zxcvzxcv ago

Eve! Nooooooooooooooo!!!!

KazKoz ago

Make Hitler be the victor of WWII, make sure Jews are genocided from the face of planet earth. Betcha we would be living in a utopia right now if that happened

billstickers420 ago

I'd go back about ten years and invest in Bitcoin.

Gigglestick ago

Never watch porn. Stop playing video games.

blumen4alles ago

Team up with Thoth and overthrow the demiurge.

You know why 88 is often associated with time travel? Besides being two infinity signs, 88 is also the number of Earth days in Mercury's orbit around the Sun...

phoenix883 ago

Didn't happen.

Should happen.

Glipglup ago

I'd warn America about 9/11. The Jews would have no choice but to shut it down oy vey.

sweatingbullets ago

ensure niggers are classified as a different species that are to be hunted into extinction.

Intrixina ago

Bribe Edward John Smith and say "Sir, watch out for that iceberg which will appear at about 11:40pm on the night of April 14th".

If he doesn't believe me, I'd break into the control room and steer the fucking ship myself away from said iceberg.

Bam. No more Federal Reserve or Jews fucking up the economy.

Diarrhea_Van_Frank ago

“Addie, dude. Don’t fuck with Russia. They’re gonna fuck you, and hard. Worry about the German State before you try to expand. Trust me when I day that a strong, unified Germany is more valuable long-term than a German empire is in the short term.

Remember Bismarck.”

phillyjoe ago

4 billion years ago. Pour out Bleach on the first life.

You are welcome

Zoldam ago

Including myth/legend: "Eve, that fucker in the tree is a douchebag, don't listen to him."

Including only history: "Caesar, now that your dictator for 10 years, you should probably do something about that Judea place since it's going to fuck everyone over in the future."

Proveitorloseit ago

the tree of knowledge is a bad thing in Christian mythology

praise the snake.

Intrixina ago

I laughed at both. They are great.

MDEneverdies1488 ago

Ur mom

boekanier ago

I would go back somewhere in the past and...would stay there.

Tubesbestnoob ago

Airlift half of the Egyptian army to the other side of the red sea.

karmatic ago

Give a copy of Wikipedia and the patent database to Germany.

friendshipistragic ago

Warn your father to pull out before it’s too late

modsrcuntz ago

Ask my parents to stop moving around so much

LoveRight ago

Prevent Huey Long from being assassinated, so the U.S. Joins the Axis in WWII.

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

Not fall for the 'soul-lure' system

blumen4alles ago

Did you come to free the souls trapped here too? To any goats not aware of what is being discussed: when you die, do not "go towards the light" - it is a trap designed to keep you here, forever. Rip that snakes tail out of its mouth!

Proveitorloseit ago

The nazarene is a tool of Saturn. You know this?

Newmemba ago

wipe out the sanhedrin

WrongThunk ago

I'd go back and follow Jesus, to see Christianity uncorrupted by kike subversion. (and more...they have been trying from the start, and have never stopped.)

pathlesstrod ago

Are you saying there was something wrong with the Spanish Inquisition? Or are you defending it?

WrongThunk ago

In this context, neither, I'm drawing attention to the fact that the purpose of the inquisition was to hunt down kikes that falsely converted in order to subvert Christianity. What I find particularly interesting about that link, is that it's a catholic source, and they make several references to most of the kikes being exonerated by the inquisition, as that was it's purpose, to inquire and determine if heresy was being committed. However, when they say that there were some cases where they found kikes kiking, then they immediately pivot and say that the inquisition failed or got it wrong in some fashion so as to not admit that the kikes were, in fact, kiking. It's almost as if the church catholicism religion the author everything has been subverted by the kikes.

pathlesstrod ago

... then they immediately pivot and say that the inquisition failed or got it wrong in some fashion so as to not admit that the kikes were, in fact, kiking.

That is sad. There Spanish Inquisition lasted for something like 150 years (I don't know), and it was about one person killed every three years. Yet it is made out to be something horrific.

Every story is subverted by they jews. They control our media. They control everything right now. It needs to stop.

