. I've been looking for a new browser.
gopluckyourself ago
what do you use for addblock on brave
Dark_Shroud ago
It's all built in so you don't need one. "No Script" is also built in as is HTTPS everywhere. You just have to adjust the security settings.
Brave only has a couple of add-ons right now, but Lastpass & Pocket are two of them so that's enough for me beyond what's built in.
gopluckyourself ago
Good times and thanks for the tips I've been trying to figure out how the hell to get out from under the monitored over web for the most part.
Dark_Shroud ago
I2P - The invisible internet project.
Otherwise you'll need a paid VPN or maybe TOR. I know the US Government has figured out how to track TOR, I have no idea of your country of their tech skills.
DishingShitLikeA ago
Ay this is post and cross post worthy. Do it, spread the word.
Dark_Shroud ago
I've been posting this around here and eddit.
7196624? ago
Out of upvotes so you get a: Thanks!
Dark_Shroud ago
Well I'll just have to give you an up vote then.
HeavyBrain ago
Same goes for muslims.
lorlipone ago
Come help us Make America Great Again.
EllenPaosEgo ago
Alternate idea, the USA arming moderate rebels in Austria under the Trump administration. Meaning specifically non muslim native Austrians. Train them, arm them, help them remove kebab.
Dark_Shroud ago
Whats funny is many of them actually do hate Europe. They can't stand the cold winters among many other issues.
SuperHappyFunBall ago
I wasn't born yet. But I'm certainly listening now.
We desperately need a second coming of Hitler today.
Cain ago
Find ways to hurt them. Find ways to scuddle the propaganda. Find ways to organize. Find ways to fight back. Their biggest advantage is that they organize while they keep their opponents isolated. Find people local and start working together.
8_billion_eaters ago
You would think that somewhere between Stalin and Trudeau we could have figured out a happy medium.
Troll ago
One way or another.
frankenmine ago
Just assume all MSM programming is Jewish propaganda in the service of white genocide and it all makes sense.
Troll ago
Yeah, auto formatting can be a bitch. Don't be mad. It's just the death of the European Union. Once it collapses and the welfare dries up, all the sand niggers will go back. This way or another.
HeavyBrain ago
No they wont the will riot and the pralment cucks will cave to them and while the French and Italiens wil riot DACH will just take it.