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Gothamgirl ago

Zyklon is not a pedo.

@shizy @shizi calling for pedos to rape and murder my kid.

Here is Crensch saying he wants to murder kids.

And Don't forget the pizzagate mods joined in going after my kids months they need to added too.

HollaKost ago

It says "all is satire" bitch! That means I can't say whatever I want!

theoldones ago

calling for pedos to rape and murder my kid.

you dumb cunt.

you do the exact same shit repeatedly.

Gothamgirl ago

No I did not show me a 1 post where I ever did that, absolutely never happened. I would never want harm to happen to anyones kid.

Doesn't your name belong on that list?

HollaKost ago

Your husband belongs on that list

You stay with him so you are condoning that behavior.

Be proud of being a doormat pedo enabler!

Crensch ago

You married the guy that does. Basically, you support exactly everything he does.

gabara ago

You're quite the succubus.

Gothamgirl ago

No I am not that would be Srayzie the Crazy whore or Babylon.

gabara ago


Gothamgirl ago

Exactly she is the laughing stock of voat for eternity..

gabara ago

<points and laughs> hahahahahahahahaahahahahahahah!

Gothamgirl ago

You flip sides like a pancake 🤣😂

gabara ago
