Olive oil burns when you fry hard with it, not good and tastes bitter when burnt. You got some links to share on that please? I like canola oil for frying at home over the other high smoke point oils. And butter is very low temp and lard has no flavor.
For real though yes low quality oils are dangerous because they contain tiny levels of carcinogens, expsecialy Asian imports. Euro imports from countries that kicked Monsanto out are a lot safer and costly. Another case of you get what you pay for.
I know the whole planet is dieing from vegetable oils, just read a Project Veritas article last week, "6 million Jews were unsuspectingly poisoned with vegetable oil by Trump Supporters in restaurants"
I lost the link but damn 16 million is a lot. It's almost twice the population of Israel last year. Stop the madness!!
Convection Ovens work! They are windy ovens and bake faster. Ild go a little lower temp 370 - 400 range and not over, conventional you could go up to 500 but that's just not economical and mass is too small. If you are doing two whole cookie sheeits you can go higher temp. if you load up that air fryer to max you might be able to use higher temp. not sure cuz idk exactly what you got. if it's toaster oven size 370. I would do whole pan fulls in a gas fired pizza kiln that operates at 750 but I did it on the warm up so every day was bit different temp ranging from 300 increasing to about 500 when done. Keep in mind also the stone underneath was not preheated either, and I had the whole thing full of pans of roasting veggies. Party on Wayne!!
Give broccolini a try using the method above, but cooks much quicker. My kids fight over that shit. Ill utilize montreal steak seasoning on it sometimes. The other thing i have grown to fucking love is bok-choy. Cut the leafy parts from the stalk, trim the stalk to french fry try pieces, a little coconut oil, simmer on med for a few, then throw the leafy parts in, add a few drops sesame oil, and add soy sauce to taste. Baby bok-choy is the best, either way, this will not disappoint. Grows great in gardens too. Its basically a cabbage. Its nice and sweet, and another one my kids will not leave any behind. I love threads like these. Your kale with bacon grease(which is great for frying eggs too) and garlic and jalepenos is getting made tonight. Thank you. Another one, i almost forgot is baby bella shrooms quartered with butter and garlic sauted. Fucking magic. Soooo simple. No survivors.
It's better results oven roasted than pan roasted, although the pan method is cheaper and easier over all.
I learned these techniques working at a Premiere Italian Resturant that specializes in Top Level Pizza located on King st. in Charleston South Carolina.
It's a joke, I was accused of spamming earlier for things I don't have any affiliation with but rather personal interest. He shut up after I proved it four ways how I ain't after his various uncontextual highlights of spam.
So it's obvious you are gay. Tell me this though please, do you enjoy it you invite gabara over and when you wake up he is gone and your asshole is bleading?
This faggot tagged me too for my hilarious BANG ENERGY drink 'advertisement'
It actually is pretty good and the conversation was about someone drinking a lot of Pepsi instead of beer. I think Pepsi is gross. Another good beer alternative is La Croix but I thought the BANG ENERGY DRINK "advertisement" was funny. Fuck me I'm a shill rite?
Idk I do it everyday, I am have Milwaukee blood though, healthiest drinkers in the world (unkillable) (before integration and migration) second to only one location historicity in Germany. And I'm mostly German so I guess I have no point than that.
Proof 2: look at my history, it just support your theory. Better yet,,, nevermind, go look at my history in the cooking subs. Then you can fuck straight the fuck off.
They are good and has value, what more do you want. Gabara to blow your dog as a prize for being a shitload? Suppose you would be fully against somebody's opinion I what the best ice cream bar in Charleston is also and that's Carmella's, I like the Devil's Backbone beer and Carmel Gelato that is second to none. Best I have ever had.
The details are just proof I know what I'm talking about and the help is cuz I like you fags.
I have a marketing background also, this is a piss poor environment for that, you have to agree. Link backs don't track, you all are dicks and there isn't nearly enough nigger faggots here to validate your time attempting to make a click or a visit and the proof is the jpg from the catbox sobyou don't have to visit another site.
Posted automatically (#86457) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Smells_Like_Tacos: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @ex-redd)
I cook cauliflower steaks. Just take a whole cauliflower and cut into slices, whatever thickness you prefer. Lightly oil and fry in cast iron, or out on the bbq.
I like slicing some romaine lettuces in half and grilling them on the grill a few minutes... throw whatever salad ingredients you like and some home made dressing and it's a great summer salad.
Tried those for the first time a bit ago, holy crap! So tasty. Added some lemon and garlic to mine though. Growing some cauliflower this year for sure.
Utilizing cheaper frozen packages is fine because you will ravage the cell walls with heat, donut doesn't matter if cell wall damage happen in the freezing process.
You can also 'pan roast' low / medium low settings in a single layer, tossing every five minutes til done.
Simply chop up larger chunks to fork size / buye size to speed the process.