Intrixina ago

Knowing history, they'd think you were the actual Jesus - because they'd see your time machine and be like "What the fuck, this guy is doing some crazy shit which we don't understand, these are miracles!"

prairie ago

Don't ever allow women to vote.

Tallest_Skill ago

I would go back to last year and living in the dumpster behind the 7-11 I would tell myself do not use the condoms for balloon animals. Make the moslems use them and use hot dog grease instead of nacho cheese for lube. That would save me from having an ass infection.

What was the question? was it about my ass?

reported for ass.

Proveitorloseit ago

Reported for libel

Tallest_Skill ago

reported for reporting

OccularIrritant ago

Warn and inform Hitler.

NPCGator ago

What is it with the 3 day old faggot accounts in here?

Anyway, I'd go back to meet Jesus, I want to look him in the eyes ...maybe I'd help him whip some money changers.

Majorfatboy ago

Well, I suppose the most efficient use of time travel for Me would be to convince My father to stop being such a hippie and use a fucking condom.

ArielQflip ago

I'd go back to before I was corrupted and do the right thing for all. Probably becoming a federal education administrator to keep the children out of the school bus to prison bus pipeline. I would also lobby for govt prisons. As they would be far worse than this private shit today.

middle_path ago

I would just buy a bunch of Bitcoin. I guess I'm selfish.

ToFat2Fish ago

I would convince 8yo @HateCumbuckets his was trans and get him started on HRT. Then I would go back to the future and marry ze.

HateCumbuckets ago

I am honored

ToFat2Fish ago

Shut your filthy mouth whore.

HateCumbuckets ago

No. I need a ball gag please

HeavyBrain ago

Assuming that grandfather and other paradox dont apply, just go back to a point where you can do both make inventions and investments that bring you shit tone of money and give you a good grip on socity, so bascially invest in Microsoft, Apple and crypto, invent Facbook (possibly not pozzed) bring in the Smartphone earlier.

Use those funds for time travel research in case the groups I deem worthy and capable preventing the world from going to shit turn out to be not what I hoped so I can have a redo.

Merchant_Menace ago

I'd convice Hadrian to finish the job. I'd show him the results of integration...

Failing that, I'd take out Constantine.

pathlesstrod ago

And you fail because the fake ashkenazi jew is still here. They are the real problems (90% or something like that).

Merchant_Menace ago

I don't buy the whole imposter retcon that people only ever believe in as a method of running away from the fact that christianity is the worship of a jew and a jewish volcano demon.

The population of people who believe the current jews arent real jews is 100% christian. You start with the outcome you want then you develop theories as to how it maybe possibly might be true even though the evidence indicates otherwise.

It's tough coming to terms with the possibility that you've been cucked from the start. Believe me, i know. But being a grown assed man means you have have the stones to deal with reality as it is.

pathlesstrod ago

In all honesty, I am looking at what I previously wrote thinking, "How much beer did I have?" I do not believe that statement that I wrote. Eh, we all get drunk. Or at least I do.

Merchant_Menace ago

I do too from time to time. So i get it. Drunk shitposting can be fun just to see the reactions lol. No problem. Hope it was a good time, man.

pathlesstrod ago


Proveitorloseit ago

Fuck Constantine, he sold the Roman empire to kiked ideology.

goatsandbros ago

Go back far enough to accumulate enough money and power to prevent the Jews from bringing Africans to the western world.

ginx2666 ago

"Yo, Pharaoh of the Oppression, you shouldn't enslave the jews, just purge them altogether. Trust me, it'll be worth it in the long run."

new2asatru ago

Demonstrate the power of gunpowder to the Roman emperor who exiled the Jews. Tell him you'll teach them how to make it if they actually exterminate the Jews instead of chasing them away.

goatsandbros ago

Wrong jews: the ones that cause all our misery are Ashkenazi, whom we've recently had confirmed are not related genetically to the original Jews.

zxcvzxcv ago

How did you confirm this?

goatsandbros ago

An scientific summary article posted on this site Voat I like to visit sometimes.

zxcvzxcv ago

Can you share it? I'd like to read (even if it is only a summary)

ZOGDOG1488 ago

Ideology is the same: we are human, goyim are not. With the original jews killed off there would be no khazar conversions and no ashkenazi maniacs.

goatsandbros ago

That comes from the Talmud, which some of the old Jews and most of the new Jews follow.

