WhiteRonin ago

@sguevar, @sandhog, @crensch, @zyklon_b, @clamhurt_legbeard, @molochHunter, @gabara

Look at Virge! He’s a chicken shit who talks big but can’t prove a thing because he runs from me.

and why did I call the Crensch Brigade? Because your buddy Crensch is buddy buddy with this guy and he always pings you so. Let’s take this out in the open and no more quiet chats without pings. You all can start seeing what is happening.

Fuck yeah! I love a good round of drama and let’s finalize Virge for once and all.

I will give Virge access to my Voat alts, he pays me, signs NDA to not expose my public identity nor any identity that may have been exposed by PM. He can afford this because he’s got shekels, a lawyer, a spread sheet of 4 years of info and all his comments and posts he’s deleted along with all his interaction data with people here and he’s a big man who lives discerning whiskey and smokes discerning cigars. He loves transparency but is afraid of paying for it to prove it about me! Yet, he talks shit about me anyways. He’s been avoiding my challenge but yet, is on Voat talking shit about Q tards and larping about his what ever comments he doesn’t delete.

I called you all here today to witness my challenge and how he will cuck cuck cuck chicken shit out!

Oh yes! He can meet me at his lawyers office! I will shake his hand after I accept his shekels! And after my purse has been filled with his shekels I will never step foot in Voat again as any new alt!

So folks, since Virge ain’t got money to prove you all about this horrible me, start a crowd fund so he can play the gib man!

Look at all those exclamation marks! Yes! There many! Because it’s an English usage punctuation mark.

So Virge! Buy me out!

Let’s negotiate you big business man!

Or like normal, chicken out and talk about me without having balls to ping me!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Let's make a deal.

WhiteRonin ago


I really only need a down payment for a home and moving expenses. Oh! I want my plane ticket and hotel expenses paid when I go meet him in person. I’m just starting at 100k because @virge is a rich dude with a lawyer, that has done international trade, and has a spread sheet with 4 years of data.

He smart man! He can negotiate. I’m smart man and started at a smart price point.