Directions: Drizzle with oil, Sprinkle with Salt and Fresh cracked Black Pepper, and Toss to coat evenly. Then cook. Either use above pan method or bake at 400°F using the same 5 minute rule.
(olive oil is good for this frying only because it will not burn on low and is somewhat trapped in the florets. /// I will even use canola as back up oil)
The key here is to chop broccoli up into fork sized pieces. So many times I’ve had a quarter of a flouret served to me and then it had a half cooked center because it wasn’t trimmed down before cooking.
hatecrime ago
NEVER consume vegetable oil.
There's like one exception to this, olive oil.
It's worse than you can imagine.
Smells_Like_Tacos ago
Olive oil burns when you fry hard with it, not good and tastes bitter when burnt. You got some links to share on that please? I like canola oil for frying at home over the other high smoke point oils. And butter is very low temp and lard has no flavor.
Smells_Like_Tacos ago
For real though yes low quality oils are dangerous because they contain tiny levels of carcinogens, expsecialy Asian imports. Euro imports from countries that kicked Monsanto out are a lot safer and costly. Another case of you get what you pay for.
Smells_Like_Tacos ago
I know the whole planet is dieing from vegetable oils, just read a Project Veritas article last week, "6 million Jews were unsuspectingly poisoned with vegetable oil by Trump Supporters in restaurants"
I lost the link but damn 16 million is a lot. It's almost twice the population of Israel last year. Stop the madness!!
nobslob ago
Been playing around with my new air fryer, it's great for this kind of stuff.
Smells_Like_Tacos ago
Convection Ovens work! They are windy ovens and bake faster. Ild go a little lower temp 370 - 400 range and not over, conventional you could go up to 500 but that's just not economical and mass is too small. If you are doing two whole cookie sheeits you can go higher temp. if you load up that air fryer to max you might be able to use higher temp. not sure cuz idk exactly what you got. if it's toaster oven size 370. I would do whole pan fulls in a gas fired pizza kiln that operates at 750 but I did it on the warm up so every day was bit different temp ranging from 300 increasing to about 500 when done. Keep in mind also the stone underneath was not preheated either, and I had the whole thing full of pans of roasting veggies. Party on Wayne!!
nobslob ago
I haven't done broccoli yet but I almost have brussel sprouts figured out. I'll post my recipe at some point :)
Smells_Like_Tacos ago
Neat, me too.
speedisavirus ago
I add lemon zest
WilhelmVonDoobiest ago
I prefer a light steaming to keep a crunch then add lemon and butter, touches of salt and pepper.
Atkho ago
Smells_Like_Tacos ago
Huh, that's a thing.
fartyshorts ago
Some of my favorites replacements for the starchy, high-carb sides:
fixstuffnowi1488 ago
Give broccolini a try using the method above, but cooks much quicker. My kids fight over that shit. Ill utilize montreal steak seasoning on it sometimes. The other thing i have grown to fucking love is bok-choy. Cut the leafy parts from the stalk, trim the stalk to french fry try pieces, a little coconut oil, simmer on med for a few, then throw the leafy parts in, add a few drops sesame oil, and add soy sauce to taste. Baby bok-choy is the best, either way, this will not disappoint. Grows great in gardens too. Its basically a cabbage. Its nice and sweet, and another one my kids will not leave any behind. I love threads like these. Your kale with bacon grease(which is great for frying eggs too) and garlic and jalepenos is getting made tonight. Thank you. Another one, i almost forgot is baby bella shrooms quartered with butter and garlic sauted. Fucking magic. Soooo simple. No survivors.
Smells_Like_Tacos ago
Watch out with comments like that @ex-redd might turn you in for spamming in the name of the vegetable industry.
ToFat2Fish ago
I could eat broccoli and potatoes every day
Smells_Like_Tacos ago
I don't feel right if I dont have potatoes daily. Usually breakfast with eggs meat and toast.
ex-redd ago
looks good
...damn, now I really want some broccoli
Smells_Like_Tacos ago
I like it done just a bit more than the image.
Smells_Like_Tacos ago
It's better results oven roasted than pan roasted, although the pan method is cheaper and easier over all.
I learned these techniques working at a Premiere Italian Resturant that specializes in Top Level Pizza located on King st. in Charleston South Carolina.
Just a heads up
ex-redd ago
shilling for shekels much, you complete faggot
clamhurt_legbeard ago
lol you goober
im shelling for the peanut lobby
Smells_Like_Tacos ago
It's a joke, I was accused of spamming earlier for things I don't have any affiliation with but rather personal interest. He shut up after I proved it four ways how I ain't after his various uncontextual highlights of spam.
clamhurt_legbeard ago
I read the whole thing. It was great.
Smells_Like_Tacos ago
That's that means a lot coming from you Clammy.
Smells_Like_Tacos ago
I was at one time also a professional writer. So what?
