Justaddcoffee ago

8chan is where many of the memes on voat come from.

Norseman ago

Been reading https://besurvival.com for almost a decade I guess. If I'm not here I'm usually there. One of the best places online to learn urban and wilderness survival and prepping skills and how to hide yourself and actually be ready for any serious SHTF stuff. Very down to earth and they get to the point, they don't cover stupid bullshit 1% chance what if's and concentrate on realistic stuff.

Voopin__Voopin ago

Dude I've just lost an hour to that site and have like 12 tabs open from it. Good shit. I watched the dudes videos that has the solar cabin too, id love to build one of those.

Norseman ago

Very good shit, it's got to be the best survival site compared to the load of other shit out there in the genre.

That cabin is damn inspiring. I wasn't really into this stuff much before, but now I'm saving up for a move to the backwoods and intend to build a homestead like something similar. My escape from the crazy liberal social shit is coming soon, lol.

Voopin__Voopin ago

Good deal. The only thing that gets me is that you probably couldnt do this legally. (Not up to building code, etc)

Not that I care avout the law, but the tax man cometh around for evaluations/inspections on land you own, and you know damn well he would rat you out.

ginx2666 ago

Funnyjunk, surprisingly. It's like voat (right-wing leaning, race realists, struggling to stay online because nobody fucking donates), but without conspiracy retards, and actually funny and interesting.

Vvswiftvv17 ago

Pinterest. But I'm constantly looking for ideas to keep my kids busy.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

https://www.straightdope.com/ The Straight Dope Fighting ignorance since 1973. (It's taking longer than we thought.

mixedtheory ago


NumbDigger ago


zugi_sasha ago

Huffington Post is great. I like Teen Vogue too. All my friends at school love these websites and more.

TurdLord5000 ago

Voat is the last surviving pocket of sanity on the Internet, and I'm stuck here with all you faggots.

GoatSufferage ago

Ha as we get filled to the brim with redditors slowly tainting us from the inside out, we may be the last pocket of sanity but for how long?

Germ22 ago

flightradar24.com track in real time where planes are

Dumpsterjuice ago

Ace.mu.nu is a good conservative site. Instapundit is libertarian, and not all politics, interesting.

boekanier ago

Besides voat is the void.

the_sharpest_knife ago

4chan.org 8ch.net

barraccuda ago


Satellite tracker.


Satellite tracker.


Nerd wars.


Military aircraft tracker.

by2inthemorning ago

hmm you spend time here is the "where are his legs?" The germans took it into the camps yours?? ;) very interesting website , thanks.Without even knowing it wasted like 20 minutes on it.

NeoGoat ago

I appreciate poal.co, but there is, unfortunately, some animosity between us and them, maybe just manufactured.

chronos ago

Most if not all Poal users came from Voat after the series of outages, having lost faith in the admin here. AFAIK there is no animosity on our end other than sometimes getting hate if/when we log in again here.

But there is a concerted effort by some SBBH users to troll and spam poal which they post about publicly and often, even creating subverses dedicated to hating us. /v/PoalIsForCancer for example. They created multiple accounts on poal and would log in during off hours and fill the front page with hate for poal since the site is still pretty small.

Most poal users have moved on from voat and we only ever talk about voat when someone is trashing us or voat goes down again and again. Takes us back to SBBH.

So i don't see any animosity except that manufactured by SBBH. Average poal user loved voat and left only after they just could not take the admin apathy any more.

I've personally been on here a long time and it wasn't until I started going to poal that I remembered what voat was like before the big migrations. Interesting randoms links, intelligent discussion and getting to know a small group of people.

I only logged in to reply to your comment. Cheers.

NeoGoat ago

Thank you @chronos!

I confess, I have never understood SBBH. Every time I open a post from there, I kick myself for not reading the subverse name and avoiding it. I may have appreciated one or 2 posts on there, during my whole time on voat, but the material is simply not of interest/not to my taste. Mostly seems completely pointless to me. If other goats enjoy it, that's great. I'm simply saying it is not for me. I went there just now. On the first page, the Sig pic was cool, but that was it for me. @ToFatToFish isrepresenting himself with a penis drawing; I don't find it offensive, but it is not to my taste,

poal.co does have a small / intimate feel to it, which I enjoy, but I've not been there much.

As far as voat.co, I enjoy it. However, I've found it hard for my posts to be noticed; although, I do thank the many that responded to my recent Askvoat. The other thing is that at least once I've had a whole page on my list of comments (I recall 25 comments) without a single up vote. I generally don't give a fuck, but sometimes that gets discouraging. The up votes seemed to drop after the reddit gun influx. Also, the groupthink whereby comments would often get 1 up vote seemed to be reduced. I write "groupthink" as the votes were no independent of each other. People often thought a comment merited one vote, and if someone else gave it, they did not.

Cheers to you too!

chronos ago

First log in since my reply and just wanted you to know I read and appreciated your reply.

NeoGoat ago

Thanks. I think I've a NeoGoat on poal as well. Might make a NeoPolar.

WhiteRonin ago

Listverse sometimes good redpill material pops up. Some sjw style but not much.

nigger_plz ago

theync.com has all the gore you'd ever want to see. The comments are cool too. beheadings, dismembered bodies, niggers killing niggers. Porn too but it's shitty.

HillBoulder ago

This is the only interesting website on the internet.

Hektik ago

Stumbleupon can be fun

JimBoNZ ago

It closed down recently.