LightningAndTheSun ago

So you'd wanna outjew the jew?

goatsandbros ago

Yeah. Maybe exterminate them too.

TradMan ago

Just do that, don't make it hard on yourself. The worst ones we down to 230 or so, that's no more than a weeks work.

IndigoElectric ago

Damn it!!! I was about to make the same joke. You beat me to it and for that you deserve an upvoat.

bourbonexpert ago

I’d get Lincoln and Jefferson together and make them see what niggers turn into and how they ruin everything. The results would be permanent segregation and the majority being shipped back.

worthlesshope ago

Apparently Lincoln wanted to send them all back to Africa. He was probably killed by a time traveler that wanted blacks to ruin USA. So if you could save him from being murdered maybe most blacks would have been sent back to africa. Though it's uncertain if that would have also allowed more to come over..

bourbonexpert ago

I approve. Good comment

Sosacms ago

I'd full reset my own life. No real reason, like the first play through well enough. Just want a 2nd play through. Maybe try being a foreign exchange student in Japan just for the comparison.

twinmold ago

"Yo Adolf the allies are gonna hit HARD on June 6th, 1944 you gotta reinforce the coasts of France bro"

hankylanky ago

So... you'd rather many thousands of American soldiers (including my father) should die on D-day? Fuck you.

pathlesstrod ago

I would aid you by going back and just killing some jew-supporting, crippled president of the US. Together, we can truly Make America Great Again.

Approved ago

Too little, too late.

I'd go back in time with a sniper rifle, some sandbags, three white phosphorus grenades, and a bag lunch; wait for Abraham to show up a mile away on the hilltop to sacrifice his own son, and pop them both with headshots.

Then, approach on foot, dagger to the brainstem for both father and son, and finish the day off by eating the bag lunch prior to heading to their family compound to wipe out the rest of their fucking tribe by tossing the wp grenades into their tents and shooting any of the women an children who made it out alive.

Bang: No Jews, no Christians, and no Muslims.

Have a nice day.

zxcvzxcv ago

Don't forget to go up and save that goat who got himself stuck in the shrubs.

KazKoz ago

Now that's clever my friend. Religion has been at the center of conflicts for thousands of years

Kalergi ago

Question: What would be in the bag lunch? Bacon sammich?

Mouse-Ball-Z ago

You then return safely to your time.

Stepping out of the time portal, the air smells different. A burning electric smell fills the dark afternoon sky. You remember it was bright out when you left.

You walk up to the window, looking out from the 84th floor of a hoverskyscraper. Beneath you is a fantastic city that goes on to the horizon 300 miles away in every direction.

There is no smog. Nor is there any green.

In the distance you can see enormously long strands, like a spider silk, going up from the ground, up impossibly high, higher than you can see. On these strands are small rectangular boxes, like an elevator, going up and down.

You crane your neck to look up. You see a shape, but at first, you can't make sense of it. Huge, far above you, and impossible, it hangs. The construction of a behemoth is underway. In fact, it is a colony ship.

You barely feel it, but a nanobot enters your bloodstream and puts you to sleep. Soon, you will be with the rest of the life on this planet, in a long sleep twoard another planet, aboard the Earth colony ship behemoth.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Kill Abraham, Hail Omnissiah.

WhyteDevil ago

You’re my hero lol

MetalAegis ago

Not just that, I would offer him encyclopedias outlining every battle, political intrigue and social nuance regarding WW2 we have today, as well as current technical and engineering manuals in the fields telecommunications, computer technology, rocketry, jet propulsion, nuclear reactors, stealth technology, material science, fusion technology, medical science, chemistry... etc, I would also include a series of journals outlining current events, to showcase what the world became after he was defeated.

DasReich ago

political intrigue and social nuance regarding WW2 we have today.

