xenoPsychologist ago

le sigh not this retardation again. im tired of correcting spearchuckers as to why vote manipulation isnt whats going on there. please stop being a flaming shekelwhore long enough to not be full on retarded.

SearchVoatBot ago

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toobaditworks ago

Wrong. It is vote manipulation and brigading.

gabara ago

Happy Kwanza!

xenoPsychologist ago

i looked in the sub repeatedly, special ed. many posts had no comments. and barely any comments had any upvotes. the ones that did were by people with plenty of ccp who didnt need upvotes.

you. are. stone. cold. retarded.

but shekelwhores gonna whore for shekels.

SearchVoatBot ago

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toobaditworks ago

Wrong. They post their alts there and upvote them. It's not their only upvote channel.

xenoPsychologist ago

ive never seen any alts in there getting upvoted. i only ever saw established accounts that dont want for ccp getting comments upvoted. i said this before, and repeatedly to others. again, all i saw were established accounts getting upvoted for comments. on multiple checks, on multiple occasions, going down the list of posts. do you just not know that scp doesnt do anything? or did you not once look in the comments to see what the votes looked like? just shrieking what your overlords told you to?

what i gather here, is that you have subs for vote farming/manipulation, but you call out one that isnt being used in that way, while saying nothing about subs that are?

nice job projecting. a shame they cant get anyone competent to whore for them.

if you were calling it forum sliding or something that it could feasibly be, that would be one thing. but the one thing that actually looking at the comments and applying logic dictates that it cant be is what you call it.

toobaditworks ago

what i gather here, is that you have subs for vote farming/manipulation,

I don't know all their subs.

ive never seen any alts in there getting upvoted. i only ever saw established accounts that dont want for ccp getting comments upvoted.

What is this then: https://voat.co/v/randomnumbers/2852351

ANNOUNCEMENT: I would like to welcome the Numlocks refugees from Reddit to v/randomnumbers!

Who are the Numlocks refugees from Reddit? Eh? Any idea of who those people are or what Numlocks on reddit is?

xenoPsychologist ago

What is this then:

thats not the sub i was referring to, for one thing. why would i have been talking about that one at all? you brought it to my attention. try again. i know reading comprehension is hard for you.

additionally, that looks like a post with one comment by a bot, that didnt get any upvotes. why are you wasting my time with actual, measurable, objective stupidity? are you black or something?

Who are the Numlocks refugees from Reddit?

again, its unrelated and why would i have any idea what you are quacking about? if theyre doing what you claim, then why dont you post about that instead of a sub that actually isnt being used that way? why are you subverting with lies?

v/aww still hasnt been used to farm/manipulate any votes.

gabara ago

You're a numlock

15642960? ago

I still can't tell if toobad is a MYG style douchebag or just trolling... fucker is either retarded or just plain stupid.

gabara ago

Definitely slow.

1mpatientPatient ago

Pretty please

oftotc ago

Instead of complaining, how about studying the process? Do the skewed stats flow upwards into web Analytics? What they are accomplishing is nothing less than engineering how voat's content is perceived by the population at large as viewed by folks what don't have time or interest to examine themselves - folks like advertisers, political entities and others who use social media as a litmus of how effective their messages change the thoughts and behaviors of human masses. This is autistic science, PhD level.

Or they could just be a bunch of faggity-assed-dorks like the rest of us. Tough call sometimes ;-)

toobaditworks ago

No what they are doing is upvoating their own content and downvoating everything else. It's against the rules. It's voat manipulation and they are using their voat brigade to censor content and only allow their content to be seen. It's completely against the intent of what voat stands for.

ThoseFeels ago

An hour ago when I checked 10 out of 25 posts on Front were aww

10 out of 25.

toobaditworks ago

Yep. That's the norm now. I forgot to mention they also have taken over the front page.

oftotc ago

I've been here awhile dude and I've never seen an overly fluffy /v/all. I upvoat most of the fuzzies in /v/all/new too because I like the content of /v/aww. There are much worse topical manipulations on voat besides cute animal pics. The fact that they exist is one of the tickboxes for UNcensored websites. Can you not see that??

toobaditworks ago

What you don't see is behind the scenes. Check out this sub and notice what they are doing and who the most prominent people are and notice they are the same people manipulating /v/aww. They are using /v/aww to gain ccp and to take over a default sub by vote brigading and only allowing their posts to get upvotes and downvoting everyone else. It's a group of people doing this for nefarious reasons. Yeah that sounds worse than it is except once this goes to other default subs then all default subs are dead and only the ones who are joing the brigade group get to post. In other voat is dead.

oftotc ago

Yet anytime The Admin steps in and sets some kind of rule, the effect is the same - a group is silenced and historically with unforeseen other problems spawned from it. Anytime The Admin goes "Due to community demands..." he's introducing a mechanism of censorship. Personally I want him to do that as close to never as possible. The fact that the manipulations are visible exposes a strength of voat's code.

Voat is a community building platform. Build a community dude. It's that simple except you seem to go out of your way to be obnoxious sometimes and it puts people off. You can't build consensus that way. It is pathetic that you would call to a higher power to enforce the wishes you are are too weak to overcome. That is the most reddit-cancerous crap I've seen today.

toobaditworks ago

bullshit. The reddit cancer is a group of people brigading a sub to make the front page be littered with their shit. The reddit cancer is a group of people brigading a sub to gain CCP. The reddit cancer is a group of people brigading a sub to upvoat each other to get only their posts visible. They are the reddit cancer.

My posts might be off putting to some but I'm only doing it to draw attention to what these people do. And now you've all seen their posts attacking me in SBBH and the anonymous sub where's it's obvious why they do what they do. They are a troll brigade. A bunch of losers on the internet who get off on ruining other people's good time. Complete democrat liberal gay cuck faggory.

Obelisk79 ago

Asking the admin to take the aww sub off of the default subverse listing isn't going to prevent anyone from being able to participate in /v/aww. Soooo... Eat a dick you virtue signaling fuckwit.

fuckmyreddit ago

@puttitout Please Sir, can I have some mo... less AWW.

Obelisk79 ago


FecalDemiurge6000 ago


15643087? ago

No wonder the guy gets exhausted and burnt out on this site. Faggots like you pinging him with only enough intelligence to whine about meaningless shit that has nothing to do with what you are claiming. Poor Putt.

Why don't you go chop some wood? Or go outside for a bit and get some fresh air? All that Israeli air conditioning is getting to your head or somethin'.