HarveyHarveyJones ago

Fuck off with YOUR spam and bullshit alts.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Eh more fire with fire.

ExpertShitposter ago

That's ok, im sure you'll make me some other nice E-terrorist bots.

ExpertShitposter ago

Would have been a great e-terrorist tool.

ExpertShitposter ago

I personally never downvote him. This is kind of an info to end all conspiracies thread.

AOU ago

Indeed, like a spoiled brat who didn't get it his way.

hornyGoatFucker ago

Well Thiel Owns VOAT&REDDIT, and Thiels is PALANTIR is the "pre-crime" AI engine of the NSA.

Thiel of course with his investments in Cerebus&Veritas makes him owner of Dyncorp, and now Thiel is going to be on Trump cabinet in charge of DIA(Looks over all CIA&NSA&DOD);

I would call the guy clairvoyant.

Goats are more like sheep, you have a sea of white sheep, and one black sheep name @GoatKnotISwear, I mean @GoatKnots4Sale, @SaneGoatISwear not. @SaneGoatKnot is my fav

SaneGoatiSwear ago

  1. i'm none of those false accounts. suggesting so is libel.

  2. you have NOT proen thiel owns voat.

Fahrvergnaked ago

I appreciate what he does, even if sometimes he goes overboard with his presentation, I think it is important to be critical and skeptical and challenge accepted norms because you never know when the majority might be wrong.

All in all he's always been a contributor to Voat, whether of quality content or annoying content is up to the individual to decide. Regardless I appreciate his efforts.

I have been on this site around the same amount of time, I agree with your observation. I think Sane is one of the best watchdogs on this site, bar none. He has been at the forefront of privacy and free speech involvement, he's committed to free speech, he's committed to this site, and he's not afraid to attack people who he thinks are threatening its values.
My only concern is that he has gotten much more rabid in his disagreements and how quickly and easily he decides that other people's free speech is anti-voat. Being called a shill for disagreeing with someone is highly frustrating, and is a very abuse-prone way out of an argument. Other than an hour or day old account with obviously shill history, a differing opinion is simply that... a differing opinion, and is the most attractive aspect of voat (IMO).

The tendency of people to call out opposing opinions as shilling is the secondary and most damaging effect of shilling to begin with, and unless there is rock solid evidence, doing so only damages the possibility for free speech.

Since the pizzagate exodus I have to admit I check user info a lot more, but a short account means nothing without the corroborating data. We as a userbase cannot afford to discount every opinion that we dislike because of the existence of shills.

DependasaurusRex ago

Holidays mean a lot of drinking, which leads to a lot of half cocked thoughts being put into hasty comments with little to no proofreading. I know the feels as I pretty much exclusively post while drunk, and regret and edit through the night and following days as I realize I am typing gibberish.

lord_nougat ago

It means that I think he's hitting the sauce even harder than I am, and then going on drunken tirades.

Happens to the best of us.

DependasaurusRex ago

Yea. Wot 'e sehd.

lord_nougat ago

It's 'getting really drunk' season. I'm willing to let it slide.

lord_nougat ago

Well said.

lord_nougat ago

He seem like a witty, fun guy lots of the time. Then he flips put and goes full retard for a moment. He probably just gets way too drunk prior to posting sometimes.

I missed the videos thing. I will probably catch up in this thread

ExpertShitposter ago

Somebody already asked and i posted a link so its in the thread.

lord_nougat ago


antiracistNew ago

Once I met a man named TheodoreKent, and it's all been downhill from there.

lord_nougat ago

So meeting him was the apex, the climax of your life?

DependasaurusRex ago

He is a great guy and I like him a lot 'round these parts, but them are some low standards...

antiracistNew ago

Shut up.

AOU ago

Videos debacle?

ExpertShitposter ago

The removal of THC as mod. There was a bit of a shitstorm and Sane took THC's side while others took puttitout's side. Some info: https://voat.co/v/videos/1482143

AOU ago

THC was a shit biased mod who was appointed a mod of a system sub and thought he could supersede voat default rules regarding spam and ignore reports of real spammers he probably protected for too long.

He got butt hurt when his favorite spammer was banned site wide and started drama with IB by calling out censorship on a technical issue regarding comment history limitation to 19 pages.

HangNiggers ago

I love him! Most of the older accounts don't poke the bear it is just a shitload of circle jerk high fiveing. Where did the mods go for those two months? What was up with atkos very odd flirtatious outburst? It has been odd since then. Personally I think they sold out either willingly or not. But I am an hour old account so hurrrrr.

ExpertShitposter ago

How did he activate the strike through thing? Asking for a friend. Who has a time capsule.

Or maybe you underestimate your self....

ExpertShitposter ago

Fuzzy bringing in the "cool head".

greycloud ago

hmm, i'll have to start up voting his rambling

heygeorge ago

No, it's not like that at all.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

He brought up a lot of flaws with how the admins came back after their long "vaca". Through all the good and bad people say he's done, he really thought outside the box during a weird time for voat... weird time for most of the world. He asked questions that most users overlooked. He pointed out inconsistencies with all sorts of everything going on with voat... and makes me still wonder what really happened last year and this year with atko, puttitout, ect. It's no wonder he acts a lil off the deep end....can only imagine the variety of reactions he must recieve from his unpopular but very critical views on free speech. I don't blame him one bit.

ExpertShitposter ago

You make it sound as if they've.....done things to him....

HarveyHarveyJones ago

How did i make it sound like they do things to him?

ExpertShitposter ago

... and makes me still wonder what really happened last year and this year with atko, puttitout, ect. It's no wonder he acts a lil off the deep end....

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Nothing as far as i can tell happened to Sane other than the right questions came to him.

heygeorge ago

That one time you said something ok, I think. Maybe that was @NaziWords


ExpertShitposter ago

Not quite that level yet, but approaching it at a dangerous pace!

ExpertShitposter ago

What was the strike through thing and when was that?

Well, i suppose if you manage to acquire 10k ccp some people did find you interesting....