Smells_Like_Tacos ago
So it's obvious you are gay. Tell me this though please, do you enjoy it you invite gabara over and when you wake up he is gone and your asshole is bleading?
ex-redd ago
its also a real bitch move to talk shit about u/gabara and not have the decency to tag it correctly so they get a User Mention
like a pussy talking behind people's backs
Smells_Like_Tacos ago
And also tags loom like this @gabara , that young man is a user link. Idiot.
clamhurt_legbeard ago
either way works to tag
Smells_Like_Tacos ago
Well that's cuz I made a post about it, in the future.
Smells_Like_Tacos ago
At don't work at neither place no more, just passing on what I know.
watitdew ago
This faggot tagged me too for my hilarious BANG ENERGY drink 'advertisement'
It actually is pretty good and the conversation was about someone drinking a lot of Pepsi instead of beer. I think Pepsi is gross. Another good beer alternative is La Croix but I thought the BANG ENERGY DRINK "advertisement" was funny. Fuck me I'm a shill rite?
Smells_Like_Tacos ago
You dink Pepsi, your drinking babys.
watitdew ago
Someone else ITT pointed that out. I just think replacing beer with sugary drinks is a bad idea, maybe even worse than beer.
Smells_Like_Tacos ago
Idk I do it everyday, I am have Milwaukee blood though, healthiest drinkers in the world (unkillable) (before integration and migration) second to only one location historicity in Germany. And I'm mostly German so I guess I have no point than that.
ex-redd ago
with 30 links? and mentioning all the goddamn details of othe menu like a used car salesman?
lieing faggot
no one stops working a at a shitty chain pizza place and goes on advertising for them with pages worth of text for their own entertainment
you goddamned jew
Smells_Like_Tacos ago
Proof 2: look at my history, it just support your theory. Better yet,,, nevermind, go look at my history in the cooking subs. Then you can fuck straight the fuck off.
Smells_Like_Tacos ago
They are good and has value, what more do you want. Gabara to blow your dog as a prize for being a shitload? Suppose you would be fully against somebody's opinion I what the best ice cream bar in Charleston is also and that's Carmella's, I like the Devil's Backbone beer and Carmel Gelato that is second to none. Best I have ever had.
The details are just proof I know what I'm talking about and the help is cuz I like you fags.
I have a marketing background also, this is a piss poor environment for that, you have to agree. Link backs don't track, you all are dicks and there isn't nearly enough nigger faggots here to validate your time attempting to make a click or a visit and the proof is the jpg from the catbox sobyou don't have to visit another site.
SearchVoatBot ago
This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat submission by @ex-redd.
Posted automatically (#86457) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Smells_Like_Tacos: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @ex-redd)
HateCumbuckets ago
I cook cauliflower steaks. Just take a whole cauliflower and cut into slices, whatever thickness you prefer. Lightly oil and fry in cast iron, or out on the bbq.
Dauphin ago
I like slicing some romaine lettuces in half and grilling them on the grill a few minutes... throw whatever salad ingredients you like and some home made dressing and it's a great summer salad.
Love broccoli and now I am hungry.
Smells_Like_Tacos ago
Hmm, Roasted Salad. Interesting. Sounds great.
Floralei ago
Tried those for the first time a bit ago, holy crap! So tasty. Added some lemon and garlic to mine though. Growing some cauliflower this year for sure.
Smells_Like_Tacos ago
Sure sure, a bit of citric acid, salty sweet and bitter is another flavor triangle that works with about every thing.
Smells_Like_Tacos ago
Nice I do thick slices sweet potatoes and zucchini that way, just a bit of oil.
HateCumbuckets ago
With sweet potato, my go to is oven baked wedges done with a touch of oil. And sour cream with a dusting of smoked paprika to dip them in
Smells_Like_Tacos ago
I grill it only on my sliced method.
Also grill up halved Romas, first the open end then flip. Lil oil and s+p.
HateCumbuckets ago
Yeah not a big fan of zucchini, but will eat it done this way. Eggplant is another good one.
Smells_Like_Tacos ago
Utilizing cheaper frozen packages is fine because you will ravage the cell walls with heat, donut doesn't matter if cell wall damage happen in the freezing process.
You can also 'pan roast' low / medium low settings in a single layer, tossing every five minutes til done.
Simply chop up larger chunks to fork size / buye size to speed the process.
Directions: Drizzle with oil, Sprinkle with Salt and Fresh cracked Black Pepper, and Toss to coat evenly. Then cook. Either use above pan method or bake at 400°F using the same 5 minute rule.
(olive oil is good for this frying only because it will not burn on low and is somewhat trapped in the florets. /// I will even use canola as back up oil)
DanceswithFeet ago
The key here is to chop broccoli up into fork sized pieces. So many times I’ve had a quarter of a flouret served to me and then it had a half cooked center because it wasn’t trimmed down before cooking.