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21358537? ago

Kek that's white men for ya

21358558? ago

i'm sure that parts of this are accurate (that's how disinfo works), but Macaulay Culkin has been accused SO many times that I'm much more inclined to believe that this is some sort of limited hangout, although I suppose it's possible that maybe he's rebelling against his programming and wants to speak out for that reason. Isaac Kappy referred to him as an example of someone who was heavily abused as a child, and is now repeating the cycle as he has become an abuser himself (Leonardo DiCaprio was also similarly cited). Macaulay did some similar stuff on Joe Rogan's podcast, though. What I remember as standing out was that when describing his acting career, he said, "lots of weird things happen to children every day, all across the world." That strikes me as a very odd way to describe a childhood acting career.

as for Trump being aware of this stuff well in advance, I am quite sure that's accurate, for a number of reasons. there are many indications that Trump has known about the Cabal's pedo shit/child sex trafficking/sra for a long time.

21358610? ago

Yet he let there biggest supplier go. Trump does not give a fuck it's all lip service.