CantBuySkills ago


Antiseed117 ago

Fucking liveleak.com if you ever need a reminder of how fragile we all are.

chirogonemd ago

I make this mistake once in a while. It's like I forget completely the anxiety cancer it gave me the last time I was there. But some morbid curiosity bubbles up and I need to go see shit that will scare me, apparently. I go there and see brutal car crashes, how fast and easily people are just erased, and I'm reminded of it every time I get in a car (or lay down to go to sleep) for like a week following. I tell myself I won't go there. Tell myself not to think about that cartel murder I saw that fucked me up for a month. And still, I'll go there. It's like having a bald spot on the back of your head or something. You know it's gonna just cause you pain to get the mirror out and look, but you're compelled to.

Reddit_traitor ago

I feel ya. I have days where the idea seeing someone die just make go crazy.

Then there is days I spend hours watching niggers get burned alive, beheaded or kids blowing their head off with a sweet shotgun.

chirogonemd ago

Dude, I was blown away to discover through these sites that these kind of ritual murders still go on in Africa. Somebody there steals a sack of potatoes, gets accused of witchcraft, and the villages convenes and wraps the person in a fucking tire or something and sets them on fire. It is wild to know this shit still goes on out there. It's the 21st century and people are still being burned for witchcraft.

KEKjudo ago

Liveleak is cucked

BeefBourgignon ago

Depends on what your interest is.

For "right wing content": The Daily Stormer, National Vanguard, American Renaissance, Stuff Black People Don't Like, Varg Vikernes, Ryan Faulk and his excellent videos on race realism, Encyclopedia Dramatica (be aware that there is gore on this site)

The Shroomery so you can learn to grow shrooms.

For anything else, my mind is drawing a blank.

NoBS ago

If my goal was to divide this nation, then that is where I must send the useful idiots ripe for mind control. Make Social Media do all the leg work out in the open. Americans really are this stupid.

BeefBourgignon ago

The nation has been divided for a very long time, mon ami, even before Obama came into office. The Americans don't have time to be smart with their full time jobs, their spouses, their kids, etc. I believe in the content of all the websites that i linked to and i feel they have the answers to most of the problems plaguing my kinsman.

NoBS ago

If it was acceptable to you then it was a personal choice. Poor life choices is the only privilege that society endorses by your lame excuse to collective ignorance Poor life choices reminds me of Monkey see, Monkey do. Carry on hypocrite.

BeefBourgignon ago

Ohhhh, it's a bot.

timoshenko ago

Skip the shrooms. Learn meditation instead.

Cum_control ago

Add them together, neither is better on its own

timoshenko ago

I know psychedelics are enjoying a new popularity, but I saw more than one guy go way off the deep end with shrooms back in the day. Not sure some of them ever made it back, but I am sure that talented people's lives were ruined.

I'd never advise anybody to play around with them.

Cum_control ago

You dont “play” with shrooms you go on a trip with them. You dont go on a trip unless you are prepared (no different than a road trip you get prepared you pack you get gas you check the tires etc.) shrooms are a tool, tools are to be handle with care and with some prior knowledge of how the tool works. If tools are mishandled it usually results in injury or even death.

timoshenko ago

Have fun then.

Cum_control ago

You dont seem like the type of person that learns from experience anyway so better off you stay in the kiddy pool. The depths you explore with psilocybin are too far beyond the potential of your childish brain


Nice one.

Cum_control ago

Tanx Fucking faggot.

Cum_control ago

One time this lady drank too much water and died, dont hear about it too much these days but that wet stuff man never think youre stonger than it cuz thats when you drown

BeefBourgignon ago

He's not wrong. Some people cannot handle psychedelic experiences, whether it be due to mental weakness or predisposition to mental problems. A lot of people have a good time, but if you're a scholar in one of the hard sciences do you really want to take the chance and ruin your finely honed mind?

Skankhunt1 ago

Nice shroom board

goyphobic ago

Too many shrooms, apparently.

BeefBourgignon ago

Nope, just a late night after a long day.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Rense used to be good but I think it may've been taken over

neogag ago

That guy is ridiculous. He literally looks like a mix of glam rock star and scientist. I just can't take him seriously.


CheeseboogersGhost ago

I don't care what he looks like. There used to be a gathering of great content on the site

NeoGoat ago

Has stuff been edited/removed? Last I looked, it seemed to have most everything.

300_Black ago


Super fun to click around the map and see instant and cool weather info for the entire year. Using it to find a good piece of land to buy.


Also related to above. Find a dark site and go stargazing!

Pop-up-king ago

The world is a pretty dark place overall.

Lazmat ago

on the subject of science, tech, physics astronomy stuff maybe www.space.com or spaceweather.com http://www.gizmag.com/robotics/ hubblesite.org or spaceflightnow.com, www.esa.int spaceref.com or spacedaily.com thesciencegeek.org .... on fiction scif novels movies http://www.denofgeek.com or www.scifinow.co.uk http://www.sfcenter.ku.edu/ http://www.sf-encyclopedia.com/ www.comicbookmovie.com http://www.sliceofscifi.com/ http://ttapress.com/interzone/ https://www.sfwa.org/ ... on just general crazy voat stuff maybe Gab, vimeo, Bitchute, Liveleak, Minds, etc https://phuks.co/ and paol seem to be shitty reddit clones? Also maybe 4chan, 8chan, Steemit, Medium, dailymotion

silverplate ago

I think I could turn that darksitefinder into an awesome homeschool class. Thanks!

Psylent ago

wimp.com isn't too bad for SFW content / bored browsing.

Goatonamountain ago


You'll get a kick . heheh

bredlo ago

they call it a ban, hehehe

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Man, you shouldn't do that to anybody. FOR SHAME FOR SHAME!