Anam ago

I have blocked all the pedo shit, but it turns up again when I press 'random NSFW sub'. At least make blocked stuff stay blocked. Respect the user's blocklists.

bourbonexpert ago

lol wtf? is this a joke? are you fucking kidding me? hahahahahaah

brilliant trolling!

NiggerBitch69 ago

Shouldn’t you ask questions on this subverse and not make demands?

P8rtsUnkn0wn ago

There's a few gore subs.

dellcos ago

You should not be able to accidentally click and get that shit. It's not censorship to be left out of the direct link from home page.

Garbalon ago

Look, there are a lot of (((people))) looking for an excuse to destroy Voat. Loli is a great excuse. It really must go.

pickledbeerninja ago

Maybe we practice a bit of democracy and dare i say.. voat on it?

12129162? ago

How about banned subs don't show up in random ?

P8rtsUnkn0wn ago

You mean blocked subs?

WakkoWarner ago

As others suggested, the solution to this problem is: 1) move the "random subverse" and "random NSFW subverse" buttons far away from the Next button 2) filter out blocked subverses from the random subverse list

Both solutions should be fairly easy to implement and don't require to violate the freedom of speech of anyone nor do they require to censor stuff.

Darthjetta ago

This isnt reddit. Turn around and go home. I dont care for loli either but you can just hit that back button or... Block the subverse you fuck.

P8rtsUnkn0wn ago

If you block loli, it still comes up in 'nsfw random'.

auto_turret ago

ITT: Pedo defenders. Yeah, I've taken a mental note of who all you sick fucks are.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Interesting... on one side, free speech is important. But free speech or not, if I see someone drawing a guy raping a child, he’s getting punched the fuck out with little remorse.

P8rtsUnkn0wn ago

It's a dilemma for sure.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

There is a button called "block subverse" below the post, that kiddy diddler @Aged keeps growing my list.

MockingDead ago

I just want ti moved away from NEXT

Merlynn ago

Dear asshole.

We know what you're doing and you're going to stop it now. Free speech means you can say whatever you want and express yourself anyway you want. As long as it doesn't hurt anyone,it's fine. And no,your fee-fees don't fucking count. You always start with the lolicon,then it's the gore,then you go after vore or scat or something else and suddenly,before we know it,everything is censored for being "distasteful".

But we do know it. Free speech or get the fuck out. Your stupid jew shill tricks won't work here. We're too old and too fag for you.

Sincerely fuck off, everyone who knows how censorship works.

Garbalon ago

Nope. CP is the root password to the legal system. They (the legal system people) will do ANYTHING to fight it. It will destroy Voat unless it's removed.

Merlynn ago

Then why are there so many pedophiles in the government. if they had ANY legal grounds to take down Voat,they'd have already done it. Sell your jew faggotry somewhere else,shill.

Garbalon ago

No shill, no fag, no jew. (((They))) only need an excuse. Stop giving them one.

Merlynn ago

If you're so concerned about it,make loli illegal. But we both know that'd hurt you more than us.

Fattynextdoor ago

Nice try shill. Claim the censorship rote of argument. People who look at loli are pedos yet to happen. What happens when loli isn't enough one day?

Also if you need all that to get off maybe consider taking a break from porn...

Merlynn ago

What happens when gore isn't enough one day? What happens when trolling isn't enough one day? What happens when talking about gassing the jews isn't enough one day?

You argument is weak and your shill is obvious. You fail.

Fattynextdoor ago

Then you create your own gore. Then you stalk people for your kicks. Then you literally (not figuratively) join the KKK. Obviously escalating in different levels dependingly.

Loli is a gateway drug. Don't bother refuting my argument or anything you piece of shit. You call me a shill but you're defending the sexual fantasies of fucking kids.

Do the world a favour and kill yourself already. Everyone knows you won't benefit humanity. You're a deformed homunculus. Admit it...

Merlynn ago

Your argument is "monkey see,monkey do". It's been used over and over to try to convince people there's a problem when there isn't. If you believe fapping to loli makes you become a pedophile,you must also believe video games cause violence and sexism,slasher flicks make people want to murder,rap music turns you into a criminal,and D&D and metal will make you a satanist.

Your argument was ridiculous 50 years ago and it's ridiculous now. Maybe you should try an argument that wasn't debunked before you were born.

Fattynextdoor ago

I get it. I really do. You're over the age of being reproductively attractive anymore and you're not married nor probably won't be in the future. So the taboo of neo features will be stimulating to you because it's so unobtainable.

Explain black neighbourhoods? You don't think the surrounding area and lifestyle influences the person around them. It's the same. We've proved video games decrease violence, and psychologically violent people will be inclined or influenced by them. Like imagining(s) of killing people because they will enjoy thinking about it and playing it as well. There will always be depraved people who will do this but over all violent video games don't turn people violent, that isn't to say psychologically violent people won't enjoy killing people in the game. They will lust for it in fact.

