DontBeRacist ago

I've been pretty sheltered. I am thinking the Super Fair in the New Orleans Super Dome. Niggers. Niggers everywhere.

daskapitalist ago

Sub-Saharan Africa. Convincing government employees to do their jobs required bribes if you were a foreigner. If you were a native, they'd refuse outright if you were part of the wrong tribe (I couldnt tell the tribes apart). Banditry was rampant to the point where you'd negotiate with bandits like you were haggling at the market. Nothing ran on time - contractors would show up days late or days early. Anything mechanical was constantly broken because some combination of the following:

1) No maintenance performed ever. You cant run a generator daily with a +10 year old fuel filter.

2) Out of fuel because no one remembered that "E = Empty".

3) Inept repair attempts such as trying to get a broken key out of the ignition by ramming the vehicle back and forth.

The most common billboard was for condoms because STDs were rampant. Constant power outages because the government would cause deliberate blackouts so they could extract more foreign aid to "repair their power generation equipment" (read: embezzle all of it). Roads varied between attrociously bad and potholes so deep your vehicle could disappear into them. Any semi-civilized facility (read: had a working generator and cold running water) required razor wire, armed guards, and walls to keep the barbarians out. So yeah, what we'd call shitty camping trip standards of living needed more security than a Western bank. Random checkpoints were ubiquitious. You could tell them apart too - the military had better uniforms, the bandits better manners, and the police were asleep at theirs. Tribalism was rampant - whichever tribe controlled the government devolved into oppressive indolence in short order. Wharever functioned to some degree or another was invariably tied to either foreign operations (who hired the locals who somewhat had their shit together) or the Catholic Church (who are corrupt AF in Western nations but tend to be beacons of old school morality, thrift, work ethic, etc in Sub-Saharan Africa).

CognitiveDissident5 ago


Tech_A ago

Baltimore, hands down. Blocks of abandoned run down buildings. Crackheads came up to my car at intersections and slapped my car windows begging for cigarettes and change. Saw people shooting up beside buildings, etc.

DontBeRacist ago

niggers is spelled




Plavonica ago

Afghanistan, stinky filthy shithole of a place. Turkey is a close second once you leave the "safe" zone. As far as misery is involved, an aircraft carrier cruise sucks the most.

Dubai's a strange place with slave shacks leaned up against the towering skyscrapers. So long as you kept to the designated areas you were safe, but you would occasionally see some abject poverty creeping in from outside.

ILoveClownNuts ago

Morocco. AMA

BB-3 ago

Looks like you made it out with your head, so that's good.

4841400209 ago

Parts of Oakland, CA.

ardvarcus ago

I went to Los Angeles once.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

In the words of the next-in-line to the British throne, Canberra lacks the cussedness of other cities.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Beach bathroom, Old Orchard, Maine in the summer.

SirNiggsalot ago

Haha, I know exactly what you mean. Was there in the 70s as a kid. Went to rinse the salt water off, in the shower stall it looked like a 1200 pound grizzly bear took a shit on the floor ! Disgusting, that memory was buried deep, thanks for resurrecting it, fuck now I gotta repress it again.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

WHY would you keep shitting in a bowl that's already overflowing? Just why?!

SirNiggsalot ago

Wasn't even in a bowl, floor of shower stall !

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Quality content. Weird.

TabascoTabasco ago

Novy Grad. Serbia.

What a fucking dump.

I would never expected to see such a post apocalyptic place in "Europe".

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Not Europe or even "Europe".

TabascoTabasco ago

Close enough to matter.

erietemperance ago

Honduras, or specifically the Island of Roatan.

10% of the island is owned by white people, and that part is fine. The other 90% is covered in garbage, smells like shit, is rotting and decaying, and all the people there are always trying to hustle and scam you.

It's one of the most beautiful places on earth, but one of the shittiest places as well.

BillyLuath ago

Central Mexico, certain suburbs of Seattle, anywhere in Portland... Arizona starting about 60 miles north of Tuscon and going south, the NYC subway system after 115th ave or so.

Warnos44 ago

The social security office in a big city.

When my husband retired from the army, he had to do a hearing but the judge was far and they arranged to do it over teleconference at the social security office. No idea why it wouldn't be on base.

