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Scroobius ago

Yo, I read this when you had it on r/conspiracy. I very much liked it and it entertained me for hours as I further looked into the people and events involved. Added bonus was seeing how many fags on reddit got so butthurt at the notion of Germany attempting peace negotiations with England. People really think all Germans were only evil and nothing else. In 100 years I think the entire history of WWII will be completely rewritten.

allonthesameteam ago

I have not had time to read it. Curious about the "attempting peace" part you allude to. Did Ger try to pull the plug but the Allies kept the war going?

JastheMace ago

Yes, the German high command offered to remove Hitler and end the war but the allies refused. Japan was repeatedly trying to surrender well prior to the bombs being dropped and possibly after Midway. The elites wouldn't stop the war because the plan was to smash all the industry of the world leaving the US as the only place left to rebuild the whole world. That's what created the 'Golden Age' in America, the 50's can never come back unless we smash the whole world again. They did this to consolidate control over this huge amount of production/money so they could rob it as it chugs along. Like Bibi calling us a "fattened calf to be cut apart piece by piece"

allonthesameteam ago

thank you for your response. My perception of history is changing daily.