If only it was that simple. You enjoy loli because you want to have sex with children. Maybe you wont admit it but its there subconsciously. You know you want to. Given the chance to take advantage of a child, you know you wouldn't hesitate. You like the innocence and all the connotations it holds. You're only defending loli because you find children attractive because you're not normal. It's only you that can't see it; you're so disconnected from the world that you can't understand what you're doing is fundamentally wrong and against morality.

Merlynn ago

Your projection reveals very disturbing things about you.

Had you read my original post,you'd know the problem I have with this is that once you censor one thing,you will move on to the next. Censorship doesn't start with "lets ban everything". It starts with "lets ban this one thing because it's kind of creepy" and then moves to "this thing is just as creepy,lets ban this too" until you've banned everything.

Your creeping SJW bullshit won't work here. We will ban nothing but what the law requires us to ban. And you will get nothing else.

And the reason black neighborhoods are like that is because communism has eaten up the black community so much they've become degenerate almost by nature. Listening to people like you has led them to that. And that's all the more reason to stop it here.

fuckingmockies ago

Why do people always ask stupid questions like this? It's always the same formula.

"Hey, why don't we solve this problem?"


bourbonexpert ago

25 degenerate pedophiles didnt like this post


So you feel like lolicon is safe for work?

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

I'm all for banning the shit, but if you're browsing voat for porn, you deserve what you get.

fusir ago

What they are currently getting is their hands on porn.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Yes, but at least (like in the case of OP) they're being subjected to something they may not want to see.

BTW, I just checked your strawpoll from a few months back, and it's interesting to see that around half of respondents think their porn habits are no problem at all.

Slayfire122 ago

Better yet, can we have blocked subverses not show up in 'random.'

EarthBoun4 ago

Go back to Reddit, if you don't like it then just ignore it. Nobody is gonna cater to the easily offended on this Forum

BlueDrache ago

I despise loli and shota as well, but it's not illegal in my area, so I don't give a fuck. Maybe how about a better solution.

How about "Random NSFW Subverse button obey user's blocklist when serving me porn."

The_Prophets_Profit ago

Reeks of common sense


beware shills

spookybm ago

This slope is so slippery i done fell up the hill for a mile.

waffleman ago

if you can't back out of a sub, disable css. it makes voat better anyway. it's possible to code trap someone on a page so that should be the first thing you do. also, I agree. the random nsfw button should be moved, or re-moved. it's not like porn is hard to find.

Hayashimo ago

I would imagine there are subverses similar to Reddit's watchpeopledie that qualify as non-porn NSFW. Though I don't use the random subverse buttons, so I guess I can't confirm they count.

slwsnowman40 ago

I'd be happy if the random links skipped the ones you've chosen to block.

WakkoWarner ago

This is a good suggestion IMO, if you have decided to block a sub the random subverse and random NSFW subverse should filter them out. After all if you don't like some content there is no reason it should be pushed on you.

slwsnowman40 ago

It shouldn't be hard to implement that, it might make the page load a second or two slower depending on how many subs someone has blocked. They might not have done it due to limitations, but it should be "easy" to implement.

I say "easy" because I have no idea how the random feature works, it may not be easy.

srgmpdns ago

"Guys who look at those kinds of pictures" is not a list I want to be on.

Costington_Livrwurth ago

All the fucking deviant garbage should go. Its ridiculous. Tits = Yes. Japanese pedo filth = fuck off

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

stuff i like = ok

stuff that offends me = censor for me cuz i'm a faggot and can't choose to not look at it myself

Costington_Livrwurth ago

Fuck you, kike pedo faggot.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

go back to reddit where censorship is tolerated

Costington_Livrwurth ago

Your time is coming. We won't need to censor you. There won't be any of you left.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

you seem to be under the impression i'm a pedophile, instead of a free speech advocate. go back to reddit

Costington_Livrwurth ago

You seem to think I give a fuck. Advocacy for pedophilia in any capacity makes you human garbage. Go back to, you keep saying that.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

yeah, cuz being anti-censorship is totally advocating for pedophilia

fuck off you stupid nigger

Costington_Livrwurth ago

Nice try you diddling sack of shit. I can't wait to see you and scum like you swinging in the breeze. Faggot.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago




MyOriginalVoatUser ago

Why not go back to whatever shithole site that you fucked up before coming here?

bman0321 ago

Just block the subverse, like a sensible adult.

slwsnowman40 ago

They still pop up when you click random.

DillHoleBagHands ago

Blocking the subverse does not remove it from the randomnsfw page list.

Garbalon ago

That is exactly correct, and I have asked this be fixed before.

Butelczynski ago

I asked about this before as well-no response from anyone.

