ilikeskittles ago

Yes he is @puttitout.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Nobody's harmed by making fun of dead kids.

WhiteRonin ago

The parents and friends of those kids are.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Words don't hurt unless you're a little bitch

SearchVoatBot ago

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WhiteRonin ago

Hmm, you are sounding like gabby. Lol

Thanks for coming out as a Team Sryazie supporter.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

fite me u lil bich

SearchVoatBot ago

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WhiteRonin ago

Sure! Meet yah on the knoll that JFK got shot. Dallas area goats can witness.

I ain’t scared of you.

@con77 can kick my ass but I wasn’t scared. I know I will loose to him, but an incel like you, nah ... you will run and run like a yellow belly nigger.

@virge has a lawyer, he can draw up the contract. Lol, that fucking larp scared to show his face to me.

So, who your wife been fucking while you sitting on your pc with multiple monitors while you pretending to know what you doing.

RedditOMeter ago

both are ok honestly

WhiteRonin ago

Well, if make both ok for voat rules then. All is fair.

RedditOMeter ago

it took me a few minutes to catch up on the situation, but what I've gathered is some cunt is whoring her way around to get favors. Where have i seen this before?

WhiteRonin ago

Yep, basically that.

mildly-perturbed ago

Uncovering and publishing a person's personal contact information is not ethically comparable to mocking dead children while using a pseudonym.

WhiteRonin ago

Ok, so Srayzie posting GG and Zyklon_Bs info is good but posting pics that could be Srayzie is a reason for a ban?

One user gets banned for Putt’s reasons but harassing a person using lags with dead kids names is cool?

I’m confused by this logic.

mildly-perturbed ago

No, its not cool in my book.

WhiteRonin ago

I’m of the same opinion.

Actually, I think Putt should have nuked both sides but srayzie is playing whack a mole using alts so Putt is probably screwed on that part.

Nosferatjew ago

Where did you get this img?

WhiteRonin ago

Found it another thread.

I’m just recycling content.

Sosacms ago

Yes. Doxing can cause real life harm. Fake internet words can't.

WhiteRonin ago

So, that is established.

But we have 2 groups who have put their info on the net to various degrees. One is one group given special treatment and the other not the same? Should both be equally punished?

CapinBoredface ago

What enterpersonal drama are you crying about now?

What happened to the WhiteRonin from about a year ago? You used to just bitch about Jews.

WhiteRonin ago

Saving voat.

CapinBoredface ago

You plan on saving it from yourself?

Your drama is embarrassing and you keep trying to put it front and center.

WhiteRonin ago

Do you make my car payments?

If you do, I’ll take your advice.

DrSelfAppointed ago

We lost a fantastic shit lord today, they went down swinging. I bet they will be back.

WhiteRonin ago

They are but as a new alt. Compared to srayzoe who came back as 40.

DrSelfAppointed ago

40 of the same dried up whore with a new mast.

WhiteRonin ago

She needs those jello packs to be perky again.

fluhthreeex ago

If somebody attacked me like that, I’d probably dox the fuckers.

@WhiteRonin like what? what specifically would one have to call you for you to go on a crusade against them to get banned?

WhiteRonin ago

Zyklon vs Srayzie. Get with the game bro.

I’ve got sub rules based on Crensch’s to protect me now :-)

I’m just an ass beyond that, I watch what I say and do. It’s all calculated.

MinorLeakage ago

Doxxing isn't a big deal at all. Don't wanna get doxxed, maybe don't give out your personal info to strangers on the internet?

Making fun of things is also fine.

I bet this will be a popular response. Everyone's always so upset about doxxing, whereas I find it hilarious. Dox me next please!

WhiteRonin ago

paytriotPussyPass disagrees ! Lol

MinorLeakage ago

I don't follow the drama, because I couldn't care less if you all died tomorrow. However I do enjoy a good doxxing. Why does anyone think doxxing is bad? It's something you have to do to yourself. It isn't anyone elses fault.

WhiteRonin ago

Very true. In this particular case both parties have been stupid. Yet, the Jew cries out foul and gets the other punished while she gloats over her accomplishments of staying untouched by the very same act the other has committed.

MinorLeakage ago

Well I don't disagree, but it still doesn't matter at all. The banned person can literally sign up a new account and go right back to business as usual. Likely he already had multiple alts. The only thing substantive seems to be the dox itself, which again, I generally blame the victim (the exception would be people being photographed, etc, in real life, through no fault of their own - like that MAGA hat kid).

