Pattern_Blind ago

I think many of them are just JDIF working their shifts. Derka Derka Israeli Jyhad types...Glow in desert type niggers.

Fat ugly kike chicks with giant noses and foreheads that in between editing Wiki, Chann, Voat secretly fantasize about strong white men. They dread seeing their banker goblin selves in the mirror every morning of their kike existence.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Rubberdong ago

I am surprised that I keep on finding more and more common elements with VOATers and people that frequent at POL.

Surely, there are PLENTY of neo nazi trolls, way too concerned with % DNA and frequently many of the posts sound like some kind of stupid copy pasta.

"As a 32% Celt, 17% Norsian...I can win a chess game as well as outrun most of you" and " brush your teeth twice a day and hydrate frequently to fight the Jews".

But mostly I see that it is people that..

Go beyond what is spoonfed to them are not worried to question fundamental knowledge. Surely flat earth is a silly idea, as lizzard people, however you cant equalise questioning earth's roundness to questioning history or vaccines!

I am neither a holocaust denier nor an anti vaccer, but there is plenty of truth in the middle.

Jews have milked the holocaust, lies HAVE been told and to silence those that question those lies would be a disgrace to the true victims themselves!

So moving forward...but still staying within the "spoonfed" information part, it is mostly people that go there because they know that they will find information that is censored elsewhere.

You wont hear about the 10 year girl that got beaten up , you wont hear that Tarrant was an eco fascist, you want see those antiwhite collections anywhere.

All you ll see in the mainstream media is people crying ism ism ism while poor souls that are still trapped in the mainstream sphere are struggling to appease the snowflakes.

But it doesn t only end in censored opinions and political stuff.

It goes beyond.

Why torrent comics when you can already see them online? Why create all this content? Why file and organise?

Because people like us....are organisational by nature, like to own our shit and dont trust the cloud!

I honestly suspect that the biggest percentage of VOATers has a dual monitor desktop with a big ass hard drive!

Then you got PORN!!!

It sounds like an exagheration when you hear that "watching girls you find physically attractive make love to another man, is a form of cuckoldry!" but go to 4chan adult forums...and what do you see?

Lots of content in which ...women do not actually fuck!

Surely you ll also find a bunch of sick stuff, mostly of Asian origins...

I am probably having a brain fart right now but profiling the average user seems to be quite interesting.

Pattern_Blind ago

Lots of good points and comparisons, I was with you until that point you mentioned the Flat Earth Sperg theory.

We all know the Earth is Hollow and filled with Spiders. Space is just spider webs leaking from the inside of our planet.

Praise Lolth! May she devour the Universe.

Rubberdong ago


zxcvzxcv ago

Sounds like you need this:

Wiserman ago

A person that chose to write something instead of staying completey silent. I appreciate that. Writing can be a time-consuming task.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

We all are smart, but not as smart as we think we are. Occasionally there are true autists, but not as many as portrayed.

BaldMiscreant ago

I love and hate every one of them.