DillHoleBagHands ago

As have many others.

Le_Squish ago

You have a back button.

If you press random, there is a chance you will see something you can't un-see. Don't click if you can't handle.

CobraStallone ago

"I like pornography, but not this specific pornography which is not illegal, plz ban it, k?"

No, go fuck yourself, what the fuck are you even talking about?

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

You do realize that Lolli porn normalizes pedophilia.

talmoridor-x ago

Not an argument

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Are you defending the normalization of pedophilia as well?

talmoridor-x ago

No, I'm defending free speech. If it's not illegal, it should be allowed, no matter how immoral it may be. Let the pedos be shamed

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

how bout we let creeps indoctrinate kids and teens to their sick world so its easier to manipulate them

Fuck you

talmoridor-x ago

Any evidence of said indoctrination? I wouldn't know, I've never seen loli porn

AmaleksHairyAss ago

I dispute that with as much evidence as you present it with.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Are you defending the normalization of pedophilia?

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Drinking coffee causes murder. If you disagree you are a murder apologist.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago


CobraStallone ago

No, I don't. I'm undecided in the subject, but it could potentially reduce real life abuse by giving perverts an outlet, so I would rather discuss it like that, than cast moral judgements and leave at that. Introduce easy access to high quality porn videos to the Muslim world and I assure you rape rates would go down, simply because some people who were going to rape, are going to be too tired after jerking one off to do so. So I dunno, link me a study that says Japan with its libertine "loli" laws has a worse incidence of pederasty than the West and maybe you could convince me, making yourself feel morally smug by asking loaded questions with pre-assumed conclusions is no good. You are bad at this.

Fun_Crusher_XL ago

I'm undecided in the subject...[of loli promoting pedophilia]

"I'll figure it out after I get done jerking off to drawings of little girls"

CobraStallone ago

You are not very good at reading, huh?

facetumor ago

You realize that the middle east is consuming record amounts of porn, right? Your argument is retarded and is exactly the type of degenerate bullshit that kikes would push.

con77 ago

youre an evil liar

HuginnOgMuninn ago

It's viscerally disgusting. It's sick, it's depraved.

It's imagining children sexually. It's fantsies of pedophilia. For those of us who are sick to the core by the thought, it should be banned and it's viewers shot to death.

Perhaps we don't all share that disgust. Perhaps this can't be bridged.

doran ago

there is a critical truth claim here you seem to have ignored. the claim is " it could potentially reduce real life abuse by giving perverts an outlet". this is the critical claim. if it's false then fine, your right, shoot em all and let god sort them out. but if its true, and we ban it, or advocate for banning it then what you are saying is that children being abused in real life is preferable to you being exposed to the type of offensive content that could have protected them.

your feelings over their lives.

this bears discussion.

Sire ago

Then block it.

CobraStallone ago

I agree, but isn't gore pictures from children dying in a war zone also "sick, viscerally disgusting" and so on? I don't think uncensored news footage should be off limits though. I don't like it, never have spent much time looking at the stuff, and I think people who enjoy it are somewhat "off", but I don't think it should be banned on voat.

So kiddie porn? Of course it's illegal. Erotic drawings depicting what seems to be children? I think illegal in the US; if voat is based there I suppose we should get rid of it entirely, though I don't morally agree, because sexually abusing imaginary children strikes me as a victimless crime. You could say it generates pedophiles, I'm not sure, I'm open to evidence.

And any sexual perversion on its own looks kind of indefensible and all sorts of depraved, specially the ones you don't like yourself, but we are not puritans I go back to the rule, if it's illegal we remove it to protect the site; if not, we don't and if you don't like it you just don't get it.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

I think illegal in the US


HuginnOgMuninn ago

You're approaching this from an intellectual perspective, perhaps that's best. It's certainly not a good idea to hunt down people you think are disgusting and kill them for that reason alone.

I won't believe any study claiming harmlessness or even help. Whatever the body of literature, it will always be suspect.

There are predators out there, they must not be allowed to normalise their behaviour.

Google, bing, yahoo the terms 'img', 'img src'.

There are too many people complicit, hiding behind non-harm. But they're carrying the goalpost, moving the line in the sand. They say 'I don't know where the line should be, but not here' because that way they can justify their inaction.

But we all have our own lines, and we as a culture have forgotten how to defend them. Doesn't mean we should wait for proof of harm, the line of the least moral among us.

I defend my own line in the sand. This is where I drew it. At the start of my disgust.

Fuck this, I don't want to ever see this. If you force me to ever see this, fuck you. Get this the fuck out of my sight.

CobraStallone ago

I've said my piece. I don't like animal abuse, I think people who do that deserve to die horribly, I don't think "v/drawings of puppies being killed" should be banned, regardless of how I would feel about it, free speech for all, except in cases where it makes us criminally liable. And I'll add that I don't have children of my own, I could easily see how having some would make one viscerally hate pedos and everything tangentially related to them, but alas.