Smelly, dirty, some drunk or high, literal pee stains on the outside of clothes, probably shit stains on the inside, 95% morbidly obese, most look as if they couldn't handle the smallest responsibility. It's shocking, especially if you have only occasionally ran into the worst human kind has to offer. An entire building full of trash being sustained and insured, through theft from people who actually serve a purpose and generate value, instead of letting them die. Because all lives are equal.

mitoriomyt ago

I'll take your SS office in a big city and raise you the DMV in a big city.

Warnos44 ago

I dunno, at least with the DMV people aren't there specifically for muh gibs and actively trying to show just how disabled and dysfunctional they are so the money doesn't stop.

I feel sorry for those who do need social security, have paid into the system, and have to sit in that sea of filth in order to get it.

mitoriomyt ago

That might be true that people at the DMV aren't there for muh gibs.

But witnessing illegals who can't speak English try to pass the driving test or listening to niggers with over 2K in tickets try to get their registration makes a person pretty blackhearted. Especially when you have to wait nearly 2 hours to be seen by some sandnigger gubmint worker behind a desk who hates her job.

Warnos44 ago

Man. Are you in Miami? I used to live in Miami. But the Haitians are so hated no one puts up with their shit. Of course, that's why the Haitians started working there. They understand abusing systems for benefit as well as kikes do, if a little more slow on the uptake and far less motivated to fuck over others beyond immediate satisfaction/payoff.

There weren't any sand niggers when I was there, though. I left in 2002, so the early phases of not every muzzie hadn't taken hold.

mitoriomyt ago

Not in Miami, this was in NYC over a decade ago, although I doubt much has changed. I hated living in NYC. Crowded everywhere you go and their Central Park is supposed to be something that's good? please. Just elite bullshit trying to make a hellhole rat place seem like it's the center of the world. It's the center of hell, that's for sure.

But yeah, I hear you about all these languages being allowed on voting ballots, driver's tests, what have you. If you don't speak English in this country as your primary language, then GTFO and stay TFO.

I had to stop by a MCDonald's outside of Vegas when traveling for work not so long ago. The beaner goblin spoke not a single word of English when she brought me whatever passes for food that I ordered. I wanted to throw the tray back in her ugly little face and tell her to bring it back to me while speaking English.


I see nothing wrong with castrating sub 95 iq

Warnos44 ago

That's fine until the average catches up and the next wants to castrate sub 115.

I don't believe in playing God. That is to say, don't give life to those who can't sustain themselves, but also don't take life from those that can.

If IQ 95 can feed, shelter, and procreate, so be it. In their own area. No transplants. No "no kid left behind," "equal opportunity" bull shit.

I do think there are places where 90-95 IQ do well even in the broad sense of society.


I was talking about non whites

Warnos44 ago

Well the solution to that is out, out, out!

They don't belong here. Or we don't. But they've seen fit to overrun us everywhere. So there's only one solution.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

If you don't get this, you're rich.

TheVOATangel ago

The Chicago ghetto. Took a wrong turn by the museum of science and industry went pthrough an underpass and was smack dab in the ghetto

PeeNutButtHair ago

This post had real potential but a lot of the comments are pretty tame. Would love to hear about really fucked up places around the world, not just some US inner city bullshit.

Warnos44 ago

Since you are looking for less tame stories, I asked my husband who has had the joy of four sandbox tours. He's told me some grisly things, but of all the things he said was the worst (to him) was when he was working for the state, he had a meth head have her teeth pop while she was talking to him, pause long enough to chew and swallow, then continue to talk to him. So fucked up that she didn't even realize her teeth just went down her throat.

On one of his deployments he was doing counter ied. They'd gone into a village that cooperated with them, and had paid the price. In order to clear it for the villagers remaining to return to their homes, they had to use a guided vehicle with forks to stab and move each corpse to ensure it didn't have explosives inside. To me, that's the worst of what he's told me from his adventures.

I suppose I can see why the meth head is worse; it's a white woman representing potential greatness through procreation, future generations of people who do well and for others. Versus shitskins who have no empathy and have given little to the history of man kind.

waringi ago

Teenage nigger riots happened often outside of my house, but I lived in the ghetto. I was in Cleveland back when that guy was shooting niggers in the face, but there are many places in Cleveland where you KNOW there are stacks of bodies laying in abandoned houses on a street full of abandoned houses. That stuff didnt phase me because it was expected.

When I went to Paris the first thing I saw was a brown mutt couple walking down the street and the guy pointed a gun at her head and pulled the trigger. It wasnt loaded but no one else reacted in the packed street. I looked around and I could have been in Tunisia or something with all of the arabic signs around.