Hitler is gonna be pretty surprised when he learns he gassed 6 billion Jews.

pathlesstrod ago

I did what?

midnightblue1335 ago

I'd love to see the look on his face when I tell him "Bro, in the future, they say you killed 60 trillion jews."

Eualos ago

Normandy, be specific

kammmmak ago

Never start smoking cigarettes.

Diarrhea_Van_Frank ago

Man, of all the mistakes I ever made.

I started on an ecig whose brand I won’t shill about a month and a half ago or so and holy shit do I feel better.

I had good reasons for starting, but I could never justify continuing. It took me about a decade to finally say “fuck all that noise.” I’m better now. Not totally well but definitely better.

pathlesstrod ago

Ecigs are still clogging your lungs. I am using one. Better than cigarettes, but we have to get off them.

Stinkybeans ago

I have been on those ZYN nicotine pouches. They're like snus, but without tobacco. The only problem is I'm an idiot and bought a tin after 3 months of being nicotine free because I wanted a buzz, and now I don't want to give them up.

pathlesstrod ago

Well, if you broke the habit once, you obviously can do it again. I just ordered another batch of ecig juice which I swore I would not. Sigh.

Stinkybeans ago

True, and thankfully it's less of a physical habit than smoking or even vaping. You just pop one in behind the ol' lip and receive some of that sweet, sweet nicotine.

Acen ago

Travel back to last Thursday, and buy a salad instead of the lamb kebab.

Haywood_Jablomeme ago

So you would remove kebob?

phillyjoe ago

Every time you buy a kebab you are not only funding terrorism, but your own extermination

EpiPendemic ago

Kill that guy who upload the torrent of the audiobook 11.22.63 and put the damn chapters out of order toward the middle of the book.

Conspirologist ago

Why? It's a pretty good book.

EpiPendemic ago

It is but the audiobook chapters were out of order and couldn't figure out how to fix it.

Conspirologist ago

I mean, at least he bothered to upload it for free.

xenoPsychologist ago

travel waaaaaaay back with some women and start atlantis with what we know of science and technology today. what can possibly go wrong?

MetalAegis ago

Self full-fulling prophecy paradox, somehow you cause the destruction of Atlantis by the very act of going backwards in time to create it.

ScottRockview ago

You breed and your children have an easy comfortable life. The male descendants become weak, feminism rises, then you're sunk.

mrgreenjeans9 ago

start atlantis


then you're sunk

ScottRockview ago

That was intentional.

mrgreenjeans9 ago

then how come we don't know where it is?

TradMan ago

Basically be Ireland.

xenoPsychologist ago

every effing time.

Eualos ago

Institute laws outlawing all feminism and kill any who introduce feminist views

Ps4Freedom ago

spoken like a true psychologist

xenoPsychologist ago

really? because its really more of a hobby. and i only psychologize aliens.

Morbo ago

Morbo can vouch for this.

Ps4Freedom ago

I know nuttin about nuttin

just liked the humor

clueless_Normie ago

warn people about and how corrupt it really becom @puttitout & @kevdude


best regards, -dial



@kevdude is a power mod who deletes comments & submissions, claims its something he has never done under the wrong.

@kevdude uses /v/protectvoat to downvoat users and brigade subverses. he continuously lies about me because he is paid to do it.

and fucking lies 95% of the time, you can see he as in almost bot like attack c&p the same message to me over and over

He even ask for quote in his words "my services" to brigade a verse. he works along side of @crensch who is also a paid shill.








and generally happens within seconds of my postings.... will PIA protect me from that puttitout, fucking sellout

kevdud bots

and he never has a real argument, I guarantee is a paid shill, much like crensch at this point

and dial was never a main... more lies you spineless cunt botter

[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 1.5 hours ago

If you get downvoted you get restricted.