Crensch ago

Holy shit; I've rarely seen a smackdown quite this erudite. Saving for case-study.

AvariciousNose ago

It's illegal though.

DeliciousOnions ago

Depends on location. Know the laws in your area, block or avoid subs as appropriate.

Pwning4Ever ago

I think they get around it because anime porn of 13 year olds is technically legal. I could be wrong though.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Anime porn is generally legal in the US. There is a good deal of confusion because in about half of the US it's not protected by the first amendment, which doesn't make it illegal, that would require a separate law. District court findings conflict. And to muddy the waters even more most "convictions" for anime are guilty pleas, or equivalent, which doesn't offer a conviction that can be challenged.

Pwning4Ever ago

Butt in Japan I'm pretty sure that loli crap is legal. Technically no kids get hurt by people drawing lolis.

TheTrigger ago

There's very specific laws surround the illegality of young children, in the USA— where Voat is incorporated. It sucks, but that's what you get. Free speech means that you can troll the law makers, but skating the fine line between legal/illegal. I just downvoat and move on. Unless it's legit CP, in which case I report, downvoat, and move on.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Right but the issue isn’t whether it’s legal or illegal. It’s the moral obligation to protect family values. Abusing/taking advantage of children in movies, cartoons, or real life degrades culture.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

there are no children to abuse or take advantage of in cartoons

Mylon ago

This isn't about pictures, it's about drawn images. Which is still illegal in many countries, but not the US.

AvariciousNose ago

In my state, it is illegal.

turbofaggot ago

He means it's hypocritical for one to support pornography, but only the types of pornography they prefer.

However, there should be ZERO tolerance for ANY sexual images of minors. That is NOT free speech. There is nothing political that can be conveyed, and nothing of value to be said. It is not a statement. Just get rid of it. Ban it.

When the new era of McCarthyism comes they will be glad to write a CNN headline members of "social media site that harbored child porn" taken into custody. Just outright ban it. No one gives a shit about it except for degenerates and predators. They need to go get psychiatric help, not come here.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

There is great irony in you calling for censorship in the same post in which you invoke McCarthyism.

Merlynn ago

What if coming here is the only psychiatric help they can get?

fusir ago

How would that test apply to regular pornography?

AmaleksHairyAss ago

When regular porn is permitted instances of rape go down.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

drawings aren't child porn

Glory_Beckons ago

Drawings of porn are porn.

Drawings of child porn are child porn.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

child porn is porn involving children. what children are involved in drawings?


How do you know if the drawings depict child porn? You must watcy real child porn!

Get him!!

fuckingmockies ago

Remove all child pornography, real or simulated, and IP ban users who post and consume the content.

ToFat2Fish ago

Go back to reddit.

tanukihat ago

I'm curious what you mean, "cant fucking get back out of it without shutting everything down". You know that's not how websites work, right? You're not "in" a website such that they can tell when you're still "in" it. They log your initial visit but they don't time you. Close the website window immediately or leave it open for a week, it's the same initial visit log.

BlackGrapeDrank ago

Not necessarily true.

If a web site admin wants to know your activity on their web site, everything from your IP to the places you click to your scroll time and literally every action you take including the time on each page, tbis can be extracted and logged.

And even if the web admin doesn't have that functionality active in their local web site, ISPs and service providers up the chain can also extrsct that info.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

The thing i noticed is the first nsfw page is always lolicon or some sort of variation of that. And it's always porn related. No nsfw subs that are not porn related. I never frequent random subs anyways but the few people who are new that try it out are probably shocked to see kiddie porn as a welcoming to voat.

P8rtsUnkn0wn ago

Maybe it's because those are more active than some of the others so it automatically goes to those ones first?

srgmpdns ago

No nsfw subs that are not porn related.

I've gotten a few gore-related NSFW subs.

fusir ago

Why not just remove random nsfw? Who needs it. Maybe put it on the bottom of NSFW subverses?

WhiteRonin ago

Mobile. The links are right under the next button. 15px makes or breaks a click!

fusir ago

Exactly, so why have it there at all? Are we trying to promote the NSFW subverses? Why not a random political button or a random funny button or a random hobby button? Only NSWF gets this kind of discovery tool. So maybe NSFW is supported on the site but why promote it?

Hayashimo ago

You using a trackpad or something? The buttons really aren't close enough for a misclick unless you're just being careless.

Runaway-White-Slave ago

They really ought to remove 'lolis' groups altogether, but you know, simulated toddler-beaver is 'free-speech' or some such Jewish horseshit....

GutterTrash ago

That other site fought against it and used that as a precedent to jew up the whole platform. This is why this site has the function to remove such content from YOUR experience.