So whatever happened to that goat who said he had the entire internet backed up since the 90s as a text document. Like, 20 terabytes worth of data. Last I heard he disappeared. Or was he larping? (AskVoat)
submitted 5.5 years ago by zxcvzxcv
If you check his history, he commented many times every day, then he posted this:
And that was the last we've heard of him.
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zxcvzxcv 5.5 years ago
fluhthreeex 5.5 years ago
virge is a MILINT sock puppet. ignore and continue with life. data likely compromised anyway
antiliberalsociety 5.5 years ago
Putt told us to remember our passwords
IslamicStatePatriot 5.5 years ago
They use the salted hashes of our passes to cross-reference our other accounts in the wild. Never use the same pass twice.
BillyBobBoJangles 5.5 years ago
This was more recent than that, like last month.
ChiCom 5.5 years ago
This is a reminder not to telegraph your moves - just shoot.
Betty_Liberty 5.5 years ago
Yep, you'll get Breitbarted.
udo 5.5 years ago
But before Brietbart was killed he thought warning people the CIA would kill him , would PROTECT him.
I guess it just is better to not telegraph moves at all.
offender 5.5 years ago
Honkpiller 5.5 years ago
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zxcvzxcv ago
If you check his history, he commented many times every day, then he posted this:
And that was the last we've heard of him.
fluhthreeex ago
virge is a MILINT sock puppet. ignore and continue with life. data likely compromised anyway
antiliberalsociety ago
Putt told us to remember our passwords
IslamicStatePatriot ago
They use the salted hashes of our passes to cross-reference our other accounts in the wild. Never use the same pass twice.
BillyBobBoJangles ago
This was more recent than that, like last month.
ChiCom ago
This is a reminder not to telegraph your moves - just shoot.
Betty_Liberty ago
Yep, you'll get Breitbarted.
udo ago
But before Brietbart was killed he thought warning people the CIA would kill him , would PROTECT him.
I guess it just is better to not telegraph moves at all.
offender ago
Honkpiller ago