A Dark Secret In Masonry Exposed - Shining light on the Royal Order Of Jesters. (hooktube.com)
submitted 5.9 years ago by 3059225?
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17742448? 5.8 years ago
The Rothschilds have loaned to the Vatican twice. Once in 1832 after the Napoleonic wars for £400,000 (worth £34.1 million in 2016), and the second for an 'undisclosed amount' in the 1850s. https://voat.co/v/AnonConspiracy/2954448
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17742448? ago
The Rothschilds have loaned to the Vatican twice. Once in 1832 after the Napoleonic wars for £400,000 (worth £34.1 million in 2016), and the second for an 'undisclosed amount' in the 1850s. https://voat.co/v/AnonConspiracy/2954448