I was a little freaked but when fine. When I got to Rome I saw an old couple get robbed in daylight, I went to the cops and they told me to fuck off. I saw a fight in an alley, and pickpockets on the trains.

But probably the most fucked up place Ive seen is Serbia. I cant go into some stories but the police are corrupt as fuck and will scream at you with their hands on their guns until you pay the bribe.

flaxom ago

I once saw a shot up ambulance on the side of the road left as a memorial to the kids who died in it, in Yugoslavia in the 90s. I've dodged bricks thrown through windows by mad-shitting homeless in west coast cities, seen the absolute depth of generational Appalachian poverty, and the endless depraved darkness of real true east coast urban nigging. But I stand by my other comment, wandering for hours in an American city and encountering nothing but dysfunctional Mexico was something out of a nightmare. All of the other terrible things I've seen at least involved some nuance to a complex situation, Lil Tijuana did not.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

You need foreigners for that, and we don't have many of those.

PeeNutButtHair ago

Are you saying that travel doesn't exist?

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

The site, not the country.

NakedWarrior ago

I've traveled all over. Shittiest place in USA I've seen was Toledo, Ohio. Shittiest place in Europe was Brussels. I had a day to explore there while on my way to a better place. As I started walking around it was very quiet and most of the buildings were run down. I walked past what looked like (at one time) a beautiful catholic church, but it had broken stained glass windows, boarded up and was abandoned. As I continued on I came across fresh blood on the sidewalk and not just a little. I didn't see anyone that looked European. By that point I started getting the feeling that I wasn't exactly safe. I walked back to the train station and spent the rest of the time there, just waiting for my train. It wasn't just that Brussels seem liked a shit hole, it was this eerie feeling of murder in the air. Also, I'd say Puerto Rico is pretty shitty too.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

If you're comparing first world with third world you're a moron.

NakedWarrior ago

I wasn't, I was just listing some of the places I've been to that were shitty, not comparing them to each other.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

I hear you. The comment was more to the room than to you.

DeliciousOnions ago

An old building that had once been a great outdoor venue, but completely smashed to shit by vandals to the point where they had to close up.

It was just sad. Made me think of all the excellent things we could have had if people didn't have to worry about scumbags stripping the copper out of their walls or what have you.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

An extra sentence could have pulled this all together.

DeliciousOnions ago

Voat likes to complain about niggers, but in that area it was mostly tweakers who destroyed everything - meth is absolutely a weapon to destroy societies.

curiouserdude ago

Trona,CA is an industrial wasteland half abandoned shit hole of a town that smells like death. Stopped there for a soda once on the way to death valley.

slwsnowman40 ago

I've flown into and out of LAX. That's the worst place I've been and I've been to some pretty shitty stadiums - Memorial Stadium in Baltimore, the Vet in Philly, and Three Rivers in Pittsburgh (Christmas week). All three of those stadiums felt like they should have been replaced at least 10 years prior. I remember thinking as a kid how much it would cost to raze and start those cities over and never really being able to comprehend why parts were allowed to just go to shit. Now I know.

NakedWarrior ago

Not sure if you've ever been back to Pittsburgh, but the city has changed A LOT. They have revamped the whole downtown area, built a new baseball stadium, a new football stadium, and new hockey arena. The view of the city from the baseball stadium is one of the prettiest views I've seen and the whole city skyline at night is really something now. But Pittsburgh went from a mill town to a tech town, hence all the remarkable changes.

slwsnowman40 ago

That sounds like it is the only one that improved since I was there in the 90s.

specklegoat ago

Olongapo Subic Bay, The Philippines in the early '70's. Relatively rich US sailors in a town where a local doctor's pay was $1/day. Town was all bars and whorehouses. Bodies turned up in the 'Shit River' on a weekly basis.

mralexson ago

The entire Philippines is a whore house. That’s why so many pedo boomers travel there. Indonesia and Malaysia is full of Muslims though so I don’t know which is worse

flaxom ago

Used to be in a band that did some touring. We played a show in Baltimore and showed up like 5 hours early as you do when touring. Don't really know anything about Baltimore but apparently the venue we were playing was in or near spic central in that city. I had to buy a pair of socks and even though I was in the middle of this huge sprawling city full of buildings, nothing was open and nobody was around anywhere, except for mexicans and mexican shops. It was extremely strange, I travelled around for blocks and blocks, for hours, and couldn't escape this mexican zone. I ended up buying a pair of paper thin women's socks for 59 cents that I found, one single pair, way in the back of some everything-store that had entirely spanish signage. In a pile of gloves and hats and rain gear, in between the lawn chairs and the yard sticks. The fucking guy at the register didn't even know what I meant by "socks?"