WhiteRonin ago

The problem with the dox is that I reposted all those pics. Srayzie denied it was her.


The person who reported Zyklon said herself those weren’t her.

Zyklon does probably have a few alts but Srayzie has about 15-20 that I have interacted with and have been down voted by (I give a shit about ccp I have enough to donate to the Donald noobs coming over).

The real point is both sides of that war is that they are both NOT innocent and only 1 alt gets banned. That’s not fair it’s a warning shot for the #pussyPass favor.

NotHereForPizza ago

Uh... Of course.

Those things don't work opposite of each other though, so that's just a stupidly loaded question.

Doxxing is bad and, while no one should really support making alts in any case, not sowing discord and/or being divisive means making alts likely won't get noticed. So, pretty obviously, both of your questions seem both futile and tedious.

Is this all you guys do now? Do you only whine?

WhiteRonin ago

After saying “not sowing discord” say my question is futile and tedious.

So doxxing is bad. Ok. We have a baseline.

So if a person gets banned for doxxing thatbisnt a problem? Correct. According to your statement that would be a true.

But what happens to other party that is just as at fault? Would you agree by your own 2 truths that the other party gets banned?

OhRutherfordBehave ago


WhiteRonin ago

Srayzie is making alts based on gothamGirl kids names. Click the link bro!

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Still not enough context.

WhiteRonin ago

Pm srayz and ask why she did that then.

Gothamgirl ago

They made alts in my living kids names too but if I share them then I dox them even further. My oldest saw his, he is a disabled veteran, looking for work.

PuttsLeftTest1cle ago

No one cares about your white trash drama

Gothamgirl ago

No cares about you..

CapinBoredface ago

You have no living kids because you’re some other idiots alt account.

Gothamgirl ago

I do have living kids and only 1 account.

CapinBoredface ago

That’s your character, what else would I expect you to say?

Gothamgirl ago

Real funny character all of Voat knows they doxed my kids unless you live under a rock.

Shizie ago

Your husband doxed you and your kid

You're a filthy liar!

Gothamgirl ago

Once only, you pos people have been doing it to me for weeks.

Shizie ago

😂 OMG once is all it takes for anyone and everyone to get that info! That's the point whore! No one would have known shit about you if it wasn't for him!

Just when I think you're really dumb, you do something to prove you're super fucking dumb!

Gothamgirl ago

Fuck of pedo, like how my name for you changed 😂🤣

Shizie ago

Yeah I love it! It's super funny that a peoo loving whore calls me that!

I hope while you're here screwing around on the internet your husband isn't sodomizing your son

Gothamgirl ago

Interesting that you and @Gabara used the same exact archive link...

gabara ago

Yeah I shared it

Gothamgirl ago

Cool shouldn't she be on that pedo list you have too?

She called for pedos to rape and murder my child. I can give you an archived link if you like?

Shizie ago

She called for pedos to rape and murder my child. I can give you an archived link if you like?

I also wrote "all is satire". By your rules that means I can write whatever I want with zero consequences because it's just a joke.

Are you changing your rules now? Well in that case, make sure that your hubby is on that list. After all he wrote this about you

He wrote this today

And he wrote this directed at my kids, which was the last straw and led me to making the comment that you seem so offended by.

Are you as equally offended by your husband? Or is you outrage at me as fake as you are?

And of course, let's not forget about this comment.

It really does stand alone to show that your husband is a sick pedophile.

Gothamgirl ago

So let's get this right now. You went after my kid with pedo shit, because of something someone else said, and did to you?

Then you throw this shit out there.

"I also wrote "all is satire". By your rules that means I can write whatever I want with zero consequences because it's just a joke."

Let me tell you something his account has always been satire and has never strayed, and labeled as such since day one.

You only wrote it to cover the evilness, in what you were saying.

Crensch even made a post about his shittposting, a very long time ago...

I don't like his jokes either, I asked him to stop on that day. He feels it's important to stop censorship, just as you feel Q is in important. Everyone is fighting for something...

You great awakening mods act like communist now..

Your posts weren't labeled satire last year, when you were calling my kids niggers, and bastards on Pizzagate. I have never done anything to you, but fight back ,which honestly you started with me over Srayzie.

What lead you to believe my kids were niggers?