Morbo ago

Something isn't adding up on Virge. You called him a sleeper account of 3.9 years on Voat so I went to investigate a little. His oldest submission was from 4 days ago and his oldest comment is from 3 days ago. I use AVE (Amateur Voat Extensions) and it keeps track of my up/down votes on individual users. It also lets me tag users. Virge shows I have a net up/down vote for him at +14. I also have him tagged in AVE (I'm not saying with what though). I know I haven't upvoted him 14 time in the last 3 days (it only tracks comment votes). I also know I didn't tag him recently in the last 4 days. Either he has been deleting his comments/posts to have activity show for only the last 4 days or there is some fuckery (purposeful or inadvertent) going on with the Voat user stats. I know I've interacted with him many times in the past so this does not make any sense outside of deleting or fuckery. Add in the "builder" award and things don't seem right. Anyone got anything to add to this? DAE have any AVE data on Virge or other evidence of something being off here? Maybe there's more to this purge and builders stuff than we are seeing....

ldjafs45345 ago

you wont get any answers period. I never EVER heard of this fucker ever and on here damn near 24/7

also if you delete anything like comments ect usually you lose any points given..... so its obvious @puttitout gave ccp to him.


Proveitorloseit ago

Pay attention to certain accounts that seem to have dominion over what kinds of ideas are most valuable. Look at the posts, certain types of posts (often of a lower tier) have become more common in recent months.

Goys-R-Us ago

There might be more important things to change in history but I'm no expert.

clueless_Normie ago

dk, i just know that they are liars and manipulators.

fuck @kevdude would write shit the same way about myself, 95% was straight out bullshit.

watch come now, and bring the "if you 10 people i'll leave post" Its funny because I knew he would fall for it. I wanted names from the goon squad.

@seanbox is so brain dead to this day he still calls me sane

@madworld stole a sub verse from me

@puttitout turns a blind eye to PV downvoat brigades

Also @kevdude has asked be to brigade a verse for him

Also this site is filled with shit alts


below is the goon squad- all these people will organize and brigade a person or verses they do not like. Orchestrated by @kevdude

(1) @SeanBox - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 9566 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15719769

(2) @MadWorld - Member for: 3.3 years / Comment Contribution Points: 9923 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15719966

(3) @argosciv - Member for: 2 years / Comment Contribution Points: 1334 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15720111

(4) @LivingRedInBlue - Member for: 1 year / Comment Contribution Points: 651 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15720138

(5) @Professorballs - Member for: 1.8 years / Comment Contribution Points: 297 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15720151

(6) @dan_k - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 5377 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15720480

(7) @VicariousJambi - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 7846 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15720111

(8) @hungry_mungry - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 2359 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15720973

(9) @HillBoulder - Member for: 1.8 years / Comment Contribution Points: 8631 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15720927

(10) @Shekelstein6M - Member for: 2.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 21182 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15721180

(11) @kevdude - Member for: 3.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 74661 (Waited till we hit 10 users before I added myself to the list. I hate this motherfucker)

(12) @BLOODandHONOUR - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 35090 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15721795

(13) @I_Always_Lie - Member for: 12 months (1 year) / Comment Contribution Points: 2978 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15721750

(14) @Crensch - Member for: 3.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 33318 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15721473

(15) @Javik2186 - Member for: 3.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 4908 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15722183

at this point he claims everyone on this list is a "Q-tard" https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15722476

(16) @Rotteuxx - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 25482 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15722629

(17) @Fetalpig - Member for: 1.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 5569 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15722829

(18) @carlip - Member for: 3.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 16272 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15723855

At this point he claims that all the people on the list are 3 month old accounts with 200 ccp (I updated the list to include user stats) https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2929314/15723704

(19) @Inaminit - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 6361 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15723961


(20) @Renatus - Member for: 3 months / Comment Contribution Points: 1084 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15724219 (EXCELLENT WRITE UP IN HIS SIGNING STATEMENT)

(21) @CameraCode - Member for: 9 days / Comment Contribution Points: 273 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15725053

(22) @Intrixina - Member for: 2 years / Comment Contribution Points: 1158 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15725768

(23) @RumpRangerRick - Member for: 2.9 years / Comment Contribution Points: 9003 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15727984

(24) @shewhomustbeobeyed - Member for: 2 years / Comment Contribution Points: 2660 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15728527