PaulNeriAustralia ago

I'd have to say..."Canberra" albeit it's open and clean but if you've seen the film "Stepford Wives"...

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

You must be a minority.

mxcviel ago

Trying hard but can't remember the worst - each one seems great now, comparing to this lockdown.

There was an old building, partly hospital and half for study with tricky passages, I got lost and went down for the wrong stairs, ending in some quiet storage basement. not a living soul there, but air felt crowded in a wierd way. I was faster back up that stairs than my shadow :)

turtlesareNotevil ago

South Texas. No white people. Just scrub brush, snakes, Mexicans and really shitty neon painted shacks. Oh and if theres water there's fucking alligators in it.

Boris ago

Paris outside of the touristy areas.

Ps37-27 ago

Went to Paris right after 9/11- within 2 weeks. We couldn’t get a refund.

Anyway, right off the bat- all the garbage lining the fences along the train tracks heading into the city.

France had recently sealed all the garbage cans in Paris due to bombings.

Lastly, despite pay toilets people will piss on buildings. The big thing that stuck out was the person taking a shit right on the street corner.

Go there again? NOPE.

mralexson ago

Tehran, Iran is safer than Paris

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aaronC ago

I've been there and in Berlin. I think Berlin is far worse. Berlin has all the problems of Paris's third world suburbs, but it also has ridiculous leftism. Where I was staying, a mass of prostitutes was being protected by policemen in serious riot-gear type stuff (not full-fledged riot gear, but body armor, etc) from immigrants. Berlin is the worst part of the worst parts of Paris mixed together with the most kiked leftism I've seen in the West.

At night, scuffles between police and migrants were NORMAL, I woke up to fireworks (and some that sounded large enough to be firearms) several times at night.

All these crazy muslims are stacked together in a tinderbox, with prostitutes in short skirts and XXX stores right next to them. It's like Germany is trying to make them hate Westerners even more.

I've been to more developing countries too. They aren't as bad, because you go into them having expectations. You expect southern China to be more or less a polluted shit hole with some highly developed areas. You expect India to be a dump. You don't expect the train ride from Charles DeGaulle Airport to look worse than your trip to the Caribbean when you left the touristy area. You expect third world people to have a third world country. You don't expect to see that so strongly in the West. And that feeling of realizing just how serious the migrant situation is, and how much the West has been destroyed, is the worst feeling in the world. It's easy to see it when you're on the internet, but going out and experiencing it is on a whole nother level.

DontBeRacist ago

Hitler tried to save Germany from this. At least the Germans went down fighting.

Boris ago

I stayed in Paris for a week. What a waste of time that was. I have only been to Berlin for a few days. Didn't see much outside of the core unfortunately.

waringi ago

I was in the no go zones of Paris. I cant decide if the immigrant ghettos of Paris are worse than nigger filled Philly. I did visit London but stayed in a white area. I think theoretically London would be the worst since it has niggers and muslims fighting it out in the streets.

Although, I felt most unsafe in cities with large jewish populations. Because when I did need the police, they were never on my side.

Warnos44 ago

I always wanted to travel but never had the opportunity, so I'm quite naive I'm understanding other countries' way of life.

I thought that the blacks in Europe were very different from the niggers we have in the US(?).

Of course, you could be referring to recent "refugees" instead of home grown blacks.

waringi ago

They are very different. In Britain, they have Caribbean blacks who are white mixed former slaves, recent Nigerian blacks, French colony blacks who moved in for the gibs, and black muslims brought in by arab muslims. They do have 'homegrown' blacks as well which are every British halfbreed mutt. They are black but consider themselves English.

BigFatDaddy ago

India. Fucking disgusting poopoo people place.

mralexson ago

My dad traveled to Hyderabad and he said there was piles of trash everywhere and people living in shacks made of cardboard and blankets

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

India is cheating.

ExpertShitposter ago

q subs on the internet.

it reaks of smelly old people,

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

There but for the grace of Q go you.