Oh that's right you and friends, got that information from zyklon.

And and and wasn't your alt @gyna playing his other girlfriend at that time, to try to make me jealous 🤔 Oh yes you were.. you are shady and a transient type of character.

Shut the fuck up with your poor me shit already, you are beyond fucking retarded. What kind of drugs are you people on? Cause you are fucking fried.

He is not a pedo you are just a wacky individual trying to twist reality..

Shizie ago

So either shit is satire or it's not when one writes "all is satire". You made the rule. You live with them.

I don't like your retarded tweaker husband! I thought he was funny for about 2 days, but I still liked him a hell of a lot more than I ever liked you! You're straight up annoying!

Gothamgirl ago

You don't know anything about my husband, he is not retarded or whatever a tweaker is.

You thought he would as funny for 2 days, then you pretend to be his girl lol. Got it!

You know why I am annoying, it's because you're a liar,l who slanders me and my children for over a year, I am going to correct you every fucking time.

HollaKost ago

You sound like a yippy chihuahua! 🤣

Want to see a liar? Look in the mirror!

Gothamgirl ago

Yes you should to, voat has mirrors.

Gothamgirl ago

No he is not a pedo like you, he is an amazing dad, step dad, and husband.

It's funny who you people flop one minute he is never tells the truth, and then you everything he says is fact. It can't be both Lapdog.

Shizie ago

I have shown multiple archive links of your husband saying vile things that only a pedophile would say. When you find out he's been raping your kid you will only have yourself to blame for looking the other way and enabling a pedophile!

Gothamgirl ago

My kids are bigger then him and he is no pedo..

CapinBoredface ago

“They” doxxed your “kids”

I have a son named James and a daughter named Bertha.

Look, I just doxxed “kids”.

Gothamgirl ago

They used their full names.

CapinBoredface ago

James Gappy and Bertha Gappy

Look how hard that was.

It’s odd that your “husband” has made comments about how he’s autistic, lives alone, and has no job. Apparently you are married to and had children with a retarded man who lives off welfare.

So even if you are real, you’re an idiot and your kids are probably retarded too.

PuttsLeftTest1cle ago


HollaKost ago

All is art n satire! 🖕🏿

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

is it be satire when ur children are dead

HollaKost ago

Come try it you little nothing!

Gothamgirl ago

It wont be on 🤣😂

HollaKost ago

Cool! No one cares

clamhurt_legbeard ago

doxxing is great

and why stop at dead kids

make fun of my live kid

visit v/soapdoxbanhammer

WhiteRonin ago

The dox is so old school. It’s for old people.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


i was offered a mod spot there

but im sure beatle didnt approve of that lol

WhiteRonin ago

are You team Crensch?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I've successfully alienated myself from both srayzie and beatle by calling them both losers repeatedly lol

u/crensch removed me as designer from v/GA but I hold no ill will. I was only on because srayzie asked me to help her with CSS. That's not necessary anymore.

im on team soapdox

visit v/soapdoxbanhammer

WhiteRonin ago

VISIT v/OldGoatsFamily

It’s a place of unholy alliances based on being an old goat. We don’t discriminate on age or race or even sexual identity. We call all people fags equally.

If you wanna play, I was thinking of ripping of SBBH’s css. I’m on a phone most of time so I can’t be fucked. But it would be funny as hell if we copied them. Lol

I’m on team v/OldGoatsFamily

Maltherian1 ago

This team shit is gay and annoying. I hate all of you fucks for this asinine drama. Whom ever orchestrated this did very well in damaging voat. Refocus on redpilling. Let this bullshit pass through you because it is meaningless. I’m not saying dismantle voat’s immune system; just do not let it consume the whole platform.

WhiteRonin ago

I’ve was whacking away on Team Srayzie by myself. Then they created 20 more alts.

The team stuff above is a joke. Read the content and you can see I’m poking clammy in a fun way.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

ill check this out

WhiteRonin ago

I’ll be nice other users in RPV. I like myg.

Crensch ago

Likewise, no ill will. I just can't have any hiccups based on some change of heart or position.

Thanks for helping.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

You're probably good, but my offer from a month so still applies if anything goes crazy on your end!

Crensch ago

Gonna need a refresher on that.

WhiteRonin ago

Jesus, how low will people go?

Gothamgirl ago

Her name will never be usable after I am done.

Nosferatjew ago

Depends how you want to use it ;)