(25) @FridayJones - Member for: 3.1 years / Comment Contribution Points: 3108 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15730687

(26) @Hand_of_Node - Member for: 6 months / Comment Contribution Points: 5965 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15736801

(27) @TheKobold - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 21965 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15734244

(28) @turbola - Member for: 2.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 329 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15742234

(29) @blumen4alles - Member for: 1.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 607 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15751945

(30) @Shes2fat4me5 - Member for: 1.9 years / Comment Contribution Points: 223 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15752451

(31) @Mumbleberry - Member for: 1.9 years / Comment Contribution Points: 11698 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15753673

(32) @AaronBuurr - Member for: 2 months / Comment Contribution Points: 188 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15762995

(33) @Runway22L - Member for: 2.2 years / Comment Contribution Points: 11987 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15773666


(34) @Splooge - Member for: 9 months / Comment Contribution Points: 4443 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15797116

(35) @sguevar - Member for: 2 years / Comment Contribution Points: 3445 https://voat.co/v/CostaRicaPuraVida/2957224

(36) @draaaak - Member for: 3.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 23686 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/16099539

(37) @CognitiveDissident5 - Member for: 1.7 years / Comment Contribution Points: 11697 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/16156275

(38) @King_Leopold_II - Member for: 2 months / Comment Contribution Points: 1483 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/16553685

(39) @drstrangegov - Member for: 2.3 years / Comment Contribution Points: 6613 https://voat.co/v/funny/3060109/17016552

Goys-R-Us ago

Know how I know you're wrong about at least one person on your list? I used to use @I_Always_Lie and I never brigaded anyone faggot. You as Dial_Indicator accused me as Goys-R-Us of vote farming which I never did. I don't know what Putt is up to with his new ban but I know you're full of shit. GFY.


[–] Goys-R-Us 0 points (+0|-0) 1.4 minutes ago

Know how I know you're wrong about at least one person on your list? I used to use @I_Always_Lie and I never brigaded anyone faggot. You as Dial_Indicator accused me as Goys-R-Us of vote farming which I never did. I don't know what Putt is up to with his new ban but I know you're full of shit. GFY.

not my list, you put yourself up there faggot... go suck a cock you faggot

fucking shit rat @puttitout

Goys-R-Us ago

Rat because I deleted one account and opened a new one? Wrong. You're too stupid for life three day old shithead. GFY.

Conspirologist ago

You can't do shit even if you can time travel. In order to accomplish anything, you must have access to the elite and have enough money to travel. After you travel back in time, you are still the same nobody as today.

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

If you travel back more than, let's say 100 years, and you're not able to make an impact of global scale then you should really starting to hone your skills mate.

Enok-Stroth ago

Travel back in time to Paleolithic era, Some how try to convince the tribes to destroy long nose tribe. Ensure all long nose tribe is gone before traveling back to the future. Come to a future 10,000 years ahead in technology than previously. War was pretty much eradicated 1000s of years before, All human tribes (races) agreed to stay on their own lands but decided to trade one another so they could all prosper. Long nose tribe never made it to modern man.

Proveitorloseit ago

Jews aren't of this earth. Theyre hybrids.

Conspirologist ago

Travel back to the Primordial Soup and piss in it, making sure human race will never be born.

Gravspeed ago

That's how i created humans

Enok-Stroth ago

I might be tempted to eat the soup though.

Conspirologist ago

It probably tastes like sperm. Suit yourself.

Enok-Stroth ago

Ewww gross. I am not gay.

American-Patriot ago

Never start doing drugs.

Orthalyx ago

Pot is not a drug

American-Patriot ago

sure it is. It is just a legal one at this point. it does have an active ingredient does it not?

Orthalyx ago

I was being facetious.

American-Patriot ago

was hard to tell until you said it.

Orthalyx ago

As of late, it seems my humor has run dry.

holdTheSword ago

alcohol is a drug too. People who want to fuck themselves up find a way.

American-Patriot ago

why are we stating the obvious here?

holdTheSword ago

Just making sure